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@BlueXrider Can I answer it tommorrow?
Please :D
I'm sleepy now...
I think I have an answer
good night
@BlueXrider Good Night
^--- What does everyone think?
Me likey
Me gusta*
The future of the web.
the future is horrible... we can yet change it!
Actually, it's a web browser for a new language called OOML we're developing.
@GeppettvsDConstanzo -_o?
just kidding, but it seems like a jump back into web browsing.
@GeorgeEdison Wait, what is that?
Yeah, but we're fixing a lot of what's broken in ancient technologies like HTML, CSS, etc.
Curious what OOML stands for...
@WillHunting It's a web browser we're working on - only it isn't your typical web browser.
@Shasteriskt OOML == Object Oriented Markup Language.
We've taken HTML and thrown it out the window.
@GeorgeEdison Er sorry, who is "we"? George and Co?
@RolandTaylor is involved.
Also, nice sunglasses there @george!
@aking1012 also showed some interest.
Tell me more.
and @jrg as well
@OctavianDamiean I can do one up on that - we have a shared Google Doc.
I have to find it though...
It's interesting...it's just a monstrous undertaking
The longest journey begins with a single step :)
Every journey beings with a step. :D
@OctavianDamiean This is the original draft.
It's pretty simple, but describes the idea.
And Roland came up with this.
And the code for the browser is at launchpad.net/reevolution
@OctavianDamiean your input is very welcome :D
@GeorgeEdison can't be, it doesn't say google chrome anywhere....
@aking1012 tell me what you think
Do you really want to go the C-route and have curly brace delimited scope or the Python-route and delimit scope by indention?
I like it. I think I was just seeing the duck yesterday
@OctavianDamiean I think the Python route is comfortable, but when it comes to strictness it can be problematic
Let's suppose you want to create a oneliner, like you can do with C++ and javascript, and paste that into your addressbar
you can't do that in python
(That being said, I prefer the way Python works, personally)
@RolandTaylor Would it be possible to tilt that just a little bit so we can see the R a little bit better?
Sure :)
That was how I had it at first actually :P
import pprint;pprint.pprint(zip(('Byte', 'KByte', 'MByte', 'GByte', 'TByte'), (1 << 10*i for i in xrange(5))))
Oh yeah, that's right - Python lets you use semicolons.
I didn't know that :P
That is a Python one-liner to calculate how many bytes a terrabyte is. ;)
Well then, I think a Python-style delimiter has my vote :D
You guys are absolutely correct though - we need to ratify the syntax before we can go much further.
Because I need to write the parser for the language.
I guess we'll call it libooml - in typical Unix fashion.
woo hoo this is exciting :D
@jrg welcome
How do you plan to implement styling?
Apparently because of the position of my lights and the fact that I used an orthographic lens, tilting also fixed the colour of the letters :D
@OctavianDamiean We haven't figured that out yet.
@OctavianDamiean I'm thinking of this:
Feel free to hop in and propose something!
Allow every element to have style properties, and optionally allow for ooml include files to modify styles
So, not that far removed from CSS
any cool news i missed today?
@htorque hey :D
Hi @htorque
Hi everybody else of course
hi hi
@Takkat hi!
You guys know about the DOM (Document Object Model) right?
@JorgeCastro you sure?
@jokerdino not blasphemous, its science.
s'up boys
Currently it looks like a JSON/YAML hybrid. Not quite sure what to think about it. Styling is not the only open question. How do you modify a website after it was rendered? Does OOML cover that?
aaaand i'm off again. have a nice day!
If OOML doesn't cover it and you'd need a OOSL (Object Oriented Scripting Language) then you'd effectively have JavaScript.
I mean I agree that those technologies (HTML4 and JavaScript [to some extent]) are ancient but they are currently being reinvented and the performance of web browsers rendering and interpreting them is increasing incredibly fast.
How to update Gnome to 3.4? http://askubuntu.com/questions/116766/how-to-update-gnome-to-3-4?atw=1 #installation
@OctavianDamiean The basic ideas behind HTML are hindering its progress, I feel.
In what sense?
HTML elements can't be extended.
You can't invent new elements, etc.
I invented the <troll> tag.
What classification of elements are we talking about? Visual or just semantic and functional?
@OctavianDamiean if done correctly, OOML becomes it's own OOSL
@OctavianDamiean All 3.
I can see the last two being realizable but I don't quite see how the first one would.
But we're still working out the specific details.
