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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@MarcoCeppi Yeah but why would anybody want to play an RPG on a console? *shudders*
I have cPanel.... anyone need a screenshot?
@Marco: I see you got your nomination in.
The SO election has ended! Yay - Tim Post made it!
@Oli I guess if your PC is >5 years old, Dragon Age would be a better experience on a console.... Graphics-wise, anyway
@JorgeCastro On my system, missing some xml library -- xp.jar from jclark.xsl.sax (?) It looks like you could sub in something in the system already, but I haven't gotten that far. Since I'm java illiterate
Well... I'm gonna give WordPress a try.
2 hours later…
@GeorgeEdison wordpress is pretty easy to get going and maintain, so I like it.
@JorgeCastro You're associating with Will Fuqua? Bold move
@jgbelacqua: Yeah... I just have to find a way to prevent repeat users from posting comments that get auto-approved.
Nvm... I got it.
@GeorgeEdison I'm actually friends with two of the WordPress core developers. They're pretty nice guys
Oh cool.
I'm likin' it so far.
@DoR yeah Zypher announced it in the mod room.
@MarcoCeppi Announced what?
Heads up #stackoverflow users, we'll be offline for a bit tonight around 11PM EST for some back-end work, planned outage for a few items
@DoR The downtime
Whoaaaa What's a Linux/Unix user like @MichaelMrozek doing up in here :P
It was mostly to send a message to @JorgeCastro, and then I never left :)
A friend from my LUG in college went to a different LUG meeting tonight and ran into @JorgeCastro there, apparently
You're welcome to stay, but you might just like it in here.
I used to use Ubuntu back in the day, but I don't remember enough to confidently answer anything :(
man is egypt in a mess right now...
stack exchange down?
@TheX Look up :)
oh lol...
@TheX: Yeah... Egypt is something else.
My wife and I were talking... we always thought of Egypt as being the stable country in that region...
Yeah. I would have thought the same thing.
Why do we still have the beta theme on this page:
I just pray that it doesn't devolve into a long term situation like a civil war...
@GeorgeEdison I was wondering the same thing...
...it sounds to me like it is a civil war.
@GeorgeEdison All the SE sites do. I would link to the meta bug report about it, but meta's down :(
@MichaelMrozek: Yeah.. I was going to post it on Meta right after.
@GeorgeEdison I think a civil war as more of two organized militarizes fighting each other for power....
...but now I won't.
@GeorgeEdison this is more like a Coup d'état
A coup d'état (, ; plural: coups d'état)—also known as a coup, putsch, and overthrow—is the sudden, illegal deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to replace the deposed government with another body; either civil or military. A coup d'état succeeds when the usurpers establish their legitimacy if the attacked government fails to thwart them, by allowing their (strategic, tactical, political) consolidation and then receiving the deposed government's surrender; or the acquiescence of the populace and the non-participan...
Perhaps... except it mentions a 'small group'.
A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state, or, less commonly, between two countries created from a formerly-united nation-state. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region, or to change government policies. Civil wars since the end of World War II have lasted on average just over four years, a dramatic rise from the one-and-a-half year average of the 1900-1944 period. While the rate of emergence of new civil wars has been relatively steady since the mid-19th century, the increasing lengt...
@MichaelMrozek heh I just met him tonight at a coffee house coders
they are lacking the organization required for a civil war...
though I might have met him before
I'll let him know how forgettable he is :)
he's got a nice slimline thinkpad I want to steal
@GeorgeEdison what about a revolution?
Whew! I just finished a complex session with jQuery History - while maintaining support for browsers with JS disabled.
...it's not easy.
@MichaelMrozek: Stack's back.
@GeorgeEdison I think they added that a while ago
@TheX Civil War = Somalia. Coup d'etat = Pakistan/Nepal
Revolution = Egypt :-D
I did not know that Egypt was a dictatorship.
