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anyone there?
Yo @bernard.
(so yes, someone is here)
i'm a win migrant
You having problems?
just confused by the whole new experience
not really just confused by the whole new experience
i'm a win migrant
@bernard Alright. Did you read through this? - help.ubuntu.com/10.10/newtoubuntu/C/index.html
It's got a lot of things about switching.
Do you have any questions in specific?
I understand switching from windows can be confusing ^^ - but taking baby steps makes it easy :)
not really just been overwhelmed by the new ubuntu experience
tell me about it
first thing to help you get used to it,
is to learn how to find applications
(the easiest part really)
but... I would suggest you tell us where you are confused (before I end up confusing you more ^^)
well i downloaded the source code of klavaro and did all the commands in the terminal only to find out that i had some missing dependencies
that's making life harder than it has to be
how to build from the source when u don't have some dependencies
open software-center and search for klavaro
u der
Most of the software you can compile from source is already available pre-compiled in the software center.
i did but couldn't find it
by the way i'm from Ghana Africa
u der?
yes I'm here
If you are not seeing it, then you might need to enable some extra software sources
if you have software center open, open the software sources and enable all the available sources
where did u get it
he got it from debian's repository
but it should also be available in ubuntu's repos, if you enable them
ok thanks very much can u be my ubuntu mentor? please
@RolandTaylor thanks
@bernard np I love to help people
@JamesGifford are you there?
@RolandTaylor can you be my ubuntu mentor?
@bernard lol yes
The software center is not opening...
@RolandTaylor i'm serious i so want to be linux expert
being an expert takes some time
logged out, logged in: solved
@bernard how long have you been using ubuntu?
@RolandTaylor i know that's why i need a mentor
@Trufa I like that too ^^
@RolandTaylor about two months
@bernard I will try to be a mentor, and this site is a good place to learn too
@RolandTaylor i know so when are we going to start the lessons?
by the way, IMO that must be one of the nicest blog designs out there.
@Trufa hi
@bernard hi to you too
@bernard well I wouldn't suggest lessons for learning linux,
in my opinion the best way to learn is to take on each challenge as you face it
@bernard something very important is that it is very hard to break computers now-a-days
If you don't have very important files in your computer
You can do whatever you want
@RolandTaylor how?
Fear is paralyzing, you shouldnt be afraid to try and solve things in whichever way you feel
@bernard by doning
@bernard how old are you?
@bernard it's simple really
you try to do things you want to do, and when you face a challenge you cannot understand or get past, then you come to me or someone else here for assistance ^^
@RolandTaylor that is a wise advice, I second that completly
@Trufa 23
ahh same age as me :D
@RolandTaylor and me!!
what a coincidence :D
@RolandTaylor he true
@RolandTaylor well i'm a student from Africa and don't have a permanent internet connection so i do most of browsing on my phone
where are you studying?
@RolandTaylor Ghana, university of cape coast
@bernard most of the things in ubuntu are easy and intuitive
you should not worry
I had a friend at college from Nigeria - was a cool guy
@bernard I'm from uruguay I'm afraid to tell you :)
:D wow
I've never met anyone from Uruguay
well- I'm from Barbados ^^
@RolandTaylor so what do you do?
@RolandTaylor ok
I'm a tech guy starting my own business
@RolandTaylor this is quite and international chat then
@RolandTaylor cool i also want to start a blog about my ubuntu experience sort of my journal for newbies like myself
@Trufa yep
@bernard that is a great idea and it really helps with your learning if you know you are going to write about it
@bernard cool you can start one on wordpress or posterous
or blogspot
@RolandTaylor beat me too it
and you can write on mine if you like: 2buntu.wordpress.com if you like too
@Trufa lol
@RolandTaylor give some blogging ideas cos i'm a newbie
@bernard you can blog about anything you like, and there are many different kind of blogs
one of the best things you can do is chronicle the things you learn
brb - gonna grab some food
@RolandTaylor starred!
@bernard in my opinion if you want to learn how to blog
you will have to read lots of them
and then decide what you like and what you don't about them
I personally like very much the blogs of this site's network
They now don't blog so often though...
but they are both excellent writers
@RolandTaylor so how visits do u get a day?
@Trufa off to sleep 1am over here talk to you later [email protected]
@bernard have a good night
see you later!!
@Trufa off to sleep 1am over here talk to you later [email protected]
@Trufa email me and also up vote so i can build my rep points
@bernard no I won't
that is not allowed here
Don't worry about your rep points
they will come soon enough
just post good quality questions and answers
@bernard ok?
@Trufa ok
@Trufa ok
@bernard you should up-vote only if the quality of the question answer is good! :)
@bernard great! :)
@Trufa i hear
Rep points feel much better if you earn them!
@Trufa u right
@bernard see you!!
That was a nice please don't sock-puppet rant...
@RolandTaylor how many readers do you have?
(of your blog)
I haven't checked for a few days
but it's new so the numbers are low to my memory
@RolandTaylor I imagine, but it looks good! good luck with it!
If you ever need a helping hand
thanks ^^
I'd love to have other contributors
@RolandTaylor no prob, I will start blogging about my college experience (the technical aspects of it) at least
I don't expect too many people to read it but I hope it helps motivate my studies
if you wanna be added you can drop me a mail at rolandixor at gmail dot com
@RolandTaylor I will
will put my dog to sleep :)
gaming time
So I installed ubuntu-desktop on a server (sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop), will sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop do a nice job cleaning it?
Q: How come I can't redirect TCP ports on this wireless router?

