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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Fabby ^^^ Forgot to ping you on last joke. My next project is a GUI to control min/max scaling frequency, turbo boost and hyper threading to address a number of AU questions. But it's crazy trying to come up with GUI design and whether or not extras like CPU utilization, Frequency sampling, Critical Temperature actions should be taken.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I edited my answer and referred to yours. I missed he was asking about disk size. Absolute minimum (theoretically) is 3.5 GB...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix :D
I thought you were referring to @Benny
It's not a big secret: there are a few people here having my full name...
@Fabby Yeah, my first inclination was Ubuntu Server and then add in stripped down GUI from third party. Can't remember any of their names though. Something box?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix BusyBox???
That's not a DM or WM.
that's really minimal...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix echoes of evil laughter ring throughout the room
:D :D :D
good evening to all
02:00 AM here!
Good night all!
'tis 20:03 here :P
see ya fabby
Good night Thomas. Enjoy PA tomorrow.
@Fabby and yes Washington State.
Good! Because last August, I was in WA DC.
PA=Pennsylvania State though :)
having trouble with ssh keys
I've never been to DC...
If I would have known Seth lived in DC, I'd have smacked myself!
would appreciate help if possible :)
I don't tunnel into shells so can't help out
@JBis Do you have a link to a question here on the site?
Client: ssh free@XXX -p 22 -D 5464 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /Users/XXXX/Desktop/free.pub
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
PasswordAuthentication no
Match User free
  AllowTcpForwarding yes
  X11Forwarding no
  AllowAgentForwarding no
Location of Keys (Server)
Public Keys: `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` & `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
Privat Keys: `~/.ssh/id_rsa`
@Fabby Didn't create one cause pretty sure this is something simple
I am geting auth error when connecting
@WinEunuuchs2Unix of course, it's the place I live :P
free@XXXXXX: Permission denied (publickey).
Well at 2AM anything is difficult
Good night!
@JBis -i needs the link to the private key, not the public key
Checked the keys and they match
@ThomasWard oh.
@JBis i'm confused though
is the private key located on your client or the server?
if it's not on the client, it won't help you
will I just copied it to client from server
should ~/.ssh/authorized_keys be public key or private key (server)
and should the private key have line breaks? Just did cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa and then copied and pasted.
@JBis technically 'neither' is the proper answer, because authorized_keys is a single file that contains all authorized public keys that are able to be logged into
so if you had three computers with three separate keys authorized_keys would have all three public keys in it
@JBis the line breaks are fine, so long as the structure of the private key file is kept
copy/pasting usually is fine
is your client a Mac per chance? (that dir structure for your user directory where your key is is distinctly Mac-ish)
I only want one key for everyone (I know security concerns). But I only want that key to be allowed for the free user (as it will be setup for only tunneling)
@ThomasWard it is a Mac
@JBis Then authorized_keys needs to have the public key of the key you're going to login with
and SSH on the client side needs -i /path/to/private/key/free (adjust path accordingly) for the private key
authorized_keys has public key
if it still doesn't work then you'd need to use verbose mode, and I don't know if Mac has that work proper
it does
Permission denied (publickey).
(foobar is the key just didnt paste for security obviously)
it sounds like, then, the key isn't properly copied to the client or properly set up on the server side
and ideally you'd have generated the key on your Mac, not on the server
but that's beyond my ability to debug unfortunately, because Mac SSH client is... sort of funky sometimes
@ThomasWard Just copied private file form server to client with scp
@ThomasWard I don't think Mac has to do with it. Maybe the config file is messed up
@ThomasWard Thanks for your help though
Just to confirm
possibly, normally I leave the 'server' side alone, but is the server an Ubuntu server or something else?
~/.ssh/authorized_keys is the public key
that sshd_config looks sparse, is that blurb you provided earlier for sshd_config only containing those lines?
