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but I end up getting the prompt saying something like start the server
when I try to execute the following line
shell> scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
wow that is cool
@MarcoCeppi super Like !
hey, how can I chgrp of an fstab mounted drive from the root group to a group of my choice?
group=<group> in the optsions line
pretty sure that's it
I'm wondering how to tell if that worked. if I do a ls -l I still see
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2011-03-21 10:48 uslonsapp002
now I could modify my group to have write access then do a ls -l again and see if that line then has write access....but how do I do that?
scratch that, the second instance of 'root' is the group that this is in
@MarcoCeppi so adding group=webgroup to my fstab options didn't work
@sadmicrowave have you already tried to assign that directory another user and usergroup?
found more - instead of using group=[groupname] use gid=[groupname] and uid=[username]
now I have the following:
drwxr-xr-x 1 www-data webgroup 0 2011-03-21 10:48 uslonsapp002
you know actually the best thing you could do is to not use NTFS at all
@OctavianDamiean I have to point to this drive, sorry, no way around it
yea too bad
so...my file_put_contents() command is still not working but I think it is because the group access for that mount is r-x
and it should be rwx
@OctavianDamiean, sound right?
@sadmicrowave well whats the user that is trying to write in that directory?
isn't it www-data?
in that case it should work
well, just for grins, how do I go about changing a group to have rwx?
groupmod 777 webgroup?
my fstab now looks like this:
// /home/lv_admin/uslonsapp002 cifs cred=/etc/.na02passwd,rw,umask=0000,uid=www-data,gid=webgroup 0 0
check that out
Q: 'chmod u+x' versus 'chmod +x'

schwizWhat is the difference between chmod u+x and just chmod +x? I have seen a ton of tutorials that say to use u+x to make scripts executable. However, the u is not mentioned in the chmod help or manual. Omitting the u doesn't seem to have any effect either. Is it just a deprecated argument? Thanks.

