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do viruses respond to stimuli and evolve?
Technically no
But in a sense, they do "evolve"
that's two out
They can't respond directly to stimuli but some viruses can adjust to situations
BTW the definition of life you go by depends on whether you believe in "macro-" evolution or not
@RobotHumans hwat a supreez
(I personally, do not, but that's not a discussion I'm willing to have in this room :)).
@RolandiXor I'm just using the one that I learned last year
@TheWanderer there is a massive debate on whether viruses are truly "alive", or if they are just complex messaging systems
Contrary to popular belief, not all viruses are bad.
In fact, some animals need certain viruses to live/reproduce!
As to whether they are alive or not though (before I go down a rabbit trail), there are some viruses that are large enough and complex enough to be considered very, very simplified lifeforms. They still require a host, but once in a host, they do so much that it's hard not to consider them as being "alive".
It's like E. Coli - there are good ones and there are bad ones.
@NathanOsman you, for instance, are a bad one
Considering where E. Coli on food comes from...
Yeah, we'll just leave it at that.
@TheWanderer the worst. The worst! I know bacteria better than anybody and he's the worst, believe me, the worst kind of bacteria you've ever seen! But, we're going to be looking into it very, very much. We're going to look into it more than anyone else ever looked into it.
@NathanOsman "Organic" fertilizer coming in through the roots...
@RolandiXor RolandiTrump
Oh btw... Fun fact:
I am reorganizing tags for Jenkins to try (for the hundredth time) to get a multi-configuration project working.
Every time I tried in the past, I ended up just creating separate jobs for each platform.
Most reptiles carry salmonella, as well as many birds (and most chickens). Since there are different strains (and bacteria can pass plasmids between strains, changing one strain to another), it's hard to know if your reptile or chicken has a good one or a bad one :>
Moral of the story: wash your hands and cook your chicken.
e-coli is a bacteria iirc
@KazWolfe we know that.
@TheWanderer you figured it out ;>
@KazWolfe isn't it a politician?
also, live chickens are not dangerous.
Argh. Why do I keep getting emails from people trying to get me to buy bitcoins??!?
That's what I learned in microbiology... E. Coli is a politician :>
@KazWolfe so if I go up and bite a chicken, I'll be fine?
@NathanOsman because whatsitcalled was hacked.
@TheWanderer no
@TheWanderer No. You will lose an eye.
^---- This.
@RolandiXor I've had chicken too lol
@TheWanderer lol
Mmmm. Fresh chicken strips.
very fresh
The freshiest.
@NathanOsman strips you of two good eyes :D
@RolandiXor hue
Or you can do the McDonald's method and throw live chickens into a grinder, and then deep-fry the resulting paste.
How do you know I have two eyes.
@KazWolfe yum
@NathanOsman selfie?
@NathanOsman because i'm outside your window at this very moment.
who wants to see some weird shit?
I bet he's built like HAL. One giant red eye.
@TheWanderer Oh my goodness. I made the mistake of Googling that ("humans with no eyes").
@NathanOsman wut
My chicken is the freshest! It's true! People call me all the time and they say "Roland, I love your chicken! It's so fresh! It tried to ask me out to dinner!" and I say "Well what'd you expect! I'm fresh too!"
@NathanOsman oh Lord
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Fanceh!
@TheWanderer wait, what?
@NathanOsman SCP FOUNDATION!!1
@NathanOsman It appears when you open the terminal: askubuntu.com/questions/901393/…
@RolandiXor watch it
@TheWanderer wachubbleisdis?
what is scp and why doesn't it like echo in .bashrc?
Well, SCP is two things: a group of people that keep the paranormal hidden, and a command to copy files over SSH.
and it's in the link I just posted to Nathan in the comments: stackoverflow.com/questions/12440287/…
cc @TheWanderer, discord
45 more points to 10K... I have to make up my sign "Ask Ubuntu 10,000 points" to put in front of my Two Oceans champagne bottle for a pic. Hopefully the points don't come all at once from bounty so I can screen shot 10k exactly and put image in sign too.
Q: !! (Bang Bang) works in command line, but not in Bash script?

plsploxSo it turns out that I can use bang commands on the command line, but not inside scripts. For instance, the following runs fine and executes the last command: !! But putting that same snippet inside a Bash script results in: ./test_script: line 5: !!: command not found At the top of the sc...

