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@andrew.46 wizardry 8 non gog/steam version in wine 5
2 hours later…
@nobody Now I don't know a lot about gaming. My only recent experience is with Splitgate which I play so my grandson can thrash me :). But I see Wizardry 8 on Steam, isn't this the easiest way to do it?
yes, maybe but I have not steam installed and no experience how it works; and I like a challange :D
Mind you I still play D2X-Rebirth which is a port of the old Descent game. I maintain a slackbuild for it as well: andrews-corner.org/slackbuilds/dxx-rebirth
@nobody Fair enough. I am after a free Steam game atm to fill in the time I would normally give to Mod duties here while the strike is on
is slack snap?
@nobody No, I meant Slackware Linux = my working distro
Snaps have spread I believe but not that far :)
snap install slackware muah
That would be cool :)
Oops we are in the wrong room for gaming and Slackware chat
Moved to Island of castaway thoughts
11 hours later…
@andrew.46 I've been wondering what it takes to rekindle the commmunity sometimes. A few years ago this room was vibrant with talk all day long, always something going on. Now it's tens of hours between messages. And other SE's I'm active on is even less active. SO I'm not using, and don't care about... It will be an interesting journey
@andrew.46 Just a reminder that AUGR is pretty much fine for this conversation as well! We can discuss pretty much anything here, as long as it does not violate the CoC. The Island is mainly meant to move irrelevant discussions from RotLD, which is a rather narrow-purposed room.
So there really is no need to move conversations from AUGR to the Island. If at all, it would be nice to see some chat activity here! :)
@vidarlo I guess that the usual talkers are not so active any more after the Monica events, and also after some turmoil that had happened here some time before, that I don't have much knowledge about since I was not active then and the relevant parts of the transcript have been deleted.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I think Monica-event was catalytic - it was evidence that SE's were a for profit-concept, not communities.

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