George EdisonI am configuring a router to redirect TCP port 5900 (yes, this is for VNC) to a specific IP address on the network. Here is what I have: From a local computer on the same network, I can telnet to (port 5900) just fine. However, when trying to telnet to the machine (port 5900) usin...

^--- Really driving me nuts.
Anyone around?
Any network admins around?
3 hours later…
Good Morning!!!
@Achu mornin!
@KaustubhP hi
what is the active samba forum support?
is askubuntu include(support) samba question?
yu can ask it on AU. @Achu
@KaustubhP the question is also related with windows7 it is samba domain problem
yeah, i have read Ubuntu+W7 questions on AU/
ask away!
Ok i will Thanks
@Marco Ceppi Authoritarian or authoritative? ;p RE: meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1168/…
Hello morning/evening all
howdy @Takkat
We had change to summertime yesterday. Feels extremely early today (middle of the night)
ugh. hate these silly time changes
@djeikyb me too - wish it was always summer (but for more obvious other reasons)
winter here is mild, i rather like it
Hate these silly temperature changes here +3°C today - freezy
holy cow. why is chromium using >200MB of ram with only three stack exchange pages open?
Q: Have the scale effect (Super+w) but only of the windows of the active / selected program.

TrufaI was wondering if this is possible. I want the same effect as with Super+w but that it only affects the selected windows. Is this ("easy" and) possible? Thanks in advance!

any ideas?
nope. i'm not a gnome user
@djeikyb this may be from chat room :P
yeah, i'm cross checking with firefox4
@djeikyb thanks anyway!
huh. firefox is up to 150MB with the same tabs.
how fast ram disappears when you have twenty or thirty tabs open.
@djeikyb you can say that!
@Trufa someone else will likely know, here or the boards :)
my personal record is 103
holy cow
I have improved since then!
i have a mere two gigs of ram. i don't think my poor compy could handle that
@djeikyb it was on a 2gb ram computer
but only mainly text sites
not only
but mainly
at one moment my computer felt slow :)
and so i started closing
just a bit ago my computer started seizing with just three chromium windows, each with 5-15 tabs
@djeikyb that's 45 instances :P
mostly askubuntu.com pages and perl reference sites
facebook seems to be heavy. i don't think it was helping much
this is why i need to upgrade. dual quad core...sixteen gigs of ram...
@djeikyb 16gb ram?
then again, that's why i don't upgrade. a beastly system for what? web browsing? psh. maybe if i needed virtualisation again.
@Trufa sure. who wouldn't want sixteen gigs? especially if you're running multiple VMs (which i'm not currently, because of the whole single processor, limited ram dealio)
@djeikyb yes of course I would like to have them :)
@djeikyb I agree certain things might require that ram but in most cases, that is a lot!!!
keep a few ajax heavy tabs open, maybe a couple facebooks, twitters, a gmail. toss in a few youtube tabs. then have another window for your own web development. a final window for perl, html, and php reference docs and various google queries..
ponders on the frames he would get out of SC2 with those system specs combined with a 1gig vram card
it adds up
@lazyPower my radeon x300 cries at the thought of sc2
@djeikyb ohh twitter likes to kill my windows computer from time to time
sorry to ask, but for some reason I can't find a solution
how can I put the bottom panel in the side
@Trufa can't drag it?
are you using normal 10.[04|10] gnome or unity?
@djeikyb no
@djeikyb yes
haha yes? which one?
@djeikyb I'm getting some weird behaviour
i'll assume gnome...
right click > properties, opens a window with an orientation button
I'm using Talika 0.50.. when pinning an app, sometimes I have to associate other processes with it so they always appear as the same icon. When I add a nautilus launcher, I can't find a way to make all windows appear as one icon. Any ideas?
choose right or left?
@djeikyb I'm not sure what you are talking about
I use ubuntu
is that what you were asking?
@Trufa no, i'm asking if you're using the newfangled unity interface or the standard gnome
i am just facing a problem in 10.10
my network icon lost after setting my inetrnet connection
@Trufa i just launched a gnome-session and moved the bottom panel to the right. it's a little buggy with the spacing of the window list/buttons, but it worked
@djeikyb I guess i'm using the standard since i don't know what the newfangled unity interface is :)
@Greg what the heck is talika?
can anyone help me in the issue?
@Trufa granted, i'm using 10.04. don't have a 10.10 with gnome-session to test on. my netbook uses unity
@mushfiq didja ask on the board?
@djeikyb mmm I'll keep trying thanks!!
@Trufa can you get to the properties window when you right click on the panel?
@djeikyb yes I can, but there is no option to make it go to the side
hrm..nothing that says orientation eh.. can you screencap it?
@djeikyb sorry I don't know what screencap is
slang for screen capture, or screen shot
@djeikyb he, sorry
shutter is a great program for doing it, it can take a picture of individual windows as well as the whole desktop
@djeikyb already installed :)
@Greg aha. much different than what i got googling: google.com/images?q=talika
@djeikyb ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I'm sorry
I cant believe i missed the damn first option is orientatnion
@Trufa haha, no worries
@djeikyb haha this means I need to go to sleep now
@djeikyb thanks for the help
glad i'm not the only one who comes up with silly can't-believe-i-didn't-see-that questions
@djeikyb almost all questions are like that once the answer was given :P
ach. too true
@Greg i've no experience with talika, neither the breast enhancing serum nor the gnome applet
@Takkat starred!
aha :D
I'm leaving now! see you soon!
bye @Trufa
c'ya @trufa
lol. that starred quote better not be my life's five minutes of fame.
@djeikyb may show up for days eventually :)
morning @OctavianDamiean
good morning
Morning @OctavianDamiean
man I'm sooo meh
@OctavianDamiean could be worse brother. I'm sick racing for the bathroom every 20 minutes.
@OctavianDamiean CEST :'(
@lazyPower thats bad yea but I'm still meh
@Takkat that is one reason yea
the other one is the weather ... all grey and rainy
@OctavianDamiean will improve - here sun already (welcome party for green party i guess)
@Takkat hehe yea heard that already :)
first time in history a state here is governed by the green party.
and it's one of the most conservative states - that will be much fun :P
oh wow I would not have thought that this answer will get that many up-votes lol
A: Why does Ubuntu need to reboot so often?

