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Q: Who is `community` bumping questions to `home page`?

WinEunuuchs2UnixAs per my comment here I don't think this question should have been bumped to the home page. The question is abandoned: OP hasn't signed on in 4+ years, 2 days after question was posted. Therefor extremely unlikely to respond to comments or confirm or deny answers. The question is about EOL Ubunt...

@WinEunuuchs2Unix it randomly bumps questions
TiBu is taking FOREVER to restore
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, phone number detected in title: QuickBooks techcnical Support 1855-861-4161 Number by QUICK on askubuntu.com
If 666 is evil, then 25.8069758 is the root of all evil
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, repeated URL at end of long post: constipation, improves colon function, and thus improves by jexavek on askubuntu.com
3 hours later…
5 hours of spam only…
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: ALPHA RX male enhancement The average man' by fdhgfghfghfggfdg on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body: next for your factors (a). retaining by sipus on askubuntu.com
Q: grub recovery mode: etc/resolv.conf: no such file or directory

traduceradIve installed ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop a few months ago and suddenly I can t get past the splash screen. Where I m stuck (i see the red dots gradually becoming white and vice-verca, so something is happening, but I can t get past this screen) I thus decided to boot in recovery mode to update...

Q: Corrupted hfs+ partition

chocolattesi, I have both ubuntu and OSX installed on my MacBook Pro (mid2012). Yesterday I was trying to create a third partition to share files across the two systems and I went the wrong way: I tried to doit from ubuntu, with gparted. First I resized my osx partition and then I created a new one. The pro...

Silly questions call for silly answers askubuntu.com/a/940988/72216
Q: Why questions about packages included in Ubuntu by default but not maintained by Canonical are not considered off-topic?

TooniisHere is an example question: Libreoffice “The dictionary is already full.” It is about LibreOffice, which is a package that is included in the Ubuntu ISO by default, but not made or maintained by Canonical or a second-party. Why aren't these questions considered off-topic? They aren't ...

1 hour later…
Hello :)
Rinzy ! :)
hey guys, what kinda boot times do you get with ubuntu, in seconds?
@user2476549 Hi ! :) about 5 seconds without lxd and about 10 seconds with lxd :)
wow! ssd?
@user2476549 yup :)
i am jealous lol i've got a 30 second boot im trying to speed up
@user2476549 well, everything depends on the hardware and in case you didn't install or use things like lxd, there's not much you can do ... but 30 seconds on older hardware isn't that bad - right ? :)
yup, not bad, about as good as it gets on an old netbook. i'm hearing that an encrypted home folder might slow down read/write speeds though
@user2476549 then leave it un-encrypted ... you should store personal stuff outside of the system in another separate partition anyway (my recommendation) ! :)
WakeBlock is the best!
I clean flashed and now that I've blocked a bunch of wakelocks, I've been on 100% for 3 hours
Q: BlueZ with Ubuntu Set-up

egmarkelI am trying to setup BlueZ in Ubuntu 14.04 with the end goal of connecting my mobile phone to my computer. The website does not have many details of how to install it, and I do not have much experience with things like this, so I was wondering what steps I should take to do. And after it is insta...

@KazWolfe I wonder if Android Device Monitor/DDMS would let you get things you want from /data/
"My HDD drive has 30 bad sectors, so I have not installed any operating system on my computer. Can I fix this problem using Ubuntu?"
I had 20,000 reallocated sectors on my previous HDD. windows would take nearly 15 minutes of loading before it was usable, whereas ubuntu took 3. so maybe he's onto something :P
4 hours later…
Wow, the TensorFlow Docker images are quite large.

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