but I end up getting the prompt saying something like start the server when I try to execute the following line shell> scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
well, just for grins, how do I go about changing a group to have rwx?
groupmod 777 webgroup?
my fstab now looks like this:
// /home/lv_admin/uslonsapp002 cifs cred=/etc/.na02passwd,rw,umask=0000,uid=www-data,gid=webgroup 0 0
What is the difference between chmod u+x and just chmod +x? I have seen a ton of tutorials that say to use u+x to make scripts executable. However, the u is not mentioned in the chmod help or manual. Omitting the u doesn't seem to have any effect either. Is it just a deprecated argument?
like I said you set the ownership of a file (a directory is also a file) with the chown command. With the chmod command you modify the permissions for for the given owner and group (and for all others)
well on a whiteboard you can have your current idea, diagram, favorite llama or whatever whenever you need it, you just look at it and it is there, on a computer you don't as you'd have to boot it up
why would you need more than one whiteboard anyway? You don't even need such a big one as you have only one guy looking at it not an entire class room :D
blackboards and whiteboards in schools are not that big because it is cool but because the guys in the last row want to see the stuff on the board too
@JorgeCastro the name-switch hasn't gone well somewhere, it looks all fine, but when I try to merge it complains that the misspelled trunk is not a branch
I'm going to push a trivial change to see if everything still works
@JorgeCastro right, everything's good. I'm really sorry about all this trouble, next time I'll make sure my spelling is correct, before registering a project!
Yes, you can remove both. When you remove them, you will get a warning that the package ubuntu-desktop is getting uninstall. Don't worry it is just a wrapper package.
For removing zeitgeist you need to remove the package named zeitgeist-core which is the base of all the zeitgeist packages.
@JorgeCastro So, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out where all the files go and things, where can I check out what the .deb does, so I can write a small build&run script for when I'm hacking?
@JorgeCastro well it adds the launcher icon alright, but that's it - the deamon doesn't seem to be running and the files don't end up where they're supposed to be after running setup.py
@JorgeCastro I was mistaken, it looks like setup.py is doing it's job! Still no Icon, and no feedback from the lens. Also, the dailydeb command fails like this:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ bzr dailydeb askubuntu-lens.recipe
Building tree.
Retrieving 'lp:askubuntu-lens' to put at '/tmp/bzr-builder-TU5ZYr/askubuntu-lens-{debupstream}-0~{revno}'.
Retrieving 'lp:~ken-vandine/askubuntu-lens/add_packaging' to put at '/tmp/bzr-builder-TU5ZYr/askubuntu-lens-{debupstream}-0~{revno}/debian'.
bzr: ERROR: No previous changelog to take the package name from, and --package not specified: debian/changelog was not present.
Is there an asus webstorage for ubuntu 10.04? I don't want to use wine, because ALL of microsofts softwares sucks.
And I realized a moment ago that the free year Asus provides begins when you buy the computer, not when you start using it, very strange. I created my account just a moment ago.