Octavian DamieanI guess you are referring to the latest update. It included a package called linux-firmware which is a package that provides firmware used by the Linux kernel drivers so it was a kernel related update. So to answer your question or better to correct that statement, Ubuntu doesn't need to be res...

@Takkat but I think it is a good sign
@OctavianDamiean Nothing wrong with rebooting regularly. (And I know you didn't say that). I just reboot after every update anyway, since normally, it's got an update to something that I use regularly.
@JamesGifford well I turn my computer off every time I don't need it anymore so I don't really get the problem with rebooting anyway
I mean of course on a server it would be different but a server admin should know what he does and why
@OctavianDamiean I'm one of those nuts that never shuts down his computer - it's uptime is normally upwards of 24 hours.
well for me there is no point in doing so as I don't download stuff. I only use it to browse the internet, check mails, develop stuff and thats it
That's pretty much what I do, except that I've (Normally) got the latest ubuntu, fedora and debian stable ISO's torrenting. (Mostly at night though).
hmm my sentence disappeared
charles@interrupt:~$ uptime
04:50:33 up 63 days, 9:52, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.04, 0.01
my uptime is pale in comparison to @oli , but thanks to ksplice. I rarely reboot
[ruby_koans (master)]$ uptime
04:48:58 up 9:43, 4 users, load average: 0.54, 0.57, 0.48
huh. never heard of ksplice. Looks useful.
on servers, its very useful
helps keep your downtime to a minimum due to software updates
there is another reason why the rebooting problem doesn't make sense to me. I always have the latest stable of Ubuntu (10.10) and at least one instance of Ubuntu+1 installed. Currently I have two of them (11.04)
so yea I have to reboot anyway if I want need Natty for example
See, I triple boot stable Ubuntu, Ubuntu+1 and Windows. But the +1 changes fairly often, since I switch it up with Fedora from time to time.
(So the +1 partition is more of a sandbox)
@JamesGifford if i were doing that often, i would change mysandbox to a VM and keep stable + windows running on my hdd. but thats my own personal preference.
09:55:55 up 364 days, 15:08, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
i prefer consistency to features
like i said, my uptime is pale compared to @Oli ;) coz he's the man.
@lazyPower The issue I have is system resources - I've got a wimpy netbook (* shrug *)
@Oli ..... wow.
@lazyPower if you need a real test environment you won't get around installing it on real hardware
not true
i test 11.04 in a vm and i'll Eventually install it on my hardware.
probably not for a few months after release, when i'm confident that its ready and stable enough for my day to day use.
@lazyPower sorry to say but it is not true that it is not true (I know it sounds funny9
my biggest fear is the use of weyland, and how much that will change the game with my workflow. i cant deal with weyland/compiz crashes every 20 minutes like i was experiencing on the thumb-drive boot of 11.04 the other day.
in order to test the hardware compatibility and stuff you really have to install it on well hardware :D
@lazyPower It's still an alpha. ;)
@OctavianDamiean - i hear that loud and clear :)
@JamesGifford - i understand that as well ;) thats why i'm not using it as a daily workstation.
@OctavianDamiean - but for exploratory and feature-testing, VM's tend to fit the bill well enough
@lazyPower true if the features you want to checkout don't depend on hardware acceleration (which at this point is no problem on a VM too afaik)
@OctavianDamiean well at the moment due to ABI version issue 11.04 does not run in VBox - unless anyone succeeded to get it running
@Takkat oh didn't know that. Well then one point to real hardware :D
@OctavianDamiean or wait for a fix :P I'm still on 10.04 LTS
But have the advantage of a second play-with box :)
@Takkat you should go for 10.10
it is really awesome
