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@Zanna More or less
though I suspect I'm a moderator because I have influence, rather than the other way around :D
@RandomPerson No not at all, You ask questions and answer answers. (I upvote every one of yours I read). I approve of everything you do to improve AU. Some people seem to me to think that the AU community is either a good ol' boys network or a religious cult, and that those people with reps under 10k don't count.
I like chat myself, that's why I am here. you learn a lot of insider things. I think answering peoples questions is also important, as is making the site ergonomic and easy to use.
One thing I am not fond of is people who give the public a bad image of Ubuntu users, those that act snobby or arrogant or rude or try to infer the OP is an idiot. I wonder if some of these people are being paid by Apple or Microsoft to present such an image, that could happen
There is not one thing I would change about you.
Q: Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post

Ray WoodcockResponding to that invitation, I revised this question: Hi I'm new to ubuntu world. I have few questions about the software installation in ubuntu: What's the difference between installing a software in ubuntu software center and command line? Why some software I installed with command line can...

13 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto good thanks!
just about to have a meeting though
@C.S.Cameron Thanks for the upvotes! I hope you meant answer questions (instead of "answer answers").
@C.S.Cameron I agree :)
@C.S.Cameron I don't think people are paid by Apple or Microsoft to present a bad image of Ubuntu...
@C.S.Cameron I need to learn more about Ubuntu :)
@TheLittleNaruto closed it... glad it started working properly

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