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Q: Rsync - Double slash showing up in path when running script

LinuxSurfaceNutI have a simple sync script i run when creating custom images and recently i switched to using rsync to copy the files, the two lines are as follows: rsync -aP folder/folder/source destination/ rsync -aP folder2/folder2/source2 destination/ When i run the following, as soon as it hits line one...

1 hour later…
@Videonauth Repression is nothing new. Happened to Christians in Rome, Jews in Germany, so-called witches in Salem. This new era of repression and first the attack against family values and now the attack against gender distinctions is fascinating to watch as long as you don't get too emotionally involved. If it depresses you looking away and turning a deaf ear to achieve blissful ignorance is probably the best course of action. My hobby is judging so I can't stop myself from watching.
2 hours later…
That.. doesn't sound like a healthy hobby :/
@JourneymanGeek A school group I'm in decided to use WhatsApp for their conversations. Really don't want to download it, but also don't want to be that person who won't use the agreed upon communication system.
1 hour later…
@Seth considering my spare Sims..
@JourneymanGeek I can't afford a burner right now :/
I wonder if there's a way I can work around that..
@Seth I currently have a free line XD
you can do web, but it needs a hone to be logged in
I have plenty of phones lying around haha, just no money for another line.
I really only need the # for a few texts though, right? I suppose I could throw up a pre-paid line for $20 a quarter.
no, you actually need the phone online at the time
its dumb
cries in poor US data plan
SO right now, my main line is 20sgd for 20gb (and I can top up 20 to get unlimited)
wouldn't wifi work though? I could leave the phone at home and use the webapp in a safe browser?
you could
but if you get logged out you need the phone to scan a QR code
Might be worth it.
@JourneymanGeek meanwhile I'm spending $12 USD a GB
I wonder if you could do it with a google voice line
@Seth my main data line is a trial, and free
Lets see.. private ways to use whatsapp... get a google voice line xD
@JourneymanGeek how the heck does that work lol
@Seth so...
we have a new phone company
and they have a fucking free trial?!
For a year
I was surprised too!
cries in corporate capitalism
But I do not look gift horses in the mouth
@Seth I'm not even going to tell you how much data I get XD
Probably a good idea :P
funny thing is I have a google voice line
but I can't use it cause I can't dl the google voice app
I already get teased by my friend with gigabit. "Oh you're playing a new game? I'll go download it real quick." "... It already finished, didn't it?" "Yep :P"
@JourneymanGeek oof
oh that's jyst mean....
@Seth bit of an odd story
I had grand central, connected to a free number that did incoming calls, connected to a free SIP provider
the latter two closed down
GS got grandfathered into google voice
but I can get calls through hangouts
which died.
gotta love google amirite
oh god
they're responsible for half the things I run
ttrss? They killed google reader and I needed a web accessible RSS feed reader
matrix? I can't even remember what chat platform they use any more, and I don't really like slack...
yeah, I learned a while back to just never rely on any google products long term.
Only one I really use now is calendar, since it syncs with my phone easy.
so I just have a french hosting provider as a single point of failure XD
but I pay them, once a month sooooo
@JourneymanGeek sounds like we have the same plan rofl
Circles is just insane value
oh circles
i was using it, then i switched to gomo lol
significantly better coverage in my experience
I do circles. Have a early bird MR plan from signing up for a trial waaaaaay back 8 dollars for 1000min/text/1gb data at 4g
Also have tpg
TPG has oddly good overage at my old workplace
Kinda sucks at my new one
hunting for value phone plans, classic sg
Starhub is good for weekends but coverage is meh
gomo works well enough for me... for now
Yeah. Oh
Also there was a discount for porting
1 hour later…
hi guys
i am on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x86_64 and i connected my laptop to external monitor
via hdmi
my external monitor doesnt have built in speakers so i want sound output from my laptop
how to make it happen
1 hour later…
Q: ssh to virtual machine

mosiI set on ubuntu server in vm : address : getway : and I set in network adaptor's config : NAT and port forwarng : HOST IP : GUEST IP : how ssh to vm by my ubuntu host ?

2 hours later…
Q: Ubuntu mate sound settings not responding

zwepI have some strange behaviour on my Ubuntu-mate 16.04. After startup the shortkeys to increase sound (Fn+..) are not working. There is also a cross after the speaker icon on the top bar. But the sound is working, I just need to adjust it via Sound Preference. Another issue that I have is that the...

