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Writing COM applications is about as much fun as watching grass grow.
I tried writing a COM server in Qt but...
...'cl.exe' mysteriously went missing and I gave up.
I have a HTTP service running on my NAS, I am wondering... can I use apache or something to re-write the HTTP site and serve it up over HTTPS? to protect my password?
i'ld just dump nginx on there
wonder if my nas has a package for that
no idea. why are you thinking rewrite instead of just mod_ssl or nginx?
I dont care tbh, I just want to secure my password
then just turn off the *:80 bit and only use mod_ssl and *:443
this service is not configurable
its a standalone thing
that runs on HTTP
I want to somehow secure it, so I need to reverse proxy or something
@stueng then yes...reverse proxy is the way to do it. basically what you're saying is i want to configure some thing that i can't configure. which is why i initially said nginx
@GeorgeEdison that's weird
yeah Im trying to install nginx on my nas
on your nas...
@izx evidently he's got some black-box linux based nas with a webui he wants to force to https, but he can't modify the apache config
So he want's to access the UI remotely, and therefore wants HTTPS?
something like that i suppose yes. initially i said nginx...then wait why not mod_ssl. and now we're up to "trying to install nginx on a box where you can't edit a conf file"
This NAS go through a firewall or is it open?
ok.. couchpotato is a standalone service/webserver
and it runs over HTTP
ok...what does it serve?
theres no conf file where I can make it run over HTTPS instead of HTTP
so instead, I am trying to reverse proxy the HTTP stuff over HTTPS
Ah, it's an NZB/Usenet downloader
So you want it to download over SSL, or just be able to use the UI, add NZB files, etc. over HTTPS?
from outside my network
so I will create a port forward on my router to "something" which will re-direct or re-write or reverse proxy to the couchpotato service running on HTTP
ok...hang on. btw it's not a black-box, it's in python, which makes hacking it easy: github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotato/zipball/master
Can you SSH to the NAS box?
yeah and I have just installed something called ipkg
Ah, that's OpenWRT package format I believe...
DS411> ipkg install nginx
Starting web server: nginx
ok guess I have nginx now
Well, at a high level, you can get it to do whatever the hell you want by customizing Couch Potato, i-pkging it and forcing your NAS to download the version from your repository.
nginx can "turn" my HTTPS traffic into HTTP traffic though right? and acheive what I want
that's one thing it can do yes.
@izx just so you know the line right below this was the first i heard couchpotato
This forum post tells you how to do this for Couchpotato on a ReadyNAS (with Apache/mod_proxy)
BBL, but read that thread @stueng
thanks good find
Im half way into ngix atm though, so ill try that first
here's a thread on configuring nginx as an ssl reverse proxy: cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-unix-setup-nginx-ssl-proxy
cool, Im just trying to find the conf file atm
just installing the package might not create one. sometimes things are packaged that way.
would the service start without one though?
it wouldn't work the way you want if it did
cd /usr && find ./ | grep nginx | grep conf
it should properly be in /etc, but nginx was built to be sort of portable like that
didnt find anythnikg
go check your init scripts to see where the ngnix package you installed looks for one (they might have moved it to the proper etc location)
yeah im looking through those atm
worse comes to worst and it doesn't specify, you can edit the init script to specify the path to the conf file iirc
init scripts usually live /etc/init.d/ right ?
its completely empty this OS is a bit weird
in /etc/ I have rc rc.local etc
have you tried just running nginx -h
nginx version: nginx/1.2.1
Usage: nginx [-?hvVtq] [-s signal] [-c filename] [-p prefix] [-g directives]

  -?,-h         : this help
  -v            : show version and exit
  -V            : show version and configure options then exit
  -t            : test configuration and exit
  -q            : suppress non-error messages during configuration testing
  -s signal     : send signal to a master process: stop, quit, reopen, reload
  -p prefix     : set prefix path (default: /etc/nginx/)
nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /opt/etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: [emerg] getgrnam("nogroup") failed
you know what that means ?
get group name looks like
i'ld try groupadd nogroup and see if it persists
worked or cheers as in goodbye
solved the group issue by using hte gui to add a group
now tryuing to figure out the conf file syntax :)
Bounty offered: Queue manager for a laptop? http://askubuntu.com/questions/156878/queue-manager-for-a-laptop?atw=1 #kde
proxy_redirect http:// https://;
is that the right way around or should I have it opposite ?
there's a sample nginx ssl conf here:
i wouldn't worry about the redirection, i'ld just choose to use https
or go back to the original link i gave you with a sample conf
thats the link Im reading
they have that line
oh. no they dont
was another link
proxy_pass localhost:8083;
but I some how end up at x.x.x.x/movie
this is the block i would be looking at:
server {
          server_name     live.trachosts.com live;

