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@lazyPower you around?
350 questions in the last day, time to get psyched!
@JacobJohanEdwards :) I would be more psyched if most of them weren't dupes or bugs
The trick is to refuse to accept the truth.
I take your point
On the bright side, I figured out what -->I<-- was doing wrong that was making my push to launchpad bork...so good day for me
Oh, you develop Launchpad? I once tried to submit a patch, but the codebase is... um, "intricate"?
No sir...I don't develop launchpad. I pushed a package to launchpad
Oh. Well that's good too.
And less painful.
I'm currently adding the /usr/bin links to my first launchpad ppa and trying to package the thinkorswim software for a private repo and trying to sell TD Amer on the fact that it would be a good idea for me to maintain it, so it can be a software center install
hi @ChanHoSuh
hi aking1012
@JacobJohanEdwards btw if we're on fighting/bodybuilding motivation videos I like this one: youtube.com/watch?v=pKOv4B93JNk
@aking1012 kinda
whats up?
if you want to test that lens toggler thing, there's only one relevant file here: https://github.com/aking1012/lenstoggle/blob/master/LensToggle/LensToggle/Toggler.py

has to be run as root(gksu), but I'm still tweaking the PPA package to add a shortcut in /usr/bin so ...
works for me, but i'm trying to get feedback
Right on, after i finish this dungeon crawl i'll take a look
hi @jokerdino
hi @aking1012
anyone here use VLC?
So I thought VLC came with pretty much all the major codecs I would run into... but strangely, there are a few files that will not play at all. Do you know how I can identify how they are encoded? Preferably there is some way of doing it without installing some more programs like mplayer (yes...it's great, but I don't have it installed... and I"m already annoyed I had to install Totem just to get a quicktime browser plugin)
if you don't have ffmpeg for that you should
ffmpeg -i filename will dump all the codec/stream/container information
hm... "Invalid data found when processing input."
I guess that might explain it. I have my doubts, but I guess I'll move on for now :-)
Thanks for your help!
Is there a way I can use Empathy to chat with a random person off the Internet? http://askubuntu.com/questions/127435/is-there-a-way-i-can-use-empathy-to-chat-with-a-random-person-off-the-internet?atw=1 #empathy
incidentally, when I run ffmpeg I get a message saying it's deprecated and I should use avconv instead.
yeah. there has been some talk about that. i can't see dumping the ffmpeg name just to switch maintainers
Apparently ubuntu.com is listing AU as the "last line of defense" fallback for all help items
Say, I can't seem to find any question about changing the size of icons for indicators on Unity panel
Which is weird because I'm 90% sure the question should've already been asked before, I just can't seem to find it
@YiJiang It's in the Accessibility section. Thought I saw a question about it somewhere...
@JacobJohanEdwards at least be happy that other modes of support aren't even mentioned.. (like forums, IRC, Launchpad answers, etc.)
Uh, nope. Just checked universal access in the system settings, doesn't seem to have anything related to panel indicator icon sizes
@YiJiang i don't know any working method to change the icons on indicators.
There is a font size option, which I thought should be in appearances
@YiJiang Doesn't changing font size scale them?
As for font, the logic is that people with poor eyesight are the primary interested party
Does it? I'll try
i think it does.
It changes the font size, but the icons remains unchanged
Universal access > Text size > larger
Ah, sorry
it appears to make it look weird... :/
The icons remain unchanged for me too
@jokerdino I think (and this will make other comunities mad) that we are the only good docmentation source for Ubuntu problems. That said, we are not (yet) a good source for ALL Ubuntu problems.
That's not quite the same. I'm talking about Unity panel indicators
I think Canonical has really been pushing Ask Ubuntu. I noticed Ask Ubuntu when I was installing the Oneiric iso. But if you've been using Ubuntu for a longer time I think you're not as aware of the site. I have a friend that's been using Ubuntu since day one, and he's always used Ubuntu forums. When I showed him Ask Ubuntu, he was amazed, especially by how quick the responses were.
So nobody has asked that question? I think I'll ask it then
@YiJiang unity panel? that's an easy one, it's in both gconf and myunity
@JacobJohanEdwards yeah we are still growing.
and appearance
@YiJiang sure ask the question
@aking1012 unity top panel eh?
@aking1012 The top one, with the indicators on the top right corner, not Unity launcher
@jokerdino the top panel is what i referenced before, but he said not same
@aking1012 That question was about gnome classic panel
the one you referenced before was indicator applets.
not sure how similar they are
maybe i'm not seeing the difference...but okay
I'm quite sure gnome-panel and unity-panel are two different things
A: How to resize the top panel in Unity?

