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04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@MarcoCeppi last time I promise
but how to link to asking a question prepopulating with a tag?
@JorgeCastro :( :O :P
@MarcoCeppi Hmmm sounds like a job for............ somebody else

Populating questions with tags

Oct 15 '10 at 18:23, 33 minutes total – 12 messages, 4 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by Marco Ceppi

I vote Roland
@MarcoCeppi A question about cloned sheep or Western Singers
@Allan why arent there more females?
@KaustubhP in general or here specifically
@MarcoCeppi @Oli @StefanoPalazzo Ok I am tagging things for questions about that process and I've asked the team to subscribe to the tag
here specifically :D
@KaustubhP sounds like a meta question
also, they will be linking to it from the cert page
"ask us about hardware cert" or some such
@JorgeCastro I foresee a butt load of "WHY ISN'T X CERTIFIED"
it's ok they have model specific pages which sends crap to launchpad
they're going to sort it
of course if we end up with tons of those we can ask them to fix it
@JorgeCastro might get a better answer than mine then
@Allan yeah after that question I was like "ooh, let's get them in on this"
@JorgeCastro I think Kaustubh would say the same about Ubuntu-Women
I'll get to them eventually, I am going team to team
We need a female touch around here (no double meaning keep it clean)
@Allan Who's to say there isn't a few females among us now?
@MarcoCeppi is that your real face Marco /-0
Who knows?
Some one does goes to ask new question
@Allan I saw @MarcoCeppi ridding wheelies on his moped one day...
@TheX rly? was it at the X games?
unfortunately he had a helmet on so I couldn't see his face
@TheX you have games :D
@KaustubhP no it was right in front of the White House, right before the Secrete Service took him out...
@TheX how could you tell did he have a Hammer with him?
@Allan yes several
@Allan that and he showed me a picture of his moped last week
hmmm got to get a ambience version of that!
@TheX @Allan Is that what you saw?
@MarcoCeppi rofl
@MarcoCeppi pretty close... lol
@MarcoCeppi you are missing the sniper in the background though...
@TheX who was that guy asking about the video from a bike question.........?
@Allan don't remember just a second
Q: Video stabilisation software

flutefluteIs there any way, either through a graphical program or a command line utility to "stabilise" video in Ubuntu? By stabilise I am referring mainly to a feature of iMovie where shaky video is analysed, and then frame by frame altered to make it look smoother. This method looses video quality throu...

no that was the grassy knol
mehehahahrehee! is that @MarcoCeppi in green-yellow glasses?
@MarcoCeppi lol that is awesome
Those horribly (awesome) glasses are from a random boutique in Newport News. I used to wear them all the time
A few more shots of them - and other people wearing them - are on this Flickr page
@MarcoCeppi you have nice teeth!
@MarcoCeppi did a bit of sailing me self boat was about the same size too
@MarcoCeppi you geocache?
is back
A: Using Python applications

Uku LoskitYou can easily install comix via software center (or by clicking here) that way it is automatically added to your gnome menus and updated via the update manager.

This person is linking to apt.marcoceppi.com
That doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
@Allan Yeah, I have a 42' Catalina Hull number 63 :)
@TheX Of course!
unless you are planning on hosting that forever
@DoR It's technically not - though when apt.ubuntu.com comes online I plan on having apt.mc.com redirect to it
@Allan I also sail Flying Scotts - this is my dad's boat:
I also frequently throw dinner parties on my boat
@MarcoCeppi haven't been in anything that small but its a lot of fun, get closer to the action not so much "stuff" to think about.
@Allan Dingy racing is a little too compeditive for me. I love sailing on big boats if you don't have a perfect trim you loose maybe 1 kt over a few miles. In a dingy not having a perfect trim is the different between first and 10th place
This is probably the best view of the boat:
@MarcoCeppi I suspect with A3 coming out on Thursday that we might want to run a banner on 11.04 questions on the site
@JorgeCastro Any idea on the verbiage? Or should we meta it?
if you meta it I will just participate there
is trying to get more in the habit of metaing
@JorgeCastro Awesome give me a min to make a post
no worries
we have until thursday, heh
@MarcoCeppi looks familiar watch out for those seagulls though mad animals
@Marco: I figured out how to edit questions without using the API.
(Which doesn't allow it anyway.)
@GeorgeEdison Oh?!
Ya, I wrote a script.
...it's designed for Meta and it allows you to draw freehand circles on images...
...and then save the changes to the images in place...
...it uses HTML5 canvas, and later an injected iframe for submitting a specially crafted form.
Q: Should we have a banner for potential 11.04 question askers?

