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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@Fabby Thanks, but how do you obtain this output? it's way different that xinput
I'll go for imwheel again I think, but it mess with terminal scrolling (it scroll last commands instead of window)
Q: Allow only specific devices to be connected to USB

MarcGSuppose I have a Windows PC in a safe room, disconnected from the internet, with only 3 cables connecting to another room, to a mouse, monitor and keyboard. The computer contains highly sensitive data. The HDMI monitor cable is no problem, but the mouse and keyboard cables are USB cables, and co...

@jokerdino do they both have same day as birthday or your late compliments?
starred both messages
Same day. April 1st.
haha thanks @terdon :) likewise!
My ex used to say that a birthday essentially lasts two weeks centered around the actual date :P
my mum demanded a month-long festival for her 50th birthday
but she was disappointed that she didn't get to go to the Taj Mahal (I am not sure why she wanted to go there in particular though, so no point asking me)
she had to settle for the Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park, where they were doing Pride and Prejudice (really badly in my opinion, but it wasn't my birthday festival so it doesn't matter what I thought of it)
@Zanna Pride and Prejudice is bad or their rendition was bad?
also happy birthday @Zanna @JacobVlijm ;)
their rendition; imho Pride & Prejudice is a good book and the BBC 6-part adaptation certainly entertained me
thanks ;)
oh april 1st . . .I hope shog wont try to prank us . . .again
Wink wink nudge nudge
@terdon Thank you, thank you! Your unbirthday as well by any chance? :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy did he prank us before?
doesn't sound like shog
@Seth you didnt get the reference to the great purge did you ? Also that was sort of sarcasm
His actual name is Shock, but he changed it for SE
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy that was hardly a prank.
@JacobVlijm His actual name is Josh :)
Hello everybody :)
@Seth Better than Shog!
@Seth ok. Looks like my attempt at joke failed. I guess i will stick to fish puns till salmon gets it
Actually Serg, he even lives in Denver :P
Denver is lonesome for her heroes...
@Seth does he ? Well i should message him, go for a beer sometime
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Yup! SE has an office there.
wow, I did not know that
@Zanna i am there no need to be lonesome
I have a friend from Colorado here in London who's the organiser of the Linux meetup group I go to
Clone-some (two of you)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy :)
@JacobVlijm OK, we'll start with cloning you
...but.... we already were clones
git clone Jacob
Star Wars, Episode XI : attack of Ask Ubuntu clones ?
It's your birthday today @JacobVlijm @Zanna ? Happy birthday to you from me as well ! I wish you good health and good luck for whatever you do ! May all your wishes come true ! :)
My name is George, George Cloney
Hi @SergiyKolodyazhnyy my friend ! :)
@cl-netbox good morning :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Good morning to you too ! :)
@cl-netbox thanks, that's very kind of you.
@cl-netbox Thanks! Luckily, it's my birthday twice a year (and a couple of unbirthdays)
@Zanna You're very welcome ! :)
@Zanna @JacobVlijm omg , is it seriously your birthdays ? really ???
@JacobVlijm You're welcome ! :) Please explain ... two birthdays ? :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I clone my birthdays
Well, well. Expect a gift later today then after I get off from work
@cl-netbox tough delivery
@JacobVlijm still don't get what's behind ... hahaha :)
@cl-netbox no seriously chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/201?m=35681287#35681287 that was in February :)
@JacobVlijm :)
I'm not quite sure if it's the lighting , my glasses , or my eyes in general, but my monitor just looks weird . . . too dull in corners
or maybe it's my laptop's monitor
Congratulations, @AndroidDev. You got what you wanted, a merged canonical post.
Now you get to watch me edit the hell out of it to add more details as to affected cards, more/better examples, and pretty much everything else. :)
I should be productive at some point . . . Now where is that point ?
@Seth It might be an April fool joke
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy the universe can be huge...
@ByteCommander sorry , out of good jokes for today
Fish me good duck to find more puns.
I would switch to making vegetable jokes but no-one would carrot all
Lettuce remain calm and peas-full today
This cries for a song for the anti-vegetarian
Philosophy jokes could also become a Foucault point , but I Kant find any
I've no problem with vegetarians, in fact I've started eating more veggies myself ever since I came back from China
sure, just balancing the topic :P
You know what else needs balance ? tightrope walkers
Nah . . . too simple . . .maybe we should go with balancing a binary tree . . . That'd fit right in with programming topic
Or I could resort to making pirate jokes . . . and their favorite programming language . . . R
Just don't step on sneks.
I've lucky charm for that - perl
I C that my jokes aren't getting any better. Maybe I need more Java
Maybe I should ask for a couple pointers from professional comedians
Although they might ask arrays for their services
haha that username - btw somebody please find the dupe
@KazWolfe Honestly?? o.O
looks like some of my 3am edits tbh
kaz iz bot confirmed
@Zanna There are a lot of them I think. Anyone of them would rescue the OP
sorry, I should have searched more. It seems this should be the target of that question askubuntu.com/questions/119597/…