or is that in addition to the other bits inside sshd_config?
tail -f /var/log/auth.log
sshd[7481]: Connection closed by authenticating user free XXXXXX port 57162 [preauth]
hold on....
 sshd[7530]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/free
@ThomasWard Seems to be permissions error? What should be permsions for /home/free?
ls -al /home/free
on the remote server.
(you might need superuser or a sudo user)
drwxr-xr-x 5  751 free 4096 Aug 24 23:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Aug 24 18:10 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 free free  220 Apr  4 18:30 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 free free 3771 Apr  4 18:30 .bashrc
drwx------ 2 free free 4096 Aug 24 18:41 .cache
drwx------ 3 free free 4096 Aug 24 18:41 .gnupg
-rw-r--r-- 1 free free  807 Apr  4 18:30 .profile
drwx------ 2 free free 4096 Aug 24 23:59 .ssh
@JBis as sudo or superuser: chown -R free:free /home/free
note 751 on the first number there, that's the wrong user ID for the folder
 Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /home/free/.ssh/authorized_keys
tried sudo chown -R free:free /home/free/.ssh/authorized_keys
ls -al /home/free/.ssh/
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Rough. The fires are really causing us problems. Wednesday
just about to do....
drwx------ 2 free free 4096 Aug 24 23:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 5  751 free 4096 Aug 24 23:38 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 free free  397 Aug 25 00:24 authorized_keys
-rw------- 1 free free 1679 Aug 24 23:38 id_rsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 free free  397 Aug 24 23:38 id_rsa.pub
issue: ?drwxr-xr-x 5 751 free 4096 Aug 24 23:38 ..
Most of it has blown away now, thankfully. But more could come..
@JBis that's the home directory, you didn't do what I told you to do did you
I specifically said sudo chown -R free:free /home/free
not the .ssh directory
@Seth All the smoke from BC is flowing into Alberta and frequently they say it's equivalent to smoking 8 cigarettes. It feels like living in the twilight zone.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah, the AQI here was 233 for a few days. Felt like what I'd imagine nuclear winter to be
@ThomasWard sorry. But I fixed
@Seth 233 evil bad, but with radiation too.
Aug 25 00:41:39 ssh-tunnel sshd[7635]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /home/free/.ssh/authorized_keys
@Seth I was actually expecting ash and soot to start falling from the sky like snow...
@JBis try sudo chmod 600 /home/free/.ssh/authorized_keys
then try again
644, not 600
600 worked
@ThomasWard +1 & ✅
@ThomasWard May I ask why 600 vs 644?
@JBis for what?
chmod and chown do different things
@ThomasWard misspoke see update
@JBis because I'm a paranoid IT guy who makes sure data isn't readable unless it has to be by others :p
(I"m an IT Security professional by the way)
@JBis 644 would have worked too
but my 'default' is 600 for the .ssh folder's files (except where it has to be readable, or is a public key file)
@ThomasWard Ah. I want to go into Cyber Security also (in high school). Should brush up on those UNIX permissions. Used to know then got lazy and forgot.
Thanks again!
@ThomasWard Since your in security I'll ask you to confirm
I will be allowing just about anyone to ssh in with the free user to setup tunnel
This is secure enough to prevent someone from running commands
sudo usermod -s /bin/true free
not really, no.
What would you suggest?
not breaking Rule #2 of systems and server administration: Only provide access to users who you trust.
(Besides the obvous don't give the private key to everyone)
if you intend to let them use it as a proxy, you should not be using SSH tunneling
instead you should be setting up a VPN or an open HTTP proxy instead
though the Open HTTP proxy will put you immediately into the category of "Open Proxy" in about 90 different blacklists
that said, so would your SSH tunneling for 'free users'
assuming, of course, you let "anyone" request access.
@ThomasWard VPN ports blocked. HTTP Proxy is not encrypted.
Currently its SSH Tunnel with SOCKS5 Proxy
@ThomasWard Hence the
`Port 111`
`Port 22`
`Port 53`
don't bother
code formatting doesn't help here
even with an SSH tunnel
you don't prohibit me from, say, using an SFTP connection with this configuration to upload junk to your server
that's the OTHER reason you don't provide SSH tunnels to people you don't trust explicitly
@ThomasWard doesn't ForceCommand echo "Connected. SSH Tunnel Only." and /bin/true protect against anything other than tunnel
A: Enable SSH shell access but disable SFTP access