@KaustubhP well... it isn't supposed to be...
hence the protesting
@TheX I know, But till the protests started, I thought it was a democracy, although a theocratic one. And bam, I read its a dictatorship. Sucks.
um... a theocratic democracy is in effect a dictatorship...
@TheX not necessary.
Israel isnt a dictatorship/
Emergency law in Egypt was first enacted in 1958, as Law No. 162 of 1958 and has remained in effect since 1967, except for an 18-month break in 1980. The emergency was imposed during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, and reimposed following the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. Details of the law Under the law, police powers are extended, constitutional rights suspended and censorship is legalized. The law sharply circumscribes any non-governmental political activity, and street demonstrations, non-approved political organizations, and unregistered financial donations are formally banned. S...
Israel isn't a legitimate country according to some countries either...
hmm, unfortunately i dont have opinions on such matters :/
@KaustubhP me neither... just saying....
I am listening!
eh... it doesn't matter how you break it down... the world has a lot of problems...
not just Egypt... but the entire world...
@fluteflute APTURL Redirector is done: You can view the updates on apt.marcoceppi.com
I'll fire an email off to MPT and @JorgeCastro to see if they can expedite the review process. All we need now is to get help with translations!
@MarcoCeppi I can help with the Hindi and Marathi translations :)
@MarcoCeppi the legal words like copyright and trademarks etc have to be same as legal parlance in hindi ie, what the judiciary uses in its day-to-day functioning?
@KaustubhP I'm not sure I understand your question
Are you talking about Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. ?
Umm, sorry. Yes, forget it I asked.
Obviously they have to communicate the same meaning.
@KaustubhP if possible. If you're unable to translate it, or uncertain you can always just skip it :)
I'm off to bed, thanks for any and all help!
No, I will ask my friends dad, he is a lawyer.
might help with some tricky workds!
Good night, sleep tight!
Did the Hindi translation. @Sid would you be kind enough to review them>
Good ol' Google.
I guess they do know everything.
@GeorgeEdison what the...
WTF? How di my IP come in your linK?
mine too...
It's all Google.
except for they have the wrong city
(Well not really, it's a neat PHP trick...)
It's designed to generate an image that displays your IP.
I want to generate an image that displays..... nevermind....
aw, that image doesn't show an ipv6 address
ipv6 is over-rated
o rly?
i am listening.
@TheX: It's only going to... save the Internet.
let the internet die... then I will get my real life back... and maybe my sex life too...
@TheX what, your hand is bored already? :P
@KaustubhP I ran out of Vaseline...
heehee. I read somewhere water is a good lubricant. sadly it corrodes..
maybe hand lotion would work better
Amazing how quickly this chat degrades
I was just thinking the same thing...
I have nothing to do with it...
looks sheepishly away
@ajmitch atleast we havent hit godwin's law!
Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1989 which has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." In other words, Godwin put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope— someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis. Godwin's law ...
They say whoever has mentioned the Nz have lost, and the thread is considered closed.
Is that why all chatting has stopped?
:whistles to fill the silence;
you proved your point
@TheX and that would be?
6 hours later…
Umm ,why is my ls -al saying that I have 18 total files, but listing only 4 ?
Hello Ubuntians (:
Wondered if there was interest in doing a town hall chat with the election candidates? I've done them with the other sites so far.
@RebeccaChernoff I think that would be a cool idea. Not sure how many people would attend though
@MarcoCeppi I wonder if it's worth doing just to get more people in chat. :)
I think it's a decent idea. @RebeccaChernoff How has it panned out in other SE 2.0 sites?
I think they've gone well. Some better than others, but all decent. (:
Hmm, let's see, there are 5 candidates now...anyone expecting a rush of at least 6 more? Whether or not there's a primary affects scheduling.
@RebeccaChernoff That's likely all you'll get from the AU community. Maybe one or two more at most.
Umm, sorry to interrupt Ladies and Gentlemen. @MarcoCeppi I did some translations, there are a few left, I will do them over the weekend :)
@KaustubhP Awesome! Thank you!