TreviñoFor 12.04: Yes, now you can. Unfortunately you can't do it by options or theming (even if adding a more CCSM option would be trivial), but you can easily change the plugins/unityshell/PanelStyle.cpp's panel_height property, setting it to a value you want. See: The only thing that doesn't "ma...

The last line of the answer contains the answer - rebuild Unity from source, since icon size is hard coded into the Unity source code
@ChanHoSuh how quick the responses?? BTW, the reason Ask Ubuntu is listed is because of this
@YiJiang lol someone has to make a gsettings schema for that.
Quite a lot of unanswered questions.. askubuntu.com/unanswered/tagged/12.04?tab=newest
@YiJiang what i was getting at is that if there were a way to specify the size of indicator applets, the different WMs should both honor it
@aking1012 Ah, I see
@jokerdino thanks for the link. Haha, you don't think AU is fast? In any case, my friend managed to get several very technical questions answered within a day (in one case, within 30 minutes or so) so he was very happy. He calls Ask Ubuntu an instant answer machine -- but yeah, I think he got a bit lucky there.
I've had questions die in the forums though... not even one response. I think that's rarer here, although I don't have much experience for comparison.
it probably has to do with the smaller pool of questions compared to the forums.
and a much easier way to review incoming questions as well
One thing I'm liking about the site is the UI. Every time I log into Ubuntu forums, it's so painful....
you are dead right
Hello all
@jokerdino, now I finished reading your link :-) Given my last comment, perhaps it's not surprising I agree with what the slideshow maintainer said.
amith@amith-desktop:~$ cp /media/copy\ of\ E/sonic\ 1/*.wad ./.srb2/
@ChanHoSuh yeah Ask Ubuntu has a much cleaner interface.
@YiJiang Thanks for your work with editing. Much appreciated.
Huh, it's not going to be long before I can vandalize the site.
Hey @Gigili :D
Hey @AmithKK.
@Gigili You know whats up with @StefanoPalazzo?
@AmithKK Fortunately not, I left him. And he selected his laptop as his new girlfriend.
somehow i am not surprised :D
Hi people! good morning
@Gigili Good morning @Prasad
@wisemonkey We now follow UGT
@wisemonkey 0:37 technically it's morning
ohh well wateva morning peeps
I like it
good (UGT) morning
I had to reinstall ubuntu and not going to install that nvidia drivers!!!!!!!
We should ask the mods to add that to the topic
@AmithKK ?
@Gigili Yeah Sorry :D
Wrong Button
@wisemonkey Yeah
@AmithKK Ah no problem.
@Prasad i seriously doubt you HAD to re-install. i have an answer on this very site for removing the nvidia binary driver without entering the gui
@aking1012 Done any work on the null lens ?
@aking1012 jockey-text?
ohh u r saying u had to reinstall Ubuntu to remove Nvidia drivers?? :-o
@AmithKK I finished the lens toggler without the blackhole lens and askubuntu.com/questions/124878/…
@Prasad --^
@aking1012 sorry bro, i've messed up, I installed XBMC, gnome3, CCSM,Audacity,audacious, and bla bla bla, it's not the drivers but I like fresh ones, they make me happy for couple of days :-)
Okiedoke. It was still a new enough install that you didn't lose much
yes that's it, but i got the previous ROOT disk (Wubi root file) safely :-)
don't get me started on wubi
do you guys know how to change login screen resolution (lighdm)?
resolution? it should be same as ur desktop
hey @aking1012 I got site working from other day over at localhost/admin
@aking1012 sorry, I got a bad experience with the real one :-(
thats https : // localhost / admin
you so funny
@wisemonkey but mine is just 640*480 on lightdm and 1440*900 on desktop?
@Prasad man wubi installer seriously suffers
@wisemonkey Is it? why?
ohh then maybe ur Nvidia driver not being activated before login
cause anything happens to windows (almost the case every few weeks) ur Ubuntu OS is a goner
@aking1012 now the issue is I can't get the same page on my internal network
internal IP of server
@wisemonkey mmm that's a good reason! windows is great (without the internet connection)
depending on how it's set up, localhost will only listen on or all local interfaces. i've seen both
if I access it from say I receive "too long to respond"
frankly I didn't setup anything its kolab default installation through openpkg
and couldn't get much info about getting it through network :-/
is that from the local box or through your vpn thingie?
bye guys, heavy rain on the roof, may fall down :-)
@jokerdino How so?
night UGT prasad
@Prasad: yea that true
ohh thats from local box
so evidently it's not listening on
443 <-- https (there is nothing on 80)
do an lsof -i | grep 443 and see what comes out(you may have to install lsof)
its there not in env path though
lsof is there? it hasn't been default in ubuntu for a WHILE
idk why not
ohh centOS (ubuntu is not allowing kolab setup to finish so I've centOS in VBox)
ahh okay
anyways I get 10 results - 9 belongs to user kolab-n and 1 belongs to root
and what interfaces are they listening on? * or
but everything says TYPE = IPv6 ??
er. there's your problem
@wisemonkey problem
so I need to make it to listen to IPv4 ?
and how? :-/
i haven't ever used kolab, but that's def what you need to do
ohh okie will check on those forums (way too less traffic :P )
@Gigili i saw it coming :P
Is this good?
@AmithKK it's my understanding it's a really well organized and proofed askubuntu book
I could be wrong though...that's the impression I got from talking to @jrg . I may have misinterpreted though
@jokerdino A predictor, eh? Good.
@AmithKK I suppose I misunderstood him, it looks like a zero to running primer
Thats the idea
ok now, time to fish up that script you sent over
so i just nuked my .mozilla folder. :S
@jokerdino You did what?
@lazyPower yeah, it's written pretty cleanly. should be easy to understand
@YiJiang I deleted it.
May I ask why?
@jokerdino - i suppose you enjoy starting from scratch?
Q: Updated to 12.04 and now It does not work!