Marco CeppiWith 11.04 Alpha 3 coming out tomorrow should we have a site-wide banner to help stem the tide of these questions? If so what should the text say, potentials links to include, etc?

oh wow
tomorrow is thursday!
is dizzy
@GeorgeEdison Ah, is that what the JSFiddle was for?
@MarcoCeppi I have found all the geocaches within 10 miles of my house... :(
of course there were only like 3 to be found
@MarcoCeppi Is that like the Irish version of JSViolin
@Marco: Which Fiddle?
@Allan haha yes
@GeorgeEdison This one
Oh yeah.
That was it, all right.
@MarcoCeppi cool like the try it bits in w3schools but 100x better
@Allan Yeah, that's an understatement :)
@MarcoCeppi any good at math?
@Allan Good, but probably not as good as someone like @StefanoPalazzo
@MarcoCeppi agreed
@MarcoCeppi approximate amount of energy contained in humanity
@Allan So basically that's how awesome Ubuntu is then?
@MarcoCeppi or could be
Just need to find the plug....... and the switch :)
@MarcoCeppi just noticed the tool tip for month most viewed has "the most" twice
Any Irish here?
@Sid 1/4th Irish
@Sid Should have asked if anyone was Irish and a lover of Cricket :P
@MarcoCeppi :) Haha. :) But still! An Irish victory over England is an Irish victory over England! :) The match was in Bangalore, I was at the stadium, and the atmosphere was unbelievable! :)
@Sid Nice!!
Well I'm actually also 1/4 English
So I'm setup with a tumblr blog ... what now? :D
at least I'm cool and totally web 2.0
@OctavianDamiean Now you write stuff that is > 140 characters - any less and it belongs on Twitter
and thats it?!
Yup! :)
Just start following other random blogs. Mine and @JorgeCastro are a pretty good start. (More him than me)
well I'm not very impressed but at least now if someone asks I can say yes I have a tumblr blog
Woofer: minimum 1400 characters: woofertime.com
@MarcoCeppi can't find you on tumblr
oh boy I'm a total social-web fail
@MarcoCeppi I don't suppose we'll get love for apt-linkage before 11.04?
Pending the fix for one more thing and more translations it's done
Or are you talking about SE?
I'm really upset because Firefox has dropped it's Useragent jazz. So it's really important to find a permanent way to determine the OS from outside of useragent
@MarcoCeppi I was also asking about SE heh
and when you say "done" do you mean, "deployed on apt.ubuntu.com"?
When I say done I mean "I'm completely finished awaiting for whoever can to deploy on to APT.U.COM"
is there a bug report or an RT ticket for that?
what did mpt say?
They did an initial review a few weeks ago and got a preliminary green light for deployment
someone found a potential security issue that I've patched (and am in the process of unit testing) the rest is just minor CSS issues
However, now that Firefox is bascially saying "We're going to go User Agent crazy" I'm starting to think that I may need to approach browser detection differently
Doesn't Ubuntu ship Firefox with an Ubuntu Plugin pre-installed?
Hey guys is there a function similar to Net Send in windows for ubuntu?
but only for system users
what do you mean only for system users?
probably not what you are looking for
that is only for currently logged in users on your system
oh, can you specify a different host with that via IP address or hostname?
ok, nevermind, looked it up, not what I need...is there anything else?