1 hour later…
I've been spending quite some time on Meta Stack Exchange and came upon a thoughtful and thought-provoking answer by Shog9: meta.stackexchange.com/a/334445
Spam posts on AU, this and that, have lasted an hour already. I'm hoping another spam flag or two might get rid of them...
@EliahKagan my two helped :)
Thanks! :)
@DKBose there are many of those I feel
I am a great fan of Shog
I found one of his posts, about the usefulness (or not) of meta, particularly helpful recently. It said something like
If you spend all your time sharpening your tools, you will never get anything cut, but also, if you never stop to sharpen your tools, you will never get anything cut
@Zanna isn’t this both the same? oO
Oh. "Stop to do x" means stop doing y so that you can do x. So here y is cutting and x is sharpening
I forgot that it's a common mistake to say/write "stop to x" when the intention is to mean "stop x-ing"
So if what I'm saying is still totally unclear, I'll try to write it again!
If you spend all your time sharpening your tools, you will never get anything cut, but if you never sharpen your tools at all, you will also never get anything cut
That seems better!
Is it clear now?
ah, now I get the first one!
I'm sure Shog didn't confuse everyone like that
and the second is, of course, totally clear ;)
@dessert :)
I'll go and sweep the floor which is a task more suited to today's state of brain than participating in conversation...
happy cleaning!
But, many friendly greetings to you and I hope all is well. Long time no chat
Later <3
may you sweep with ease and joy
It is a satisfying task!
restarting my pc worked :)\
oh, this reminds me of windows…
Not just Windows, lately I've had to restart Ubuntu every 5 days..., I suspend 2-3 times a day otherwise.
Is there something in Linux which allows me to create a space where all created files are not kept?
I'd need to create a bunch of files in /etc and /proc, but don't want to pollute my host computer with that
@traducerad That's what /tmp is for.
Everything there is deleted on shutdown.
I'd need to be able to set up an environment to create files, use them and then delete them automatically
I am aware of unshare (2), but as far as I see this does not have what I need
@terdon I need it to be deleted when the process finishes
@traducerad And you don't want the process to handle the deletion?
What are you trying to do exactly? Just have a file that indicates the process is running?
You could try and create something in /proc/$processPID/. That is destroyed when the process exits, but using that can be tricky depending on what you're doing.
@terdon Not really. I want to have one parent process to setup an environment with a bunch of files. The child will use those files and create more files. Once the child dies, the parent should too and all the created files should be deleted then.
@traducerad Then just have the parent delete them. What am I missing?
unshare goes the right direction, but not totally
it allows me to unshare my filesystem, but files created in the unshared fs are not deleted afterwards
@terdon The parent is unable to know which files the child created
But, why not just have the parent process delete the files the child creates?
@traducerad Why not?
@terdon How can it know that?
@traducerad Oh, loads of ways. For instance, you can create them all in one directory.
I don't know which files will be created,nor how many nor where
@traducerad Don't you control both child and parent processes?
@terdon I dont control the child
@terdon by which process/routine/service btw?
I just spawn it. Thats it @terdon
@dessert Dunno, actually.
@traducerad ah. That's trickier then, I see. Maybe you could set up a chroot environment for it, but that seems like overkill.
@terdon Well... unshare seems to go in the right direction
but not totally
Q: When are files from /tmp deleted?

menteithI'd like to investigate when files in /tmp get removed. I run CentOS 7. Policy regarding deleting files from that directory is governed as follows: RHEL7 and RedHat-like with systemd it's configured in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf, called by systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service) I guess that th...

systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service seems like a good candidate :)
@traducerad sounds like a pretty interesting question. I would recommend asking on Unix & Linux. There is more expertise on this sort of low-level stuff there.
@traducerad I don't know if this will work for your situation, but the common way automatic deletion of files is achieved in a Unix-like operating system is for a program to create a temporary file, open the file, and immediately delete the file while it is still open. The file will continue to exist on disk until the last process that is using it (more precisely: that has it open) has terminated. The open file descriptors can be inherited by child processes when the parent process creates them.
This does not work for all situations, but it works for more situations that it intuitively feels like it would work for. In particular, on systems that use the Linux kernel or otherwise support the /proc filesytem (which of course includes GNU/Linux systems like Ubuntu), files that have been deleted but that a process still has open can be accessed even by unrelated processes through their file descriptors' numbered entries in /proc/$PID/fd/ (where $PID is the owning process's PID).
@EliahKagan The problem is that apparently, @traducerad only controls the parent process and the files are created by a child process. There seems to be no way of knowing what files the child will create nor control where it will create them.
So the parent would have to watch it run, maybe through strace, and capture all file creation events.
Even without using strace (or equivalent), the parent process should able to look inside the child process's subdirectory in /proc, access its open files that way, and--by opening them itself--preserve them until it (the parent) has terminated, if that's what's needed. But I think more details would have to be known about the problem to know if such a approach would be reasonable. It might not be.
I agree that having child processes make new files that ought to survive as long as the parent but no longer does complicate the problem. If a question is posted on Unix & Linux about this, I'll be quite interested to see what answers people devise.
@EliahKagan That would only work while the file handle is open though, right? So depending on polling speed, you could easily miss some.
Yes. If no restrictions can be imposed on how or when the child processes create files, then the idea I am proposing would not work (or at least would not be a good approach).
@EliahKagan lol that is one nasty trick there.
I ll just chroot
and delete the root when the child exits.
DOesn't Linux' API offer a copy function?
That works just like the command line utility.
to copy a file from one place to another
Q: will upgrading from 17.04 to 18.04 lts affect the custom ppa that installed php 5

user964491Currently the box is running ubuntu 17.04. Since that version is no longer getting updates. I would like to upgrade it to 18.04. However i am a bit concerned that it might affect the php 5 installation from a custom ppa. Has anyone done this and did not encounter any problems? Thanks