BryceI just upgraded to 12.04 and now it will not work. I can get into the desktop but at that point nothing works including keyboard so I can't use the terminal or mouse. What do I do to get it working again.

Some 300 MB data :S
The vaguest question ever?
@YiJiang @lazyPower I hope XMarks have them synced somewhere..
@jokerdino You could just clear the browser cache
yeah.. just hope I don't have to regret. :/
BRB, lunch time. :)
looks sharp @aking1012 - you're checking states and then enabling/disabling based on events defined... somewhere else.
still need to add an about box, a help/how to use me box, and a 'you are not root, you will not be able to apply and changes' dialog
holy god...thinkorswim launches 70 threads, that's right 70
How do I switch from GNOME to Unity after an upgrade? http://askubuntu.com/questions/127492/how-do-i-switch-from-gnome-to-unity-after-an-upgrade?atw=1 #unity
Q: 12.04 upgrade not working

Nigel LaceyHelp! I have upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 but it doesn't pick up the keyboard so I cannot type in my login keyring password to do anything. I have tried a spare USB keyboard but this is not picked up either. Any if I put a USB stick in the menu comes up and I can open and edit a document - keyboa...

Sounds exactly like the question above
The one I posted. Except of course they are so vague they can be caused by any number of things
dude, i'm loving having the s3 repositories in my sources.list
this is the best repo response times i've ever seen
yeah, i've heard it's pretty epic. and the adaptive caching means that when load gets heavier responses get faster(counter-intuitive i know)
how is that counter-intuitive?
or were you being sarcastic? :P
@lazyPower load gets heavier and response time gets better is counterintuitive...adaptive cacheing being the explanation
@AmithKK yes amit, we all browse 9gag and 4chan
ah, ok i took it out of context -- i was like "what about cached scaling do we not understand?"
i swear, D&D is rotting my brain
...and those of us that don't browse there, do not browse there for a reason :-p
i see how you could have read it that way though
@AmithKK lmao
anyways guys good UGT night
i'ld like to be able to import my on stylesheets into answers so i could do a terminal look for terminal commands
cya @wisemonkey
@wisemonkey ugt night
@aking1012 solarised?
Q: Install in gui in server from desktop cd