          access_log      /var/log/nginx/live.access.log main;
          error_log       /var/log/nginx/live.error_log info;

          ssl                  on;
          ssl_certificate      /etc/nginx/ssl/_nginx.cert;
          ssl_certificate_key  /etc/nginx/ssl/traclive.key;
          keepalive_timeout    70;
          add_header           Front-End-Https    on;

          location / {
                  proxy_pass      live_trachosts_com;
server {
listen 6062;
server_name localhost;

ssl on;
ssl_certificate ssl/nixcraft.in.crt;
ssl_certificate_key ssl/nixcraft.in.key;

ssl_session_timeout 5m;

ssl_protocols SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

location / {

proxy_pass http://localhost:8082;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
@Chacha102 o/
I visit localhost:6062 and somehow I end up at localhost/movie
What's everyone up to in here?
fighting with nginx
@aking1012 thanks for your help I gotta sleep
later on
@Chacha102 obfuscation of python pyc files and a sort of custom version of marshal to load the deobfuscated ones directly in to memory
but it's not the topic of the room...nginx was
Obfuscation of python code.. Sounds like someone wants to make DRM
/me is not a fan of DRM. it's a technical challenge and afaik nobody has done it publicly anyway
I know someone was working on a methodology of compiling PHP files into machine code, and then being able to include those files..
that's interesting i suppose. you can already include a single python .py file as a C string and link against python.h, then just fiddle with the string. this is in pure python though
already have it working in memory, it's the writing it back to pyc files properly and a couple of other details that are being a pain
get it working the way i want it would also be a pyc parser (so sort of also anti-drm i guess)
Exact self-dupe, closegoats please: askubuntu.com/questions/161022/…
Where do I get the latest AU data-dump? The PPA only has one from mid-Feb
just a sec i think i have it bookmarked
Awesome, many thanks!
Ah, it's April -- anything newer? The PPA claims "daily data dumps" but I guess that's no longer true...
oh. i've never gotten daily dumps. i've only ever done the quarterly torrents
AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Getting C# to work with COM... ahhhh!
Stares at the wall.
Q: How to install program locally without sudo privileges?

yuraAssume I have ssh access to some ubuntu server as user and I need some not system tools to be installed for convenient work(mc, rtorrent, mcedit) also I do not want to bother admins for these small programs. So is there a way to install them(make them run) without 'sudo apt-get install' like com...

Hello all
@aking1012 Hello :)
Don't you sleep? :P
tonight I finally got fed up with that nautilus bug where it reports 128+tb for the size in the properties dialog of the root fs and fixed it
@psusi good deal
incredibly, the patch worked on the first try too
now what to fix... hrm...
I just can't figure out why this menu item isn't appearing in the explorer context menu.
this is that same C# COM interface problem you were talking about earlier?
gzip --rsyncable seems to be broken in precise?
that is weird
Can you answer this? OpenOffice always print a copy for every page http://askubuntu.com/questions/24881/openoffice-always-print-a-copy-for-every-page?atw=1 #openofficeorg
@psusi I doubt no one has noticed this upstream -- if it is a bug.
so the pyc format is interesting-ish
Using Windows.. offtopic? askubuntu.com/q/161054/25798
Hi all
heya @Takkat
@jokerdino its marginally related to Ubuntu in that we dont need a partition for Wubi. They should accept Web-E's answer however... ;)
o/ @Takkat
Hello @aking1012
using a mix match of formatting - meta.askubuntu.com/revisions/3632/1 :S
and then talking about accessibility
CLUTTERING text with using some kind of strange formatting is FUN :)
hahaha yes that :P
We should have colours and different fonts to make that task easier :D
LOL, would make our lives so much better :P
Retro style html formatting from webpages way back in the 90ies
they still exist!
yeah i don't even know how they thought it was cool
There was no alternatives then.
In addition, you could read them from DOS as well. Try that with a modern page :)
yeah. that is a good point.
modern pages are more complex than that. :))
They are
But it's amazing how much you can still get with Lynx
it probably grabs all the text
Text and URL but removes all unneeded design stuff.
AU is two years old today?
For people that have incompatiple GPUs
@jokerdino today? Birthday? How could we have forgotten this?
i don't know. i looked on gaming and they were celebrating birthday there.
Q: How to get the "Your battery is broken" message to go away?

