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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@jrg be glad it's not like the chuck meme that was on planet ubuntu :P
Q: What's the deal with all these Chuck montages?

Octavian DamieanPlanet Ubuntu is full of hilarious Chuck montages. Here two examples: Why is that? How did Chuck become an Ubuntu meme? Note: This question is not meant to be a Chuck montage collection. It is a real question!

hi @ajmitch
o/ @lazyPower
o/ @aking1012
@lazyPower Welcome to Launchpad!
@lazyPower so progress on the lens app, but it requires writing a black-hole lense
I do this thing... for the greater good of humanity....... and for the charms... and the promise of pizza.
@GeorgeEdison I just got my first confirmed bug the other day....kind of a corner case, but most UI issues are
@lazyPower i lolled hard at the promise of pizza
i'll do just about anything for a good pizza
So, i got sucker punched (metaphorically speaking) today by a co-worker for publishing about ZSH and VIM over the weekend.
sucker punches always suck...but you open yourself to it every time you speak
"Isn't that all subjective anyway? You're talking to a non audience when you publish things like that" i retorted "Isn't that kind of the point of subjective writing? You pick a topic, describe it to the best of your ability and release it into the wild?"
his response was something non-intelligent that involved curse words and an immediate defense mechanism. So I promptly pulled his last test-record from Jenkins and made him suck it up and fix his failing tests.
ahh the joys of being a boss
I consider sucker punches to be the fleas of the IT world. They seem to be everywhere, and they're really annoying. In 1000 years, who's gonna care?
Oh the whole point behind the story was more the "I stayed focus and got the last laugh because I'm in a seat of authority" vs the "defend your stupid argument"
misdirection, works every time.
I personally am too pig-headed to abandon the argument, but I take your point
Well, considering there was an immediate defensive stance and curse words used, i figured the argument was moot. Dont get me wrong I cuss like a sailor too - but when it comes to attacking on the merit of value, its kind of important to keep your "dukes up" and "temper down" - or so i was told by my pappy
@ajmitch Hehe.
@jrg - any experience in converting markdown to PDF?
@lazyPower Some limited experience.
I wrote a script that did that, but I don't think I still have it. Let me grep
i'm looking at using Pandoc and ConTeXt
right on
If you dont have one, I may just drop a quick and dirty markdown to HTML processor and then save the resulting HTML as a PDF
Yeah, I can't find mine.
But I think thats more or less how I solved it last time anyway.
/me wishes there was an empathy plugin for stackchat
I agree. that or some kind of CLI interface
^---or that
It would be nice to just [screen|byobu] it and port it between all my screens depending on whats occupied. As it stands right now stack is always off to my far right, distracting me from whats directly in front of me.
Convinced someone has or will write a CLI interface for libempathy with all the magic it gives you
There is finch, the cli version of pidgin.
Console junkies like us? nahhh neverrrr
@jrg its official. I'm turning into a ruby nazi
@lazyPower Nice.
Liking it that much huh?
I was at work today thinking to myself "This dependency hell would be made much nicer with bundler..."
@lazyPower have you seen/do you have a link for the WAT of ruby rod from that destroyallsoftware video? I'm thinking about making it a you should never see this icon
Are you using rvm, rbenv or the system ruby?
Ruby Rod? i tuess i missed it.
Ah, good for you.
I haven't gotten really deep into it yet, but i'm starting TDD with rspec
I personally use minitest or Test::Unit, but rspec isn't bad either.
rspec as a human readable test format, and it can generate documentation straight from your tests? thats straight baller.
i'm all about multi-purpose tools
Which is why i chose GIT as my SCM -- just sayin. its the chainsaw disguised as a swiss army knife.
found it http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg183/carve037/wat_fifthelement.jpg
And I'm getting on the unit testing bandwagon at least on the python side
@jrg did you see the WAT video?
@lazyPower I haven't.
live it up man, its the best 3 minutes you'll spend staring at your screen today
ucanhazfanz besides me
two stars...i'm not the only fan
Oh, i didnt even notice it got stared, haha
woo climbin the pin board this week \o/ been a while since i did that.
hold on
thank you for making me watch that @lazyPower
:D Glad to be of service @jrg. Gary is awesome
i dare you to run around for the next 2 days NOT wat'ing everything.
Indeed he is, I can only hope that eventually I can get my screencasts up to his level of quality.
that's a dq of what I think lp meant
@aking1012 i finally broke down today and WAT'd the crap out of my office.
