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dam it ,beaver. Snow's picking up again
@TheWanderer college ? maybe not, depends on a school. But definitely a cool thing to put on resume if you ever wanna apply for Android dev job
I wish my indicators could bring me a job
I should also look into Android development type of stuff
@NathanOsman well. I got my own mail server now, fully functional.
I hereby declare @ThomasWard a real sysadmin.
SMTP (PostFix) + IMAP (DoveCot) + Amavis + SpamAssassin + SPF checks + DKIM (OpenDKIM) + Antivirus Scanning (Avast, 30d trial of their server antivirus software for linux, because ClamAV ate the memory completely)
And it works. Gonna try and write up a guide lol.
@ThomasWard Looks similar to mine, good job. I have SPF checks enabled but they don't do anything other than set a header on incoming messages. I wrote a plugin for Roundcube that displays the value of the header in a user-friendly way.
also similar to mine, but i use mysql for user management :)
(and I check DKIM and DMARC)
@NathanOsman Yeah, well, Postfix has the SPF policy installed and configured, Amavis does DKIM verify inbound, and for all outbound messages through PostFix for the domain on the mail server PostFix DKIM signs for valid DKIM enabled domains.
And I have DMARC records published too, with a third-party forensic analysis tool
so yay!
That's pretty good.
@NathanOsman well, it's way crazy but it should work. And the antivirus part is working too, though it's $300 for 3-years after the 30 days.
since their crap isn't free
lightweight most definitely.
but not free.
Well, if you need it, then you need it :D
Dammit Colorado . . . It was sunny a few hours back. Now back to snowstorm.
@ByteCommander Thinking back you are correct. Good memory!
how do I regex?
TextColor="*" doesn't work
Regex where ? And what are you trying to achieve ?
oh .*
nvm sergiy wergiy
Minding, minding a lot
minding intensifies
@TheWanderer That's almost as bad as calling @ThomasWard Tommy.
Tommy Wommy?
uh oh
enjoy ur ban k3d
he ragequit
can I repurpose RIP for Relax In Paradise?.... It would be nice to do that sigh
You can not.
well you can but nobody else will follow suit
I'll save my repurposing for things more significant... I really don't care about paradise today.
I'm procrastinating doing doc on next Q&A
This morning I started researching figlet and toilet for the next coding project instead of writing doc :(
like who in their right minds calls their app "toilet" and why on earth would they use "gay" as a parameter to give rainbow colors?...LOL
People with a sense of humor.
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/figlet-toilet to provide /usr/bin/figlet (figlet) in auto mode
I guess I need to install figlet to use toilet?
perhaps because of the fonts.
toilet is new figlet.
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/figlet-figlet to provide /usr/bin/figlet (figlet) in auto mode
^^ now I get that when I install figlet
uninstall figlet and just use toilet.
Doesn't matter I have lots of disk space... like 10 GB free on 30 GB partition.
no, toilet replaces figlet.
figlet has nothing toilet doesn't have.
       TOIlet prints text using large characters made of smaller characters. It is similar in many ways to FIGlet with additional features such as Unicode handling, colour fonts, filters and various
       export formats.
lots of linux news sites show both of them in their articles... I'll keep both of them installed for now.
they're the exact same (well, toilet is figlet, not the other way around).
I'll be using toilet in my code because I want the colour options
$ date +%r | toilet

  mmmm  mmmmm         mmmmm   mmmm         mmm     mmmm         mmmmm  m    m
 m"  "m #             #      "   "#          #    #    #        #   "# ##  ##
 #  m # """"mm   #    """"mm   mmm"   #      #    "mmmm"        #mmm#" # ## #
 #    #      #             #     "#          #    #   "#        #      # "" #
  #mm#  "mmm#"   #    "mmm#" "mmm#"   #    mm#mm  "#mmm"        #      #    #
^^^ needs some work...LOL
install toilet-fonts if you want fonts.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Break your board?
$ echo "Fuuu" | toilet

 #      m   m  m   m  m   m
 #mmmmm #   #  #   #  #   #
 #      #   #  #   #  #   #
 #      "mm"#  "mm"#  "mm"#
I just realized I wrote my 7-segment design in gate-level design, while I should have been doing the data-flow model
I have working code, it's just not written using required "model"
Welp, I've an hour to rewrite the code . . .

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