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Good morning!
Q: Covfefify a string

Destructible LemonIn this challenge, you must take a string matching the regex ^[a-z]+$ or ^[A-Z]+$, or ^[A-Z][a-z]+$ or whatever is reasonable, (you may assume the string is long enough, and has the right structure for all the operations), and output another string, produced similarly to word at the end of a rece...

@DavidFoerster that looks fun!
lol hilarious
btw you can (if you like!) delete your second comment too :)
@Zanna done
progkaka XD
I don't know about English but in German (and some other languages incl. French) "kaka" or "caca" are childish words for "poop". :-D
Therefore I think I'll add "progkaka" to my vocabulary to use when I talk about shitty code or programming.
@DavidFoerster that's exactly what I was thinking
@DavidFoerster oh interesting.
because it's the same here
Bonus: in German there's also "Kacke" which is still vulgar yet not childish.
yeah in English we have the slang/vulgar word "cack"
often collocated like this "cack-handed" to mean "clumsy"
it is from PIE* (proto-indo-european)
My mother tongue is not part of that family.
Never heard of it in all my vulgar conversations in English. I heard that English prefers words referring to sex and genitals over faeces as swear words.
@jokerdino I know
but maybe you have borrowed it from English or Sanskrit
I had to spend some seconds to decipher the name of manetsus :)
aaand morning everyone!
I don't know how children borrow it from languages they never heard of.
Might be a universal thing like ma meaning mum and ka meaning poo.
off-topic (and possible spam seed?) askubuntu.com/q/921032/367990
but kaka is totally different here
It means uncle!
@DavidFoerster It isn't really vulgar. It's super unvulgar. actually. I mean, if you say cack instead of shit, it's like saying rats instead of damn.
@Zanna the childish thing is not part of the actual language.
@jokerdino ?
kaka is a childish word for meaning poo. it is not a Tamil word.
Maybe children in other places also use the same childish word.
I don't see how the word would have been borrowed across language families.
@jokerdino Why would it not be a Tamil word if it is the word used by Tamil-speaking children?
all kinds of words wander into different languages I think
The English equivalent baby word, caca:
> "excrement," c. 1870, slang, probably from Spanish or another language that uses it, ultimately from PIE root *kakka- "to defecate," which forms the base word for "excrement, to void excrement" in many Indo-European languages.
but Tamil is not an Indo-European language
@Zanna yeah but how can a child without any exposure randomly chooses this kaka to mean poo?
No, I know, it's Dravidian, but my point is that baby words are just as valid as non-baby words and have their own origin and etymology etc
@jokerdino I think, babies don't invent words. Parents talk baby-talk to them, and they learn baby talk
@jokerdino They don't. They get it from the poeple around them which is why all babies use the same ones.
That's definitely not my experience or some of the young parents.. but maybe I will come back when I have solid proof. :)
haha that would be difficult!
>Can't reproduce
@jokerdino Well, I'm sure some babies get their own but you yourself said that kaka is the baby word for shit, so it does look like it's pretty standard.
@jokerdino XD
I know it is in Greek, French and Spanish, for instance. Not sure about English, oddly enough.
I think not in English
but David said in German it is
In Cordelia Fine's book "Delusions of Gender" she talks about a couple who try to raise their two kids, boy and girl, attempting to protect them from all gender stereotypes
they go to extreme lengths
like changing the pictures in picture books
all kinds of crazy stuff
impossible to humanely isolate a kid so you can say what's "natural" and what's "environmental"
@Zanna possible but deeply harmful
(funny outcome of that: this couple's boy wears barettes (hair ornaments) to school.
Another boy says to him "you're wearing barettes! You're a girl!"
1st boy replies "I'm a boy. I have a penis" [let's please ignore problems with this for now]
2nd boy "Everyone has a penis. Only girls wear barettes.")
@Zanna The last assumption (that all people or at least children have the same genitals) appears to be relatively common among young children who didn't get a basic, age-appropriate sex education.
SRE is terrible in the UK :(
My 4 year old niece came out with the best version of that I've heard. One of our dogs got an erection, as dogs will do, and the kid asked what that thing was. My mother told her it's the dog's penis.
Kid thinks about that for a while (dog's thing is pink), then states "My dad has one too. But my dad's is beige".
The poor guy has been Mr Beige in the family ever since.
4 year old knows the word "beige"!?
@Zanna The 4 year old is fluent in 3 languages and starting on her 4th. Yeah., she knows beige
wow :)
kids are awesome
Greek mother, Italian father and growing up in the UK
Well, that's apt smokey!
@Zanna I never learned that stuff in elementary school either and all my siblings have the same sex as I. However, I saw my parents naked on occasion and I read (educational) books for children since I was 5. My memory doesn't reach back much further so I can't say what I thought about the subject before.
haha I was going to say nice of smokey to join in the conversation
I have no idea where/when I learned about such physiological differences. Young enough not to remember not knowing, anyway
Ah no, I had female friends at a very young age and we were bathed together and the like often enough. I guess I found out then. Most kids do that way, probably.
@terdon If you can't remember then you probably learnt about it before entering school.
Oh yeah, years before.
Interesting (and a bit more on topic):
Q: How to preserve Windows file attributes when copying files under Linux?