cpastAs others have mentioned, disabling sftp isn't anywhere near sufficient - a user with unrestricted ssh access can view any file that their account has permissions to view, can modify anything they have permission to modify, and can easily download anything they can read to their own machine. The ...

I had to do some testing, but yes.
@JBis you don't want to listen on ports 53 or 111 though
trust me on that one
@JBis also, I don't think that'll actually run the tunnel properly
@ThomasWard Why not? 53 is DNS next best thing next to port 80 that helps prevent them blocking it
I just tested with a remote server and a container
and it didn't work
because DNS is the second most targeted service for vulnerability and attack scanners
(right next to 80 im guessing)
@ThomasWard worked on mine. Checked IP address and I am still talking to you.
whatever. In any case it might work
but your server's IP address will still end up in blacklists
because people're proxying through it
@ThomasWard how will they know? And its not many people.
doesn't take long to see seven separate people accessing seven separate accounts on the same service (as an example)
(I mean they can if someone see 10 diff accounts logging into their site from same ip but...)
I have a server I occasionally bounce data through
lol same thing
i'm the only one using it
Netflix blocked it the next day
as a proxy/vpn service
as an example
change ip?
static server remote
the point i'm TRYING to make
is that all these services? They all communicate about 'suspicious' traffic patterns and have cooperation to determine proxy services, etc.
the other problem?
you are legally liable for any actions taken by users on the service
so if the user is accessing an illegal site or something, tada, you're liable for that criminal act
(and contracts don't protect you from this)
@ThomasWard are you sure about that? I don't think that if I connect to public VPN and go to some illegal site they are liable.
you aren't an LLC
and those "Public VPN services" are huge LLCs with huge legal teams to argue that out
i highly doubt you have the couple thousand dollars to keep a few lawyers on retainer like that
From a security perspective, it's a risk'.
@ThomasWard that only protects the people IF they are actually liable (company instead of people). If they are not then it makes no difference.
from a legal perspective, it's an even bigger risk, given what I know about this myself
i've made my statements and my opinions made known, if you choose to pursue this it's your choice, my opinions stand.
Thanks for suggestions will keep in mind.
Ironically, the point of this is to make a statement about schools security.
They have every student with grade publicly available on their website. Then scheduling community service information is protected by 6 digit student ID thats on attendance printouts and just about everything else.
The site to login defaults to HTTP.
There wifi is open.
stupid point:
static sites without secure data transmission:
OK to be on HTTP without HTTPS
at least, until Google and Mozilla start marking HTTP as non secure and warn on every site
which won't be until 2020
@ThomasWard no. How is that even remotely secure?
@JBis i can quote you the arguments.
@JBis because if it's pure static content
it doesn't matter
there's no backend to attack, no vector to gain access via static content
"OK" only in so much as the data is "static" and unchanging
and there's no way to break into anything from that vector
and HTTPS doesn't protect from an unpatched web server anyways so that attack vector remains unchanged
@ThomasWard it's not. Users enter their individual location and date information.
you didn't state that
NOR did you read that i said static sites without secure data transmission which implies login and such or other PII
Also They have every student with grade publicly available on their website.
not even going to ask what country you're in or what school this is
@ThomasWard Well yeah. If its static then doesn't matter but its login.
but that's beyond my purview to care about, and you didn't state it wasn't static content :p
90% of the schools I've worked with both as a student and as them being a client have static sites and the specific bits that need to handle that type of data which needs to be kept secure are HTTPS enforced
but the static site itself doesn't have anything inherently secret on it
@ThomasWard ah. I intended to. I see how it could be misread.
(I'm also running at 10000 RPMs, so i'm slightly impatient - side effect of all the coffee today.)
(though, i've been running around since 4AM so... yeah, coffee)
@ThomasWard US. And there was a article could months ago about how our school is very "secure" cyber security wise in paper.
links or it's a lie.
and 'an article' could have been written by 'idiots united' for all I care :p
@ThomasWard :) Small town local news paper.
those are always ignorant
@ThomasWard Would you at least agree with my concerns?
And I havnet even gotten to worse
yes, they're concerns.
this ones my personal favorite:
but until I go and do site scans, vuln analysis, etc., I consider EVERYTHING insecure :p
except my own infrastructure which I keep tightly locked down
with multiple tiers of authentication you have to get through to do things >:D
(brb, dinner)
We aren't allowed to access youtube. Teachers are. We all have our personal computers that we bring to class. You can bypass the block for 1 hour if the teacher logs in. Teachers often want to give students access to youtube. There solution....
Type the teachers u&p on each individual students personal computer. On another non HTTPS site.....
And remember we are on open wifi
so anyone in the vicinity could fire up Wireshark and get the credentials for....
Grades, Names, Addresses, Parental Contact Info, etc.
@ThomasWard Have a field day with what's above :) @JBis me if you want to. Have good dinner :)
P.S. I told them about this and they ignored me.
I'm kinda fed up with the lack of concern.
I honestly hope they get breached and someone does something. (I obviously wouldn't do it) But it would be nice for them to learn their lesson.
Also in there book the following are equivalent to there idea of hacking
- Sexual harassment or lewdness, including indecent exposure
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
- Displaying what appears to be a weapon. Threatening to use any weapon.
They considered Dosing equivalent to those above
I'm sorry but DOSing and sexual harassment is not an equivalent
1 hour later…
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I was only saying that about the nohup because I had worked a lot on this script askubuntu.com/a/778817/231142 that doesn't use any of that and it kills and launches the screensaver in the background.
Q: How to send edit review feedback to a user?

