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anyone got a dupe target for this?
@Zanna doesn't ring a bell...
can it be answered?
From 2012.... Will soon be kind of history I am afraid. I have no clue.
if you can't answer it, I doubt anyone can. Maybe it is no-repro
Haha, I am not sure I deserve the honour, but I am pretty sure it will never get an answer...
I went with you.
thank you :)
How long do we wait to burn ? Is that enough consensus? @muru?
@Zanna I was hoping for a mod to make a synonym
Looks like syn won't happen
hmm my bad...
Let's nuke it
38 questions, 6 each over the weekend for both of us
easy :)
I think I made the same error of mis-thinking what tags are for as many other people visiting the question did
2 hours later…
I am not sure what they should be doing to fix it askubuntu.com/questions/900753/…
If it's really /var/www/html it is completely unrelated.
Also they claim that the "wifi is not being detected at all" while it's clearly in the script output. I'm wondering if he shouldn't simply do sudo ifdown wlp7s0:avahi.
@muru saved my day while I am a total rokiee :D
my problem seemed apt repos and corrupted keys ; after many pages I visited I decided to share my problem and @muru discovered my bin/sh folder gone somehow and we fixed it. everything works fine right now ... simple but important..
Q: How to find the docker name/hash so that it can be exported?

alvasI've build a docker container from a dockerscript, e.g. user@servername:~$ echo "FROM ubuntu:latest" > dscript.txt user@servername:~$ user@servername:~$ cat dscript.txt FROM ubuntu:latest user@servername:~$ docker build -t ubu.image - < dscript.txt Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048...

good (morning || afternoon || evening )
askubuntu.com/questions/557958/… I can't see a clear question here.
I suggest to merge the content of all paste.ubuntu things into the question. too many questions now have invalid paste.bin links
@TheXed Your prayers to impeach Trump became possible with bombing of Syria on false grounds. Additionally no Congressional approval.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Isn't US bombing on Syria already?
plz close that dupe
politics ..even here
politics is polluting everything!
but its easy to change topic here .. I can change the environment just by saying
WINDOWS 10 is awesome
@WinEunuuchs2Unix "false grounds"? And why would that be relevant? Certainly wasn't for Bush, after all.
Hello :)
didn't realize, it's already mounted. — Thufir Feb 3 '15 at 6:15
@cl-netbox hi
@Anwar Hi Anwar ! :) Good afternoon ! :)
@cl-netbox Is it morning there?
@Anwar no, here is early afternoon - 13.40 German time :)
14:40 here
@ZaHeeR Here is where ? Hi ! :)
@ZaHeeR @cl-netbox good afternoon :)
@cl-netbox Eastern Mediterranean too. It's 14:40 here in Greece, for example.
@cl-netbox in middle east
@terdon ah ... okay ... good afternoon to you as well ! :)
@Anwar afternoon and salam though I am not religious xD
@ZaHeeR thanks for clarification ! :)
coffee time ..brb
@ZaHeeR wa alaikum salam :) nice to see you back :)
> "While some still believe that it will be impossible for a small team to keep the development of the Unity 8 and Ubuntu Touch alive after Canonical's decision to abandon both projects, UBports founder Marius Gripsgård thinks different." - SOFTPEDIA, Unity 8 Now Has a New Home over at UBports, Development Will Start Very Soon
@Anwar thanks .. you have a good memory
Unity 8 will die either way
@ZaHeeR i think it's average. but thanks for the compliments :)
the idea of convergence is hard to work
And a bad, bad idea to begin with.
@ZaHeeR Unity 8, maybe. But, I hope Unity 7 will stay for much longer... The Unity interface feels right at home on laptops.
Instead of designing one interface that kinda works for all devices, let's design many interfaces that work wonderfully on different devices.
GNOME3, is a monster on laptop screen-sizes!
@blade19899 I think much depends upon how much you got use to any interface
@blade19899 GNOME3 is a monster. Period.
Well, no, scratch that. I haven't tried it for a couple of years now. It might have improved.
At least it doesn't have the unity crap of those ugly, huge, designed-for-touch-screen boxes and the despicable iUbuntu-mac-wannabe-fan-boi menu. Grrrr
Gnome 3 is better for 4k display that I know .. but hard to multi task for me
@terdon Still looks relatively the same: gnome.org/gnome-3
@blade19899 Can you still only have one window focused?
mac mac everywhere
@terdon No idea :P - My desktop on Mate.
@terdon Those menus worked perfectly with lower screen sizes.