VallaPlease help me I have very low internet speed in my home I need to install gui in ubuntu server edition with out the need of net I have ubuntu desktop cd along with ho to do it

Is he asking how to install the server edition of Ubuntu from a desktop edition Live CD without an internet connection?
@YiJiang if you are hunting for vague questions, you will get depressed. Very fast.
the most vague ones always contain please help or caps yelling
or fully on small caps, without any sort of punctuations
but what I do like is most of them are all appropriately tagged.
small caps and no punctuation seems much more common than all caps yelling
i would prefer no caps and very little punctuation
well, that's more standard amongst a lot of people now, and most people, I think, know all caps is "yelling". The problem is when someone doesn't realize that in certain contexts, such as in asking for technical help, it's important to clearly delineate sentence structures and use precise terms....
i'm more careful about it in questions than answers. end thought tends to be a whitespace break on the page
for example, would you ever email a professor using AOL speak?
certainly not, but i wouldn't give it a second thought if the response was not well formed sentence structures
Nonetheless, such emails are pretty common.
Q: How do I get Aero Snap in Unity 2D?

ShibumiI really miss the "Aero Snap" window snapping feature present in Unity 3D. Is there any way I can get it, or an alternative to it, in Unity 2D?

Does this still apply in 12.04? As in, does the newfangled stuff still not work with Unity 2D?
Nope. doesn't work
*(posting this just so i could load to the last message later)*
*(hates posting the same thing each day. someone find an alternate solution)*
You can
It works
There is no snap in Unity-2d
@jokerdino What is the name of the package that has hud?
Because I just looked at this question:
Q: Can I get back the maximize animation-like utility 12.04 LTS

SantiagoActually I don't know what to call it, but I will try to explain myself. What I want to get back is that useful thing (at least for me), when dragging windows to the upper Ubuntu bar, they maximized automatically. I must have done something to the behavior of that thing because now I can't do tha...

It's tagged , and he's saying that it used to work but not anymore
Which is odd since that feature never had worked with Unity 2D
You could
I remember you can use compiz with unity 2d
@YiJiang he probably tried in Unity and forgot he is using 2d now
You need a different profile
for compiz
Excuse me
Suggesting a different WM.
@YiJiang 4 more edits and I get a proofreader badge :)
Good news everyone. Most of the browser history and bookmarks have been stored in Xmarks and Firefox sync.
2d doesent start
I have to hold Alt to invoke HUD right?
tap I think
Hold is for traditional menu
Q: Can't upgrade due to 404 error

AlexThe upgrade is successfully started, but then got this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found [IP: 80] ... The Internet connection is fine. When I simply open that URL in browsed I still get 404. How can I get thr...

