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@karel. For some reason, the user in that discussion channel never types when I'm online. He usually types a message between 12 hours and a couple of days later.
I decided to stop trying for a while.
Q: Syntax error when i use ssh with awk over bc

Kiran KumarI basically get the memory usage from two different nodes via ssh and store this in two different variables. I then select the host with lesser memory and return a code 0 or 1. function selectNode() { arr=("$@") mem1=$((ssh ${arr[0]} "free -m | awk 'NR==2{print \"%f\n\", \$3*100/\$2 }'")...

@L.D.James At least he accepted your answer first. I had users go "thank you very much" no accept, no upvote and then two years later I got the green checkmark. I've even done some research on this and discovered that users who abandon their questions for a long time have a higher probability than average of getting any of their questions downvoted.
That result surprised me, I wasn't expecting it. I now try to reply in some form within 24 hours to answers to all questions that I ask.
I appreciate the accept answer. I tried and was very much involved. But I can't get over the frustration of, at the time spending 10 minutes typing steps, then without any response, he just leaves, just as he did this morning. Then I have to wait 10 hours or a few days to see the results of the commands I gave.
I believe he starts to get some insight and decide to work on his own, then get stuck, and come back to tell me where he got stuck. I believe this is the case this morning. He ignored me until, most likely he was stuck again.
It wouldn't be bad if he would message, he has to go, or any type of courtesy... he just leaves without any response. This is the first time he came back within a couple of hours, then respond to the last message.
At first, I thought he was leaving because he was having problems with his connection, or preparing his computer for the command, or something to that effect. When it always happened, I decided to get him to type while I was online by asking him if he was there. It was within five minutes of me getting the chat notice. He ignored the message and dropped out of chat. Then came back and answered my question.
@karel Yes. I never forget when I was new to AU. I used to ask questions and sometimes take a while to come back to check for answers. Most systems are not as quick and direct as AU.
But an actual chat/discussion is different. Even out of frustration, I couldn't just drop out while the user was there without excusing myself.
4 hours later…
Does anyone else wish we had "apt-get -U install"? it'ld behave like pip -U install or apk -U install, where you inline specify -U instead of apt-get update && apt-get install.
@RobotHumans not really, as it opens up for even more failures while updating, and in turn more questions which are dupes anyways
@Videonauth A fair point. It just seemed like extra keystrokes, and I have the sysadmin virtue of laziness (spends 2 hours automating a 5 second task)
hehehe, why does that sound familiar? :p
Hello :)
Greetings mortals everyone.
@ThomasWard Hi Thomas - greetings to you too ! :)
ohai @ThomasWard
Hi @RobotHumans ! :)
Good afternoon @Videonauth ! :) All systems up and running ? :D
Sure, stable as hell meanwhile
@Videonauth Nice ! :) Stable as hell ... that sounds good ! :D
yes just waiting for the 396 driver to come out of beta
@Videonauth beta ??? they are stable since May, 2nd ! :)
well the drivers ppa does not have it yet
means they have it but there is no meta file yet (i.e. nvidia-396)
@Videonauth Sorry, don't get it ... I can see them -> launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
@Videonauth uhm it's there
^ the evidence
@ThomasWard Maybe @Videonauth has "tuned" his system a little bit too much ! :D :D :D
all i have here is this:
~ $ apt search nvidia-396
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-396/bionic 396.24.02-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.1 amd64
  NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
y'all obviously don't do apt-get update and it's not called nvidia-396
it's called nvidia-graphics-drivers-396
throws salt over @Videonauth
@ThomasWard so why did they change the naming ?
nvidia-driver-396 is actually the package
but so is the xserver one
and i have run a full apt update about 2 hours ago
^ all the debs produced
@Videonauth ask the graphics driver / kernel team / NVIDIA
no idea why names changed. BUT you aren't looking hard enough to find it. I'd do a full text of 'nvidia' then grep for 396 to find the specific version(s) I'm looking for.
apt search nvidia | grep 396 <-- probably would work, I don't know I"m not on 18.04 yet :)
You know what @ThomasWard ? I already told @Videonauth a few weeks ago that the stable drivers are in the repo ... no no no
explodes randomly from pings
oops? :)
just did a search on the nvidia site as well
@cl-netbox I think he's talking about the NVIDIA declaration of 'stable' vs. 'buggy'
not whether it's in that PPA or not
ok now im baffled i just did the same search and all it shows me is 390 driver so i assumed still beta status
C++ is so ugly
@TheWanderer why? :)
@TheWanderer burn the C++. All hail Python. *shot*
btw. the package seems to be still in customs, there was no update at all today till now
@Videonauth which package ? nvidia ?
@cl-netbox nah real package/parcel
@Videonauth ah - okay :)
Did you try to purge the old driver and then install nvidia-graphics-drivers-396 ?
@cl-netbox nah not yet
currently running a calculation which might need still a little while (i.e. a few hours)
not going to kill this task now
@Videonauth okay :) But you are right about one thing : why the hell did they change the package name ? nvidia-<version> changed to nvidia-driver-<version> and now we have nvidia-graphics-drivers-<version> in the ppa ! Makes all older nvidia answers on AU being not working !
well this is what really confused me
before they had this kind of name for drivers which where still in beta
Who is this new uncle on the top right ? The avatar of @GreatUncleBulgaria reminds me of a nice cute panda somehow ... :D :D :D
@Videonauth "they" being nVidia?
@ThomasWard no, he means Canonical. :)
well "they" don't choose the naming scheme IIRC
not entirely
but the team to talk to doesn't share info on that :p
WHO GOES THERE um I mean, hi! :)
Q: Allow attaching only storage devices on specific USB port?