unfaI'm using a custom Bash script running on a Linux machine to mass-duplicate FAT32-formatted USB drives. I need to preserve Windows file attributes such as "hidden". I use rsync (or dd with find and mkdir in newer version to force I/O sync for better stability and optimal bandwidth use). I blin...

@ByteCommander: I think you (or someone else if you prefer) should convert askubuntu.com/q/920810/#comment1454097_920810 to a proper answer – verbatim would be fine.
What a weird thing to try to achieve:
Q: Page faults in Android

Rohan KapoorI am looking for a way to kill a process on Linux/Android, when page fault occur for the first time. Can anyone suggest something?. Suggestions are highly appreciated

I can't even begin to imagine what the point of killing processes upon the first page fault it.
@DavidFoerster copied, but not sure how useful it is.
Ugh, the Ubuntu Wiki needs a "blame" function.
The Ubuntu wiki should redirect to Arch wiki and just inject a script that replaces "Arch" with "Ubuntu"...
lots of the package names would not work
Yes, but at least the information would be useful.
The Ubuntu wiki is really not very good.
Who's responsible for managing protected pages in the Ubuntu Wiki? I would really like to get rid of this unfounded paragraph.
Is it protected?
Hmm. Maybe Ubuntu members can do it?
last call from me for this and this (posts with missing images essential to the answer). I am closing this tab forever (https image cleanup done and all post-cleaning done). I couldn't think of a solution for those two posts -_- though
1 hour later…
Q: Can't enable mysqli

n.osennijI istall clean linux mint 18 kde and install all latest updates. After that I install lamp: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ -y Configure vhosts, restore mysql dumps, restart pc. Now my local sites without mysql work fine. But sites with mysql - not. In my code firs appeal to mysql is mysql...

2 hours later…


cc @NathanOsman --^
hue hue hue?
askubuntu.com/q/921015/61218 what does he mean actually? Why can't they give a screenshot? It's kinda annoying!
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I need halp
with regex
@Zanna meta post?
@jokerdino ahh of course :)
thank you!
@Anwar his images are bigger than his monitor size?
@TheWanderer What do you need? And what regex flavor?
Java? idrk
"id:(.*)," AFAIK that means it's a greedy regex
but if I add ? after the star, it doesn't match anything at all
the greedy matches to the last comma in the string
I don't know if Java's regexes support ?. Just look for non-commas instead:
well the problem is I'm trying to separate a bunch of basically identical strings
{id: 4763177, name: ("CptEric"), email_hash: ("!https://i.sstatic.net/ZEWDa.jpg?s=128&g=1"), reputation: 600, last_post: 1496322118}

,{id: 5375424, name: ("W0MP3R"), email_hash: ("!https://i.sstatic.net/6tp1Q.png?s=128&g=1"), reputation: 141, last_post: 1496322082}

,{id: 6854815, name: ("Mehdi B."), email_hash: ("!https://i.sstatic.net/h9pOo.jpg?s=128&g=1"), reputation: 570, last_post: 1496322020}

,{id: 726954, name: ("Graeme"), email_hash: ("d40f1e413fc6bae1342e5bd9caa81e9b"), reputation: 15262, last_post: 1496321941}
is an example
OK, first of all, don't reinvent the world. I'm sure Java has tools to proces JSON
I want to grab only the ID chunk of the first one
does it?
@jokerdino so he wants to scale down? There's an option for that afai remember
It must
But anyway, if you want to use a regex the one I gave should work.
2 mins ago, by terdon
Hang on though, java? Or do you mean javascript?
So android apps are written in java?
Ooooh, no hang on. Of course *?matches nothing. The * means 0 or more so it will stop quite happily at 0.
do I need +?
So, either use [^,]* as I suggested before, or try id:(.+?),
I don't think +? worked either but I found a way to parse JSON if I get it to work
@TheWanderer Have you tried the [^,]* approach? That works in pretty much any regex flavor under the sun.
And doesn't Java have some sort of split() tool? Just split on commas and then split the 1st element on : and keep the second element returned by the split.
Here's what that would look like in Perl:
    $  echo '{id: 4763177, name: ("CptEric"), email_hash: ("!i.stack.imgur.com/…"), reputation: 600, last_post: 1496322118}' | perl -lne '@k=split(/,/); @l=split(/:/,$k[0]); print "$l[1]"'
@Anwar yeah I think he wants that to be done automatically
There's a "stretch" option in unity isn't there?
Every other desktop I've ever used had one
There's the zoom, fill, scale, etc.
I meta'd
@terdon I'll try it but json will make it a lot easier in the end
nope that fails too
Q: Can we fix these posts with missing images essential to the answer?