Isn't dapper an ancient Ubuntu release?
Google says 6.06
Yeah. I found that weird as well.
amith@amith-desktop:~/Desktop$ unity-2d-panel
unity-2d-panel: [DEBUG] Scanning panel plugin directory "/usr/lib/unity-2d/plugins/panel"
unity-2d-panel: [DEBUG] Loading panel plugin: "/usr/lib/unity-2d/plugins/panel/libpanelplugin-appindicator.so"
unity-2d-panel: [DEBUG] Loading panel plugin: "/usr/lib/unity-2d/plugins/panel/libpanelplugin-appname.so"
unity-2d-panel: [DEBUG] Loading panel plugin: "/usr/lib/unity-2d/plugins/panel/libpanelplugin-indicator.so"
unity-2d-panel: [DEBUG] Loading panel plugin: "/usr/lib/unity-2d/plugins/panel/libpanelplugin-legacytray.so"
@jokerdino I responded to one where there was a jaunty reference...nowhere near as bad as dapper, but still - lucid was LTS and it would be nearing EOL if they hadn't extended LTS support
HUD is not bad
@aking1012 Maverick (which was after Lucid) is EOL already. And jaunty? :S
back to XFCE time
agreed, i was more pointing at an lts going "best case, this is as far back in time as we can go"
yeah. you are right.
And now that 12.04 is supported for 5 years, it is a little tough on people.
@AmithKK HUD is cool :P
i turn HUD off. it bothers me that it interferes with Left-Alt window dragging and i have to move my hand across the keyboard
i need to get my CDO under control i guess
i don't drag my windows much.
i use lots of widget/screenlet/borderless window stuff, so it's really necessary for me
It is OCD, no matter what.
@jokerdino no it's CDO...all alphabetized like it should be
I see what you did there..
Hm, that's strange. I didn't spot the difference for a moment.
the human brain reorganizes letters to form words subconsciously
Anyway, if you keep your computer highly organized, that's considered ok. If you do it with your socks, then you're OCD.
... i'm ocd :|
@lazyPower were you ever military? that'll do it to you
i regularly, twice a year pitch all my socks and buy brand new packs so its easy to pair them.
I learned recently of a show called "hoarders". So my first thought was, yeah I know some hoarders... they never delete anything! But it turns out it's only a disorder if it's like pieces of paper or something... virtual items don't count.
@aking1012 only if you count playing CoD as being in the military.
does not count
definitely doesn't count!
although i hear the airforce is recruiting UAV pilots based on flight simulators...last starfighter anyone?
haha, love that movie
that was a great movie
everyone. keep calm and stay alert. We have a @HackToHell here.
Why @jokerdino ?? !!
@jokerdino --^
@ChanHoSuh Answer as a comment to make sure he doesn't have a corner case thing going.
I wonder what just happened to me.
Who knows?
@ChanHoSuh right, it's alone the list of plugins and fonts that hold a lot of information. add "ubuntu" to that and you're screwed. it's like walking through the streets, wearing a unicorn costume and screaming "free hugs", hoping no one will notice you. :D
good morning!
@aking1012 you probably know: i just need to do "apt-get source linux-image-...-generic" to get the complete ubuntu kernel source, right? need to test a patch for cherrypicking, but actually never patched an ubuntu kernel. :-o
apt-get source linux-image is usually enough for me. if you just want to build against the kernel linux-headers is enough. those are pseudo-packages that map to the latest installed kernel
woohoo, thanks! :-)
the patch should fix gpu hangs with google earth and hopefully another program that keeps killing my system.
i hope it works out for you...really. nothing quite as irritating a weird gpu based hangs
looking at that lowlevel code makes me feel like a total noob. :)
it does that to all of us. no one person wrote the whole thing though. when you keep that in mind, you don't feel as bad
don't look at the bitesize bugs :)
super tab stopped working Unity-2d :(
@jokerdino i like working on problems that affect me though
fair enough
bah, building the ubuntu kernel takes ages
not as long as rebuilding a full freebsd system from sources...
or dist-upgrading with almost all packages installed :D
that too, that too
So jokerdino was talking about questions with 'please help' or all-caps, earlier... this guy might have a good excuse for the all-caps: askubuntu.com/a/127542/43660
lol seems legit.
Hi my heros!
@AmithKK :P
Where do you guys feed yourself with linux knowledge?
You want my Google Reader feed?
@Prasad The mighty Dollar screen
@jokerdino 9Ue55 WH@? 1 f0uNd 4 LEe75PeEk 9eneRE470r, n0W 70 ch4N9E 4lL 7eH KwE5710N2 70 m47Ch 7h12 NeW 57YLE :D
@Prasad Out feeds :D
hhaha funny, but I'm serious
> Guess what? I found a leetspeak generator, now the channel will the match the new style :D
guess what? i found a leetspeak genereator, now to change all the questions to match this new style :D
dear lord, don't!
unless you found a translator.
Access Denied (content_filter_denied)

Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Adult/Mature Content;Blogs/Personal Pages"
Censored :'(
@Prasad mind how you are saying things
@Prasad I read a lot of documentation and have strong Google-Fu
This is a moderated channel @Prasad
sorry, I apologize

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