in your case it is not a+x but chmod g+rw file
you can't assign a group a certain permission as it is file based, or at least I don't know any way to add a permission set to a group
meh I totally fail today
so what if instead of file i use folder so g+rw /dir/to/mount
where g is the group name? or how do I specify the group name?
you don't specify a groupname there
you've already specified the group ownership of that file
@StefanoPalazzo I had to flag a comment now that is now out of date
listen I gotta run but I'll be back in max. an hour and then I'll try to explain it ;)
can you delete it? this questions about to go tweetinsane
@JorgeCastro its gone
I spent the last half hour looking at the live cd loading screen and listening to tom waits ;-)
until I realised I could press cltr-alt-sysrq+k
@StefanoPalazzo we'll have a PPA soon!
ken totally fixed everything
and made it so we don't need to run the .py by hand
@JorgeCastro and this Dee.py business works too?
we don't need that step anymore
you can remove it from the readme
wow nice!
Good afternoon everyone
hello @lazyPower
well I'd like to test all of that, but today, nothing is working for me somehow..
@sadmicrowave I'm back now. Right. The permission
like I said you set the ownership of a file (a directory is also a file) with the chown command. With the chmod command you modify the permissions for for the given owner and group (and for all others)
that is roughly how it works
@StefanoPalazzo there's a merge proposal from ken in your inbox/lp
@StefanoPalazzo fixes us up
thanks for the ping, I'll take a look at it now
@JorgeCastro awesome, ken rocks
meh on StackOverflow they seem to have forgotten that there is an upvote function or at least on the Android tag
@MarcoCeppi oh no I'm talking about Android development
on SO
that site is like SuperUsers but for Android
that is the answer I'm talking about stackoverflow.com/questions/5392587/…
yay I got one up-vote :D
@OctavianDamiean You're welcome :P
I should start to promote my top Android answers on Twitter :p
extreme type fail
meh I should move on to another tag maybe, jQuery looks funny :)
oh yea tomorrow and the day after is Ubuntu cloud days :)
@StefanoPalazzo ok I went bold and renamed it on lp to drop the e.
@StefanoPalazzo also, ken's packaging is done!
@JorgeCastro hey how did you do that? :-D
ok, recipe all set, all I need now is for you to merge his fixes, stepping out for a snack, poke me when you're all set and I'll kick off a build!
@JorgeCastro Will do! It'll be another 20 minutes or so, I'm having bad luck with natty today
hey the Dee we need for it to work is in the archive (got uploaded today)
so you will need to do an upgrade
@StefanoPalazzo have you got any response on the sponsorship yet?
That's what I feared ;-)
@OctavianDamiean nope, I think they'll start to contact people on the 29th iirc
@StefanoPalazzo It'd be nice if I found out on my birthday that I got a sponsorship
@OctavianDamiean Ah I think I got it wrong, the deadline is the 29th, no idea when they'll contact people
@MarcoCeppi heh cool
\o/ dash fonts have finally been fixed - looking crisp now
the new ubuntu font variant is pretty rocking too
@StefanoPalazzo you meant the Ubuntu light one?
@StefanoPalazzo do want monospace
yes and YES :-)
Whew! Someone is on a tag wiki writing spree!
@htorque indeed that will rock, Ubuntu font for programmers :D
@MarcoCeppi You're welcome. :)
This is awesome! :D
why exactly is it awesome?
it's so funny :)
because dude owns a whiteboard!
why do you buy three ps3?
@htorque that was what I really thought was awesome!
it's just so pointless
I want a blackboard or whiteboard too!
i want one of those glass things
I want a blackboard that you can flip!
meh I don't care about the PS3s I want that whiteboard
@Alvar oh that'd be nice
@OctavianDamiean ps3 is a bit 2009 I want the new macbook pro :P
ohno not again
lets keep talking about white and blackboards :p
@OctavianDamiean ;) just a joke ;)
this is how a whiteboard should be ;)
it would be cool if it would be on Ubuntu (or other distros) but Windows ... meh
@OctavianDamiean well the program is good, but it's a bit old....
and there is another problem with that one, it needs power, a real whiteboard doesn't :)
don't you have a computer? LOL
well yea but I don't leave mine running all day
why would I?
@OctavianDamiean why would you leave it running? don't get it...
well on a whiteboard you can have your current idea, diagram, favorite llama or whatever whenever you need it, you just look at it and it is there, on a computer you don't as you'd have to boot it up
well how many whiteboards can you fit into a room, and how many computers do you need for the same ammount? 1 cpu alot more whiteboards
whiteboards are better. I can see what's happening with a whiteboard easier than I can with the same info on a computer.
why would you need more than one whiteboard anyway? You don't even need such a big one as you have only one guy looking at it not an entire class room :D
blackboards and whiteboards in schools are not that big because it is cool but because the guys in the last row want to see the stuff on the board too
@JorgeCastro the name-switch hasn't gone well somewhere, it looks all fine, but when I try to merge it complains that the misspelled trunk is not a branch
I knew I shouldn't have done that
one sec
@JorgeCastro well once this has been solved, I'm glad you did
@StefanoPalazzo just push with bzr push lp:newprojectname
LP should be able to know it's the same repo
@MarcoCeppi do you mean I should check out the prosed branch and push it into the project branch?
@StefanoPalazzo Nope
Okay - you're in your code branch
you just merged the new code from whomever
@MarcoCeppi nah, I can't merge it
Now when you bzr push Bazaar goes all wonky. Just do bzr push lp:whatever where whatever == new project name and it should just publish
@StefanoPalazzo Oh
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ bzr branch lp:askubuntu-lens
Branched 12 revision(s).
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd askubuntu-lens/
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/askubuntu-lens$ bzr merge lp:~ken-vandine/askubuntu-lens/add_distutils
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefano-palazzo/askubuntu-lense/trunk/".
this is what it looks like
makes sense, probably something in .bzr that still contains the old name
but I daren't change anything in there (:
he's telling me to rename it back
ok renamed
try now!
righto I'm going to buy a glass top and put it on my wall. Perfect whiteboard :D
@JorgeCastro okay, done
ok did you push and stuff?
I think you'll have to repull
afterwards I mean
@JorgeCastro yes, I did that, worked well
ok, renaming back
I'm going to push a trivial change to see if everything still works
@JorgeCastro right, everything's good. I'm really sorry about all this trouble, next time I'll make sure my spelling is correct, before registering a project!
no need to apologize!
it's our fault for renaming the stupid things. :)
@JorgeCastro do you know if Lenses might get incorporated into the Dash proper?
it does
Like if there was Banshee lens then searching in the main dash would find songs
when you search it searches the lenses you have installed
Oh okay :)
the top dash thing is like a summary lens when you start typing
Oh I understand now,
"Dash is very constrained to do text and facet searching. It's not for browsing photos, or browsing music or anything like that." confused me
@StefanoPalazzo ok building the PPA now.
now I need to figure out how to run my own program :P
@StefanoPalazzo wait, you can try the PPA!
building ...
@StefanoPalazzo ok so I was thinking this, create a team called "askubuntu-tools" or something
and then put me, george, and you in it
that's a good idea
that way we can have one PPA for both tools
and we can just put the PPA builds in one place.
(I will change the recipe to put it in that PPA once it's done building in mine and I can test it)
@JorgeCastro there we are: launchpad.net/~askubuntu-tools
I better leave a message
@GeorgeEdison you're now an administrator of askubuntu-tools, use your powers wisely ;-)
ok so I think now you hand over the project to the team
theoretically that should let me create a project-PPA
or do you see a link anywhere for a ppa?
@JorgeCastro so I'm going to appoint the team as the project driver, correct?
Спокойной ночи!
@StefanoPalazzo can you do a grep and see if there's any "lense" left in trunk?
@JorgeCastro yeah there is
Hi all back
@StefanoPalazzo ok rename them all to be right and push, and I'll do the same on the packaging branch
okay, just give me a sec I'm on the phone :\
oke done that @JorgeCastro, i hope I didn't make a mistake, I'm slightly preoccupied at the minute
the stupid rename is taking longer than you spent writing it, hah
@JorgeCastro what is the base package for Unity?
any idea?
This guy wants to know
A: Will I be able to remove Unity and Zeitgeist completely?

