Planet Ubuntu is full of hilarious Chuck montages. Here two examples:
Why is that? How did Chuck become an Ubuntu meme?
Note: This question is not meant to be a Chuck montage collection. It is a real question!
"Isn't that all subjective anyway? You're talking to a non audience when you publish things like that" i retorted "Isn't that kind of the point of subjective writing? You pick a topic, describe it to the best of your ability and release it into the wild?"
his response was something non-intelligent that involved curse words and an immediate defense mechanism. So I promptly pulled his last test-record from Jenkins and made him suck it up and fix his failing tests.
Oh the whole point behind the story was more the "I stayed focus and got the last laugh because I'm in a seat of authority" vs the "defend your stupid argument"
Well, considering there was an immediate defensive stance and curse words used, i figured the argument was moot. Dont get me wrong I cuss like a sailor too - but when it comes to attacking on the merit of value, its kind of important to keep your "dukes up" and "temper down" - or so i was told by my pappy
It would be nice to just [screen|byobu] it and port it between all my screens depending on whats occupied. As it stands right now stack is always off to my far right, distracting me from whats directly in front of me.
@lazyPower have you seen/do you have a link for the WAT of ruby rod from that destroyallsoftware video? I'm thinking about making it a you should never see this icon
found it And I'm getting on the unit testing bandwagon at least on the python side
Can you answer this? Change default 'Print to File' settings #printing
I nearly have this PDF generator working how i want it
i can pass in CSS files to style the generated markdown. I think i'm going to take a modified blueprint framework and build out a company letter head on it and start building the offical docs we send to affiliates with this script
so much easier to whip out a markdown file than it is to do this in word :|
it took me the better part of a year to learn to use it correctly. I had to fight every ingraned UX idea I had, and once i embraced what vim was wanting me to do all along, it really is a slick and fast editor.
now, i'm kind of sad that I cant find a decent VI mode plugin for VisStu :|
I like the dark theme for IDEs. I'm glad aptana put it in to pydev without my asking so I don't need to set a global theme. (lots of websites don't honor default text color)
if I loved this playlist any more it would be a crime… btw, it baffles me when I ask for a donate link and my comment is stuck in moderation status
it would be as simple as grep donation respond "here's the link xyz " stick in moderation
you're asking for a different thing than you're doing. just my opinion. install on xbox is kind of like saying "let's take proprietary hardware from vendor X and hope it works". I'm done for a while. Have a nice one guys
@daslinkard - its been done but its not a fun process. The boot loader on the XBox360 is a pain.
i'm not saying it cant be done, but it takes more effort than its worth. Set aside a weekend and read all the tutorials you can find, and try to match your 360's serial with a version. Go from there. That's all the constructive advice I can really give, nothing that you probably haven't already thought of.
Sometimes a java based program doesn't start , it stuck for minutes and start again. (It's not a network related program)
I tried strace , and it stuck on futex , and nothing further is displayed.
Has anyone ever experienced this problem , how to solve it ?
OS: Ubuntu 11.10 / Linux kernel 3....
I'm experimenting with creating my own language, I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some feedback while it's in its early stages, and leave a comment on G+. Thanks!
@Rinzwind could you improve your instructions for this answer? it's a bit vague what to do.
@jrg I saw there's an askubuntu lens, do you have any thoughts on a blackhole lens? basically instead of my rename hack, I'm replacing all the .lens files that are "turned off" with a blackhole lens that always return null
I found some bugs in my rename approach, but the package will be available soon enough and I'll add it to that question
Can you answer this? Where could one go to suggest new packages for Ubuntu #packages
Not "Oh, GTK4 is around the corner, and we'll call it KTG" - i'm talking about "we're dropping support, GTK is old and outdated, start over from scratch"