@NathanOsman Any other UI features I could work on for you? I don't really know anything about your actual file transfer API, so I don't know that I'd be of much help there.
I installed PostgreSQL under Ubuntu 16.04 and want to work with a database
I logged into the database and created a schema and two tables.
I'd like to work with pgadminIII and so tried to connect to my database.
The error is the following:
<12:09:24: Fehler: Error connecting ...
@NathanOsman oh man. We have a bridge here that is higher going in and lower going out the other end. That's had some fun moments too in the past. Truckers all confident going in only to wreck it all in the middle of the pass :D
@NathanOsman just in our news: http://www.telegraaf.nl/tv/nieuws/buitenland/28102607/__Trucker_veroorzaakt_chaos__.html Dont bother with the text; the video is what matters
I have Bash for windows (linux subsystem) and I'm in the process of creating some powershell scripts (just for fun) for apps I run on Linux so I can just launch them from my desktop.
It is all virtualized and offline so I'm really not looking for a lecture in security as I already know the ins a...
Being a newbie, I have very basic question: I have created an Android Application Project in Eclipse, in MainActivity.java > onCreate() it is calling super.onCreate(savedInstanceState).
Can anyone explain what is the purpose of above line?
I've spent hours trying to figure out why does my code not transition to 3rd state . . .well guess what ? It was, but because I declared my state as 1-bit value, the binary 011 value was being truncated down to just 1