I'm not aware of any command for that
@sadmicrowave apparently linpopup could be what you are looking for linpopup2.sourceforge.net
Hello all. I have a quick question. Is it possible to run "Midnight commander" in "deamon" mode? Like elinks has the -remote option, and vim has vim-server option?
@sadmicrowave you should definitely checkout xtell!
@OctavianDamiean, I'm looking into the smbclient -M syntax right now but can't figure out how to make it work
@sadmicrowave you should really really checkout xtell first!
@MJB have you already checked its man page?
@OctavianDamiean Yes I did. Google and irc can't seem to find it.
...typed to soon. Checking out xtell.
@sadmicrowave hey did your nfs thing get sorted?
@JorgeCastro trying to share var so needed to open nautilus as root to get permissions
what day is tomorrow?
and what is so special about it?
Natty A3!! YAY :D
@OctavianDamiean hmmm..... ok..... ;)
@Allan hmm interesting 0303 ... Natty Alpha 3 :D
@OctavianDamiean just like 10.10 10/10/10
perfect 10
@Allan hehe yea
why is that dude on every freeze so scared? wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule
hahaha, never noticed that before
that is awesome
he is like "Oh teh noes a freeze!"
@OctavianDamiean 0.0
@OctavianDamiean and the last ones look kind of evil (developers blood shot eyes)
@Allan well the last one is pretty weird tho ... I mean scared on release? Shouldn't he be happy?
@DoR Santa meets Jason
@OctavianDamiean drunk
@Allan hehe
@OctavianDamiean still around
@OctavianDamiean just did a crazy calculation ;)
@JorgeCastro, sorry for the delay, "@sadmicrowave hey did your nfs thing get sorted?", yes it did
@Allan tell me
which is the approximate potential energy of the Human race
muhahhahahaha (mad scientist)
@sadmicrowave can you make sure your thread is updated with the right answer? That way we have it in good shape for reference
(if you haven't done so already)
@Allan lol :D
average human weight 70kg
* aprox world population
* c squared
@JorgeCastro added as the folder being shared is a root only folder (it acts exactly like it would on your own machine) you will need to open nautilus as root to be able to edit files.
I could eat mozzarella with balsamic vinegar non-stop ...
Hello everybody
@Takkat hello
@OctavianDamiean where do you get the basil nowadays?
@Takkat ?
Hi @Allan how are you?
@Takkat feel like doc brown from Back to the future ;) (scroll up)
@Allan I, II or III ?
@Takkat Invents something in I then he just does R&D for II, III
@Allan ended up in 2015 - that's pretty soon :D
only 11 years from now we'll end up with soylent green for dinner.
@Takkat funny I was watching it a few days ago. any other film dates coming up?
@Takkat classic
@Allan your calculation of the energy
is that really potential energy?
@OctavianDamiean more matter/antimatter total conversion style potential /:)
Hi gang!
Hi @Alvar how are you?
@Takkat awesome! folowed the apple event on macworld.se that really made my day! ipad 2 really owns the robots! and you?
@Alvar in your dreams ;)
this is by definition not possible :p
@OctavianDamiean apple.com/ipad/specs
@OctavianDamiean sorry, by the robots I of course mean android!
@Alvar yea I was aware of that hence me telling you that this is only in your dreams ;)