Karl RichterI'm reviewing edits from a new user who is pretty active and doing a lot of constructive edits. However, he/she puts Ubuntu, brand names and versions into italics which looks weird and is not constructive. I'm improving the edits, however it seems to be an ongoing thing. What would be the best wa...

7 hours later…
Q: Help! Keyboard suddenly not working after a logo appears on the screen out of nowhere on its own

Muhammad ShahriarWhile working on my laptop, all of a sudden a logo(see the screenshot below) appears on my screen. My keyboard stops working whenever this logo appears. The logo appears on its own. What should I do? I use ubuntu. My Laptop is: LENOVO ideapad 310

4 hours later…
TMO is selling a landline adapter o_O
I honestly don't see the point
Q: I'm trying to get a mod-pagespeed filter called inline_preview_images to work

L0otI'm trying to get a mod-pagespeed filter called inline_preview_images to work. According to this page on the modpagespeed site The src for <img src=""> should change to <img data-pagespeed-high-res-src=""> but its not happening any got ideas? My pagespeed admin config Filters ah Add Head cw ...

@Terrance Yeah, that was just small mistake on my part. nohup isn't necessary there. It's just an automatic response like "Oh, OP wants to have tasks disconnected from the script, so let's daemonize it via nohup or setsid"
BTW, that script looks nice but could use a couple edits. Don't mind if I add some after work
Hi Mitch ! How's moderation going ?
Hello :)
Hi Sergiy, haven't seen you for some time ... how are you ? Hope everything is fine with you @SergiyKolodyazhnyy ! :)
@cl-netbox Hi ! Everything's fine. At work right now. Reached 64k. Probably I'll be showing up even less on the site, since I'll be busy with school
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy great :) school and work are more important for your future life ... so good decision to reduce the time you spend here. :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Oh, and congrats for reaching that high amount of reputation points - well done and fully deserved, Sergiy ! :)
Thanks. I probably could reach the same rep amount faster if I were more active on the site, but that's fine
@DavidFoerster Hi David, did you check your mails last Thursday ? If not, please do it - and don't forget to have a look into the "junk folder" (if necessary) ... I wish you a nice weekend ! :)
@TheWanderer ban it with fire
@TheWanderer As someone who enjoys spicy, it's 2false4me
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Feel free to add to that script if you like. =)
A: Alexa for Ubuntu

Rogalski Alexander GregLOL! I think this poster means to Install the AMAZON ALEXA Hub application suite or equivalent controlling software that is available for MAC, WINDOWS & Android platforms on their Ubuntu system ,probably with Indicator & Notification support included as well . I don't think he wants to emulate ...

