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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@JorgeCastro Welcome to the high rollers' club
Q: Why does '/' have an '..' entry?

George EdisonThis just baffles me. Why does the root directory contain a reference to a parent directory? bob@bob:/$ ls -a . build home lib32 mnt .rpmdb sys vmlinuz .. cdrom initrd.img lib64 opt sbin tmp vmlinuz.old bin dev initrd.img.old lost+found pr...

4 hours later…
@Stefano: Whew! I just rewrote a very sizable chunk of JetFTP. Now it is no longer multi-threaded and relies on signals. But it is much more stable now and even responds to SIGINT. (Pressing Ctrl-C.)
@GeorgeEdison Morning :-)
that's cool!
How exactly was it multi-threaded before? (what were and weren't new threads?)
Each connection was its own thread.
And the server itself was a new thread.
Did you use any special sort of lock for the socket listening on port [whatever the standard ftp port it]?
When it was multi-threaded?
Ya, Qt has thread-safe signals/slots that handle that.
Oh I see
Well I don't know what to say, very cool that it's more stable now, but you will have to go back to a multi-threaded design at some point right?
Or maybe not, you are planning to make few servers
So a server would still be utilised efficiently if you ran jethttp, jetftp and jettelnet on it :)
Yeah... I don't think I would make it multi-threaded again... not for a good long time.
Most Apache installations are single-threaded.
(All of the ones with mod_php are.)
see, i know nothing :) (that surprises me)
I think your implementation could well be the most simple and straightforward one out there, so you have a performance advantage anyway. I'll be interested to see how it compares to other ftp servers
I'm sorry for sounding so un-enthusiastic, I'm secretly hoping your server will be 10 times faster than any other, so it'll be very successful (:
because I like your way of doing things
Thank you.
I hope it's a success too. Eventually, I'd like to deploy it on a server and give it a real test.
Posted by Jeff Atwood on January 11th, 2011

If you ever listened to our sadly defunct podcast, you probably heard about Twitter … a lot. I’ve been a longtime user (since 2007) and I was always surprised how much utility I got out of the thing. Even Joel Spolsky, a longtime skeptic of the service, is a believer now.

We decided to create Twitter accounts for each Stack Exchange 2.0 site that will broadcast interesting questions every so often. Believe me — I despise spam as much as anyone, and I fully realize that Twitter is not RSS … …

Whoa...! Launchpad sure has a loooong backlog of pending builds.
>3 hours worth.
I've always wondered why private ppas get preferred treatment on launchpad's build service
should be the other way 'round
You're in luck... the i386 build starts in 9 minutes.
i386 build is finished and published.
@GeorgeEdison do you have any API documentation for jetserver?
Not yet.
But the version of JetFTP in the repo. currently doesn't connect to JetServer.
I have to add that part again. It runs standalaone right now.
hum, i can't connect
just doing this
from ftplib import FTP
ftp = FTP("localhost")
Are you using port 8021?
It uses that so that it can run as non-root.
...plus it's easy to remember.
Sure, I remember now
It's still early :P
memory management seems excellent
it's around 500k, even if I bombard it with requests
Oh, that's good.
if I do this nonsense:
    while 1:
it seems printing the server's messages to stdout is more work than fulfilling the request
That seems reasonable.
I should make an option to disable that.
...or maybe an option to enable it.
Well, it's pretty late here (past midnight). I better call it a night. Thanks for trying out JetFTP :)
I'll keep going, thanks for writing good code :) kbye
btw, theming on chat.SE should be in now - the room index is like: chat.stackexchange.com/?tab=site&host=askubuntu.com
@MarcGravell This is how it should be, brilliant!
the [chat] link on our site will be "?tab=site", right?
if you come directly from the chat link we use the http-referer
(double-checks) actually, since we'll probably keep the alias initially, it will redirect to exactly the above link
It's only a small thing :)
i don't do referrers so am out in the cold ;-/
:46064 well, I guess I could change the core code. For now though, because it'll be an alias + redirect you'd still get au
@GeorgeEdison for when you get back. I don't know what I'm doing I admit, but I've managed to crash jetftp from a remote location with a segfault. Here's how I did it: paste.ubuntu.com/553085 Maybe I've got a few misconceptions about pentesting, no idea if this should happen, but you may want to build in some kind of safeguard.
@MarcGravell we're all very thankful that you communicate with us about these things, by the way
babe babe
room topic changed to General Ubuntu: General discussion around ubuntu/askubuntu
Looks like we've been moved I was rather fond of our island
note: chat.askubuntu.com now redirects to the ubuntu rooms on chat.SE
@MarcGravell Awesome thanks! Although I think we did some decent damage on our own in messages sent. We were up to 46,067 posts Compared to the 356,936 on this SE chat site :D
we approve of chatty ;p
@MarcGravell Then you shouldn't have a problem with us!
As usual, if anyone hits any problems please let me know directly, or post on meta.stackoverflow.com with the "chat" tag
Hey @MarcGravell quick question for you
Should events for other chats show up in our upcoming events page?
Q: Looking for an old classic book about Unix command-line tools