Congratulations to @WinEunuuchs2Unix, our newest 10k user!
In 45 more points :)... But thank you!
refresh your page.
Ohhh...haha THANK YOU!
Time to print the sign and take the pic!
So now you're at the 10k mark. You have access to mod tools, and, more importantly, deletion powers.
If you haven't already, please read the 10k page carefully as it contains a lot of important information.
walking around isles at supermarket
Unfortunately, you are now also expected to take far more of a proactive stance to moderation, @WinEunuuchs2Unix. So... keep that in mind.
honestly no idea what I want
You also get to see review histories for everyone, so use that to find and stop problems sooner rather than later.
there's cucumber flavored soda here O.o
I have cucumber on my shopping list... can't go wrong with it :)
user image
@WinEunuuchs2Unix ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
^^^ Champagne night :)
hm... i remember my 10k party.
I said "woo" quietly and went back to work on some posts.
Well I do have lots of WIP projects.
I can't really remember what I did.
Oh, yes. You get to see deleted posts now.
That's always lots of fun.
I have some whoppers I deleted when I first started out here.
Behold! The man has become like one of us, knowing both good and evil.
@ThomasWard, introduce him to the Chaos please.
Yeah some unlucky ones witness more evil than good tho
which reminds me... i need to go sprint to 25k
lots to be said for "ignorance is bliss"
hm... i need to go find something to eat.
@KazWolfe Your 25 points closer to 25k now :)
Lemme see if I can find what I did...
So, that cucumber soda ain't bad. I got myself a bottle and a pack of beef jerky
@WinEunuuchs2Unix ty :D
if only it was sweet, I'd buy it all the time
Hey @RolandiXor, remember this? phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI5MzU
Good for laughs now.
@NathanOsman ...
I want office on linux, damnit!
Libreoffice sucks about as much as Stallman.
KDE has Words.
But it's not all that capable.
Libreoffice is ok for small files... wouldn't want to write a 200 page user guide in it.
Heavens no.
LaTeX works better for really long documents.
Haven't used LaTeX but have seen the name dropped lots in AU
how many people actually can write TeX though?
LaTeX isn't too difficult. Basic stuff can get you pretty far. I just didn't have enough opportunities to practice it
Fun fact, cucumber in Chinese is 黄瓜, literally yellow mellon
So... how come I can get RemoteFX when I RDP into a server as a normal user but not as the administrator?
I want my fancy window effects!
@KazWolfe I started using it for professional letters.
So apparently RemoteFX doesn't work on the administrator account.
@NathanOsman - Quick question - how can I set the width of an ImageView to match_parent, and yet also have it respect the textview underneath it? (Right now it covers the textview)
Is this a RelativeLayout?
balsamic vinaigrette is the best thing ever, btw.
Ah, then you need to add something like android:layout_above="textViewID"
Can't remember the exact syntax off the top of my head.
But it looks something like that.
Or you could also instruct the inflator to layout the TextView below the ImageView.
@NathanOsman Umm... java.lang.IllegalStateException: Circular dependencies cannot exist in RelativeLayout
What's that supposed to mean?
Oh, wait
Hmm... you must have the TextView already referencing the ImageView.
Indeed, it is
One has to reference the other.
You can't have both reference each other.
Yeah, that makes sense
But how can I do this then?
@NathanOsman Because I want the textview below the imageview, but I also don't want the image view to cover the text view...
I googled, but I didn't have any luck. (Maybe I just don't know what to search for though)
Can you paste the layout?
It would be easier if I could see what you have.
I've got two Jenkins slaves on the same machine and their clocks are nearly two seconds apart!
@NathanOsman It's extremely bare at the moment, but: paste.ubuntu.com/24344856
@AndroidDev And it's the first two that are overlapping?
@NathanOsman The 2nd and 3rd. (ImageView and TextView4)
@AndroidDev It looks correct to me. That's weird. Sadly I don't have Android Studio installed on this machine or I'd try it out.
The only thing I can think of is removing the "+" signs whenever you reference another control.
For example, change:
But leave the "+" in the android:id= lines.
It's been almost 20 years since I've backed up and today I was thinking of a strategy... but how do you parse all your backups of a given file to see the times it was changed? For example /usr/local/bin/display-auto-brightness I'll have 7 daily backups, 6 weekly backups, 12 monthly backups and x yearly backups.
How do I view them to see only the revised versions and not duplicate versions assuming I backup my SSD to the directory structure is BigHardDrive:/backups/yyyy-mm-dd/DirName/FileName. I'll have 7 + 6 + 12 + x directories I need to traverse sideways but only want to list file versions that are different. Has anyone else backed up and figured it out? Also I'd need a cron job to nuke the daily backup directories or keep them if they qualify as weekly, monthly or yearly keepsakes.
Should I copy and past this to mainboard as a question? Could be lots of interesting answers... Should I write a backup program according to specs I outlined?
@KazWolfe eh?
@ThomasWard new 10k user
needs to learn true power
shoves all 10k users into a fire-proof box, tosses the box into the firepit, and walks away
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I think rsync does what you want
@ThomasWard sudo firepit off
@Chan-HoSuh You mean rsync makes the backups or rsync searches the backups and only shows the different versions and not the duplicates?
@ThomasWard You noticed I'm 10k after 8 months finally?
@NathanOsman How odd. Look at this screenshot. It's like the image view is putting a large border around the image. (It should be flush with the text view above it, and also the text view below it)
Oh hang on.
Never mind.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Sorry but the firepit is fed by the core of the earth. Can't shut that off now can you.
Listens to Serg signing David' Bowie's "China Girl"
@ThomasWard Easy, throw Fry's dog down there.
anyone here know anything about packaging something for PyPI and Python 2/3?
What is it?
The last one I tried was nvidia 3.04 after 3.67. I decided to give up gaming on Linux where I don't have any games anyway.
@NathanOsman a simple single-module extension to imaplib that overrides some methods from imaplib and uses a set of commands and queries that use UID numbers for messages instead of non-UID (unique ID) messages, in returned message sets or message interaction (search, fetch, store, for now, but i'm working on making more)
So you want to know how to package it?
Let me dig up a project of mine that you can adapt the setup.py file from...
@KazWolfe hey wait second, I thought you told me that wasn't going to happen for a long time...?
@AndroidDev not in the official repos.
unofficial is fast.
@KazWolfe oh, well I guess I'll update my answer then :)
(or you can just link to mine)
It's similar to what you're doing - it adds some stuff to another existing package (Django).
And it works in both Python 2/3.
nice. Thank you!
is there a list of classifiers anywhere?
Thank you very much, @NathanOsman :)
Yes, the page is just a bare list.
bare list is better than no information :)
@AndroidDev Protip: write a bot that compulsively checks the PPA listings to see when drivers are released.
and then ping you so you're the first to know when drivers land.
because as we know, SE is fastest-gun-in-the-west.
@KazWolfe wait, did you seriously do do that? :)
of course.
i write bots for everything.
And you shared the source code like a good netizen?
except writing bots. I don't have a bot to write bots.
@NathanOsman of course.
@KazWolfe Challenge accepted.
IntelliJ IDEA is a 338 MB download? Wow...
@NathanOsman LOL
So much for that
damn you ckb.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it makes backups and can show only changed files as an option
copying my answer, @AndroidDev? :P
@Chan-HoSuh I've seen the rsync name dropped a lot over the last 8 months I'll check it out thanks.
@KazWolfe I was planning on updating my answer as soon as it went into the PPA, but you had told me that it was going to be a long time so I didn't bother looking today :P
I said long time to the main repos.
PPAs are fast.
(or you didn't specify PPA, causing me to assume main repos. either/or)
I Upgoated® your answer, so no hard feelings?
kaz protip: kaz hates everyone.
including kaz.
especially kaz.
so, no. no harder feelings than I usually hold for people.
now... off to go play some CS:GO
@KazWolfe BTW think we should move the list of affected cards into the answer?
no, it's not relevant to the answer imo
@NathanOsman your comments about high winds last night have been confirmed on the weather network: theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Yeah, it was quite windy.
Stuff blowing around everywhere.
We don't get the same type of winds around here, just the odd tornado which you would call a hurricane which you have never had to date that I can recall.
They usually hit mexico, can't think of a singe one that made it further north than california.
@NathanOsman thanks to you and the PyPI Packaging documentation... I believe I have imaplibext now on pypi...
can I make a file virtually appear under a read only directory?
You could bind mount another directory in there.
No idea about individual files.
That's an interesting question.
yes. but I needed files to appear under a read-only dir
F1 starting \o/
@NathanOsman Also more fun facts: I've had to upload three versions so far - 0.1.0 for the base functions that work, 0.2.0-alpha* for two new functions included but not thoroughly tested heh.
so yay!
never realized it was that easy heh
seems it's possible using overlay
Yeah! It's working
# mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/lower1:/lower2 /merged
^that works from here
@ThomasWard Yeah, it's pretty simple. I've got a few hosted there myself.
It gets really fun when your package includes a compiled module.
This one for example is written entirely in C.
well now that the base of the packaging is here, I just have to write a script I can execute to build the sdist, the universal wheel, and then UPLOAD.
That won't be hard... shoots self
@NathanOsman Thankfully I don't need any compiled modules :P
I'm not a fan of C or cross-language interactions :P
I only needed it because the module was directly calling OpenSSL functions.
imaplibext builds upon the existing imaplib and just overrides several methods to return or use UID-based messageset interactions :p
Thanks, PayPal.
@NathanOsman ah, well that makes sense lol
By the way, I lifted some link formats for badges from your first one's readme.
hope you don't mind :)
Sure, go right ahead.
I probably lifted them from somewhere else :P
Pretty sure all my Python stuff is MIT so you can do whatever you want with it :D
mine's AGPLv3+ but eh.
i just used your stuff as a 'base' and adapted things :P
I won't go all Richard Stallman on you :P
and then made changes per the packaging guide :P
@NathanOsman lol.
@ThomasWard You didn't come across anything in my file that wasn't correct as per the guide, did you?
@NathanOsman Nope. Files missing from my side
the manifest, the README in rst format...
@ThomasWard is active? \o/
Q: How to find where an environment variable is defined?