ZannaI've had a really long https image cleanup hangover, but today I am finally closing this tab. However, there were two things that nobody managed to fix - highly upvoted answers with missing images that were essential to understanding: I spent quite a while trying to reproduce what this answer ...

I always find that embarrassing
how do I make sure https:// isn't interpreted as regex?
what do you mean?
@TheWanderer Speaking of HTTPS, how come huetoyoudevs isn't HTTPS by default?
it is here
@Zanna the method String.replace(String regex, String replacement) in Java
I'm putting in https:// for the regex
and it's just emptying the string
It loads as HTTP for me
oh I have no clue then
Q: Can't load Ubuntu: Superblock checksum does not match superblock while trying to open /dev/sda7

kozloneI have a problem while loading into Ubuntu 17.04. This happens for the 2nd time after I booted into Windows. For the 1st time I just reinstalled the Ubuntu. I am not good at this question, so I hope to get a full list of steps to diagnose and resolve this issue.

@TheWanderer https:\/\/
yikes OK
hmm illegal escape
you might try single quoting it then
@TheWanderer what exactly are you trying to do?
replace all instances of https:// with nothing
Hey. I wanna wipe a HDD with shred from a live session and make sure it's not mounted. Would I do that with umount /dev/sda?
Not exactly
Hello :)
@H3R3T1K You need to specify the partition number
@cl-netbox Hi :)
I wanna wipe the whole drive though, not just a partition...
@AndroidDev Hi :) nice to see you ! :)
@H3R3T1K Yeah, but the whole drive isn't mounted, only individual partitions
@Seth Hi Seth :) Feeling better today ?
@cl-netbox You any good with Android development? You could join HueToYou with me, Nathan and Zach :)
@AndroidDev Thanks! Is there a command to unmmount all partitions on a particular drive?
@AndroidDev No, unfortunately not - I have absolutely no experience with Android at all, so I won't be able to contribute anything useful ... sorry ! :)
@H3R3T1K Not sure, but you could use lsblk to list all the partitions and just unmoumt them one at a time. Also, no need for any special wiping tools; sudo dd if="/dev/zero" of="/dev/sdX" BS=4M should do the trick quite nicely
@AndroidDev Thanks! Hard drives are not mounted in a live session unless you mount them yourself correct?
@H3R3T1K true :)
@cl-netbox Not exactly. But I'm feeling ok :)
@TheWanderer should work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AndroidDev I've used dd before for that purpose but it took forever. The fastest way I know of to securely wipe a drive is "shred -vzn 0 /dev/sdX"
@Seth hmmm ... but ok is better than bad ... so let's take it as a good sign for further improvements Seth - good luck ! :)
@H3R3T1K Adding BS=4M speeds it up by several orders if magnitude
@H3R3T1K the fastest way to wipe a disk is creating a new partition table ... takes 1 second ! :)
@AndroidDev Any reason not to just use cat?
Hi terdon ! :)
@terdon What advantage does cat have?
@cl-netbox Ahem. securely
@AndroidDev when @H3R3T1K wants to overwrite old data then dd would be preferable (right as you suggested) of course ! :)
@AndroidDev it is cat. what more do you need to convince you? :P
@AndroidDev What advantage does dd have? Cat does the same thing faster and more simply. You can get dd to be as fast but the syntax is awful and it is easy to make a mistake.
@cl-netbox also the easiest to restore :-D
Q: dd vs cat -- is dd still relevant these days?

kizzx2I recently realized we can use cat as much as dd, and it's actually faster than dd I know that dd was useful in dealing with tapes where block size actually mattered in correctness, not just performance. In these days, though, are there situations where dd can do something cat can't? (Here I wou...