Little Bobby TablesI am looking for a book about the Unix command-line toolkit (sh, grep, sed, awk, cut, etc.) that I read some time ago. It was an excellent book, but I totally forgot its name. The great thing about this specific book was the running example. It showed how to implement a university bookkeeping sys...

Looks like a rehash of this!
@MarcoCeppi excellent question. Probably not; fixing.
@MarcGravell <3
hello @DataBase
i'm trying to build a minimal distro with just xorg
i managed to that and it worked fine in VMWare
what do you want to do with it?
I installed VirtualBox
to run virtualBox
what I think I'm missing from all this is, sound drivers, graphic drivers, network drivers
to make it run for different machines
is that correct?
you know VirtualBox doesn't need xorg to run right? (just checking)
yes I just wanted to emulate the XenClient from citrix
do you think this thing worth doing
depends, why does your distro need to be "minimal"?
to use less space as much as possible, keep it secured and fast
it will only be used to run virtual machines
and the virtual machines will be used to what ever daily life use
I really liked the idea of XenClient allot, but it supports only Intel Graphic Cards
@DataBase Do you need Hardware Emulation?
Or will these VMs all be Linux?
they can be anything Solaris, Windows
If you want to avoid all of that driver business, i recommend you just install a minimal ubuntu server (that should be about half a gigabyte iirc), and put xorg on top by just doing sudo apt-get install xorg, you can then start removing stuff until you have a configuration that just about works
you can select "minimal installation" from the ubuntu server disc's boot menu
that what I did in my first test and it worked perfectly :-)
but if I want to build an installation CD!
how I can do that
that automate all this!
and has only these packages
okay, I've never tested this, but I'm going to say it anyway (i may well be wrong)
sudo su
remastersys dist
ok :-)
I will read more about it, Thanks
I have another question
Q: Looking for an old classic book about Unix command-line tools

Little Bobby TablesI am looking for a book about the Unix command-line toolkit (sh, grep, sed, awk, cut, etc.) that I read some time ago. It was an excellent book, but I totally forgot its name. The great thing about this specific book was the running example. It showed how to implement a university bookkeeping sys...