@MarcoCeppi you are welcome :)
I'll try to round up some more translators to have this ready for @JorgeCastro and MPT on monday
ooh swell
Oh, please dont mention it should have been the correct reply. That was nothing compared to what you people do!
Speaking of which @JorgeCastro what's the fastest way to get people to help translate the APTURL Redirector?
put it in launchpad
and everyone will just translate it
@JorgeCastro It's in Launchpad, what's next!
oh ok, so it's set up to be translated through lp?
Has been since the start of the project, We've got a few of the popular languages, and the auto-detection works via browser user-agent
oh, so we just need to tell people basically?
I can handle that
I can blog it right now if you want
can you get me a few screenshots of it in action?
Have to admit, I feel proud to see my name there! And its such a shame (on me) that I just procrastinated for so long.
Good work @MarcoCeppi and @JorgeCastro and all others. You deserve a standing ovation for everything!
@JorgeCastro Better yet I have a demo URL: http://apt.marcoceppi.com/, http://apt.marcoceppi.com/p/geany,geany-plugins, http://apt.marcoceppi.com/p/vlc
oh cool
the demo can handle traffic?
@JorgeCastro Yeah, it can take it
I'll setup another Ubuntu VM which a different locale if you want a screenshot of that
@MarcoCeppi link to mpt's spec?
what would be a good software package to plug in the screenshot?
@JorgeCastro Yeah, I noticed that on the bug report
I'm really not sure what it is - but it looks dumb.
img link to apt.ubuntu.com, done!
@MarcoCeppi you think we'll get more nominations?
the current list is what I expected
Can't say for certain. It's very unlikely - however, possible that we may get upwards of two more.
though I was expecting dv3500ea, DoR, and fluteflute to run
well, at least one of them
  "total_users": 9993,
@MarcoCeppi 7 more!
@MarcoCeppi ok it's on planet ubuntu now, lmk if you get a bunch of traffic
This is the sound of my server exploding
Luckily I'm an awesome System Admin who knows how to cache, maintain, and run webservers :P
hah no way
there's no way that many people read my blog
haha, I was just kidding
I will give you a traffic analysis at the end of the day though :P
Right now that server (8 core) is running at a cool 0.01 load
quora runs entirely on amazon on ubuntu
heh nervous laugh
:D They use Git
Aw man, someone registered apt.ly already
quora .. bleh.
@marco et al. -- apt linker looks good.
@jgbelacqua Thanks. Hopefully we can get it to replace apt.ubuntu.com soon
@MarcoCeppi check your language queue thing. :)
Apparently someone has registered ubun.to
All I want, is to be cool, like all the other kids, and own a domain hack.
But now that there are a million translations in queue I'm happy.
Did not know ... backtrack4 linux is ubuntu-based. backtrack-linux.org/wiki/index.php/…
Q: Should we include support for BackTrack?

Marco CeppiThis question just rolled in a few hours ago. I'm unfamiliar with BackTrack but it appears to be a highly modified Ubuntu installation which from the site's appearance - dropped most ties to Ubuntu. I know we've discussed "What distros we should allow" and seem to have agreed on the entire Ubuntu...

ha... didn't see that one.
There was a SWEET svg of the Linux Distribution family somewhere
Yeah... backtrack4 is not recognizable as ubuntu, except I guess underneath
looks like custom kde or some such on top
Found it, this is so cool
Although it shows Backtrack as being from the Knoppix family
Only the latest version uses ubuntu as a starting point I think
Is knoppix still kde? something was different last time I used it.
@jgbelacqua I haven't used Knoppix in a long while, but I assume they still use KDE
distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=knoppix doesn't help. Lists gnome first though.
oh, alphabetical.
knoppix : "LXDE is used as graphical environment, which is a very slim and fast desktop with extremely short starttime and low resource requirements. Because of its GTK2 base, LXDE works together nicely with screenreader Orca."
  "total_users": 10000
Congrats everyone!