Well not sure if it is wise to jump right into the specification if higher-level questions are not answered.
Don't 2+3 = 1?
Well, I think there needs to be a bit of hopping back and forth.
@RolandTaylor Not necessarily.
@GeorgeEdison I agree
@jrg I'm curios, does the troll tag extend another tag? If so which one
Think in high level terms but keep syntax in mind.
We start with a vision and then build the pieces from there
I heard there was work in progress here.
What kind of work?
Oh, and #reevolution on Freenode.
Another markup language?
Sort of - only better.
How so?
It's explained in the Google Doc.
I don't have time to read that. Can't you just tell me the highlights?
You know styling and post-rendering change which means an element API is quite substantial. Jumping right into the implementation of the parser and stuff like that is likely to waste quite a lot of man hours.
@aking1012 Makes everything bold.
@OctavianDamiean you are making good points, to be fair, but the beauty of a project like this is that we have no constraints to stop us - we have our imagination, ingenuity, and experience to build on :)
#1: Implement the parser
#2: Think about the implementation of the styling part
#3: Find out that you need to rewrite quite a lot of the parser
#4: Rewrite the parser
#5: Think about the implementation of the post-rendering stuff
#6: Find out that there are incompatibilities with the styling part
#7: What now?
Did you read my doc?
@jrg nice...so in OOMP that would be: Element Troll:b{trolltext}
I have read this book and I'd recommend it to everyone that plans any kind of software project.
It's a bit shabby, but you should be able to see that the intention is have styling as a first class citizen
@aking1012 hey! that makes a lot of sense :D
base-class object:style{content}
I don't think HTML needs to be replaced, I think it needs to be updated.
@RolandTaylor ty
@jrg we can always have an alternative ;)
I like my HAML. :p
lol show me the money
@jrg Which is what is happening already. :)
@OctavianDamiean Exactly. :)
sigh... you guys lack vision
go work for Microsoft and Apple
run along!
I wouldn't name Apple in such an example.
They didn't lack vision. ;)
@RolandTaylor So as not to break anything I was considering b a class not a style. The class would have an embedded style of bold that could be overridden
true, Apple "innovates"... they just let samsung implement it for them :)
*cough* /troll off
@aking1012 oh I see
That way your style classes look/act just like regular classes and there's no confusion
I don't say that I agree with him buying two (or any) iPad but he makes some good points there.
> The 3rd Generation iPad has a display resolution of 264ppi. And still retains a ten-hour battery life (9 hours with wireless on). Make no mistake. That much resolution is stunning. To see it on a mainstream device like the iPad - rather than a $13,000 exotic monitor - is truly amazing, and something I've been waiting more than a decade to see. -- Bill Hills, the creator of ClearType
See? That is innovation there.
Samsung doesn't have anything close to that last I checked.
rubs eyes
@jrg who are you and what have you done with @jrg?
@RolandTaylor Nope, jrg is still jrg.
And the guy whose quote that is really knows what he is talking about.
I don't believe you!
@jrg Samsung makes some of their components, actually :)
in fact, much of their stuff iirc
@RolandTaylor being pragmatic and being a fanboy are two different things.
no, foxconn. Which samsung also hired, but thats a minor distinction.
I know of foxconn, but isn't samsung involved in making some of Apple's products or at least the components?
(I'm sure I read that somewhere recently)
They have three suppliers. Samsung, Sharp, and LGD.
I've held a new-new-new-iPad and also an old iPad. The display makes the device. AKA, the one innovation that is right.
Of those displays I mean.
@jrg I think any distro could have that kind of performance if they only supported a tiny subset of hardware
The iPad 3 has a higher resolution then the human eye is capable of processing.
@aking1012 Exactly. And that is what makes Apple great.
Not that I like their politics but I totally agree.
@TheX I must not be a human then :S
then again I have not seen one irl yet
Ubuntu isn't even close to that level of support, and its considered "good".
only the old one
anyway folks - I'm out for now :D
cya later
Apple isn't great because they controlled there hardware. Apple is/was great because Steve jobs was an asshole and wasn't afraid to tell an engineer that there product was "bullshit"
Yeah, he threw an iPhone into his fish tank and said that because there was still air bubbles coming out, they could make it smaller.
That attitude (that is, the "No, this is wrong, it sucks and it looks ugly") is something that the Ubuntu/Linux community doesn't, and its because its open source.
