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@Videonauth well that GoFundMe was a failure. I'll get my Note 4 ready to send
@TheWanderer see discord
2 hours later…
Hi, my Ubuntu takes forever to shut down, stuck on the "dots" screen. Last time I had to hold the power button down because it wouldn't shut down after 10 minutes. Any ideas? Don't know how to check what's causing the problem.
The questions on the forum seem to not be that extreme (< 5 mins).
when you have booted it up, edit the following file /etc/default/grub
and edit the following line
you need to be root for doing this so sudo nano /etc/default/grub
What would that do?
after you did this you ned to update your grub with the changed config with sudo update-grub
it boots your ubuntu without the dots screen and it then shuts down as well without
you can change that back later
so you can see on what task it really hangs
Ok, I edited it. Start up is very fast, it's just shutting down that takes forever. I will record it to see what task is causing the trouble.
Thanks for the tip, I'll restart now.
Wow, I restarted it twice and it shut down in less than a second both times. Now starting up takes longer than shutting down. Whatever was causing the problem unfortunately didn't turn up.
@TheXed are you sure it is not a Empire?
@WeavingBird1917 well your decision which start screen you prefer then lol
Q: cannot delete files / folders in mounted drives

adi_rocksI have dual booted Win10 with ubuntu on it ubuntu on 2nd hdd partition table : /root /dev/sdb2 30gb /home /dev/sdb3 300gb /swap /dev/sdb4 8gb and ntfs drive /dev/sdb5 remaining but i am not able to delete files on ntfs volume with default account , can delete with root permissions nor c...

Thanks, I don't really mind which start screen it uses, as long as I don't have to see it for long lol.
Q: Relationship between the multiple possible configuration of domain name servers

Weijun ZhouThere are many (IMHO, too many) places to configure the DNS server(s) used and I am not sure about the relationship between them. A few questions are: Which configurations are only queried conditionally (For example, if I understand correctly, the systemd configuration is not queried if the corre...

Q: Counting a post's views

UnbesiegbarkeitIf someone visits a post many times, is it counted in the statistic of the post's view. I mean that two visits(of the same post) by one user are counted twice or once?

2 hours later…
@dessert We upvoted one another too much as we were bragging about our nifty answers in chat.
@Fabby and solely that gave cl >20k rep back then? that’s hard to believe. either way it’s not fair.
@fabby 1/2 a day and a company dinner to go and then it is 3 weeks off
Q: Better performance for music production using Wine or Windows-on-Virtualbox (on Linux host)

icarus74There are two applications that I have used and familiar with on Windows 7 and 10, and would like to use also on my new Desktop running Ubuntu (with lowlatency kernel), i.e. Guitar Rig 5, and FL-Studio Producer Edition 12.4 ! Apart from this, I have already started using Linux for some part of th...

why do people insist on using wine? :(((
cause they need a drink?
Also cause they don't want to run windows?
I think using wine is just fine as long as you don’t abuse it.
Hello and have a great day !
@PerlDuck I didn’t know env -i either, just searched for a way for the answer and found this:
Q: How to run a program in a clean environment in bash?

Eugene YarmashI want to run a program in an empty environment (i.e. with no envariables set). How to do this in bash?

also note Kusalananda’s answer there (great as always)
1 hour later…
Don't you just love it when you have a pile of boot-blocking configuration tied into a network card's logical name and then one day Ubuntu decides it's going to go from em1 to eno1.
@Oli the hell is em?
ethernet minterface?
Oh my. Five reboots and it held as eno1. Sixth and it went back to em1. I'm going to slay something.
@AmithKK Yeah, possibly my least favourite feature of Systemd.
Give me back my eth0, you big sphincter
could write yourself some udev rules ask.xmodulo.com/…
@Oli ehm you have a favourite feature of systemd? :D
the office suite, probably...
@oli sorry for the 2nd ping but you can force the nane here:
No I think I'll just submerge this server in magma if it happens again
The conspiracy theorist thinks this is somebody trying to get me to abandon my /etc/network/interfaces file for netplan.
Submerge it in magma? Wouldn't it be more fun to disconnect the fan on the heatsink and listen to it scream in agony as you run a speed benchmark?
@RobotHumans he wants a trip to Hawaii or Guatamala? :)
:) you might be right
since I stole 1/2 your answer have a +1 @pilot6 :D
@Rinzwind hello; I just wanted to thank you for helping out with my question
the file is now root access, though it's still not booting.
@heather your profile led me to area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/117670/… – you won a follower and two example questions :)
@dessert woo =) thanks!
@heather as a graduate of indo-european linguistics it’s a pleasure ;)
Q: manual pages of built .deb install on Debian but not Ubuntu