Not an answer?
Pushing through getting qemu to run an x64 16.04 image, so i can compile wireless drivers, reading up on terraform so when i have wireless i can deploy a test deployment to minikube locally. anyone else doing something fun?
in The DMZ, 20 mins ago, by JBis
If an attacker gets the private key specified in ssh -i /path/to/private.key can they decrypt the traffic of an ssh tunnel made by a different client?
@dessert top of the morning ! Can you help me out with a very simple thing ?
@JBis No. It requires both the server private key and the client public key or vice-versa.
@RobotHumans What do you mean?
The attacker has the private key.
to get both directions of traffic, just having one private key is not enough.
I am talking about either direction of traffic.
Maybe easier to explain with example
You could see one direction of the conversation, but you couldn't change anything in either direction. So, to change things, you need both sets of keys.
Client A: `ssh -i /path/to/private.key -D 5555 [email protected]`
Client A: Sets up SOCKS5 proxy to
Attacker B: Has a copy of `/path/to/private.key `

What can attacker B do?
see previous.
@RobotHumans which direction?
The direction towards wherever the private key is from.
I thought the key was only for authentication NOT encryption.
That's not ssh. I'm assuming you can see the session setup.
I'm confused
what do you mean?
ssh sets up secrets during session setup. there are other things that provide auth but not encryption. that's not SSH.
<redacted rant about Pearson, colleges, and the whole educational websites stupidity>
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy - wait what?
@RobotHumans SSH can use keys to authenticate
that's what I am doing with -i
-i identity_file
             Selects a file from which the identity (private key) for public
             key authentication is read.  The default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa,
             ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.  Identity
             files may also be specified on a per-host basis in the configura-
             tion file.  It is possible to have multiple -i options (and mul-
             tiple identities specified in configuration files).  If no cer-
             tificates have been explicitly specified by the CertificateFile
I'm done. Read the RFC.
@RobotHumans So I'm taking a physics class, and we're required to use Pearson website for that. I was having a bit of an issue with joining the course on their website. In any intuitively done website, if you have an account - this means you've already registered. Instead, for this site you have to click "Register" button, and ONLY THEN sign in. Otherwise, it doesn't find the course by the course number
That's kind of rough. I'ld never make the login button the register button. It's common to see register behind login though.
@RobotHumans Thanks for help
Login button is there alright. It's just that if you want to sing up for a particular course, you have to go via Register button. And the existing button in the page that shows up after login screen doesn't find the course, even if the course number is correct.
But i finally got it
Eh, that's probably just thinking different than the person that built it. Register means find a course I want. Logged in find course means find a course I'm already registered for. It might be more intuitive to have something under logged in that finds the course, but has a register button instead of being selectable.
Install running super slow, but at least I don't have to haul the box downstairs and hardwire it in to get everything working. Probs will post a question/self answer dual boot wireless question when this is over.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I can try…
@dessert OK, I'm just at work, so no Linux within 10 feet. So under directory owned by your user, have two files f1 and f2, and chown both to be owned by some other user, maybe root. Then try to rm f1 and rm -f f2. See if rm -f f2 gives an error about removing the file
Q: vsftpd access to /srv/www/domain.com/somedir

MikeiLLOn Ubuntu 16 I am trying to give FTP access to a particular server directory which has files owned by web:www-data to an FTP user. I have changed the users home directory: usermod --home /srv/www/example.com/current/ username Confirmed: grep username /etc/passwd username:x:1002:1001:User C...

$ touch f{1,2}
$ sudo chown root:root f{1,2}
$ ls -l f?
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 25 19:42 f1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 25 19:42 f2
$ LANGUAGE=C rm f1
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file 'f1'? y
$ rm -f f2
$ LANGUAGE=C ls -l f?
ls: cannot access 'f?': No such file or directory
Ok, so with -f , there's no confirmation from write-protected files if you're the owner of the directory
dessert, Thank you very much
de nada
1 hour later…
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy -f is short for --force
omg, I'm a grandad without having children :D
:46415262 depends. 1. you might have a backup 2. it might be intended 3. you might be in a chroot >:)
True. Context matters
why the hell would someone shove 15 eggs up his you-know-what-I-mean
@Videonauth Technically whenever you have a program which runs as your user and it forks a child process, which also forks, you become a granddad . . . .of a child process . .... .
@Rinzwind There's reasons for that. But not the ones we can discuss on this site. :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy well i just got a phonecall of my wannabe son of my son
fact is i not have children
and he told me hes in financial trouble .....
Ah, yes, the good old scam
@Rinzwind Error 403, Request forbidden by administrative rules.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy you got an admin? :+)
@Rinzwind Considering that i'm at work . . . yes . . . probably . . .but he's probably on there . . .and probably wouldn't care
probably *not there
Er is een fout opgetreden