I've no idea how remastersys works, since I never tried it, but it's been asked on AskUbuntu.com quite a few times, you should get some pointers there, in addition to remastersys' manpage
I will read more about it :-)
the other question is network manager in Ubuntu
does it need gnome?
can I run it in xorg? with no extra installation or just minimal
It needs its GNOME dependencies
I will test it now, it is apt-get install network-manage ?
there is a very nice command-line interface for networkmanger (the package is called cnetworkmanager)
Check out the dependencies list.
@StefanoPalazzo but what if I want a GUI under xorg?
the gui for networkmanger is the "network-manager-applet", that needs "gnome-panel".
@iamsid correct me if that's wrong (:
No. :)
cool, so if you want to use a graphical network-connection manager, you might want to try "wicd" or "connman" (preferably wicd, it's more mature)
ok here is my question in a clearer way (sorry if I made a confusion)
is there any way to have a panel under xorg that I can add some applets to it some thing like network manger?
Or just configure it via /etc/network and ifconfig
well it is not a problem for me, I just want to build something with nice looking ;-)
~$ apt-rdepends network-manager-gnome | grep gnome
  Depends: libgnome-bluetooth8 (>= 2.27.5)
  Depends: libgnome-keyring0 (>= 2.20.3)
  Depends: gnome-keyring
  Depends: libgnome-keyring0 (>= 2.20.3)
  Depends: libgnome-keyring0 (>= 2.20.3)
so, unless you install pretty much a complete gnome desktop, network-manager applet won't run
I can see
Why aren't the images displayed anymore?
which network manager used in Lubuntu?
even in xubuntu and edubuntu
@StefanoPalazzo I saw that thanks :-)
@iamsid aha OK
Ono - we now have the weird chat notification sound from chat.se, instead of that really nice "ding"...
hmmm so I need a minimal gnome installation?
@DataBase gnome isn't all that massive, to give you a feeling for how big it is: When you log in to GDM, you already have a full gnome-session, except for gnome-panel and nautilus
that's including bluez, pulseaudio, ibus, metacity, ...
@StefanoPalazzo Yeah, it's going to take some time to get used to that.
at one point, you may end up with a system that's pretty much a full ubuntu-desktop minus a few apps (like games and openoffice)
@MarcoCeppi No images on the main site either! Below visit chat
lol yes
@iamsid Oh, yeah @MarcGravell will probably need to update the API calls for the site to pull from chat.se and not our old chat.au
any one has info on Wingpanel
@MarcoCeppi Hmmm
@DataBase Like?
I'm going to cut @MarcGravell some slack, I'm almost positive that this is the first time they've ever had to migrate a chat from standalone to chat.SE and it seems to be pretty successful with the exception of a few hiccups
Is everybody else seeing a bodged-up sidebar today?
(on the main site)
@Oli Yeah, we were just talking about that
@Oli Yes
Good good. At least it's not just me.
I'll make a post on meta.so
@MarcoCeppi already done
Q: Sidebar is all messed up.

OliEither something isn't being escaped properly or there's been some new HTML that bodges the site. I'm seeing this behaviour on both the main site and meta.

Oh, wow! I don't see that at all. You're on your own for that one.
@Oli It doesn't look like that here!
@iamsid hmm this can be the answer apt-get install xorg gnome-session gnome-panel gdm metacity gnome-terminal
that sounds very reasonable (provided it doesn't just install the whole lot as dependencies)
What's wrong with that?
Just no images below Visit Chat
I see.
I could be wrong but I'd say the issues were related as that's where mine starts to break too
they are busy working on it as we speak, I'm sure
Almost certainly.
Mh. I'm now wondering what the most minimal ubuntu desktop looks like
I'm going to apt-get install gnome-terminal on my server (:
@StefanoPalazzo I'd assume that would pull in tons of guff you wouldn't want.
xterm would be a lot lighter
It should be an ubuntu-desktop with gnome
@StefanoPalazzo Indeed. A whole load of guff you wouldn't want.
You might as well install ubuntu-desktop if that's your aim.
huh, it doesn't look that bad
oh yes it does, I didn't read it properly. It even wants to install openoffice
was wrong; bows before @oli
It's not that bad on my server... 160 packages, no ubuntu-desktop, no openoffice
Still a whole load of guff I don't want anywhere near a server (keyrings, dbus, gvfs, hunspell, etc) but not that bad...
Now we can see other rooms too.
@iamsid I believe that was the idea of moving things here
Central Chat server, better community strength
@MarcoCeppi Yes.
I was amazed to see 4500 rep under my nick... And then.
Uh, anybody using virtualbox 4.0's port forwarding gui-thing?
it doesn't work for me, says connection refused when i try to log in via ssh
@RolandTaylor Welcome to the new chat home, glad you could make it :P
@MarcoCeppi this is a new thing?
@MarcoCeppi already done; I'm pinned a bit by our release schedule, I'm afraid
@MarcoCeppi yes, except for serverfault, superuser, webapps, gaming, ...
the site seems so quiet today
granted, people in america aren't at work yet.
Some days are quiet, others not so much.
Anyone feeling bright today? I am struggling with a share mount over VPN problem that I cannot seem to solve.
Q: Cannot mount a CIFS network share on Ubuntu over VPN

Aron RotteveelI have setup u VPN connection to our Windows 2008 server at the office and it seems to work fine. For some reason, however, I still am not able to access the network shares over a VPN connection using my standard fstab entries. When I am physically connected to the network, it works fine, but no...

