@RandomPerson are you still working on monitoring/improving the tag system? If so I noticed an anomaly in which you may be interested. The tags are [installation], [software-installation], & [system-installation]. The first is just a concatination of the second and third. I remember you used to bring up tag issues in meta, but I haven't been on the meta site in a while. Not sure if you are still interested, so I decided just to point it out to you and let you decide.
@Hristos please edit your question and clarify which option you used that let you boot. Telling us you used "a particular boot option" isn't informative unless you tell us which one so we can understand what you did. Also, you mention GPU drivers but don't tell us which ones you are using or what hardware you have.
If possible, add the output of inxi -G to your question. You might need to install inxi with sudo apt install inxi first.
Also, edit your question and add all the stuff you tried from this chat discussion
@Hristos Just curious. I'm used to seeing it as Christos, that's all. (Έλληνας είμαι)
@Hristos OK, but we need to know which ones. Otherwise it doesn't tell us anything. But most importantly, you need to edit and add all the things you tried from bw3u's answer and what happened.
Oh, and there's no need to add "EDIT". Just edit the question and make it read naturally as though all of the info had been included from the beginning. The point is to ensure that the next person who reads the question can get all the context.
@terdon I will do my best to add as much information as possible. It might take some time since i might have to do that through my phone (I was never expecting to find a Greek moderator...)
@Hristos Thanks. That's better, but you still have many "with one option" without telling us which one. More importantly, we need to know what you tried from the answer and what happened. no change? Error message? What commands?
It would also help if you didn't refer to all days in the past as "yesterday" :)
@terdon I thought it was clear that it was an "Ubuntu with Linux x.x.x-x-generic (recovery mode)" It later changed and in the beginning, it was not just recovery options but i think after following bw3u's instructions (i don't believe bw3u's commands made any changes/that was probably confidential)
only the recovery options would work until there was only one left (i don't remember the exact version number but later it stopped working and another one started working. I also thought it was clear that i tried everything bw3u suggested and had no effect.As for the yesterdays, i am planning on replacing them with dates as soon as i find the proper dates on my notes.
@Hristos No need for dates. Just say "I did this, then I did that". We don't need to know when things happened unless it's relevant to the question. As for the recovery options, not everyone uses the same boot menu setup and the options can be different on different machines.