When a user has only ever previously used the site for trolling, and then they post an answer that looks like it might be a genuine attempt to answer the question, except:
The answer is not likely to be helpful.
The answer ignores important information provided prominently in the question.
As y...
@smartboyhw Seriously? I thought that EUFI was going to demand... ugh what are they called...? Licenses from ubuntu/Linux, which wouldn't happen because of the open-source nature of Linux.
@jokerdino Kind of. I'm reading some article and it says "However, EUFI can be configured to not boot any OS that hasn't been signed.this directly impacts Linux because of it's open-source nature and the unlikely hood that popular makers like Canonical and Red Hat would purchase."
@msPeachy That's pretty ridiculous (sorry to butt in). They should always be aware of something like that. Quote everyone who has said it: glad you're OK ^^
@jokerdino not really, I don't think we even have an emergency system, I'm not sure though, we're in the province so we're kinda behind on almost everything, we have a TV but there wasn't any flash reports, not until 12 midnight. It was by far the scariest moment of my life.
A "native speaker of English" refers to someone who has learned and used English from early childhood. It does not necessarily mean that it is the speaker's only language, but it means it is and has been the primary means of concept formation and communication. It means having lived in a truly En...
@jokerdino On the internet of course (lol). I see... Eliah alot. I haven't heard of the others, but I see you around a lot too. Although, this is come from a person with 55 reputation -,-
Brb getting something more to eat. One timtam is not sufficient. Actually, suppose you don't know much about timtams... let's see. Biscut is not sufficient.
Should we consider this probably abandoned and start close-voting it, or leave it be for longer? I'm leaning toward just leaving it be, but I'm not sure.
Sorry to be asking this, but I have read quite a few posts and articles a lot of places wrt the issue I am having, to no avail. I am trying to get a Second Life Viewer (Firestorm) to run, and just keep getting the '64-bit error message' it throws. I have installed every 32-lib I can find, still d...
Many things - got a replacement for the laptop that wasn't turning on, been working feverishly on models for Mission : Illumination, working on my novel, doing CDs for church, and I forgot the rest