De websites van TMG gebruiken een gemeenschappelijk pagina voor het vragen van toestemming voor het gebruik van cookies. Afhankelijk van de site die u wilt bezoeken zullen we de teksten op deze pagina aanpassen. Helaas kunnen we niet bepalen welke site u wilt bezoeken. Het kan zijn dat wij een pagina hebben verwijderd, verplaatst of dat er een verkeerde URL is ingetypt. Kies hieronder een site.

Mocht het probleem terugkeren, heeft u vragen of opmerkingen, neem dan alstublieft contact op via ons contactformulier. Kies als onderwerp 'vraag over cookies'.
@Rinzwind So I'm assuming proxy isn't working either, right ?
That is the " accept our cookies" page
OK. Well, I guess I'll decline then, cuz I don't understand anything written anyway
Q: Ubuntu 18.04 upgrade killed my PC

Larry DanaResults of upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 I don't know what this means, but all it does is loop, the system reboots starts to load and ends here, then reboots. I use Fedora on my laptop and thought well I'll just install Fedora, it wouldn't even begin to load. I think the upgrade killed my pc.No clu...

2 topics about the update/upgrade killing systems
Q: Ubuntu update overwrote (almost) entire home directory

MarcelWSorry for the indescriptive title and lack of technical details, but I'm absolutely puzzled about what's going on: Today, a update for GNOME Ubuntu 18.04 was installed on my machine. The update, however, did not finish with the usual dialogue about restarting the system but displayed the dialogu...

Hmmm . . . If updates bring the OS and apps to newer state, does it mean a faulty update is actually a downgrade ?
@Rinzwind can you write up a one-line message we can star?
oh sure
warning: update/upgraded killed 2 systems ...
bugreport from 2nd link: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1068597/ubuntu-update-overwrote-almost-entire-home-directory#comment1752390_1068597
like that?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy no it is failed attempt to install windows >:)
I mean . . . I like the message, not that the update messed up the systems
there isn't really much choice these days
it's Windows or Dellbuntu or nothing
@TheWanderer Unless you're rich enough to buy a Macbook
I still don't understand why macOS is the best developer environment
unless you're doing Swift
It's not "the best", it's just a "trend" or stereotype, like if you're a developer you have to have a macbook
mac is awful
all kinds of ancient software
Mac might be good for designers and stuff, but as a developer - nothx
Yeah, that too. Macs are popular with artists, illustrators, graphic designers, etc.
But Linux is still a better choice for a dev
it really is
even with Homebrew, it's hell trying to install CLI stuff
:3 because classic, that's why
Hello @seth, I am thinking of buying a MacBook Air now. Hope you are well.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I think the cheapest Apple laptop is the MacBook Air, 13 inches, 128GB SSD, i5 processor.
that's another thing I don't understand about development on macOS
MacBooks have barely any storage unless you want to pay $3k
I see that @SergiyKolodyazhnyy is also a blue square like me.
Kinda came out of a joke, then it stuck
Does anyone have experience with SSD vs HDD? Is SSD really much better than HDD?
I have two SSDs, used one on a kinda old Toshiba laptop. Works nicely.
Even the cheap SSDs seem to perform better than HDDs.
The cheapest laptop I can find now with SSD is an Acer Aspire A314 with 128GB SSD.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy weren't we making fun of Jacob?
speaking of...
@JasperLoy How much is that ?
@JasperLoy it might be cheaper to get a laptop with a normal HDD and then swap it, or add an SSD if there's an extra slot
@TheWanderer Yeah, something like that. We decided that for a week or a day everybody should change to a single color profile picture
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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