In other news Miredo is pretty cool.
I'm not sure I understand what it does, but it's still pretty cool.
next stop 100k? :-)
IPv6 tunneling?
@JorgeCastro awesome
@MarcoCeppi yeah, I just don't know what endpoint it uses because all I did was apt-get install it
not a lot of ipv6 infrastructure around, for the most part
the reference in the wiki seems to hint that there's actually no endpoint so I'm kinda confused
never believe anything you read in wikis
> Ubuntu includes a package named miredo that can tunnel IPv6 through IPv4 connections. Miredo is an implementation of Teredo, which is a way to tunnel IPv6-traffic over IPv4-UDP-traffic. As IPv4-UDP will pass NAT-devices, miredo will work behind most NAT-devices. A further advantage of miredo/teredo is that you don't need to define tunnel-endpoints or tunnel-accounts: just activate miredo, and you'll have IPv6 connectivity.
good way to get around firewalls, I suppose. I haven't used it though.
@badp That seems to suggest it's tunneling through IPv4 which is why there is no need for an "endpoint"
@MarcoCeppi yeah, so how does the recipient receive my packets?
yeah, there are endpoints, they're just chosen dynamically (what's closest to the native ipv6 recipient), and they seem trustworthy enough.
Yeah, appears I was off
6in4 tunneling I guess....
@jgbelacqua in an oversimplified nutshell, you ipv4 ping a Taredo server, which translates it in an ipv6 ping that is received by a Taredo relay; you then use that as the endpoint of your ad-hoc tunnel.
@Oli there?
@ssj6akshat Sort of.
Playing Dragon Age on the other screen, but yes, I'm fairly here. Might just take me a few minutes to respond to things.
I love Dragon Age!
dragon age....
I've been playing on the 360, very addicting
@JorgeCastro Me Too. So much so that this is my second copy. Was cheaper to buy the ultimate version on Steam than it was to buy the little bits of DLC separately. Stupid really.
Still. Well worth the £50 I've spent on it now
Hi everybody!
Hello :-)
Oh I miseed 10k users. Still - hooray \o/
Can I make a question?
of course @haltman
@StefanoPalazzo I've a problem with my ubuntu when I launch shutdown my pc remain to last splash screen how can i resolve?
Q: Unable to shut down

haltmanHi everybody! After installin a wireless keyboard and mouse I cannot shutdown my pc I have tried to do also by console but the result doesnt change. How can resolve my problem? thanks in advance ciao h.

you're talking about this one, right?
@StefanoPalazzo yep ^_^'
Q: How to see what's going on during shutdown

HuygensSince a few weeks, Ubuntu freezes almost everytime when I shut it down. I know it because the shutdown animation stops and nothing is responsive: Ctrl+Alt+Del or AltGr+Syst+[r,e,i,s,u,b] don't make any difference. I have tried to look at various log files in /var/log but only INFO level message...

@haltman try to get some more information about what's going on, and edit your question to include it
unfortunately, those kinds of problems are quite hard to debug. So keep your question up to date, and edit it when ever you have new information
@StefanoPalazzo Thank you very much for your suggestion! I have only hard problem to resolve on my pc LOL
@haltman did you have to disable ACPI or anything like that?
@StefanoPalazzo do you mean if I've tried to disable ACPI on bios?
Either that, or when you installed ubuntu
No at the beginning it was perfect, problem begin when I installed wifi keyboard/mouse and printer usb connected; may bethe problem due to printer smart panel? every time I log on ubuntu it appears looking to the printer..
Did you try disconnecting the printer before shutting down?
Also, what sort of printer (make, model) is it?
no but it's ever switched off when I try to shutdown it's a samsung ml-1660 with original driver installed
Try it out! Disconnect the printer cable and try to shut down afterwards
If it works, you know it's the printers fault
and then you can try to solve that problem
ok i try to do it!
good luck (:
have you seen my other problem with google sketchup?
