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Hi guys and gals!
Hi @DavidFoerster!
What do you think I should do with askubuntu.com/a/896386/175814 ? My not-an-answer flag was declined even though the answer is clearly not meant for Ubuntu.
Not sure, the suggestion attempts to solve an issue on Ubuntu, but it probably won't work.
(down) voting is then the action to express that I think.
Hm… I guess you could read it that way though it would be implied at best.
@DavidFoerster I think such answers should be flagged
as per answer to my meta post... (let me find it)
@Zanna That's what I did and the flag was declined.
but a similar flag of mine got declined too
so I think mods need to comment on my meta post!
I voted to delete that answer just now
Q: What should I do with answers about other Linux distros?

ZannaWhen I see an answer "here's how to do this in Windows", I flag it and leave a comment explaining that this is off-topic. All such flags have been marked helpful (but if I was wrong, please tell me...) I would do the same for Mac... And I think I should do the same for answers that say "here's ...

found it myself in your profile :-)
yeah but posting it here not just for you
maybe I should bump it
by editing
because I am still not sure what I should do
I was really confused a few days ago by a similar case
edited it :(
@Zanna @DavidFoerster while I agree it is a bad answer, it attempts to answer for Ubuntu. That means qualifying it should be done by voting, not by flagging.
how does it attempt to answer for Ubuntu?
with an implicit "hope it works on Ubuntu!" ?
The poster assumes it works the same on Ubuntu
Intent is not magic...
...but cannot verify. More than once I post answers, mentioning I am not able to check (other distros), but post nevertheless. (But they usually work) @Zanna
let them test is on Ubuntu and then post, or just comment
answer does not belong
that's my opinion
(it's just my opinion)
@JacobVlijm on U&L?
No, here too. @Zanna
Again, it is probably a bad answer, but only OP can confirm it is (or anyone else who tries)
hmm I think it does depend on the type of question
but like muru says in the comments on Zacharee1's answer to my question, what if someone screws up their system trying something that works on another distro?
@Zanna You're supposed to use down-votes for that according to the guidelines.
@DavidFoerster where in what guidelines? if the command is dangerous, terdon said flag it for mod attention
@Zanna That is always possible. I once tried a solution that worked on an older Ubuntu version, totally screwed up my x
but in this case you don't know whether the command is dangerous
the answer is off-topic
@DavidFoerster This! is true, that is what voting is for.
@DavidFoerster well if that's the conclusion (I don't agree with it) all I can say is I'm glad I have delete votes
@Zanna How can you tell? did you try?
Moderators will rarely if ever delete an answer simply because it is incorrect, @J.R. - that's something the community is expected (and empowered) to handle. — Shog9 ♦ Jan 6 '15 at 16:42
@JacobVlijm I can tell because it's not about Ubuntu!
we close questions that are not about Ubuntu
without checking whether there might be common solutions for the distro in question and Ubuntu
@Zanna You don't know, many work arounds are not Ubuntu
as karel once commented to me, the risk of having accepted answers that don't work on Ubuntu is a risk bad enough to justify closing those questions
@JacobVlijm what do you mean?
@Zanna Exactly what I say, the question is if it works on Ubuintu, not where it comes from.
wow I managed to flag the spam!
@JacobVlijm but the person who posts should have the responsibility to verify that it does work
we shouldn't have to risk messing up our systems testing it for them
and if it does work, mention of the other distro should be removed as irrelevant fluff
(just my opinion)
if they have something that works on another distro, they should comment
not answer
because it's just speculation
I don't disagree he shouldn't have posted (if I were him, I wouldn't), but the question is what is the appropriate way to express that.
the appropriate way to tell them they should not have posted?