Then there's me - I have to install 10.10 first, since my intel chip doesn't like the natty kernel out of the box.
true, my play-with box is still on 10.10 but not for long ;P
@Takkat I'm considering going with the LTS branch myself, just because its so rock solid stable
its almost like using BSD.... boring because it doesnt break.
the truth is that 10.10 was not unstable a single time (for me at least) since I use it and that is quite some time now
The only thing that I missed when I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 was the old netbook UI. Unity was nice on 10.10, but that launcher not autohiding was a pain in the butt. No stability issues at all.
@OctavianDamiean ack to that - for a .10 release amazingly stable indeed
I'm using 10.10 myself and only experienced one regression with the kernel, which was a fix 2 hours later.
and it only affected the DKMS system, so i couldnt fire up my vmware install. which in the grand scheme of things, was minor.
they are really doing a fantastic job with making Linux really usable for end-users
That's why I'm using Ubuntu and not something else as my main machine.
yesterday I've downloaded the first issue of full circle and boy what a progress they made ... amazing
and I've also realized that in two years I'm already a Linux user for a decade!!
Shameless plug for ubuntu - and its 100% speculation by my own experience - THere is no single other distro out there thats as widely supported as Ubuntu. 90% of all indie packages come with a ubuntu variant. Trying to find that for another distro such as Arch, or fedora, not so much. While perhaps 70% of the archives i've run across may have the RPM its very odd to not
see a Ubuntu pacakge since Ubuntu holds quite a bit of the market share through their dedication to keeping linux simple, and making it a "useable" solution for everyone.
might be 100% speculation, but it's speculation that makes a lot of sense.
@OctavianDamiean Early congrats. I'm 15 years into this system, and haven't missed the other OS's one bit. Linux has kept me entertained for that long, which is surprising considering I'm about as ADHD as it gets.
@lazyPower nice! That is pretty admirable
@OctavianDamiean thank Tom Gilbert for inspiring me without knowing it. I was an avid follower of linuxbrit.co.uk in the early 90's. His adventures with debian got me started.
wow is it really that simple to create chromium extensions? It's only HTML/CSS and JS?
i started off with Redhat 5.2, had a love hate relationship with it, eventually migrated to slackware 6 and ran it for circa 3 years, then Debian for a few years until i managed to totally and utterly break a potatoe install... found ubuntu and have been running it ever since.
how cools that?
@OctavianDamiean Yup.
@OctavianDamiean same principal as creating a desktop widget with the gadget framework.
look into FF extensions, it isnt much harder than that either.
@lazyPower hehe yea I've started with Suse ... also have a hate/love relationship till I've found Debian
@lazyPower weren't FF extensions XUL based?
or at least their UI
I'm just not happy with the direction that Redhat's community took with fedora.
XUL framework isnt that far from modified DOM code.
@lazyPower well I've never tried it out just read about it :)
Why do I have a bad feeling that this is why Mark Shuttleworth started Unity...?
@JamesGifford lol
I mean, it's even MORE cluttered than my normal GNOME setup.... :p
icons are monochrome :D
True. Except for the Clipit one. D:
But they don't have a monochrome clipit yet... :(
wow throwback from way back... i just google image searched "monochrome clippit icon" and i got results for clippy, the word97 assistant O.o totally offtopic google slaps google
lol. :P
@JamesGifford yeah..don't think ubuntu is going to have an easier of a time than microsoft with discouraging people from abusing the system tray (or indicator area, whatever it's called these days)
I wonder why they dont do what MS did and give it a pop-out tray
seems to be a viable solution

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