@terdon Was this closed to quickly without seeking clarification via comment what the error message is exactly?: askubuntu.com/questions/1179046/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Dunno. The OP can still edit and it can still be reopened. But as it stands, it really is unclear, isn't it?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix The timeline indicates that my comment preceded the closure by more than an hour. So clarification was sought before it was closed. On the other hand, if you're suggesting we should wait some amount of time between requesting clarification and closing a question, then I don't know.
Personally, I don't think we should wait to close unclear questions. They can be reopened if they become clear. The system even shows such questions as "on hold" rather than "closed" to avoid discouraging their authors from improving them.
@EliahKagan There is no set amount of time to give someone to revise their question I guess. I think 24 hours should be appropriate in most cases though. The whole "stick" part of the question could have made it unclear to many. If you remove all the stick nonsense then you are left with "When I boot Ubuntu I get an error"
Closing a question doesn't prevent its author from revising it.
@EliahKagan As far as the 1 hour time given that is OK when someone is logged into Ubuntu. But this poor fellow has installed Ubuntu many times and each time takes over an hour. He would have rebooted into Windows to post his question in between. My hunch is he has a classic error message which can quickly be closed as a duplicate. We just really really need to know what the error message is...
I don't understand what that has to do with when the question is closed. The OP can add information to the question after it is closed, and the question can be reopened once it contains enough information. I don't think there's any good reason to wait to close questions that aren't clear, regardless of whether or not the OP is logged into the site at the time the question is closed.
What would be a problem would be to immediately delete a question that could be improved, without giving the OP a chance to improve it. Closure is not deletion.
Closing a question that is unclear as "unclear what you're asking" makes it more apparent that it is unclear, so it actually makes it more likely that the OP will become aware that the question needs improvement. My view on this is that waiting to close a question, with the hope that the OP will edit it so it doesn't need to be closed, does a disservice to the OP, as well as to Ask Ubuntu users as a whole. In my opinion, the ideal time for an unclear question to be closed is immediately.
It's just not hard to reopen a question. We do it all the time.
I think this is the most common view of closure across SE, but I'm not sure if we have a consensus about it on AU. I'm not sure we need a consensus (after all, you're never obligated to vote to close any particular question, and you can always click Skip in review) but you might consider posting on meta if you want to know what more people think. AFAIK, there's no significant opposition to closing questions immediately when they qualify for one or more of the available close reasons.
+1 for no grace period when closing a question
2 hours later…
@Chan-HoSuh - yes I have used VS Code on Ubuntu for react stuff. And yes, you used to be able to find people here on a Saturday night.
Q: How can I get python-gpk to install on my Raspberry Pi?

HeavenlyHarmonyI'm trying to install Chirp, which is mainly designed to run on Ubuntu, but since I don't have a way to install it on my computer right now, I thought of using my Raspberry Pi. (Here are the directions I've been using.)[https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Running_Under_Linux] One of ...

Q: How Do I Transfer Ownership of Files Between Distros?

IanI currently have an Ubuntu installation, but I would like to switch to KDE Neon. The problem that I have run into is that I don't know how to transfer ownership of my personal files (Pictures, Documents, etc.) from one installation to another. All of my files are currently owned by my Ubuntu ac...

4 hours later…
@Zanna Shog is one of the wisest men I know, no exaggeration.
@Seth Does Shog hang out around AU?
Not really.
I hope that's not definition of wisdom...
when you day job is to work on these sites you kind of end up not being an active answerer
@WinEunuuchs2Unix what, not spending time on AU? xD
Yes I noticed Byte's answers trimmed down after becoming a mod
Yeah, moderating takes up a lot of the time that you used to spend on answers.
@Seth Yea was making a joke... wisest people avoid AU :P
@terdon I see your answers all over stack exchange sites from many years ago but not many recently. Except in AU perhaps
@terdon Why the best answerers aren't always the best moderators.
Thankfully I was never a best answerer :P
I find it harder to ask a good question than to post a good answer...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Exactly. I still answer on AU, U&L and Bioinformatics, where I'm a mod, but I'm far less active on other sites.
But even there, I answer less than I used to.
Then again, when I was at my most active as an answerer, I had no diamond and no job, so a lot of time on my hands :)
I dunno Terdon you seem to have some good days here with great answers and lots of upvotes.
Every now and then :)
Huh, I just realized that I have >=1k on 10 sites!
And I'm working towards that on Spanish SO, just for fun :)
It's kind of strange when you see a mod answer a question that should be closed as dupe though. Makes you wonder if he was too much old hat and forgot to put his new hat on that day...
I don't know how to say good luck in spanish... So I'll say Bon Chance on the French SO
@terdon gchat if you have a sec. I know it's late there
Don't ban me in gchat you two :P
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Even more likely the mod simply didn't know. Although I have been known to post an answer that can help the OP adapt the dupe. For instance, I might know it's a dupe because I grok sed well enough to adapt the answer of the dupe to this question. So it's still a dupe, the basic info is there. But it won't be clear to a newbie, so maybe I'll post an answer and close.
But more often, if you've seen me doing this, I simply wasn't aware of the dupe.

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