@StefanoPalazzo I have been at work for 15 mins so far :=P
I can tell :-D
what? how so?
@AronRotteveel Over VPN you get two lan maps - your current network and the VLAN's network exposure
did the interwebs break?
@AronRotteveel What I have found is I need to use the physical IP address for shares instead of DNS resolute names since your DNS looks is likely occuring on local LAN (we'll say it's eth0) insetad of the DNS at your office's network (eth1)
@StefanoPalazzo oh that lol
@MarcoCeppi thanks for the reply. Tried that, actually, but with no success.
The strange thing is that pinging the dns name and ip works fine
Mounting the share does not, until I disable the Windows firewall
(After which it still does not work, but at least it does not time out)
@AronRotteveel what version of windows?
@TheX Windows Server 2008
I see your first mistake...
@AronRotteveel What is the mount's authentication procedure?
@MarcoCeppi what do you mean by that?
Is there any authentication into the windows share - whether Username/Password or what have you
@MarcoCeppi yeah the share is authenticed by user/password
using a .smbcredentials file in my fstab
The strange thing is that it works fine when physically connected
@AronRotteveel I wish I still worked at an office via VPN and Windows servers
I had to do something with Cisco VPN Client and networking to get shares to work properly. But I haven't worked anywhere like that in a bunch of months
@MarcGravell you are a cisco guy?
@TheX My name is @MarcoCeppi :P I use Cisco routers - however, the office I was working for at the time used Cisco VPN Services. I'm not a fan of their VPN stuff though
@MarcoCeppi how many times have i called you @MarcGravell?
Because I just realized there where two "marc"
Just this one time. You'll have to be careful becuase @MarcGravell roams these chat servers. He never was in our rooms/servers before the move
I have a computer that keeps restarting, often times before even the bios screen finishes loading, any ideas?
@TheX That's either RAM or CPU
But it's definitely a Motherboad failure
I wonder of resetting the ram would help....
I put the ram in a different slot seems to be working now...
you've got a bad ram slot then
Which is lucky, but also not really that lucky
That not cool... I will have to get that replaced before the warranty goes out :D
on the mobo...
1 hour later…
/me sighs
@lazyPower ??
I'm puzzling out some VB.Net code thats got my mind blown
I see
I'm rolling some back end code over from MyGenerations.dOOdads to EntitySpaces
and the syntax + api variance is immense. Its got me buggered to figure out what to do. I'm bothering my project lead every day for inane questions and its starting to grate on my nerves that i'm not grasping whats going on.
Sorry I can't help you, it has been years since I have done any serious programming....
its ok :) Had to vent that so I could get on with my life. Insecurities ++
@lazyPower Just as long as you're not asking the same questions over and over again there isn't a problem with going to your lead for questions.
I've been that lead on a project where the code is just garbage convoluted trashbags of vomit
@MarcoCeppi If i didnt sign an NDA i'd send you a page of this ASP.net tripe so you could see what kind of crap i'm trying to convert. its got my mind boggled. I have dreams about it....
I've spent 6 hours on this page so far with no progress other than rewriting the select statements....
I'm not an ASP.net developer so I would just look at it and say "lollolol"
@MarcoCeppi I wish i was a PHP developer..... but i cant complain. I begged god for a developer position and I got one.
This learning curve is daunting to say the least. .Net is immense and i was a novice to begin with. Given a month i'm sure I'll get it.
@lazyPower Sounds like you made a deal with the devil :D :P ;D
shrug its building credit to my resume :P
you sold your soul for your resume :-P
I've done worse...
yeah we all have...
my wife stole my manhood...
This is why no one should ever live in China
@TheX I hate it when that happens (the wife's stealing of the manhood)
@lazyPower yeah me too
it just isn't good.... not for anyone.... other then the wife....
I am glad someone does...
when it comes to my marriage I often times ask myself "do I want to be happy, or do I want to be right?"
I hear thats the main driving force behind marriage
What? That's so ridiculous. Why would you marry in the first place?
for financial reasons :P
I'm not about marriage, and i'll probably die alone because of it... either that or i'll find some blue eyed brunette that can sucker me into it and i'll die divorced and alone... either way the end result is the same :P
@MarcoCeppi that was a joke
"sucker me into it" >:)
@TheX I have no humor
@MarcoCeppi I have noticed...
@MarcoCeppi you are like a robot, you only know what your master allows you to know... puppet....
$marcoceppi = new HumanObject();
$canLaugh = $marcoceppi.humor();