Ladies and gentlemen, the future is here ! We now have a toolset for programming embedded devices in Python, in particular some of Microchip's MCU's. Now , don't get overly excited, because the toolset costs 200$ per year. But it's still exciting !If you want, read all about it here: zerynth.com/blog/…
( in case you don't know, Microchip are one of the biggest MCU manufacturers around. I worked on some of their MCU's in my microcontroller classes )
@Zanna many answers on AU shouldn't have been posted. The way to express is normally DV
it depends! if the answer that should not have been posted is "same problem here, please help!" then the way to express it is to flag
@Zanna Totally!
of course you know that, but I mean, probably the majority of answers that should not be posted are some kind of flaggable stuff like that
that's the impression I get doing reviews
I flag more than I downvote
maybe I'm doing it wrong
but I don't think so
(maybe about this issue, which has yet to be settled, but that's a rare case)
@DavidFoerster downvoted to express that the answer is not useful and voted to delete. NAA flag , IMHO, wouldn't be valid as it is an attempt at an answer, but it's is simply not-useful as far as Ubuntu is concerned. I'd say the flag was declined properly ( although I understand it probably seems not proper but in context of whether a post is an answer or not, well, it is an answer)
And it's gone, by the way
yeah 3 delete votes
We agree that the answer does not belong, I think
the question is how to get rid of it
Yes, doesn't belong. But it is an answer, hence like I said - flag was declined properly, IMHO. Getting rid of it - via downvotes and delete votes
if it's not to be considered flaggable (I think it should, as that's what Zacharee1's upvoted answer to my meta post says to do)
then the problem we have is not enough people using their delete votes
It's not an answer for Ubuntu
so I say it's not an answer
like an answer that misses the point of the question is not an answer
@Serg This, totally agree.
@Zanna exactly, and that's what makes it non-useful as an answer in context of this site. It's still an answer, and could stand on U&L, but not for our site
so if in the context of the site it is not useful, it is off topic and should be removed strictly, by a review process
it doesn't belong in the context of the site, at all
@Zanna are downvotes and delete votes not enough ?
it is very hard to get stuff removed by downvotes and delete votes!
because not enough people use them
@Zanna DV make clear the answer is bad
Well, the amount of people using the votes is a separate problem, I suppose.
well it's very much the problem here if such posts are not to be considered flaggable, yet we all agree they should be removed... I am a janitor, I review lots of stuff every day, I use all my delete votes. That's where I'm coming from on this...
@Zanna still not sure it should be removed until proven it does not work.
who should have to prove it does not work? I don't think it's fair that people should post untested answers about other distros for us to test. Let them test it. But I'm just repeating myself now
I will shut up
...And again, it attempts to answer for Ubuntu. We have many bad answers, unflagable.
@JacobVlijm problem with that is the proving part. There is tons of Linux distributions, and verifying all solutions, especially in very obscure and specific cases is hard. I agree that an answer could potentially work, but verifying is the difficult part
And again I don't agree that posting on Ask Ubuntu constitutes an attempt to answer for Ubuntu
For an unregistered user who has been on the site only 2 days stick works better than carrot for the answer David Foerster linked to.
@JacobVlijm yep, and because it attempts it is an answer also, hence NAA flag is invalid, and should be down and delete voted
we don't need to interpret "attempt" that generously imho
@Serg exactly.
@karel and what do you mean by that ?
@karel agreed, or they will just keep posting off-topic answers
....Need to run, see you later!
thanks for your input @JacobVlijm have a great day xxx
I am glad karel is here because karel actually uses delete votes
I'm a janitor too.
@Zanna > 1. Not an answer (NaA)

>This flag should only be used for answers that are not even ___attempting___ to answer the question. (From http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/15888/how-do-i-flag-correctly/15921#15921)
it should also be used for answers that miss the point of the question
I think that could include answers about other distros
@karel I know what Carrot and Stick mean, thank you very much. I am asking what do you mean when referring to David's comment/post ?
since the point of the question always silently includes "on Ubuntu"
@Serg it should also be used for LOAs which attempt to answer the question
and very often, I edit those instead of flagging
if the answer is about another distro and I can test it, then I test it and edit it
I err on the side of salvage
I think karel does even more than me to salvage posts that would otherwise be flagged or closed
@Serg David Foerster's original message was What do you think I should do with askubuntu.com/questions/815236/… ? My not-an-answer flag was declined even though the answer is clearly not meant for Ubuntu.