zwcloudI'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and I cannot unset the http_proxy permanently. Every time I open a terminal window, it is restored to I have checked /etc/environment, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc and the scripts inside /etc/profile.d but find nothing about proxy. So now I want to know ho...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer: Boot partition full, failed upgrade prevents cleaning by Ian on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector what was the bad keyword? "Eliah Kagan"?
@Zanna you were too quickly for me, madam.
hahaha oh thanks for the thought though! It would have looked better if someone else said it
It's early. All men are sleeping :)
@JacobVlijm all men are watching F1
@Rinzwind haha, oh dear, I just isolated myself socially :)
Max went from 16 to 2 in the 1st 10 or 12 laps
WOW, then I need to watch I assume...
Now #3 with probably no more stops to do
14 laps to go
I can't even watch it, they just go round and round and round making a loud annoying noise while a guy with a nasal voice talks too fast to understand, and occasionally there's a hideous accident
@Zanna I cannot deny it is a totally inefficient procedure :)
Need to run... cu
later :)
Aw darn it. One of the apps on my phone was pushing spam in the notification area and I accidentally swiped it away.
If I hadn't done that, I could have found out which app it was.
Also, I bought some temperature sensors for my Pi. I have an idea for a project.
Q: How to sandbox all the user applications settings in one folder?