@blade19899 Yeah, Mate is quite good. I used that for a while but then moved to cinnamon which, to my mind, is a perfect balance between gnome2 and gnome3.
If you like mate, you will probably love cinnamon.
I don't care if a feature was designed by Windows, Mac OS X, or other Linux distros. If the features is a great idea, then I don't care.
@blade19899 exactly .. me too
This is open-source we all use each others work to create something of our own.
@blade19899 It's not the size. I find the menus very hard to use. I hate that they disappear when not focused and I hate that I can't have a menu per app. And yes, I know that you can fix that somehow, but still.
I like the taskbar of windows and close, minimize ..maximize button of mac
@blade19899 Of course! I just happen to think it's a horrible idea. The OSX desktop has some great features but the single menu ain't one of them.
@terdon It's literally a click of a button, and the menus wont disappear.
@blade19899 Will they be attached to their window though?
@terdon Yeah
OK, that's good.
@terdon To each his own. I don't really like GNOME, but I don't bash it, because other people love it.
I don't understand why people have so much hate for Unity?? - If you don't care for it, use something else. Why spew so much hatred, when there are dozens of others interfaces out there. If you don't like one, choose another.
Oh, sure. I'm not really being serious with these rants. If it works for you, then great. I think it's great that all these different options are around. I just felt a little betrayed by gnome when they completely changed everything I had been using for years. But hey, that's why I switched to cinnamon.
@blade19899 welcome to linux world
@terdon Might give Budgie Desktop a try, or just switch completely to SolusOS
Budgie looks good but, I think, doesn't do "focus follows mouse" and that's a deal breaker for me.
If I can't configure my DE to automatically focus the window my mous is on and to not raise windows that are focused, I can't use it.
@terdon Feature request to the Developer?
Not sure that budgie can't do this, though, I just sort of vaguely think so. I may well be wrong.
Deepin can't and that's a shame 'cause it looked really cool.
Budgie is gnome based, so this might work: worldofgnome.org/…
Yeah, if it uses dconf, that should work.
Q: AskUbuntu site security

CatManI am concerned about the site security of AskUbuntu. I am not sure everything possible is done to protect my private user data. Canonical is presenting itself to support free and open software. Part of that idea is to prevent that closed source software is doing things that users would not expect...

@WinEunuuchs2Unix while it might be another nail in the impeachment drum...as unpopular as it was I think it was the right call, and if the world should be pissed at anyone it should be the Assad regime and Russia. Russia is either letting them make WMD's under everyone's nose, or giving them to Assad...and everyone knows the UN can't do anything about it because of Russia...Someone has to step up and help these people.
Assad is a maniac and a war criminal, something needs to be done with him, but Trump knows the US doesn't want to get into another war. I just wish he would have gone through the proper channels or made a formal declaration of war.
@TheXed though, trump's basically thinking its a great distraction from everyone hating him
@JourneymanGeek no we still hate him.
@terdon "In fact, this site is part of a while network of Q&A sites (the Stack Exchange network) and Ask Ubuntu is just one site among many. "
Does not compute ^
i -> o
whole not while? p
also. man the chap is a wee bit ...
@Rinzwind ?
Fixed, thanks.
Mark Shuttleworth shared this on Google+ a few minutes ago -> plus.google.com/+MarkShuttleworthCanonical/posts/7LYubpaHUHH
erm. He does realise this runs on windows right? ;p
I coulda sworn their load balancers were ubuntu but it seems they are centos
... we have the ability to move quickly to support the Ubuntu GNOME community with all the resources of Canonical to focus on stability, upgrades, integration and experience.
reads as if ubuntu GNOME could take the lead for ubuntu desktop ...
I don't like this change.
@JourneymanGeek "this"?
same with me
@JourneymanGeek Ah, sorry, I thought you were referring to the Shuttleworth post.
@terdon SE as a whole ;p
Yeah. Don't remind me. They must be the only serious tech company to run windows servers in the world.
@terdon windows server ? does any real company run that ? :D
what ???
hahaha craziness
@Zanna Good afternoon ! :) Everything fine Zanna ?
They also use fastly as a CDN
(also, SE is awesomely open about things like this)
To give credit where credit is due, they're awesomely open about most things.
@cl-netbox Good afternoon. I'm ok, thanks, hope all's well with you
@JourneymanGeek it does
@cl-netbox to answer your question, my school runs strictly Windows servers...
@TheXed But is your school a "serious tech company"?