Yeah Ubuntu could use someone like jobs to get rid of all the bs like unity.
Unity is only "bad" because we were stuck with gnome 2 "top panel bottom panel" for so. freakin. long.
Gnome 3.4 FTW!
The linux desktop has looked like that (with minor changes) for almost 6 years.
A change that big (like the iPhone was) is going to get criticized. Its going to get slighted. If they had left it like the above screenshot, it'd be over. The year of the linux desktop would be... never.
@GeorgeEdison I really need to try that later today... fires up his vm
At least gnome 2.x was usable.
The mother
They all did it that way.
@TheX What happened? I thought you were really loving Unity only a few months ago.
ok, so i've still got a little ways to go. but I think it's functional enough to think about starting to port my stuff away from wordpress. testing.rlemon.com
it's still slow, but much faster than wordpress was. once I get some caching going things will be much much better.
Your 404 page is very un-helpful - testing.rlemon.com/resources
lol yea like I said it needs work :P
search, caching, comments, proper admin interfaces.
I have never "loved" unity.
I may have said it is slowly getting better
Oh, that was Roland who hated it originally.
Yeah he loves it now.
@OctavianDamiean Lol, love it!
@JorgeCastro Ah, you cant fool any of us, you want that lamp! :P
@BrunoPereira Watch, he's already ordered one.
Anyone who understands meta.askubuntu.com/a/2851/19490 and can explain for me?
I have tried to get clarifications in comments but they barely help me understand how the post is an argument for the question not being subjective.
It isn't worth a meta answer, so i'll just put it here.
Its a "good" kind of subjective. Accessibility is a really subjective subject by nature, and this question is also subjective (even more so than normal accessibility!) - however, it belongs here, its a good question, so its ok.
@jrg Aye, accessibility is subjective per se but there is an objective aspect to it. You can compare how helpful different techniques are in enhancing accessibility, e.g. speed of inputing text, ability to recognize things on screen, time to do a particular task.
But that is not what I am after with my chat message above, I am trying to understand BlueXrider's argument and asked for help since his clarifying comments fail to enlighten me and I don't want to irritating him by asking for clarifications again and again.
Hm. Ok, i can see what you mean.
Rubber duck debugging, Rubber Ducking, or the Rubber Duckie Test is an informal term used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to an apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. To use this process, a programmer meticulously explains code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck, in the expectation that upon reaching a piece of incorrect code and trying to explain it, the programmer will notice...
What can I say?
More ducks please?
The picture in the article is terribly funny.
I love that term
Somewhere along the line I heard that called cardboard monkey instead of rubber duck...
I'd never heard it as rubber duck before :)
For example, you are not a programmer. You are a software craftsman.
Is it considered bad form to work on two or three projects at a time because you get bored easily?
If it is, then I'm horrible. I do that all the time.
> Unicorny: An adjective to describe a feature that’s so early in the planning stages that it might as well be imaginary. This one comes from Rails Core Team member Yehuda Katz, who used it in his closing keynote at last year’s Windy City Rails to describe some of Rails’ upcoming features.
@JorgeCastro! We have the definition of Unicorn software!
@aking1012 I'm currently working on about 24 projects right now :P
Unicorns Inside...nuff said
Got 4 new disks to set up raid, have 3 sata cables...
hey @rlemon, you have competition! - dvour.com
I'll just have to add Unicorn power to mine.
Unicorn power === win
@rlemon: I think you have magic quote problems.
...either that or something is getting double-escaped.
On this page.
Toward the bottom.
> "That show\'s called a pilot."
I guess that wouldn't be a magic quote problem since that deals with $_POST.
Must be something else messing it up.
slipsum.com error possibly.
i didn't check the data.
I just dumped it
that is odd
escaping issue.
and apparently i'm not generating slugs
Oh, if it's data you're POSTing - then maybe it is magic quotes.
overwrote a commit? what? I swear I did that!
@GeorgeEdison I don't sanitize prior to this
$sth = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO posts (title, content, author_id) VALUES (:title, :content, :author_id)');
		$res = $sth->execute(array(
			':title' => $title,
			':content' => $content,
			':author_id' => Session::get('id')
how do I download the latest release of Wine (in .deb format)?
@rlemon No, magic quotes has everything to do with data submitted via $_POST.
PHP (with magic quotes enabled) will automatically escape $_POST data.
So once it hits the database, it's already escaped and you're basically double-escaping it.