J. BaptisteHow to sandbox all the user applications settings, so they are not scattered over the whole partition in different locations, but in specified for me folder structure like Home/App Configs/{appname}? It seems like "purge" command often doesn't really clean app configs so it could be handy to hav...

1 hour later…
this is happening here even when I've plenty of memory free unix.stackexchange.com/questions/282155/…
I remember you mentioned it
@NathanOsman so you have three? o_O
yes. mentioned before. now looking for a soln.
can't stay awake with only 4hr sleep.
1 hour later…
Q: Providing access to directory to group of users

Stanislav GoldenshlugerI have one website and two developers. I want them both to have access to all the files and subdirectories of website's folder. I understand that this behavior is easily achieved by linux groups. Here's my approach: Create a group Make this group an owner of a website Turn on setgid bit for ...

Q: How to capture all incomming packets to NIC even those packets are not belong to me

m.r226AFAIK, the NIC receives all packets from the wire in a Local Area Network but rejects those packets which their destination address is not equal to its ip. I want to develop an application that monitors the internet usage of users. Each user has a fixed IP address. I and some other people are ...

@Zanna Please tell me exactly what you did to get that message :)
Zanna exited with non-zero status
@Zanna Lol!
@Zanna You should be careful with imsomniacs. And that was #1...
Do you have dogs?
My neighbors left their two dogs in their house and it's been a day
@Zanna sudo !! . . . that should fix it
Also . . . I'm starting to dislike civil engineers
@Anwar good advice :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy E: sudo: Zanna: too damn stubborn
@Zanna you must be a civil engineer then . . .
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy what happened
Hi there!
I need a quick help with a thingy: trying to install Lubuntu on an old computer.
!ereht iH
It kinda worked, but grub failed to be installed.
Now I'm struggling to install grub.
I'm in the live cd right now.
Any ideas what I should do?
I tried to mount the partition and run grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda but this failes with The file /mnt/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly..
@TheWanderer Well, I've this guy whom I'm tutoring C. Last session he came to me because they have a "project": write a program to integrate a polynomial. He doesn't seem to be interested. All that time he was just looking at me figuring out how to use strtok() function, and has no idea why I'm using it or whatever else needs to be done
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