Many run windows servers, but usually not places that are jam packed with extremely knowledgeable geeks.
@terdon as they run windows servers....I would say yes!
@terdon no just me....
@terdon YES THEY DO. They have a windows server as a honey pot and keep it quiet they are running slack :D
@Zanna yes all's well so far ... except the fact that many people lost their jobs after the unity decision :(
@cl-netbox They did? Why?
@TheXed is there a technical reason ?
@terdon they don't need people to develop it anymore....
@cl-netbox technical reason for what?
@terdon I posted this yesterday here already ... please wait, I search the article again ...
@terdon they just need people to maintain current versions, so they have to either re-assign current developers, or get rid of them.
@terdon Canonical needs investers (besides Mark) and they want to invest IF Canonical trims down its projects.
I would just be surprised if they fire devs instead of reassigning them.
@cl-netbox but I imagine many of these dev's are very talented and will find jobs elsewhere...
i have a question about LXDM it seems to me that it is also not developed any more....it is continued with LXQt....so what if i continue to use LXDM is that bad? i mean what could happen in worst case
or who knows, fork the project and start their own company...
Forking software is so 1980s. Why not knife it and leave it be?
@Rinzwind not sure...we have to wait and see, right?
@terdon they fire devs and replace them with service and sales / marketing people :(
@cl-netbox so it would behoove a developer to have some sales/marketing experience...
@terdon Here is the article -> theregister.co.uk/2017/04/06/…
That is if they want to keep a job after their project gets shutters....
> Unity 8 was axed after seven years' investment because it's been determined it could not make money.
And that, dear friends, is why I don't like it when private companies get behind FOSS projects :(
@terdon because ultimately the goal is to be profitable?
They just didn't make it shitty enough so they could sell support for it...
@TheXed Yep. Which makes perfect sense for a company, it just doesn't sit well with me when it comes to FOSS.
@terdon Sure, loosing your position you had for the last 7 years sucks...I know this from personal experience...but there are opportunities for these people...maybe things they haven't ever considered...there certainly was for me...but I had to wait and be patient...
@terdon eh
Maybe. But imo, canonical's tendency to reinvent most wheels was more of an issue
@TheXed to use windows server instead of linux (debian / redhat / ubuntu) server ... -> chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36568684#36568684
@cl-netbox oh sure, because when I started this job and even before, (I don't know who originally set up the network) every device was a windows machine, so between file sharing, and active directory it just made sense...
But now that we have 90% Chromebooks, we only have limited file sharing (for autocad lab) active directory for those users, and DHCP...
but it would be a lot of work and money to transition now...
@JourneymanGeek Which, again, probably came from canonical's need to have a "brand identity" or whatever vacuous marketingspeak term fits.
But I have scaled down the amount of servers that we maintain from 6 to 2
In this building anyways...
@terdon which worked, in a sense
@TheXed Thanks for the explanation ... now I understand why the school uses windows server ... but a transition shouldn't be that expensive - you could set up CentOS server, right ?
@JourneymanGeek It did, yes.
And a lot of stuff we take for granted came out of commercial projects.
@JourneymanGeek true
@JourneymanGeek also true ... imho
@JourneymanGeek It did. But a lot of it didn't. Meh, I dunno, I was just always uncomfortable with the idea of having a for-profit organization behind my OS. Too many temptations to do things in order to make money instead of in order to make a better OS.
For some things, I want the corporation, but not for this.
@terdon the big two linux distros have corporations behind it
One of the main reasons I don't use Ubuntu or Fedora, for example. Although I also freely admit that RedHat and Canonical do a lot of good and have some serious weight to push around.
(heck, centos got borked into RH corporate)
On the other hand, they get a few things right. I can get a fedora or red hat box usable in a quarter day.
Can't do that with say gentoo.
@JourneymanGeek Not according to distrowatch where the top two are Mint and Debian. Ubuntu hasn't been in the top for a few years now
@terdon I've not seen that many debian systems in a while
@JourneymanGeek They do, absolutely. Not that though. You can get Debian, Arch, Mint, and most distros except Gentoo usable in a quarter day.
and well
There's probably no money in desktops
@JourneymanGeek Me neither, but that's what distrowatch says.
@terdon I can follow your opinion, but would we be where we are without Canonical and redhat ? I guess not ... today linux systems and especially desktops are very competetive ... this was not the case before they invested and payed full time devs. :)
@cl-netbox well....
Canonical's Debian's downstream
@cl-netbox Without Canonical, sure, why not? I was happily using a Linux desktop for years before they came along.