@DavidFoerster and karel and myself are people who review every day, a lot
@karel I saw that, and ?
those arguing that the post should not have been flagged are, I think, people who do not review as much
@Zanna are you trying ad hominem argument ?
I'm trying to figure out the difference in experience that is influencing our positions
I don't think anyone should be in any way pushed to review if they don't want to contribute in that way
we can all do what we find ourselves able and willing to do
@Serg Read back on my comments posted a few minutes ago and then Bertrand Russell illustrates this well when he describes rationalism as an inverted pyramid, with the first premise pinpointed on the ground. rationalism is defined as a methodology or a theory "in which the criterion of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive
people being different & contributing in different ways makes a great site
Over time I came to see that downvoting is a bit more appropriate in expressing the validity of an answer from usefulness standpoint. Link-only-answers are one of those. They can be salvaged, but unless OP or others do - down with it.
so you downvote LOA?
Same in this case. Thanks, this is an answer for RHEL, but it's not useful to us. Downvote and goodbye
Not always, but I do.
but that's not correct, LOA should be flagged or salvaged
of course you can downvote too
But an answer for RHEL, I would argue, is the same type of beast, something to remove or salvage by testing and editing
in the current form, it does not belong
Again, I judge from the point of usefulness view. Link might be useful, although when it doesn't even summarize what link is about - there's no use in that. Plus , there's literally dozens of answers on SO which have dead, outdated, non-loading, or wrong links. Yeah, thanks for nothing pal, you posted absolutely nothing useful
Anyway to return to my point, we who actively spend our time trying to remove or salvage stuff that does not belong know our tools, and we know that delete voting is an unreliable way to remove such content. It's also less transparent than having that content go through a community review process, which gets eyes on it (more eyes to salvage if possible)
@Serg so those are totally NAA, and should be flagged, right?
@Serg By "sensory" in my previous comment I mean something I can easily test on my own machine without installing RHEL 6 on it.
I might be wrong in that department. Probably should ask about my approach on meta. #ROASTME , #AskUbuntuAMA
@Zanna as per terdon's answer, yes, should be flagged.
that's the signpost to the apple, NAA
#TakeABite ?
#SteveJobsWasRightAllAlong ?
Can't sleep :(
Well, come discuss stuff with us, then @NathanOsman
I can sleep, but I just don't
@Zanna OK, on a more silly note, I need your advice as an editor
ok :D
I'm going to bookmark the conversation and edit the bookmark into my meta post
@Serg that's actually kinda ironic :P
What should I do with my papers ? I've tons and tons of old notes, homeworks, exams. I used to have like 3 stacks but over years it went down to like one and half. Now I am still deciding if I should nuke it all or actually sort and keep
From the point of view of value, the notes on one hand carry some information, but on the other hand - they just pile up and it's not like i properly remember stuff i cough didn't learn in classes anyway
@Serg could you foresee even a possible use for them down the road?
@NathanOsman very very limited one, along the notes of reviewing
C programming notes that I kept are actually useful, when I tutor sometimes. Also useful for myself to review
Keep those ones then, at least in the short term.
As for the others, personally, I wouldn't keep them.
I agree...
Some of other notes, like random thoughts and journal notes - i probably will keep those, handwritings from friends, and exes . . . But stuff like notes and assignments and labs from Circuits 101 stuff and Digital circuits 101 stuff . . . It's just . . . not being useful anymore, and somehow it only retains value as memory, a memento of how well i started, then how horrible it went wrong, and basically all the other years that i'm trying to fix my college education
I guess that answers it . . . Thanks , folks !