@ByteCommander Yes.
My brain is dead before coffee
Like, actually dead.
Before coffee, I am pretty much classified as a fungus.
@Zanna OT, I'm not sure how much power management stuff Ubuntu and Debian share.
@Anwar thank you - I should have tried harder myself
April 1st arduino edition
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Lol.
@KazWolfe OT + lack of info
@KazWolfe yeah I thought so, voted
I think it's going to be my birthday today too...
What a coincidence.
@NathanOsman Please upload a picture of your government ID and passport and a handwritten note for validation.
@NathanOsman Well, let me check mine :P I might have forgotten it
@NathanOsman I believe that's another joke!
@KazWolfe That reminds me of "shimmer themes"
Its my barf day
god damn it reddit.
Anyone wants to try several DE on a single system shouldn't install *-default-settings packages
Waits patiently for the error in the image to be pointed out...
Yup :P
Also, no one pointed out that the note doesn't actually state what "this day" is.
so, anyone else following /r/place?
Absolutely, no.
How's the blue corner?
Typical Reddit.
the void is strong
actually, blue corner is taking over green corner
there's a tux captioned "GNU/Linux"
right next to My Little Pony and Undertale. Of course.
That wasn't as much fun as I expected it to be.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Going to show that my fellow Alexa devs at work... :)
holy crap this hivemind is impressive
@ByteCommander I'm sure they'll like it. That's a cute ad, even if for april's fools day
^^^ This user has been temporarily suspended for about a year. A new twist on temporary definition. Makes you wonder what he did and wouldn't you give him a "Penny" for his thoughts?
24 gold badges, that guy hasn't been a nobody in SO
Yeah I read one of his answers with 20 upvotes then wondered why total rep was only 1
maybe he had socks...
sockets that give himself upvotes??? not sure what you mean.
he has alternate accounts he uses to give himself rep.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix He wasn't the most funniest one to have around. Had an encounter with him once. He doesn't know we had though haha.
@KazWolfe That's sort of what I meant by "sockets" only they aren't accounts they are just sockets.
votes out of thin air not linked to a user
Okay, this is funny: bitly.com/IqT6zt+
16.6 k clicks XD
@NathanOsman will I be rickrolled?
It's just the stats page.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body: deleteddeleteddeleteddeleted by User on askubuntu.com
What's happening there?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Sockets are a networking/systems technology. Fake accounts for rep gain are called "sock puppets"
@KazWolfe Yes I was referring to a phatom socket sending up votes but not linked to an account.... a hack if you want to call it that.
No, the upvotes are linked to an account. A disposable account.
It's impossible for the system to have an upvote not from an account.
Yes that's how you would do it manually... anyway we now know what byte meant by "socks".
OK if he was banned for literally wearing bad socks, those would qualify.
Tried to close question as duplicate. Couldn't do it because there was a bounty on. User had commented problem was solved. Posted answer saying according to comments problem solved, question should be closed but can't be so I'm posting the answer. Won the bounty...haha: askubuntu.com/questions/895760/…
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy: How come you've changed your name?
Also, reinstalling Arch takes so little time in comparison to Ubuntu which sets it all up for you so you don't even need to do that. I wonder why...
I guess because it does it all at once and the performance for a single task decreases.
Wheras manually you do each task after one another meaning that they are faster.
Ooh! I now have 666 helpful flags! >:P
@ParanoidPanda because I'm becoming the supreme mod of Ask Ubuntu and that requires posting my full name
All yer mod flugs are belung to us
@NathanOsman What?!! But I really like chat! They have no right!
@ParanoidPanda Did you click the link?
@ParanoidPanda click.the.link
You have been...
The link gotta make you understand
Right, it's that date... :D
Yes indeed.
Yay there's finally no-one in the lab. Shall I take a nap ?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy: Go to sleep against the door, if anyone comes in, you will know...
actually a reasonable advice
sigh . . . this desk sucks. It's far too tall, so my hands basically are bent in less than 45 angle and shoulders constantly tense
surely this question is unclear (I can't vote to close because I already tried and my CV died)
I just fell asleep for 5 hours
it's the middle of the day
nice :)
some delete votes for the horrible accepted answer would not go amiss...
@Zanna Sure :)
@Zanna But I can't VTD because I don't have 10k yet
@AndroidDev no worries! thanks a lot for the up :D
Hey @NathanOsman, I found the bug!
@Zanna I say we dupe this: askubuntu.com/questions/888946/…
@AndroidDev agreed and voted
I propose it to become a world-wide law, that free coffee should be supplied at any higher educational institution and workplace
without coffee it's all bull****t
@AndroidDev Oh?
I'm curious - what was the issue?
Goodnight! :)
Q: Backup dead ubuntu using a Live CD

Caike MottaUnfortunately, my Ubuntu 14.04 is officially dead and even though I tried to restore it, it turned out I can't even boot in. It says: Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. /bin/sh: 0: Can't open splash This error came out after I try this tutorial. As I can't boot in, I can no ...