@terdon I like dd. You always have that thrill of "did I do that correctly?" D:
Yeah. I feel the same way. Strangely, that makes me dislike it though :P
@Rinzwind true ... but once you install a new system for example or store new data ... it won't be easy anymore - so ... :) Hi Rinzy :) Good evening :)
Hey Boxy
1st Holiday. Scorching hot outside.
And tomorrow will be even worse :P
Sometime weather forecasts can be wrong :D
@terdon I never heard that you can wipe a disk with cat ... so it shows that one never stops learning ... what is the command to wipe a disk or a partition with cat ?
@Seth it's actually just hanging on the replace statements
@cl-netbox cat /dev/null > /dev/sdXY
I would guess. Or /dev/zero or /dev/urandom etc.
@terdon cool - thanks ! :)
Remember that everything is a file, so you can treat them as files and redirect stuff to them.
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ->
1 dude's bill on a Monaco terass :D
unbelievable :D :D :D
@Rinzwind Yeah, but the utter moron chose to pay 12350 euros for a 62 gun salute.
Damn. Next time they should aim for him.
Chivas Regal Royal Salute = 12.350 euro
That is WHISKEY ;=)
@Rinzwind O_O
And guess what
There is a Midas Armand de Brignac on it. That's 30 liter champagne.... 130k
so most of the bill is 1 bottle :=D
Well then...
what the really wonderous is: why did Tabacco only cost 20 euro
^^^ :D
Do you guys know if memtest86 tests all installed sticks or do you have to test them individually? Right now it seems it is testing only one of two installed :(
@H3R3T1K sorry? what do you mean with "sticks"? memtest86 is to test memory modules.
@H3R3T1K memtest tests RAM modules :)
i believe memtest tests all memory currently detected by the system.
@KazWolfe -- dont think so. There was something that it did not do due to multi-cores :P
1 sec
I mean modules of course
UEFI screws memtest up iirc
@H3R3T1K sticks tend to be usb-sticks ;-)
memtest86 does not use multi-core. You need to check every core for CPU checking.
@Rinzwind I'm testing RAM. It says it's using only one CPU core but what startles me is that it seems to be testing only one of two modules (the one in slot 0). It's been running about 3.5 hrs. Do I have to manually remove the module that's been tested in order to test the other one?
memtest takes a while.
that's an understatement.
But do I have to wait for it to finish the first module?
I believe it tests one module at a time, yes.
@H3R3T1K it should do the 2nd one after the 1st and 3.5h is nothing ;-)
yeah. memtest is really slow.
Whenever I need to run it, I just let my machine sit idle for 24-36 hours.
I never bother with it D: D: 2 16Gb modules here ...
A: Software center download won't stop/cancel

MiljaProsto nevjerovantno.. tek nakon što sam pokrenuo prekid instalacije preko terminala i to nisam do kraja ni upisao sve komande; tek kada sam došoao do sudo pkill dpgk i to u dva navrata da ne bude zabune ili čak tri.. ne sjećam se sad... tek onda je ubuntu software odradio do kraja instalaciju.....

Anyone speak Bosnian?
(cc @Seth --^)
I don't think Seth speaks Bosnian...
but seth is a mod who can handle flags/deletions
or write in an official context asking for translations, because i don't have a template for that yet.
I deleted it.
@NathanOsman I wish..
And T-Mo Digits has been launched (cc @NathanOsman and @TheWanderer)
we can now make/receive calls on computers and other phones from our main number.
so it's basically google voice
well, it's slightly better than google voice inasmuch as you can do stuff with your actual number
so you don't need to have your GV number and your carrier number.
also something about having multiple numbers with different ring settings? idk
i still prefer the entire SIP thing with custom IVR management. much more powerful, but gets annoying on mobile.
that and it's not Google
eh. GV is way more polished.
digits i think has potential, but there are definitely issues here. it feels rushed and barely pieced together.
UI is meh, it's a webapp (of course) so no native integration...
phone app is complete utter garbage. won't even run unless you allow it to disable battery saving.
@NathanOsman @TheWanderer btw, you guys should totally follow /r/EarthPorn. It's amazing.
@KazWolfe how much does it cost if you weren't part of the beta program?
@TheWanderer nothing unless you want additional numbers
Oh really? Nice
i think additional numbers are $10 per
here's the best i can describe it... digits has potential if it wasn't t-mobile.
all things considered, t-mobile really does suck at the consumer-end technology thing.
Now, if we could actually bind SIP and this thing had an API for messaging and whatnot, that'd be awesome.
someone could turn this into a kickass product.
@NathanOsman SpaceX launch today at 2:55
Q: libssl error after upgrading Mongo

MarkI upgraded to Mongo 3.4.4 by first downliading the tgz file and copying all the contents of its bin/ folder to /user/bin/. I then ran mongo and got: mongo: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory So I ran: sudo cp /lib/x8...

ugh thin
good news tho
@KazWolfe facepalm
@TheWanderer :O
Q: Ubuntu Shortcuts for Ubuntu 14 — Beginning and end of line

user3302709OSX Control-A Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph. Control-E Move to the end of a line or paragraph. Whats the equivalent for system wide shortcut on Ubnuntu 14? Where do I set those?