(also, I wonder what about snap)
They have helped though, that's true.
But really, what Ubuntu did is get people to try it.
Yep. It brought Linux to the mainstream and that is (mostly) a good thing.
yes exactly
Although I still get annoyed at all the script kiddies who use Ubuntu as a synonym of Linux.
@terdon its ok. They all run Kali now.
@JourneymanGeek Ugh.
??? kali ??? I guess you mean arch ? @JourneymanGeek
(heh, actually, I still need to do two more things with the new fedora build)
@cl-netbox No, he means Kali. That's what all the script kiddies run.
@cl-netbox naw, arch is the people who think gentoo is too mainstream
@JourneymanGeek lol, I would say it's the other way around.
More seriously though
Its a tool
@terdon isn't kali more something like a hacker's paradise ? :D
Anyway, I'm not saying it's an objectively bad thing to have a corp behind your OS, I just don't want one behind the OS I'm using. If you don't mind, more power to you.
@terdon I can understand what you mean :)
@cl-netbox Pen-tester's paradise, yes. Which is why all these clueless kids think that installing it will make them l33t.
@JourneymanGeek what are those two things ?
@cl-netbox set up the thing I use for sending notifications from my linux box when a torrent's completed, and mount a directory on my NAS to store said "linux live cds" on
@cl-netbox expensive as in the school would have to pay me to make the transition, and they hardly want to pay me as it is...
Oh and backups
Anyway @terdon I once checked kali and was not much impressed ... most of the things included there I won't ever need ... :D
@cl-netbox Of course not. It's a tool for a specific job.
@TheXed okay ... then they have to live with their nice windows thingie :D
@cl-netbox right...
@cl-netbox I am not saying I like it, I am just saying it is the way it is...
@TheXed absolutely got it ... they are the bosses ... ! :D
Anyways in this article basically Mark said we are killing research and development, and are not going to do anything new and exciting from here on out....just going to maintain what we have, trim the fat, and fatten my pocket book.
We are no longer going to be innovators in the FOSS world...
at least that is what I took from the article...
He could also ditch Ubuntu totally and point us to Debian :P
What I wanted to say @terdon ... when GNOME 2 was replaced by GNOME 3 I first didn't like it as well, same with Unity ... but once I got used to use it, I liked it ... it is normal that people stick to things they know (and use for a long time) ... so you should give GNOME 3 a new try ... I use it on fedora and it works nicely. :)
@Rinzwind Rinzy ! :)
I hate big popups on my screen. I like my sidebar
boxy :=D
@cl-netbox I did give it a try. I've been a user of KDE, WindowMaker, Gnome2, Cinnamon and have also tried gnome3, deepin, unity. . .
you sleep around ey :=D
Damn straight.
Oh, yes, and Mate.
Not more ? :D :D :D
Here a puzzle:
Q: LibreCalc- correspond few columns and rows across sheets

zewnyI'm Libre Calc newbie that never went beyond SUM function. I don't expect help-it's a complex, specified problem. Anyway I need to clarify my mind somewhere, so I have three sheets: Governments revenues in domestic currency (sheetA). exchange rates- US$ per national currency (sheetB), and a s...

@Rinzwind Just use awk.
@Rinzwind But you have to replace unity with something else - what will you choose ? :)
@cl-netbox maybe back to windows :=)
@Rinzwind sincerely please ! :D
1 annotation/suspension?
what suspencion?
@Rinzwind Apparently. Which is why I deleted it. Damn, sorry, I hadn't noticed.
I never had a suspencion :=)
You were flagged for posting "inappropriate content" in 2014. One of those automatic things. You had actually posted a link to a spam question posted on the site.
No idea why that would have been flagged.
Well in other good news, Netflix officially supports Linux now..
@TheXed Say what? Really? How? I need to use chrome (not chromium).
Did they release a native client or something?
ah crap
Stockholm. Terrorists attack
Truck drove into shopping mall.
@terdon it happened some time ago...
@terdon really I don't care ;-)
@Rinzwind OK. Still, that was irresponsible of me. Sorry :(
I know what to do @terdon
put an annotation on yourself about it >:-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
hmm he went away? :=D ashamed?