you answered your own question :)
You know, funny story. When I was shopping in Beijing, we went to one of those street markets/malls, and I found one little shop. And there I found a fan. There was this little fan, I was considering getting, and I was sort of trying to open it with one hand , like the seller does
So, I kinda refused to buy it saying "This one doesn't open"
So the seller lady, took it, flicked it and opened it with one hand, and said "See? It's you, not the fan"
haha that's deep XD
Deep, lol, but very true. Very often I make up my own problems, then wander and can't figure out how to solve them
By the way, I now have 3 fans. The one i got in Beijing, that same one - it is 4 inches, is the smallest. The other two are like 10 and 12.5 inches
@NathanOsman by the way, did your script go offline ? I don't see the bubbles anymore
I am the same, it's always me in such cases
I'm really clumsy and bad at figuring out basic engineering problems like how to open a fan XD
gtg, charity dance event, later all :)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: How To Get My Penis Bigger Or Tips For Prolonging Ejaculation by lornamejias on askubuntu.com
@Zacharee1 hey, what do you call a fisherman's computer mouse ? click-bait . . .
oh good morning :D
OK, I'm off to sleep . . . Love the color, by the way
Q: Getting errors when ThermApp thermal camera used with linux system

Rishabh TiwariI'm using thermapp camera with Raspberry Pi with sdk given by manufacturing company, I follow all the steps but i am getting errors with some files missing. here are the errors : *****proxycam[6646]: [5736][ at configuration.cpp:799] Could not open configuration file '/etc/eyerop/routing.conf' ...

@Oli around?
last episode of Bones
they went back to the original theme song
Good afternoon ! :)
here yes :)
be a color
nice one yours :)
be pink
or yellow
those are available
mine is blue already
but it has letters, and Serg already has blue
I had blue color before @Serg changed to it
good luck fighting him for it
hahaha ... no fighting in sight
be yellow
the thing is that I like my avatar
too bad :p
Hi @jokerdino ! :) I am on a 17.04 VM right now ... little UTT issue : Launcher transparency isn't changeable ... level slider not working (just FYI - maybe you can fix it). Question : Is UTT still depending on webapps-common ?
not sure
@jokerdino some time ago you told me that you wanted to remove the dependency right in time for the final zesty release - or is that the job of @Seth ?
Everything back to normal @ParanoidPanda ? How are you doing ? Good afternoon to you ! :)
@cl-netbox: Yeah, it's a beautiful day over here. :)
@ParanoidPanda Here too ... sun is shining, it's getting warmer, although very windy outside ! :)
@cl-netbox I don't remember much.
@ParanoidPanda 17.04 beta is already very stable ... one issue with online-accounts, but that was fixed today. :)
@jokerdino hmmm ... okay, then I guess nothing changed until now - will you try to fix the annoying dependency thing in the next weeks ? :)
Why oh why keeps this guy begging for, no giving instructions for upvotes and accepting, on questions he pretty much knows they are dupes. I bet he even gets the answers from AU. askubuntu.com/a/896616/72216 makes me sick.
@JacobVlijm I observed this behavior from him for a long time ... he does it even when providing extremely poor answers ... good afternoon Jacob ! :)
Hey @cl-netbox! Yeah, exactly
@JacobVlijm He is annoying.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Hi ! :)
@cl-netbox Hey... how's it going?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Fine ... testing zesty in the moment - what about you ? :)
@cl-netbox Spent the last week writing an answer for bash template (sample code) to use yad to insert/edit/delete records in scrollable dialog box window. Just wrapping up now before posting. It's been challenging and educational for me.
I tried Zesty in January but didn't like it so abandoned the project. Waiting for go-live production version now :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix nice ... and yes, that's challenging ... :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the beta I'm using is very stable ... no big issues so far (I installed it yesterday in a VM). :)
@JacobVlijm mods told him not to do it already :( I flagged the pleading-for-accept comment
I've noticed his pleading has got him 2K points over the last 6? months
Daylight saving time begins in the UK tomorrow! Yay! :)
@Zanna Did they ? Then he didn't take it seriously as it seems ... good afternoon Zanna ! :) Superfine today ? :)
I used to despise it as I thought it was the fake time, but now I'm quite glad to know that it will be coming soon. :D
Who's been pleading?