George EdisonEverytime I turn on my computer, I see a message saying something like: Your battery may be old or broken. Etc... I know my battery is not working. How can I make the message go away?

Question 1
asked on Jul 28
20 days to go then.
I am on vacation then.
Yay have fun!
I might not have Internet on that very day. Too bad.
Well, the place we stay say they do have WiFi.
They all say that. But who knows if its working?
but did they say it is working all the time?
hee :P
It did not work last year. So I had to log in from GSM and international roaming 1bit = 1 $ or so.
1 bit = $1 too ex
Well it's not that bad but it felt really expensive.
it really sounds expensive
We have been told to remove the SIM card from the devices when traveling.
But why take the device with you then?
use it like a dummy phone
Dummy phone to make you look important. Chinese style toy iPhone... :D
hahaha :p
those iphones are awesome :P
At least their batteries are better
heh, Nokia phones batteries are the BEST!!!
Nothing beats toy phone batteries. They still beep after months.
that i might agree though.
My phone is pretty old - embarrassing to put it out in public - but the battery still makes 6 days in stand-by.
mine does for about 5 days or so.
and it is about 4 years old.. so yeah
A phone that always need its charging cord is of no use for me.
It like a wired phone then.
yeah hope the smartphones drastically improve their battery life.
@Takkat just like a laptop always connected to a charger
yeah same with laptops.
portable devices should just come with two batteries and two charging stations so you can keep one at home, one at work and swap as required
As long as people want bright retina screens and high end 3D graphics in their phones we need an inbuilt nuclear micro-plant yet to be invented.
yeah...that or solar-charger fabric clothing...or broadcast power for that matter
Good point with the clothing.
Its raining, sorry I have to hang up.
later on
hey @DaveMG
Hey there. Is it cool to ask for help here? I can't login to my computer that I need to work on, so I'm in a bit of a desperate spot.
well you can. but whether or not someone can help you is another matter =)
as in, we (read I) might not have enough expertise
@DaveMG so any error or any particular issues that you observe?
Fair enough. The issue is this one: askubuntu.com/q/161037/17041 I keep getting bounced back to the login screen after entering my password. Any tips or advice on what I can do, even if it's just how to flesh out my question to increase the chance of getting an answer would be much appreciated.
it might be a problem in the sessions file.
@jokerdino: Sessions file? I can log into that computer via the command line on my laptop, so what sessions file should I be looking at?
you see, i can't tell for sure. i am sorta just speculating.
files in /usr/share/xsessions
Okay... there are a bunch of files in there with a .desktop extension.
look for the gnome-classic.desktop if there is any
That's a rare combo....what happens if you login in text mode, and then startx?
i.e. forget the desktop manager
Yeah... if I do startx, it says I already have a session running on desktop 0.
@jokerdino: $ cat gnome-classic.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=GNOME Classic
Comment=This session logs you into GNOME with the traditional panel
Exec=gnome-session --session=gnome-classic
You need to boot into the console via kernel CLI parameter; or type sudo service lightdm stop then startx
@izx: Okay... I guess I have to run that right on the machine, not via ssh on the laptop. Give me a few moments to try that.
@dave you can stop x using sudo service lightdm stop thingie
startx is usually on the actual machine, yes :) but @jokerdino that
@izx: Okay, I stopped lightdm, and then ran startx, and now the screen is completely black. No command prompt.
switch back to tty1, provide latest Xorg log, tellings us what timestamps correspond to this latest attempt
I think it may be your nvidia drivers - can you boot into the old kernel and see if the problem persists?
@izx: Now I hit CTRL+ALT+F1, and there'S a bunch of text streaming down the screen. It's repeating "No protocol specificed" over and over.
@izx: CTRL+C isn't killing it. Refuses to die.
i have been there =)
stop x again maybe
You ran startx from the actual desktop, right? not over ssh?
Try Ctrl-Break, else open VT2
Oh... it just died of it's own accord. Says:
xinit: giving up.
xinit: unable to connect to X server: resource temporarily unavailable
waiting for X server to shut down. ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log
Server terminated successfully (0). closing log file
xinit: expected signal 2
(Had to type that out since I can't trap the output via SSH).
I have a command prompt back, though.
You DID run this from the actual desktop, right?
@isx: Yeah, everything you suggested I'm doing at the actual desktop.
OK, then try DISPLAY=:0.0 startx
@isx: Okay, tried that, it says:
Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
and start again.
stop x once again and retry
I also looked up "no proptocol specified" on the web, and found some advice that said remove a file called .Xauthority in the home directory. I found that file and deleted it, and rebooted, but it didn't fix it.
Okay, I tried DISPLAY=:0.0 startx after stopping lightgdm first, but that gives me the black screen.
tut tut
"tut tut"...? What does that mean?
just looking for bugs in LP now. tut tut meaning good luck
anyway, @DaveMG does logging into other DE work?
What's a "DE"?
desktop environment. like try Unity or something
Oh... yeah, I tried all the available options - compiz no effects, Gnome regular, Ubuntu, and Ubuntu 2D. Same issue with all of them.
I also just tried dpkg-reconfigure lightgdm, but that doesn't seem to have done anything.
install gdm then.
it might be a problem with unity-greeter
Okay.. installing gdm... just gave me the interface to select default display manager...
select gdm
selected gdm...
stop lightdm and start gdm, like this :
sudo service lightdm stop
sudo service gdm start
and good luck
okay... it changed my login screen... that's fine... and...
I'm in!
Changing to gdm worked!
Oh man, you're a life saver.
arrrgh. someone fix that stupid lightdm bug already
That's awesome.
Question before I go:
Should I care that I'm on gdm and not lightdm now? Like, are there implications I should be aware of?
well, i'll find a fix for lightdm and you can be happy thereafter.
but there aren't very many bad things using gdm..
it could be a problem with unity-greeter. so let's look that up.
cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
$ cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