Everything today, yielded in a preliminary WAT
I'm waiting for the ruby code that yields a thread named officestuff and produces puts "WAT" then returns to thread execution
Thats made of win
Uh oh
jorge opened a ticket for review of my charm
That's not so good
I tend to consider Jorge maximum arbiter in my arena atm
Its going to be my first set of constructive critcism toward the charm. It can only get better from here
completely valid
@jrg: I have a couple of questions about 2buntu.
@GeorgeEdison go ahead and ask
Actually, they're not really questions, but observations.
I noticed that the jQuery syntax highlighting plugin is broken.
...and StackAd's little popup is broken.
The jQuery.Syntax plugin is active, so.... it's rather odd that it isn't working.
Actually, jQuery is completely broken across the entire site it seems.
Let me check something.
hi @GeorgeEdison just being polite and shutting up
It's minified and the name obscured so I'm having trouble determining exactly what it is.
let me pull up exactly what that is.
I'm getting 3 JavaScript errors in the error console (on the home page).
One seems to be partially related to the syntax highlighting plugin... but I'm not 100% certain yet.
So that entire thing is all the javascript, moved into one file and then minified.
Ah, so that leads to one small problem.
Let me turn off the caching for a few moments so you can figure out if its related to the caching plugin or not.
The problem is that if there is a bug in any of the scripts, the entire thing stops executing.
That explains why jQuery's broken.
oh, that makes sense.
ok, disabled all JS minification.
and there are no errors that I see.
Ah, it works now.
Nice. :)
Short, sweet and simple. Just the way its supposed to be.
Can you answer this? Change default 'Print to File' settings http://askubuntu.com/questions/118860/change-default-print-to-file-settings?atw=1 #printing
webkit is such a versatile tool, i'm honestly impressed at how much its popping up in projects.
@lazyPower loves me some webkit
CherryPy + webkit == simplest UI EVER
I nearly have this PDF generator working how i want it
i can pass in CSS files to style the generated markdown. I think i'm going to take a modified blueprint framework and build out a company letter head on it and start building the offical docs we send to affiliates with this script
so much easier to whip out a markdown file than it is to do this in word :|
I know CSS is kind of broken, but it's also kind of master of the universe for simple styling
And, I've borked this black hole python unity lens so many times it's not even funny...
It's getting closer to...let's call it right
Incremental versions of "almost right" lead to an amazing version of "Hey its doing what its supposed to!"
I'm having lots of facepalm moments though...
Yeah. This is true. I am almost there
Heh, i just reset all of my arrow keys to vim plugin toggles
and my buddy who is in a TMUX session right now is like, freaking out -- i just assumed he was using hjkl to navigate
/me has a deep seeded something for vim and it's not a love. not against vim users, it's just not for me
Simply stated, it really isn't for everybody
i like yank and put, but that's about where it stops
it took me the better part of a year to learn to use it correctly. I had to fight every ingraned UX idea I had, and once i embraced what vim was wanting me to do all along, it really is a slick and fast editor.
now, i'm kind of sad that I cant find a decent VI mode plugin for VisStu :|
Hello all
hi amit
@aking1012 Heya
over that stomach bug yet?
@aking1012 Probably
@lazyPower Where can I find this dotfiles repository?
:4172568 Done, thanks :D
have I mentioned that whoever wrote singlet is officially awesome?
Simplifies my current universe by a metric ton: mhall119.com/2012/01/…
singlet state, in theoretical physics, a quantum state with zero spin
@lazyPower Do you know how to enable solarised for xfce4-terminal?
@lazyPower simplicity is my master and I will server no other ;0
i want to undo that last star and star that one @aking1012... DRAT
@AmithKK nope. I've never used XFCE outside of some micro distro who's name i forget thats not xubuntu
I only used it as a workaround until my gnome settings worked right. Now I'm complete on 12.04
I'm not that sold on solarized. its hard on my eyes
I like the dark theme for IDEs. I'm glad aptana put it in to pydev without my asking so I don't need to set a global theme. (lots of websites don't honor default text color)
i still havent found a color scheme i'm happy with in vim
if I loved this playlist any more it would be a crime youtube.com/… btw, it baffles me when I ask for a donate link and my comment is stuck in moderation status
it would be as simple as grep donation respond "here's the link xyz " stick in moderation
Pulled them up on RDIO, giving it a listen
they're pretty awesome
Is there any good bandwidth monitors on ubuntu?
@lazyPower ultranumb is one of my faves...but they also have high roller and some others
@AmithKK ntop
A graphical one which shows how much MB's or GB's of bandwidth I went through is what I require :D
@AmithKK gkrellm had some bandiwidth monitors built into it, but it looks super long in the tooth these days. Why not setup conky to do so?
seems like a fairly simple task
Im on LXDE now
@AmithKK what you ask is unpossible
@jrg You made a small error in the Google Docs Swag Form :D
You made it private
Has anyone installed Linux on an Xbox360?