MrShadowI want to allow attaching of storage medias like flash-drive or external disk to a specific USB port and restrict any other types of devices especially Keyboard and Mouse to that particular USB port. How can I achieve this?

hi. I am doing dd if=/dev/zero of=zero.bin || (sync; rm zero.bin) to clean the empty space on an encrypted partition and this is eating my cpu with 100% usage. I never saw something like this before
@solsTiCe Why don't you do a dd if=/dev/zero of=zero.bin; sync; rm zero.bin
should also be using a bs=4M or something for a large disk with that dd
otherwise it'll take an eon to complete
Hi. How is it possible that so many question receive quite a lot of attention (comments, answers, views), but 0 upvotes?
Once You've seen all the questions that can be asked, you only upvote good interesting questions...
For me that means:
1. Hah, I wished I asked that!
2. They've accepted my answer.
Isn't a question interesting by definition if you comment on it
(except if it's criticism)
Welcome to Ask Ubuntu! ;-) Please [edit] your question and provide the following info:
does not get an upvote from me
of course not
unless they accept my answer, because then the question was interesting enough
:D ;-) :D
I just looked through the backlog of unanswered questions and found many that have extended, interesting discussions in comments. Still no upvotes
@Fabby I understand your rule
There's just so much crap out there that I hardly answer any more (unless I'm on holiday)
There's also downvoting :)
I only downvote to delete
I'm a newbiew, just trying to understand the unwritten rules of askubuntu
hm, I thought substitution works in here :)
It's really hard to earn rep on askubuntu
Up to 2000 it's easy.
Above that, you have to do what rep-whores like @Rinzwind do: watch the new question queue like a hawk.
Isn't is rinzie???
:D :D :D
or post funny answers:
A: Why does apt-get not require restarts, where the update manager does?

FabbyBecause apt-get (or plain simple apt) is for the pros and when the pros do a: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see a new kernel being installed, the pros know they have to reboot to activate it... The automatic update is for everyone else out there! ;-) Alternatively, you can now install Ubu...

@SebastianStark 21000 views, 17 upvotes:
Q: How to efficiently partition a single Windows-Ubuntu dual boot disk?

FabbyThis is not a question on how to install Ubuntu or how to use manual partitioning during installation but is a question on access rights and how not to let them bite you in the lower abdomen... ;-) This question will not help you how to make partitions on your disk, but will tell you what to do...

@SebastianStark at least +20 today...
and I upvoted your [capslock] answer yesterday.

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