I have a method that fixes it, one sec...
function FixMagicQuotes()
        foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
            $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($_POST[$key]);
That will fix them if it is turned on and otherwise do nothing.
man i'm finding bugs.
software shouldn't have bugs
especially software i've written
this is completely unacceptable
@rlemon and completely human
@NN then my longing to be more like my human overlords is complete.
I still don't want bugs.
Swag for the cleanup team http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/2853/swag-for-the-cleanup-team?atw=1
for a admin interface for posting is there any good editors out there?
or should I just make my own.
maybe i'll make my own.
"ohh yea, I can code a blog in a few hours", on like 7 hours of dev over 3 days.
@rlemon what is an "admin interface for posting"?
I hate them. they all suck. so i'm writing my own. :P
I am also deciding to write my own paste service and simple image host.
image host will offer scaling/cropping/quality options.
all because i'm slightly annoyed with the services today; some are a pain to use, some I just don't much care for their interfaces.
I'll make one in 20 minutes, and it'll just have sane defaults.
@jrg yea I suspect i'll spend more time on the UI than the actual codebehind.
but seriously, this blog business is a biatch.
so much I didn't consider off the bat.
@rlemon I like scaffolding the UI...then doing functional code first...then handling UI
@aking1012 I always mock up a UI first, then adapt it to fit.
see i do it the other way around
there always ends up being some tweaks...
my problem is that I don't ever sit down and plan the stuff out.
i wing it
Just Bootstrap it. ™
so, like the blog for instance, I just realized I have no paging system.
ohhh I am Bootstrapping the hell out of it!
5 o'clock
have a better one
Joy. US Election season - aka, "let us spam your youtube videos with ads"
@rlemon TinyMCE.
There, problem solved.
@GeorgeEdison thats like saying "jQuery, problem solved"
TinyMCE is a beast and doesn't work as well as I need it to IMO
TinyMCE is not meant for a development blog.
It took me about 10 minutes to integrate it into a custom Django admin.
it's great for the every man.
I don't want a WYSIWYG, I just want an editor.
Oh... like just a textarea?
key commands, tag completion, etc.
textarea on crack
I know the markup, i'd rather write it than let some wysiwyg try to guess what I meant.
Why not just use a plain old ordinary textarea?
I am sorry for the confusion
because I want to have the comforts of my desktop editor.
the entire world is going web, it's only a matter of time before someone writes a really good, configurable, online editor tiered for programmers. and maybe i'll be that someone
gets out paper and pen
First step to programming anything good: paper and pen.
Heh, sounds like fun.
I started one...
All it does is display a fancy menu though.
...and it's Flash, so...
i'm talking something like this github.com/rlemon/Liddle/blob/master/Notes.md
yes I know there is a dupe in the commands
@GeorgeEdison What's wrong with HTML+CSS?
@Oli It's broken.
HTML doesn't provide any way to reuse or extend elements.
CSS doesn't support inheritance.
I could go on...
Reuse HTML elements? Like what?
Oh, completely unrelated but:
Q: How can I use goto in Javascript?

Peter OlsonI have some code that I absolutely must implement using goto. For example, I want to write a program like this: start: alert("RINSE"); alert("LATHER"); repeat: goto start Is there a way to do that in Javascript?

Please please no.
Wow, was only -4 a few minutes ago.
@Oli Like if we create a new element (consisting of a bunch of other elements) and we want to reuse it, there is no way of doing that currently.
(Well, except for repeating the whole thing - code duplication.)
Of course, you can always throw JavaScript at the problem - but that's like throwing gasoline on a fire.
SASS mixins and HAML!
Okay - but they're you're defining a bunch of elements before you've even started to think about a DOM tree, let alone rendering it.
Well we're still trying to figure out the best method for defining the layout.
Feel free to suggest something if you have an idea.
I'm not saying it wouldn't work - just that it muddies the waters a lot in terms of parsing. I personally admire how much you can do (quite simply) with a little HTML/XML and it still be understandable by eye. I do think there should be better semantic tags. I do agree that CSS is a mess but there are tools that help out there to allow you to write intelligently and deploy verbosely.
Anybody know somebody who might be willing to sponsor a patch? This is the last thing stopping me from upgrading to Precise.
Bounty offered: Importing Radio Tray radio stations into Rhythmbox http://askubuntu.com/questions/112536/importing-radio-tray-radio-stations-into-rhythmbox?atw=1 #rhythmbox

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