nothing else?
That's the whole output.
Hey... is there a way I can link to this chat so that it can be incorporated into my question?
bookmark it and get the link?
Let jokerdino reformat as answer and give him the 25 rep ;)

Bookmark for Dave M G

52 mins ago, 51 minutes total – 75 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 4 secs ago by jokerdino

Oh... nice. Thanks.
@izx i didn't come up with the answer. he just asked me about gdm.
btw they really should have tested quickly a little more...people having to fall back to debian packaging...
@izx that
@izx everything is broken. boo
unity-greeter, unity, quickly.. what not? xP
I mean, forget the GUI/glade/whatever part, it looks simpler to just use dh_make to set up a skeleton, edit the control file, and debuild/dput the package
Hey guys, now that I've got it back, I've got to work on my computer... but thank you guys so much for pulling my computer out of the abyss. I've linked this chat into my question. You guys rock!
@jokerdino Do tell what this lightdm bug is that black-screens things?
After upgrading to beta version of ubuntu 12 I cannot log into my account. After typing the passsword or giving the finger print the screens returns to a tty text interface which shows the boot messages for about 3 seconds and then returns to the log in screen. Oddly enough, the two other acounts I have on the laptop login perfectly normal, on both Unity and Gnome3, though it should be noted that they do not have finger print login enabled. I can log into my account via tty text interface, it's just the graphical interface that won't launch. I'm running: Description: Ubuntu precise (development branch) Release: 12.04 on an Lenovo ThinkPad x60 Tablet Possible involved packages: gdm:   Installed: 3.0.4-0ubuntu15   Candidate: 3.0.4-0ubuntu15 gnome-session:   Installed: 3.2.1-0ubuntu6   Candidate: 3.2.1-0ubuntu6 gnome-shell:   Installed:   Candidate: lightdm:   Installed: 1.1.7-0ubuntu1   Candidate: 1.1.7-0ubuntu1 ProblemType: Bug DistroRelease: Ubun
lightdm (Ubuntu)
High / Incomplete
@DaveMG --^
Oh come on, it hasn't even been confirmed. Last update says: rm ~/.Xauthority and "it worked"
well yeah that part is horrible
@jokerdino Well...then it starts looking like a pam issue
All the appshowdowners need to get on IRC #ubuntu-app-devel and pester didirocks, jonobacon, etc. to get this s*** fixed in real-time ;)
Can you answer this? How can I set the 'Path' variable in a .desktop file to be relative to the location w... http://askubuntu.com/questions/47775/how-can-i-set-the-path-variable-in-a-desktop-file-to-be-relative-to-the-locat?atw=1 #xdg
@aking1012 triage the bug then ;)
@izx no, they all will be redirected to Ask Ubuntu. trust me on that.
The damn thing needs to be replicatable
"Hey how do I do this?"
"Ask Ubuntu"
@jokerdino Oh I do. I need to get them to start recommending Unetbootin instead of that USB Linux Creator or whatever from pendrivelinux.com, because at the end it literally says "If you have a problem, Ask Ubuntu!"
hehe :p we can't really open them up for convo. that is one of the major problem.
Surely Jorge or someone can get us to whoever put up that webpage. If not, we'll just edit the wiki