@Zanna ah, that is good news :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes, unfortunately this method seems to work ...
@cl-netbox It's disgraceful but all we can do is post comments below his solicitation and down vote him which is like ganging up and probably not allowed.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix don't forget what @terdon says : never downvote a user ... only vote for content ! :D comments are better in this case ... the other day when he provided apoor answer below mine, I wrote : "or another one which might be more useful" ! :)
@cl-netbox I believe @terdon or another mod said a couple / few months ago those with > 10k should downvote poor questions / answers. His (or whomever it was) reasoning being people like me should still try to accumulate points I guess?
^^^ Down voting costs points being the reason I mean.
Either way Zanna's approach of flagging specific bad behavior is probably best method.
@JacobVlijm @Zanna @WinEunuuchs2Unix Look at his profile (answers tab) - under every of the latest (not accepted) answer you find this comment !
@cl-netbox Yuck... Have to run again, see you all later :)
Telling a new user how accepting helps clear the list of questions is valid at times I guess. But he does overdo it.
@JacobVlijm see you later :)
@cl-netbox I'd like to see a policy of free-speech without hate or cruelty here in AU and don't want to see 1984 "correct think" policy implemented. As such I think @Zanna approach is best one. Always trust her judgement is my general rule of thumb :)
@cl-netbox superfine :) out with my family, signal is bad
@WinEunuuchs2Unix There are also some others here who are having a similar approach with fair and good judgement I think ... but you are right : @Zanna does a good job ! :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that's very kind of you to say, to be truthful though I don't know what the best thing to do is. I this he should not keep doing that and maybe downvoting will stop it, but I don't usually downvote answers to dupe questions unless they are bad, so I feel uneasy about doing it just because it's him
I am going to keep flagging those comments though
@Zanna Your dilemma only goes to prove my faith in your judgement. Like I said whatever you feel is the right course at the end of the day, I'll sail my ship along side yours.
@JacobVlijm @WinEunuuchs2Unix @Zanna I flagged five of his last answers with this comment ! Was it correct ?
What fid you flag them as? I'm just flagging the comment
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Need something?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix :) :)
@cl-netbox Sorry I haven't really been paying attention to this guy's track record. Whilst talking I finished that one week project of using bash + yad to maintain list of records: askubuntu.com/questions/894888/…
@Zanna I flagged the answer with : Is this way of begging for accepts and upvotes what we want ? He places such comments under nearly every answer.
@James I'm not sure.... What might I need? do you have a menu of examples? :/
@WinEunuuchs2Unix well, i just happened to be walking by and saw your comment about free speech without hate or cruelty, and wondered if there was an issue.
Hi @James ! :) long time no see ... did your hear something from Heather's daughter lately ?
@cl-netbox Nope. Sent the card off with everyones messages, haven't heard anything since.
@James Oh that is a comment on the last hour of conversation between myself, Jacob, CL and Zanna.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix gotcha. So, while I'm lacking context, we do have that policy for moderators and a "strong recommendation" for everyone else in the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
@James okay ... that's just normal ... so let's hope everything is as good as possible for her. :)
Yes the debate was what we can do within the rules to correct bad behavior of one of our members here in AU.
Is this related to all the flags that netbox left?
yes and zanna too.
k. I'll take a deeper look.
reading the transcript above might provide clarity.
@cl-netbox I think that was helpful :) although I don't know what I'd do if I were a mod to get him to stop, since he's already been told on meta that it's not the way to do things
We don't really have any sort of conviction on the right course of action and bringing in mod support or anything like that yet.... we're kind of just debating options I guess
Let me find the meta post
I've never seen the show "Survivor" but maybe with enough votes he can be voted off the "AU island" ?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Here the discussion started @James -> chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36277929#36277929
good point I came in during the middle of the conversation (discussion).