Manish SinhaYes, you can remove both. When you remove them, you will get a warning that the package ubuntu-desktop is getting uninstall. Don't worry it is just a wrapper package. For removing zeitgeist you need to remove the package named zeitgeist-core which is the base of all the zeitgeist packages. Ju...

I don't think removing it will remove all the parts
which part wont
might need to remove unity-place-application and -files
in short it should
(check the package names)
should not these be dependent on the base package unity?
not sure
that's what I'm saying, you'd need to check
probably the same for libnux too
unity-place-applications depends on libzeitgeist
though tbh the person would be better off just switching the autologin session to classic than trying to remove things
and libzeitgeist depends on zeitgeist which depends on zeitgeist-core
@JorgeCastro So, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out where all the files go and things, where can I check out what the .deb does, so I can write a small build&run script for when I'm hacking?
and remove the README, replace it with HACKING
one sec
@StefanoPalazzo create a file, call it askubuntu-lens.recipe
keep it outside your source tree
put the recipe content at the bottom in that file
bzr dailydeb askubuntu-lens.recipe working-dir
will spit out debs for you
mh @JorgeCastro says "unknown command: dailydeb"
sorry you need to install bzr-builder
one sec, let me test it out for you
ah in the recipe the format needs to be .2 not .3 too
ugh one sec, I need to ken's help to sort this
sure, take your time, I'll figure out how to install bzr-builder (having a bit of trouble with enabling software sources)
I think using setup.py should just work anyway
@JorgeCastro well it adds the launcher icon alright, but that's it - the deamon doesn't seem to be running and the files don't end up where they're supposed to be after running setup.py
did you restart unity?
I'll check again
@JorgeCastro I was mistaken, it looks like setup.py is doing it's job! Still no Icon, and no feedback from the lens. Also, the dailydeb command fails like this:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ bzr dailydeb askubuntu-lens.recipe
Building tree.
Retrieving 'lp:askubuntu-lens' to put at '/tmp/bzr-builder-TU5ZYr/askubuntu-lens-{debupstream}-0~{revno}'.
Retrieving 'lp:~ken-vandine/askubuntu-lens/add_packaging' to put at '/tmp/bzr-builder-TU5ZYr/askubuntu-lens-{debupstream}-0~{revno}/debian'.
bzr: ERROR: No previous changelog to take the package name from, and --package not specified: debian/changelog was not present.
yeah I know it fails, sorting it out with ken right now
fixed that
now just need to sort this debupsrteam part
@StefanoPalazzo I am close!
bear with me!
allrighty :)
anyone here have ff4 knowledge?
@RolandTaylor what sort of knowledge are you after? I'm just running it
I have an 64 % accept rate! :D
Why do we have both a GRUB and GRUB2 tag....? GRUB2 is the only thing that's being used by "modern" systems at this point, right?
@JamesGifford well isn't there a unmodern version of ubuntu?
we can symlink it
@Alvar yes there is. But there isn't much point, since for the average joe, there isn't that much difference in how it's setup.
when was it replaced? If we symlink them with still supported versions using grub1, we risk making outdated information "appear" correct
@JamesGifford well, this is just a hunch but might there be a problem when you ask about the old version?
9.10 is modern! :P
I'm using 8.04 on my server:D
9.10 is still supported for a few days :)
In any case, that probably means we have a bunch of answers that assume grub not-2
@Alvar It was included for the first time in 9.10.
@JamesGifford aha
well how far back is it supported?
@marcoceppi is there an outdated.stackexchange.com? :)
@Alvar 9.10 is supported until Natty (11.04) comes out in April. So everything that is supported (Except for 8.04 Server) will have GRUB2.
don't really now what software you are talking about but still just to be shore, you could create the tag again right? :P
boost me :P
@Alvar Yes.
Q: Is there an asus webstorage?

Alvarhi, Is there an asus webstorage for ubuntu 10.04? I don't want to use wine, because ALL of microsofts softwares sucks. And I realized a moment ago that the free year Asus provides begins when you buy the computer, not when you start using it, very strange. I created my account just a moment ago.

@JamesGifford then remove it, if it's missed then it's created again if it not missed then good for you :D
@Alvar does that second paragraph have anything to do with the question?
I ask, because I've no idea what asus webstorage is
@StefanoPalazzo well
@StefanoPalazzo oh sorry, I will google up an link w8

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