@Rinzwind I can't! I tried :(
ok we let another mod do that >:-D
JMAN! we need you :D
@JourneymanGeek we need you help. Please delete Terdon's account >:)
Alas I can't
@Rinzwind you seem to be in quite a good mood today ... hahaha
you mods all back eachother :*
@cl-netbox nah. annoyed is more like it. Too many n00bs here that need my attention
@Rinzwind lol. How can I delete his AU account? ;p
can't get anything done
also, can't kick him, can't suspend him...
leaves a present in his shoe instead
I have been fixing invoices for a client the past 4 days. Cuz someone seriously messed up and got fired.
@JourneymanGeek you need a trout to do that
interesting ... Mark Shuttleworth is back in charge - the current CEO has been ousted today. turbulent times at Canonical
pistolwhips @terdon with a triggerfish
@JourneymanGeek Can you even annotate me?
@fossfreedom 0_0
@terdon on my site, sure
@fossfreedom what ? Jane is out ?
There's no chat annotations is there?
@JourneymanGeek No, I mean my chat user. I don't think we can annotate mods.
@terdon I don't think there's a specific chat user annotation is there?
@fossfreedom Source please
@fossfreedom where did you read it ?
@JourneymanGeek Yeah. Go to any non-mod's chat profile.
Guess not
> " ..I'm also told by a source in the know that it looks to be about 100 jobs on the line as part of this restructuring and pursuit toward profitability..."
Anyway, we have an informal way of dealing with inter mod conflicts anyway ;p
@JourneymanGeek knife. table. finger.
@Rinzwind Point of view gun ;p
@Rinzwind nice
Turbulent times indeed
Whooo, Last day of my Linux class
learned allot
Did you guys know that bash has a elseif equivelant, elif? :P
@terdon (:
Can't wait to get certified as a Linux system Administrator!!!!
Bye ya'all!
ok I am taking wagers on when blade19899 kills his 1st machine as a LP.
literally everything is annoying me today
same here :P
my notebook on my left just crashed
@Rinzwind That was weird. Your normal avatar appeared for a second and then switched back to the default gravicon I've been seeing for you the past few days.
why does Ubuntu not see my sound card
Are you sure it doesn't see it and it's not just muted? intel cards had that problem for a LONG time.
@TheWanderer open alsamixer on commandline and check for "muted" state
and if it is not that install pavucontrol and check settings for your card
pulse isn't even working
E: [pulseaudio] module-ladspa-sink.c: Master sink not found
E: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-ladspa-sink" (argument: "sink_name=ladspa_output.mbeq_1197.mbeq master=alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.iec958-stereo plugin=mbeq_1197 label=mbeq control=-7.7,-6.7,-6.7,-6.7,-7.0,-7.0,-14.0,-10.0,-10.0,-8.0,1.0,1.0,5.2,7.7,9.5"): initialization failed.
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Module load failed.
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to initialize daemon.
Who's our pulse @Takkat isn't it?
@TheWanderer sudo nano ~/.pulse/default.pa
and comment all offending lines :-)
too little time ATM... at work
@Takkat and we are not? :P
nope, you chat on AU ;)
I have 2 machines and 2 hands
two feet as well - extend yourself :P
I have 0 machines and 0 hands.
@TheWanderer try with mv ~/.config/pulse ~/.config/pulse.bad then pulseaudio -k
@Takkat alright. So you already have Elon's Neural Lace?
I am all neuron.
I think you mispelled that...
Sorry, we currently have no vacancies ... canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies
weekend! bbl :)
@Rinzwind enjoy it ! :)
nm-applet is being a weirdo . . .
I'm connected . . . But instead it thinks my networking is disabled
Also, @JacobVlijm nicely found duplicate ! +1
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy theory of computation?
@Anwar Digital Circuits 3, need that for verilog programming
We've got traffic light control project
so need FSM for that
@terdon's persistent cinnamon promotion caused me to install it. I'll find some cinna bug for him :D
@Anwar Have fun!
And I'm sure you'll find some.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy sounds interesting. FSM was fun but forgot everything I think now
@terdon 1 annoying bug was the transition between menu categories weren't smooth. I always though they should have some invisible padding to them
Same goes to Gnome3's applications menu. Can't use it
Oh? Seems fine on my machine. But I never use the menu, anyway. That's what gnome-do is for.
Does anyone think this isn't primarily opinion based?
Q: Why Canonical is choosing Gnome instead of KDE?

JP VenturaAfter the controversial choice of moving from GKT to Qt4, Mark Shuttleworth announced that Ubuntu will shift back to GNOME. Canonical invested six years creating its own window manager in Qt, thus why would they move to GNOME instead of KDE, since they already have huge Qt specialist engineering...

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