I think we'll need to follow up with them as a moderator team.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix sadly it doesn't work like Survivor. :(
@James Haha yes it was sort of a joke. Having the mods discuss it at the next "team meeting" is a good idea. The guy isn't breaking rules per say just making others "uncomfortable" or "annoyed".
Pilot & Terdon are correct.
Of course
But he keeps doing it despite being told
Thanks for bringing it to our attention
we'll follow up.
in the words of some politician somewhere... "Your opinions have been duly noted and filed away."
haha...file number 13?
@Zanna Were does he get told to not write such comments ? I can't find it there :)
We've been busy over the past 4 years.
Your busy work has created a nice site IMO
Mostly Seth lately, I slacked off for the past 2.
Well with the exception of Politics Beta... but I won't go there :p
Yes Seth is rock-solid!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm only involved here on AU.
Anyway, thanks everyone.
Thanks for stopping by and lending an ear :)
100% random chance. :-)
but you're welcome! that's what mods are supposed to do.
@cl-netbox oh, I mean not to answer dupes.
So if I might get some advice my answer here: askubuntu.com/questions/894888/… seems wrong for AU. I think SO or U&L would get more interest / attraction in their audience base. Can I ask your opinions?
@Zanna okay ... then the mods should tell him to stop posting these comments as well
I've invested a week of coding after work on the project and I really do want the most people possible to see it and comment on it.
Perhaps we need a new meta post because unfortunately I think the most recent one about asking for accepts concluded it's ok. I'm not happy about that (although there was some nuances re how and when it's done)
Wouldn't a new meta simply be flagged as dup of the first meta?
not if we post the exact same answers with details pertaining to the new question :p
@Zanna yes pointing a new user to the rule of when and how to accept answers is absolutely okay ... but not the way he does it
@WinEunuuchs2Unix if terdon were here he might be able to predict how well it would go down on U&L... but generally self-answered Qs get less attention unless they are about a common problem. You could put a bounty on it to get attention. It's not off-topic. No idea about SO...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Certainly wasn't me and I doubt any mod could have said so. After all, -2 is a trivial amount and, more importantly, downvotes are the only way we have of pushing wrong/bad answers down.
@terdon Perhaps it was Seth then. Either way you confirm what I believe the mod said and @cl-netbox should change his mind and know that mod's do appreciate down votes.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I mean instead of asking generally is it ok to ask for accepts, ask specifically about this way, but better if we can find such a question already
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Oh yes, downvotes are good. No question about that. I was just stating that they shouldn't be cast only by high rep users but by everyone.
And yeah, your Q&A seems fine to me. I just upvoted it. It will likely not get many upvotes though since it's quite a complex script. That's how it goes, I'm afraid.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Well, to be honest I have no idea what this is about, but I don't think it is about ubuntu - maybe I'm wrong - can you transfer the post to U&L ? But for your effort : +1 for the question and +1 for the answer ! :)
@terdon Yes you warned me last week how complex scripts don't get upvotes. Indeed my highest rated answers have been simple one liners or worse yet byte commanders famous "sudo insults" question.
@cl-netbox It's about using bash to insert, edit and delete records in a file or a database.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix aha ... okay, you've got my upvotes ! :)
The file could be a shopping check list, but in this case it's every script you've ever written and where you posted it in AU.
Thank you for the upvotes :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix You're welcome ! :)
Haha my signal is so bad... I didn't see that comment about only 10k people using downvotes. The fact that we get that privilege at 125 suggests 10k is too long to wait ;)
I'm at 9,183 points or something.... last week I got < 100 points because I didn't answer anything and spent all my time coding that Q&A I linked a few minutes ago. So 10K bar seems soooo far away and wasting points down voting is a valid point Seth or whomever I think it was made.
I have voted about 1200 upvotes and 18 downvotes on my record.