@Seth what are you doing in Charcoal HQ? >_>
hello, for having flash on firefox, is the recommendation provided in askubuntu.com/questions/562271/…, which directs to instructions on webupd8.org/2014/05/install-fresh-player-plugin-in-ubuntu.html, still up to date?
@Devilius which Ubuntu release?
`/!\ WARNING /!\` -- "Wat" rates have reached unsafe levels in Sector 12. Please evacuate immediately to Sub-Level 6 in order to avoid injury from excessive wattage leaking into the area. Close all doors and windows. Sectors 11 and 14 have been hermetically sealed to attempt to contain damage, as are maintenance tunnels and access doors to Sector 12.
cc @NathanOsman and @TheWanderer
@Devilius The most up to date answer is askubuntu.com/a/854651/367990 which correctly states that Adobe provides official flash for Linux again. I don't know about 14.04, but 16.04 and higher now have the package adobe-flashplugin in their partner repositories, which contains a plugin for both Firefox and Chrome-like browsers.
(it could use some upvotes btw)
@ByteCommander thank you very much
@ByteCommander upgoated
Fabby! o/
How are you doing?
Just finished last meeting for the day...
Wow, the community is doing some awesome stuff withe the Ubuntu phones
Was doing some close voting as it was boring (until the lst 3 minutes when they needed my help)
Long Live Ubuntu phones!
@Fabby yeah I hacked the answer together :=) didn't even proofreasd
@mateo, Is Slack available for Ubuntu Touch?
(Reason why I flashed mine to Android)
Is <x> available for Ubuntu Touch: No.
Shutting down
Good night!
Enjoy your dinner
@Fabby haven't used, I could test they have a web app right?
Ah, desktop site
@TheWanderer erm, what? I've had that room starred since before you joined the site...
@Seth charcoal was around for three years now?
woo, i'm older than charcoal!
I'm older than everybody.
truth ^
txwikinger isn't active
> Last seen 6 hours ago
also, he's still older. so, technicality.
@KazWolfe that's hardly a sign of activity. However, Nathan was signed up for the Area 51 proposal iirc, so that puts him pretty much as old as anyone.
hah, literally userID 5 whereas txwikinger is userID 4. And everything below that is SE employees.
no user 1.
@KazWolfe Ugh.
That's about all I can come up with appropriate to say about that.
Obviously, I haven't been around for a while. Since when do we accept "call our helpdesk" -messages. Personally, I find this horrifying: askubuntu.com/a/920527/72216, no matter if it is our king or not
@JacobVlijm we don't.
Q: What should we do with answers that include contact details for relevant support services?

ubashuI have no idea what to do about this answer I came across while reviewing. How do I fix the APT error "The following packages have unmet dependencies"?. They gave an answer and then a phone number. How should this be handled?

(disclaimer: that's my opinion and has no official reflection or backing other than 8 upvotes)
@KazWolfe I gave you one, +9 now :) Exactly!
@KazWolfe delete it.
@Rinzwind ?
@KazWolfe contact details
oh, on it. give me a minute
there have a batch
contact data nuked w/ explanation.
@KazWolfe That Emma has an empty user profile. she should have added there she's with system76 :P
@Rinzwind I don't honestly trust user profile data. I can put that I'm the CTO of Stack Exchange there.
or that I'm jmac's exobrain.
@KazWolfe I live on a turtle with 4 elephants underneath them
@Rinzwind that looks like "slimy"...
@Rinzwind what are those elephants standing on?
@ByteCommander oh good one :)
(sorry Jacob)
Blame the Dutch language
@Rinzwind @KazWolfe No, the elephants stand on the turtle, right?
Ah, yes.
then what does the turtle stand on?
it floats
in space
aww, no meme.
it swims in space :+)
If you look carefully you can see Rincewind and Luggage on that little green bit at the middle.
@ByteCommander fyi, I often get misspelled letters, addressed to Jacob Slijm (slime) :)

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