I've tried to search for original driver for my video card but I've not found them :(
@haltman you already have the proper intel driver installed, by default (it ships with Ubuntu)
hello @TheX :)
@StefanoPalazzo how are you?
Very well thanks! you?
I am freezing... but other wise not to bad
@haltman I also have Intel graphics. I'm just downloading sketchup to see if it works here
Is your weather cam still going?
@haltman It doesn't work for me either!
@StefanoPalazzo wow we are really lucky! what is waiting goggle for make a linux/unix version? :(
I may have a solution, hang on :)
@StefanoPalazzo ok _
it works
@StefanoPalazzo wow! How you did you get it to work?
HI ubuntusers
Hello @LucianoFacchinelli, Welcome!
@MarcoCeppi hi! thanks
Wow we are all italians that speak in english sound really strange LOL
A: DH57JG openGL and google sketchup

Stefano PalazzoI've installed SketchUp 8 and had the same error. Here's how I got it to work: Open a Terminal, or press Alt+F2 and type wine regedit Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Google → SketchUp8 → GLConfig → Display Change the value of HW_OK to 1 (so that it shows up as 0x00000001 (1)) T...

@haltman I only have a very italian sounding name :P
And I think @StefanoPalazzo is German? (Maybe?)
I have two passports, but yes, I'm as german as sauerkraut (:
sauerkraut FTW
@MarcoCeppi WOW!
I am not itallian
Not even a little bit?
@StefanoPalazzo Thank you for your help!! You are great!
it worked?
@StefanoPalazzo YES!!!
Other then that I like to eat lots of Pasta... I am not Italian
@TheX so you are..
am i?
I think I am more American...
Well we've got pasta, you've got freedom of the press. to each their own :P
@TheX ah amazing!
maybe that makes me English...
except I don't speak with an accent...
or maybe in your opinion I would...
I was just going to say that (:
everyone has an accent.
11.04 alpha 2 almost downloaded...
Hey guys I have to go dinner is ready this evening polpettone!
@StefanoPalazzo thanks again Stefano!
not a problem @haltman, see you later
@haltman bye
revival \o/
This is just awesome! translations.launchpad.net/apturlredirector so many people helping after the @JorgeCastro bump!
Oh my word
how do I change my image?
@TheX Gravatar.com
I'm now wondering if the german translation should be "Software-Center" or "Software-Centre", need to find one of the german translation team
No, hang on, it's Centre, as per the translation on my screen hehe
@MarcoCeppi thanks
@MarcoCeppi great job on getting apt.mc.com finished :)
@fluteflute thanks! The only thing outstanding is the IE7 design bug
@MarcoCeppi hmmm I wouldn't worry too much...
might have a play when I have access to an IE7 machine though
I do and I am. I have an XP-IE7 machine available to me at work
So I'm trying to figure it out now
Ah fun times :P
Oooh I have something for you to try
@fluteflute are you going to run for moderator?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
try sticking that at the top of the page
@JorgeCastro I haven't decided.
Quite possibly though.
@JorgeCastro why isn't your name listed for election yet?
I don't have time to mod, plus there's plenty of awesome people
how different is it in practical terms between elected mods & users with 10k+ rep?
@ajmitch good question (I don't know the answer)
askubuntu.com/privileges/moderator-tools doesn't really list what's not in the community mod tools
@ajmitch A lot of the ninja tools are "secretive"
It's basically: All user management, analytics, super ninja votes, our own dashboard, some other things I can't think of
@MarcoCeppi aha, so you can delete my account? :)
You have a meeting with the SE people from time to time too, right?
@StefanoPalazzo Yeah, about once a week - but there's also a secret room that all the site moderators from SE hang out
@MarcoCeppi did my doctype suggestion help?
a smoky back room where you sit around playing poker?
It sounds like a secret den where mystical rituals are performed (:
@ajmitch Replace poker with "Which user should we delete today" and you've got it :P
Oh fun
@fluteflute Yes! it helped a bunch
Just a few minor tweaks
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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