If so any suggestions...?
no...install it on a PS3 if you're going that route. It's linux if you're going that route.
My neighbor is giving me spare parts and when I looked I have enough to build an entire unit
So going with the PS3 is out of the question as Free is good
you're asking for a different thing than you're doing. just my opinion. install on xbox is kind of like saying "let's take proprietary hardware from vendor X and hope it works". I'm done for a while. Have a nice one guys
later @aking1012
@daslinkard - its been done but its not a fun process. The boot loader on the XBox360 is a pain.
i'm not saying it cant be done, but it takes more effort than its worth. Set aside a weekend and read all the tutorials you can find, and try to match your 360's serial with a version. Go from there. That's all the constructive advice I can really give, nothing that you probably haven't already thought of.
@aking1012 cya
@aking1012 I wanted to tell you thank you....you helped me the other night in trouble shooting my CD-Rom drive
turns out it was the drive....it was bad....replaced it tonight and now I'm in business
@lazyPower thanks for the advice
@daslinkard I wasn't trying to be rude just pointing out the dichotomy of what you were asking
@aking1012 I didn't take it that way at all...
I'm just trying to grasp things without sounding too much like an idiot....Linux is still new to me but I want to do well.
Night all.
Q: Futex stuck problem , strace log attached

warl0ckSometimes a java based program doesn't start , it stuck for minutes and start again. (It's not a network related program) I tried strace , and it stuck on futex , and nothing further is displayed. Has anyone ever experienced this problem , how to solve it ? OS: Ubuntu 11.10 / Linux kernel 3....

The Mystery of the Vanishing Disk Space http://askubuntu.com/questions/120558/the-mystery-of-the-vanishing-disk-space?atw=1 #diskusage
@GeorgeEdison Good Night
@AmithKK 'lo
@BlueXrider Heya :D
whats up..........you are..
@BlueXrider Fine :D
good, what do'n here
I spy....
@AmithKK R U still cleaning up
@BlueXrider I'm taking rest
good 4 U
I had some stomach problems and fever till day-before-yesterday
yuck, I hate that stuff
'lo @fossfreedom
2 hours later…
Running a script after the gui has loaded http://askubuntu.com/questions/120645/running-a-script-after-the-gui-has-loaded?atw=1 #gnome
Gens is not reading Sonic CD
1 hour later…
no Internet for more than a day.
@aking1012 Yes, I think your tone doesn't reflect that of the site... It sounds a little too much like IRC :)
@Greg edited to nice it up a bit
Well, makes sense to me so I give it +1
@jokerdino - just to say thanks ... you are "on fire" with your cleanup!
Thanks boss. I just got bored a little bit. :D
@fossfreedom hi
hi there
I will prolly take a break for now. :)
in Programmers, 5 mins ago, by Greg
I'm experimenting with creating my own language, I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some feedback while it's in its early stages, and leave a comment on G+. Thanks!
@aking1012 +1'ed.
ty, I wasn't looking for a +1 really, I know you can see what it used to look like. I got the that's not nice I needed to friendly it up a bit
The +1 is to show you that that was a decent answer.
I think I might just go over and finish off today's flags.
Just about another 20 flags remaining.
Or just go and have my dinner.
@Rinzwind could you improve your instructions for this answer? http://askubuntu.com/questions/120628/ifconfig-command-ifconfig-is-available-in-sbin-ifconfig
it's a bit vague what to do.
@Greg looks very ruby-ish. Or maybe more like python.
I'm not sure.
@jrg yeah a bit like Python with indentation blocks
but the point is that it handles JSON natively
Just trying to get a bit of exposure on G+ so I can get some feedback
dunno how easy it is... don't use G+ that much so I'm not in many people's circles
@Greg I had luck with pushing out an article for someone with a name. It got lots of tweets.
and a little mezzo-mezzo reddit activity
@aking1012 what do you mean someone with a name?
I mean that I am relatively unknown so if I tweet nobody reads it, but if infosecinstitute tweets it people read it. Make sense?
@jrg \o
Hello all
o/ @AmithKK
@aking1012 ah yeah I get you. Well maybe you could help me get a little exposure with a +1 from you and @jrg?
@aking1012 Heya :D
@Greg I'm not horribly popular on G+
but it's interesting so +1 done
@Greg Sure thing. I'm not popular, but its interesting.
I'll put you in my ubuntu circle, @aking1012
@aking1012 Adding you
@aking1012 Whats your name
@AmithKK do I have you in my circle? I don't think so - can't see you name or avatar
The adventures in python dbus one.