Q: DBMS Keying ? (Job proposal)

userDepthI was wondering after this conversation with a person who I think is tricking me, What is Database Keying?

sooo i think my laptop doesn't like when there are two wifi cards in my laptop
i added USB wifi dongle to it, and then it froze . . . badly . . . not even sysrq helped
Didn't have anything like that with my old laptop
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy IRQ conflicts?
@JourneymanGeek could be. I'll try to disable the internal WiFi card, will see if that does the trick
er. that shouldn't be the problem
poke around your bios
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: Problem installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a Power Mac G5 by FiveS on askubuntu.com
I distinctly remember having a system that would crash unless you disabled the serial port
@AskUbuntuMeta can we get this migrated to main AU please? I just wonder how a user with 700 points ca confuse the two
^^^ yeah it's like a 40k user forgetting to provide the link...LOL
Are G5's PPC ?
I blame systemd
@ByteCommander off topic on both sites. Into dev null shall it go
@userDepth English please ?
Powwr PC CPU
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I did not forget the link, I replied to the Meta AU bot's post
oops I missed meta's link... guess the laugh is on me now :(
Are Apple G5's powered by Power PC CPU's ?
The Power Mac G5 is Apple's marketing name for models of the Power Macintosh that contained the IBM PowerPC G5 CPU inside an anodized aluminium chassis
oh, look,the day is over again
and I only wrote one indicator today :(
I wrote a progress bar display :)
# NAME: spawn-progress-bar
# PATH: $HOME/bin
# DESC: Display yad progress bar by looping through temp file until 100
# CALL: Called from another bash script only.
# DATE: Apr 1, 2017.
# NOTE: Parm 1=/tmp/file name.
#       Parm 2=title
#       Parm 3=text
while true ; do # loop until 100 %
    Percent=$(cat "$1")
    echo $Percent
    sleep .05
    done | `yad --progress --auto-close \
    --title "$2" \
    --progress-text="$3" --percentage=0 \
    --no-cancel --center --auto-close`
You are supposed to do it within your own bash program but mine was too large and it was messing up so I had to spawn the process instead.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that sounds like my old "pebkac troubleshooter"
@RobotHumans I'm not familiar with your troubleshooter
progress bars followed by "we found a problem" and a shot from the webcam displayed on screen
My problem was the progress wouldn't appear because there were too many echos within the while loop and yad is piped to at the end of the while loop.
probably my problem on github... peeps were very vocal about wanting to accept a PR, then it took 6 or so commits to get the code to pass CI, but their CI system fails on the build IN REPO, so there's no auto-accept...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I've suggestion though: use $() instead of backticks
backticks are horrible things that should just die in the hell of fire and its ashes should be spread accross 7 seas
who doesn't like backtics :)
Actually it works without back ticks too I think... I had copied code from web.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix well , i am not familiar with yad, but it does look like backticks are not necessary there
@WinEunuuchs2Unix maybe you should start copying code from better places
yad is the only way I know of so far to give GUI interface to bash.
yad is zenity on steroids, a fork.
fork is a separate existence of a program, hence it's still two different things
also, different features in both
yad expands on what zenity can do... for example you can define extra buttons besides cancel / ok.
that i do know
yad uses gnomes / gtk's file selection dialog boxes to input file name.
I put a record number in my table for processing purposes and yad lets you hide that column.
yad's progress bar display can be configured like Ubuntu Update's where you can show text of terminal display
Each column can be defined with a field type like, file name, date, read-only, etc.
ah carp, i missed the train
you're such a Serg
i am the sergieat serg there ever serged
now, the question of how do I want to spend the evening. Do i make a cup of coffee and keep on coding tonight and maybe study , or do i get a couple shots of whiskey and sleep till tomorrow ?
Q: askubuntu rss down since 4/1/2017 09:00

heynnemaThe RSS feed at http://askubuntu.com/feeds appears correct if you go directly to it in a web browser, but since 09:00 on April 1 my RSS News app can't get any new questions. If I re-add the feed to my RSS app again, it comes up with questions ending yesterday! What's wrong with this RSS feed?

Sounds like a block of some sort.
OP can't get his feed reader to read the RSS feed for the site anymore.
Works in his browser but not in the app.
See my comment.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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