Parse Error: Unknown method humor() for HumanObject $marcoceppi
@htorque btw marriage has not improved my finances, unless you count the wife paying all the bills and doing all the grocery shopping...
do you have a job?
see, that's the problem :D
My Girlfriend and I are Pseudo-Married. We live together, we share our lives, and act married under all other pretenses. Only without the messy paperwork.
@MarcoCeppi thanks... but I work for the state of IL, so no raises for me...
scientist just discovered a new planet that is not gas, but solid....\
room topic changed to Ask Ubuntu General Room: General discussion around Ubuntu & Ask Ubuntu. Though typically off-topic jazz
what was it previously?
what's ubuntu? :D
> Ubuntu General: General discussion around ubuntu/askubuntu
@htorque just a figment of our imagination... that was created to destroy Apple, and Microsoft
@htorque A Virus that hackers use
most of the internets' culture is contained in that document
It was only a matter of time before that article appeared
LOL, awesome!
they bought photoshop to educate their kids with?
@MarcoCeppi I'm such a child.
Q: How to add more 4 pin fan controllers (hardware hacking)

psusiI'm looking at building a new system and most of the good cases come with several fans, but most of the motherboards I've looked at only have one 4 pin case fan header. I'm looking for a guide on hacking in an additional hwmon compatible controller to add a few more 4 pin PWN fan headers so I ca...

off topic police
@StefanoPalazzo That's a great migration candidate :D
don't think that's off-topic. it's a question about hardware compatibility and we got a couple of those, right?
@htorque It's nothing about Ubuntu
Hardware compatibility and Ubuntu then it's golden
Hell, if you can somehow get a question about shower heads that relates to Ubuntu it's in
+1 now :)
But just straight hardware, no go.
how do i install ubuntu on my shower head and keep it from over heating?
turn on the integrated watercooling
Or something like - Is there any packages that will allow me to create a coordinated water dance to music with my new Moen Showerhead
wow, linux is going down the toilette: google.com/insights/search/…
hmm chrome crashed on me...
lol @ 8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing
Re the @Marco / @Marc thing - we have a scheme to help with that, probe within a few days
Hello @StefanoPalazzo
Hi @karthick87
Hello @karthick87
@StefanoPalazzo Last night i have been approved as UBT member :)
@lazyPower Hai :)
@karthick87 that's fantastic! congratulations
how very cool :D
Thank you :)
@karthick87 congrats...
Thankyou @TheX
you completely deserve it
now if we could just convince the SE users to make me a moderator we would be golden
@karthick87 can you post a link to the irc logs?
oh my gosh, now millions of crickets have died!
@StefanoPalazzo It was done in council meeting
@karthick87 ?
Wait a min
A: How to add menu items in System menu

upslaDownload prixfixe deb package from here and install this is simple gui to add Menu items in ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) Unity Desktop You can install this deb package by double clicking on it or by using the following command from command line. I hope it helps.Try it and tell me

@TheX I saw something on Nightline of all places about how this number of "mass dyings" is pretty typical, but usually they don't get any attention
@PaulFisher yeah I just thought it was funny that more "mass dyings" was making headline news again
besides the world isn't going to end till 2013 anyways the Incas where off by a year...
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