@jrg :P
@AmithKK no, really. :P
@Greg Dont think so
@AmithKK --^
If you google the same thing you should get there...the aking1012.com thing is on packetstorm. It's basically public knowledge
@aking1012 Added you
I think I've got everyone on here now, you can get to my profile from plus.g105b.com
@AmithKK hasn't shown up yet, but I'm confident it will
@aking1012 there seems to be a lag on G+ for some reason, maybe they screen things? They are Google after all
that's cache-ing not screening ;)
@jrg I saw there's an askubuntu lens, do you have any thoughts on a blackhole lens? basically instead of my rename hack, I'm replacing all the .lens files that are "turned off" with a blackhole lens that always return null
I found some bugs in my rename approach, but the package will be available soon enough and I'll add it to that question
I want to see this. :P
It'll be on github and maybe a PPA. This other guy did some killer work that's making it easy for me. Check it: mhall119.com/2012/01/…
I asked for a donate link, but I'm stuck in 'moderator must approve' mode
@aking1012 Nice Idea
;) that's not exactly the idea. i thought i would have some mod fanboys due to the screenshot help
happyhardcore remix of castlevania, yes please...
I am back after dinner.
@jokerdino welcome back
I feel so sleepy now. :/
@jokerdino Welcome back
it'll pass
I guess.
If anyone wants to circle me on G+, please feel free to do so.
that star gets a WAT from me
I was wondering the same thing. Sure I am funny, but that star is a mockery at my face.
that wat gets a star from me.
that way is much more star-able
I approve of that wat
/me doesn't like jrg as much atm
it'll pass
... thats not cool. :P
4 stars?!
I do not approve of @aking1012's message :D
@Greg did it
it's a reciprocation of an earlier i don't like you right now message earlier, not meant as offense
@amith I am expecting you to do an Open week talk about Ask ubuntu :P
heh. I don't like you either. So be careful, or you'll be dead. ;)
@jrg @AmithKK how come it takes so long for the +1s to show?
(star wars FTW!)
@jrg +1
@Greg Google is... finicky all the time.
@Greg Google Is like that
@AmithKK Its noise. Not even remotely useful.
@jokerdino No...
I see.
@jokerdino Can I do that please :D
where did you get that?
I am expecting you to do that. :D
I didn't read what you just posted.
@jokerdino It was that pic
it was an animated gif, same as before...and thx amitkk I found it
day after tommorrow is my results :D
does anyone have an answer for this? i think i might delete it as a feature request type question despite the star askubuntu.com/questions/120395/…
@AmithKK @aking1012 I see. thanks.
I got no Gaming SE accounts. Boo yeah
I'm not looking for upvotes. I think it might be unanswerable outside of 'it does not exist'. If that's the case it's not useful
Jo has experience contributing code to quickly. Work with him.
Cool deal, at least the right person saw it
@MarcoCeppi got one from me
@MarcoCeppi Done
Nice way to sell juju to the gamers. Smart move there :P
Can you answer this? Where could one go to suggest new packages for Ubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/116924/where-could-one-go-to-suggest-new-packages-for-ubuntu?atw=1 #packages
^--I think I just left a rather epic comment
Hi there @htorque
good day
You remind me of this:
Heya @htorque
It works fine. o.O
DNS Fail
Just search for Good day biscuits in Google Images and feel happy about it.
I got it btw
ok, has anyone here heard rumors of GTK going the way of the dodo? (the bug report that I just read is the first I've heard of it.)
In short, it is in danger of becoming extinct?
Not anytime soon, I would say.
Not "Oh, GTK4 is around the corner, and we'll call it KTG" - i'm talking about "we're dropping support, GTK is old and outdated, start over from scratch"
Looks for the bug report
so it'll be at least 6 years, since precise supports it.
@jokerdino this one
@AmithKK Wrong font, but otherwise good. ;D
@jrg Just a rumour, it seems.
@jokerdino And one that seems to have started there. Fair enough. Thanks.
Yeah. :)
@AmithKK :D
Much better
Inbox exploded again, someone is uploading all the KDE stuff to precise.
gnome never does that to me, its always KDE that explodes the inbox.
Jonathon Riddel?
I am not sure of the name.
No, but he's also a KDE guy who does mass uploads.
Felix Geyer it is.
Regarding this question, I found this. Do I add a new answer or edit the existing one?
new one
although if you want to, an edit wouldn't be out of place either.
I would have edited but Vibhav has logged into the site after Luiz's comment.
It might not be appropriate. I don't know.
I am wondering if the question is a dupe.
i am pretty sure my laptop's hard drive is failing.
I am just waiting for the apocalypse.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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