@Alvar had a big rofl the day before when reading from a guy who needed to run my app in a Vbox ubuntu on a Mac host to get his music streamed to an Airport Express :D
@Takkat kool, sorry that I didn't get your app to work :( didn't know what went wrong. What kind of app do you use to catch the stream at the client? I think that is my problem...
@OctavianDamiean Sorry I will always think apple is the best and that is the end of it godbye!
from 1. page iPad tech spec :D
@Alvar I usually catch the streams with an internet radio hardware attached to my stereo. But it works with other players as well (only tested Ubuntu)
I'm completely sold on the quite new macbook pro! store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_mac/family/…
@Alvar Meh.
@MarcoCeppi what? 13 inch is perfect! ( the 2.7 ghz one)
It's an Apple product - meh.
@MarcoCeppi :D
@MarcoCeppi you are so microsoft brainwashed! grrrrr
Im getting out of here before it gets ugly!!
@MarcoCeppi +1
@Alvar why microsoft? lol
@Allan: we need you :)
@OctavianDamiean microsoft hates apple more than marco!
@Alvar Really? Microsoft? I dislike Microsoft products far more than Apple
@Allan Grrrrr
I told you 0.0
@Allan it is just not reasonable to pay more for a product just because of its name ...
But, I digress
@MarcoCeppi if you se an apple product with your best friend. Will you A: throw it into the gorund or B tell him to buy an android?
@Alvar I'm forced to use an iMac almost every day at work.
@OctavianDamiean well you don't, you pay for the amazing operatingsystem and that it always will work!
@MarcoCeppi lucky you! you are blessed!
@Alvar If my friend wants to buy an Apple product (and my friends have iPhones) that's fine. I'm not a fan though.
@Alvar No exactly how I would put it. :P
@Alvar sorry but that is the most stupid reason
@MarcoCeppi well you haven't seen the light yet! it will come, it will come.
@OctavianDamiean what?
1 min ago, by Alvar
@OctavianDamiean well you don't, you pay for the amazing operatingsystem and that it always will work!
@MarcoCeppi then yes you don't hate apple more than microsoft.
@Alvar It hasn't now and it won't. Die hard linux and open source software fan. Just because you can make others pay for a jazzed up Unix system with a crippled interface doesn't mean you'll win me over
@OctavianDamiean it's true! an ubuntu doesn't always work, and unfortinally you must use a terminal to be able to use it...
@Alvar neither does Mac OS X
@MarcoCeppi hihihih look at the linux fan when he is mad :)
@OctavianDamiean what? inmac os x you don't have to use a temrinal unless you use ssh
I'm not mad I'm just trying to make you understand that it just is not true that Mac OS X just always works ...
@Alvar I think you may be more interested in this room
aah.. I'l go to bed now and let you linux and open source fans be. Have a nice day And I hope you will see the light some day.
@MarcoCeppi they are lame...
@MarcoCeppi too mainstream ;)
@Alvar They are Apple :P
@MarcoCeppi no they are apple fans! they go a bit crazy if you tell them linux is better.. Apple is a secret religion! :D
I know someone quite similar :p
well bye gang! :D
@OctavianDamiean no you don't :D I am just a bit sarcastic....
@MarcoCeppi so marco on the main page of AU I found a boo boo!
@Allan Oh?
changes subject
Index page top questions month tooltip
"the most the most"
Q: When I try to minimize windows, they close!