A lot of the Wiki is like, yeah oh do this and that on Dapper and Hardy
i have seen them myself :P
Hello all :)
I give up, the wiki is a rotting swamp.
Easier to just have canonical QAs here. "How do I make a bootable USB from Windows?"
Someone needs to get this Mr. Emerson "tag-wiki-edit-farmer" Hsieh on here, and tell him that "Tag is blah blah blah. Use this if you have problems with blah blah blah" <--- second sentence is redundant.
Rejected as "too minor": Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open standard for document exchange. Use this tag of you have problems using PDF files in Ubuntu.
I use pdf tag when it is not related to PDF.
well, the goal of tag wikis is usually explanation, not hand-holding. That should only be done for often-abused tags like 12.04
It's valid for "How do I find a PDF of the Wubi Guide" or whatever
should we take users of the name "imwrng" serious?
That is the user formerly known as Raja
err, that is actually worse
I wholeheartedly agree...
never mind.
Why is OMGU telling people to install gnome-panel to get classic instead of gnome-session-fallback?
maybe it also installs gnome-session-fallback
It does, but it doesn't feel right ;)
@izx that's how i installed it and everything seems to be working fine
@jokerdino You were the nightmare of many childhoods :P
well yes. dinosaurs were crazy scary back then.
I meant the Death Egg Robot.
ooh, i didn't actually see inside the pic. i see my name there.
i need to find a way to play super mario.
@jokerdino ultrafacepalm
That is sonic
my comment was unrelated to your pic.
@jokerdino Oh then, download zsnes. It's in the repos
+1 zsnes
not in the repo?
> There isn’t a software package called “zsnes” in your current software sources.
Needs fixin or possibly NARQ:
Q: why won't my computer update?

CourtneyMy computer messed up after about 10 minutes of the new update. Now when I try to update it, it says to do a partial update. When I press on this, it still doesn't work. Also, all the typing is to the point where I can barely read it and I cannot view any pictures. What do I do??

zsnes is a i386 game :/
Its an emulator, not a game
@jokerdino Aren't you on a multiarch system?
He's eating pretzels with the quetzals...
hmm that
Wait, I thought he was precisely playing along with the pangolin..
now where is mario?
Pangolin got sick at the obscene number of ants in his Dell
@izx did I write about ants in my computer before?
@jokerdino Not legally available.
@jokerdino Dunno, I was just being punny...
It's illegal if you don't own it
hugh. i don't want to play mario now. i'll try later
Just noticed this is a mint julep, OT close please:
Q: Game: Age of Empires sound good but video "out of range"

EzekielI'm new to the Ubuntu realm. Currently i'm using Linux Mint 12 with Wine 1.4 and PLAYONLINUX as game loading/playing programs. Video card is MSI GeForce FX5200 (NVIDIA) and is 3d enabled. I can play "Call of Duty 5 demo just fine. My real love is the Age of Empires series games. I loaded the WI...

Weekends have become so slow recently that I have, unfortunately, had to stoop that low... ;)

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