simbo1905I am testing out the build of a .deb package on different distributions using test-kitchen. The built .deb file installs the command to /usr/bin fine on both Debian and Ubuntu. My problem is that the man pages don't get installed on Ubuntu. The contents of the built .deb file on Ubuntu is: kitc...

@heather sorry to hear ... I am on route back home. Ill have another look later.
@Rinzwind thanks!
2 hours later…
Q: NEWBIE: I am getting an "integer expression expected" error

Sparks026#!/bin/bash # This script acts as a simple calculator for add, subtract, multiply and divide. echo "Kindly ENTER 'a' to select for addition" echo "Kindly ENTER 's' to select for subtraction" echo "Kindly ENTER 'm' to select for multiplication" echo "Kindly ENTER 'd' to select for division" read o...

2 hours later…
@vidarlo hi!
@vidarlo Hello
@vidarlo hey hey
Q: Opening gnuplot using a bash script file and then plotting a csv file

Harliquin26I'm new to gnuplot and scripting and having trouble plotting a csv file. I am trying to have a user that has a csv file have the ability to plot columns of his choice using gnuplot. This is what I have so far: echo "Welcome Let's get started" echo "Lets get started with the data set" echo "How...

@steeldriver Did you know we can run gnuplot files as a script: Just add #!/usr/bin/env gnuplot, make it +x, add all those set x=y statements, and then simply execute it.
or just gnuplot < whatever
@vidarlo Yes, but for endusers ./whatever might look more familiar.
yeah. Users. Ignore them!
Shamelessly stolen from Facebook
I'm running ssh -n user@host inotify ... from a systemd unit (i.e. in the background). When I kill the ssh process, the inotify keeps running on the other host :-( but I want it to stop as well. Anybody an idea?
@NathanOsman Which I shamelessly stole form reddit couple days ago chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/44994248#44994248 :p
Also, long time no see , Nathan ! How's life ?
@PerlDuck did you try SIGTERM?
Well, just kill $pid_of_ssh (that's SIGTERM by default). But the `inotify then keeps running on the other host and is reparented to pid=1.
A: killing a process on a remote machine when the machine is stuck

TechZillaIf your user started the process, and you only have access remotely, your options are limited. I would try remotely killing the processes, This may take some time to get queued! ssh -l $USER $HOSTNAME 'pkill -9 MATLAB' If this executes, but does not kill the running process. You could always ...

first kill the remote inotify process maybe?
(ssh might exit as well then)
probably I need to further investigate and then ask a proper question. killing inotify in advance is not an option b/c the ssh gets killed first when I do systemctl restart $unit.
Usually ssh -t ... inotifywait also kills the inotify process but that -t doesn't work when run in background.
also relevant:
Q: Does getting disconnected from an SSH session kill your programs?

fregasSo, say I get disconnected from an SSH-session after I've started rsync or cp or any other command that can be long running. Does that command keep running until it's finished after I get disconnected or does it just get killed? Always wondered this.