Downvotes are sooo cheap, -1 point
I do post comments when I see something wrong... I just don't like to down vote and hurt feelings.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix You are not alone ... I also didn't get many upvotes last week ... :)
Anyway now I'm at the cinema, later all
Enjoy the show, let us know if we should watch it too later :)
@Zanna enjoy the movie or whatever you're watching there ! :)
@cl-netbox +1 on Los Angeles time zone but you should accept your own answer now :p askubuntu.com/questions/895275/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix same with me ... :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Thanks ! :) What do you mean with accept my own answer ?
oops I saw your avatar on the question and didn't realize you had only edited the question not asked it. Sorry....
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I asked only this question -> askubuntu.com/questions/895634/… and there is no answer so far ... :)
+1 for that great question I think Nathan should look at it.
@NathanOsman ^^^
He was the first person to say "snap" in this chat room since I joined :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Thank you ! :) Have you seen my comment on popey's comment ? He is from the snap / ubuntu core team I think ... :)
Yes I read the comment. Can't you simply remove old snaps similar to the way you can remove old kernels?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes of course - example : sudo snap remove core --revision 1337
Did you see my script for displaying and then removing old kernels? Perhaps we can modify it for snaps.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I think scripts are a bit complicated ... executing this one command is all that's needed ... also when there is a default = 3 - then there should be a switch to change it to 2 or whatever - right ? :)
The primary function of the script is to show you all the kernels you have installed. The selecting multiple ones and purging them is a time saving feature where you go for coffee.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix there's a snap list option available for this ! :)
Agreed there should be a switch someplace.... where I don't know :(
Maybe they implement something in the furutre like how it works in fedora ->
sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
I'm afraid I don't know much about snap. I know I'll probably be forced to learn as they move away from apt-get.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that will take a long time ... if ever this will happen ... too many downsides - one example : you can't access separate partitions to work on your data until now. :)
Hi, can somebody help with moving the grub bootloader? I currently installed it on a separate drive where I've installed windows. I'd like to install it on the drive where I installed ubuntu and delete it from the old drive. So that each drive has its own bootloader and I'll select the os in bios
@Pepe Sorry I have no experience with that but if you search the question database It's probably been asked and answered before.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes I've found something but wasn't sure. But I'll probably just roll my dice ;)
@Pepe You can always post a comment under the answer if you have any doubts before proceeding.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix if I only had enough reputation for comments...
Well you can post a new question with any concerns about the answer you link to for doing your project.
That way you get answers and you get more points when upvoted.
@angussidney I do. I just like being annoying :)
1 hour later…
The Traefik container decided to magically upgrade itself again.
Too bad bank accounts didn't do that ;)
I just did some on-line shopping from London Drugs so bank account downgraded without having to get out of my chair :p
@Serg script is back. Minor issue with the load balancer.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix no I was dragged by my mum, not my choice
what show
When is 17.04 getting released then?
@NathanOsman: Ahhhh! You're purple! When will this madness end?
@ParanoidPanda I think there are four of us now.
Zacharee is green, Serg is blue, and Jacob is orange.
You should pick a color... although your picture is almost nearly black anyway.
Whoops! Wrong keyboard! :D
Yes, maybe I should @Nathan! :)
I am in need of an avatar change anyway I believe, this one has just been there too long and I've made a lot better stuff. But I'll pick a solid colour now to go with the times. Then I might change it to something else.
The infection is spreading
@ByteCommander Resistance is futile.
I will at least die multi-colored!
"die" or "dye" >:)
@Nathan: So, what do you think?
I quite like this colour as I can't even figure out what it is! :D
But I feel as though it would look nice with a nice green leaf on it.
It's nice.
It certainly makes a change from the black monster I had before.
I like it, I don't think I will switch it back to what it was.
If I switch it to anything else, it will be something more colourful that I have made. :)
Q: How do I permanently change environment variables via terminal? (Ubuntu 16.04)

rmac16I clobbered my environment variables, so now when I attempt to log into the desktop I get sent back to my login screen after a short blackout of the screen. I've attempted to use 'export' but that only works for the current terminal session. Every other answer I've read has mentioned using gedit,...

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