RobWhen I try to minimize windows they close!

so good they named it twice
@DoR its basic!
@DoR when repeat questions they get smaller
and 0% accept rate
like an example of <h1> <p>
@MarcoCeppi found it?
@DoR thats the one
@Allan That bug is on SO and meta.SO and probably every SE site.
@Allan nice find!
Q: Typo on alt tag

Marco CeppiOn the main page when you hover over "MONTHLY" - they text has a typo:

@OctavianDamiean well it ain't an Easter egg :(
@Allan no it isn't but you've found a bug which now gets fixed. Quality improved. ;)
@OctavianDamiean shweet!
Can't Imagine no one's seen that yet meh
Q: Typo on alt tag

Marco CeppiOn the main page when you hover over "MONTHLY" - they text has a typo:

@Allan It's on M.SO now
@MarcoCeppi they - the
don't want a typo in a question about a typo that's kind of ironic
don't you think it like raiaiaian on your.........
wouldn't it correctly be .. that text has a typo. instead of the text has a typo.
@OctavianDamiean the tool tip text?
@TheX meh
@Allan yea well I mean the recent question edit
@Allan what??? goes and hides behind the sofa and starts to cry
@TheX lol. hey there
@MarcoCeppi Two typos while reporting another typo.....
@TheX Good evening TheX did you like my Alanis Morrisette impression
anyone of the native english speakers?
@OctavianDamiean I speak English natively... infact it is the only langauge I speak
@TheX sorry only having a laugh ;)
@Allan I don't like Alanis Morrisette, so no...
@TheX right so check this question out then
Q: Typo on alt tag

Marco CeppiOn the main page when you hover over "MONTH" - the text has a typo:

@TheX isnt that Ironic
4 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
wouldn't it correctly be .. that text has a typo. instead of the text has a typo.
there is deffiantly something wrong with it...
@OctavianDamiean ask a question english.stackexchange.com
@Allan oh boy not that site :p
"the most" needs to be taken out of there, I think it was put in there twice
@TheX lol yea well that is something we are aware of my question was another tho :p
besides the lack of capitilzation and punctuation?
@TheX well no I actually wanted to know if the current version "... the text has a typo." is right or if it would rather be "... that text has a typo."
@TheX its on there site and they didn't even notice and they call them selves english specialists meh
@OctavianDamiean I think it should be the
"You're missing the Kanye West quantifier" huh?
@TheX ok thanks
or it could be dat...
or da'
@TheX dis
@Allan yeah that too
The word that is used in the English language for several grammatical purposes: * to introduce a restrictive relative clause ("She took the test that was hard.") * as a demonstrative pronoun ("That was hard.") * as a demonstrative adjective ("That test was hard.") * as a complementizer/subordinating conjunction. ("He asked that she go.") * as an adverb ("The test wasn't that bad.") In the Old English language that was spelled þæt. It was also abbreviated as a letter Thorn, þ, with the ascender crossed, ꝥ ( ). In Middle English the letter Ash, æ, was replaced with the letter a, so that...
the clause in question does not fall in any of those categories...
@TheX that is enough of that
@Allan I will do what I want, when I wan't, don't tell me what I can and can not do when I rock you!
@TheX nuff said
@TheX we will we will.........
oh wow
come on everybody
I am going to go dope up now like the Rocket
William Roger Clemens (born August 4, 1962), nicknamed "Rocket", is a former Major League Baseball pitcher. Clemens won seven Cy Young Awards, more than any other pitcher. He played for 4 different teams over his 23 year playing career. In each of his two seasons with the Toronto Blue Jays, Clemens won the pitching triple crown (leading the league in wins, ERA, and strikeouts) and a Cy Young Award. Clemens was traded to the New York Yankees for the season, where he had his first World Series success. In , he reached his 300th win and 4,000th strikeout in the same game. Clemens is one of ...
@TheX hmmmm........ ok........ Killer Queen
maybe I will lie to congress about it when I am done
@TheX sounds like a plan they usually lie to everyone else
Yeah... Congress just didn't like it when the "rocket" gave them some of their own medicine
No... that was that Chris guy from WWE...
Chris Benoit... even his name is gay...
@TheX how many in wwe are gay?
I am guessing 100%?
@TheX night x have a good one
@Allan night
i wonder how much the people of china and north korea know about what's happening in the middle east... now would be a great time for spring cleaning :)
@htorque what are you going to clean>
there's no dictatorship around here, so i'll just stay put :P
@htorque where is here?
on the other hand... self-appointed benevolent dictator for life >:)
@TheX at home!
where is home?
somewhere in the middle :D
@MarcoCeppi oh hey
@MarcoCeppi did you ask at the mod meeting if we could get the Apple.SE keyboard css layout? :p
@JorgeCastro Apple.SE keyboard CSS layout 4 LYFE!!
@DoR maybe we need a user css
04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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