Ah, the first one might really be helpful. thank you. I'll try that next monday and will tell you.
I think my problem is the -n switch to ssh. it seems to be incompatible with -t
@PerlDuck Did you try it with -tt? Maybe you can use </dev/null instead of -n (stackoverflow.com/a/8107967/6164712)?
the background is: i've a systemd unit that monitors a directory on a remote host (via ssh -n … inotifywait). and when the unit is restarted, the ssh gets restarted but the inotify keeps running and eventually there are N+ inotify instances.
I'm not sure whether I tried -tt but likely I did.
< /dev/null is worth a try.
not sure whether I understood the manpage ;-) right, but it seems like < /dev/null is essentially what -n does
@PerlDuck why not run a simple script that allows for one inotify process only then?
Yes, that's what I understood as well (-n).
Yes, probably I need some kind of wrapper script on the remote host that cahtches the SIG and then kills the inotifywait.
…or killall inotify-whatever && inotify-whatever ;P
that’s dumb, but may work fine – I have to admit I never used inotify
won't work in my case because we have multiple local hosts all of which connect to one remote host and start an inotify instance there.
oh, ok – wrapper script it is then
don't care, @dessert. thank you for the links. i'll look at the first link from above and try that coproc thing. or a real wrapper. never mind.
@PerlDuck good luck :)
yes, thank you. if I get stuck, i'll post a real question. perhaps. usually my questions are sooo specific that they aren't of general interest.
watch -n1 'echo "-$(date -d1982-05-23 +%s)+$(date +%s)" | bc | numfmt --g'
substitute 1982-05-23 with your birthday and watch the seconds of your life cruelly tick away
dessert’s dark humor strikes again
@dessert Care to help me out here a bit ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I? Can help you? Are you sure?
@dessert Considering that you're using Ubuntu and I'm using Deepin right now - yes :) I need to know if Deepin Desktop environment is Ubuntu repositories. That is apt-cache search deepin
$ apt-cache search deepin
That was anticlimactic
$ apt-cache search deepin
dde-calendar - Deepin Calendar
dde-qt5integration - Qt5 theme integration for Deepin application
deepin-calculator - Calculator for DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment)
deepin-deb-installer - Deepin Package Manager
deepin-gettext-tools - Deepin Internationalization utilities
deepin-icon-theme - Icon Theme for Deepin software and Deepin Desktop Environment
deepin-image-viewer - Image Viewer for Deepin Desktop Environment
deepin-menu - Deepin menu service
deepin-movie - Deepin movie player
OK, that's a smarter way to go
on 18.04 proposed
deepin-deb-installer sounds promising, no?
Eh, there's some of Deepin apps in the repositories, but not the official desktop.
“Deepin Package Manager”
@dessert It's basically same as Software Center. GUI front end to dpkg
What I'm doing right now is setting up a PPA for a Deepin app. Problem is that I don't know which release to select, and they only have Ubuntu releases there
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy ok – guess you’re right, no “full DE” package
Default distribution series:
I guess I'll just tick all of them ?
precise is EOL, no?
@Videonauth not for everybody, no
trusty will be EOL next year somewhen
@dessert ah yes the extended version (paid)
Google says Precise EOL last year
@Videonauth exactly
April 2019 it is
sigh . . . so what do I do now then ?
xenial is 16.04, trusty is 14.04 bionic is 18.04
but between those versions are relative big changes in the dirrectory structure
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy well, you should test the app on every single one of these releases and select the ones where it runs :)
@dessert Install all releases and then try to install Deepin desktop on all of them ??? @_@
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy vm shrug
VMs aren't the problem, patience and time are.
For the record, I'm just whining I'm tired today.
just saying… yes, select all of them.
Hi all, I have a selfish request, I would like to occupy an expert's 10 mins of time to understand the chain: kernel to systemd/udevd to networkd to netplan
@Rinzwind -^
Rinzwind enjoys systemd :D
I aint here :=)
had a 14 hour workday so I am beat
this is going to be hard... I have vague concept of what things are, I don't know what's missing, I don't need to know things at pin point accuracy, but I still want to see some pseudo code on config files and how "API"s are called
@eliu Really depends on each API and what sort of config file you're working with, so yeah...it's a little broad of a topic
When a computer is booted up, Does ubuntu kernel load driver to NIC card in its ram-temp-disk? or Does ubuntu load driver as "modules" later on? what I am asking is, is NIC driver stored in the kernel in /boot? or is it in "module" folder
Good question . . .
@dessert so I just built package for Xenial. Doesn't matter anyway, because you can add other versions PPA into your system even if it's older or newer version. All built, seems to be fine, but I forgot to make the main executable, well . . .executable . . . gotta remember to chmod +x before git push
user image
@TheWanderer bootn't
Ship . . . . I also forgot to include UI for About dialog into debian package.
oh cool
add-apt-repository does the apt update for you now
@TheWanderer don't tell me the note 4 is bricked :D
iz gud
I have it factory reset and everything
made sure it boots
Magisk should be installed, but it might be in some wonky state, because it does do stuff in /data
which I wiped
worse comes to worst you'll have to download and flash Magisk through TWRP

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