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good to know
good news :=D
2am and I am on 200 :X
now what to do the rest of the day
@Rinzwind ...transfer the harvest so far as a bounty to me, then start over again.
Seems we have the reason why OP didn't want a python option: tried the Python method and get: bash: python3: command not found Also tried changing the first line of the script to #!/usr/bin/env python and then run the script but just the same issue. @terdon
Hmm Someone's not running Ubuntu. . .
@Rinzwind pm... Or did you emigrate to Australia? ;-)
@ByteCommander sharp ^
14.04 doesn't ship Python3 by default, does it?
Hi guys! What is the stackexchange site for windows?
@UbuntuUser Usually Super User. But what sort of question do you have? For example, sometimes a question should go on Stack Overflow because it's about programming.
@Oli it does, I have one box here with 14.04, including python3. Also python didn't work for him.
@Oli But he also tried #!/usr/bin/env python and that should have found some python executable, even if it were a python2.
Oh yeah
Bash without Python... OSX?
@Oli No idea.
I haven't used all versions of OS X, but the versions I have used have had Python. The earliest version I used much was 10.2, and I believe it did have a system-installed python binary. The oldest version I've used recently is 10.6, which definitely has python provided by the system.
Google Pagespeed Insight keeps sayin that my images are to large, even after resizing and optimizing. Does anybody know the 'Google way' of optimizing my images?
@ByteCommander I have not slept in 3 days so it is am
@Rinzwind What have you been doing those 3 days?
sudo flu go away --now @Rinzwind ! :) Good afternoon to you Rinzy ! :)
148/150 <3
@cl-netbox I can't get it windows 95 to work in VM. Want to know what I'll do? Install on a dinosaur computer! (With Floppy drive)
@UbuntuUser Very nice idea ... hahaha ... do that ! :) Hi CUU ! :)
@cl-netbox It is hard to work in its BIOS, because it is so old!
The BIOS is very messed up!
@UbuntuUser Yes those old machines have only little options in BIOS ... :)
No, like I can't figure out how to change boot order.
eh, s/old/cheap ;p
old machines had so many options.
@JourneymanGeek Meh It looks like you have to spend most of your time in bios.
as opposed to locked down bioses...
and if you can get it to floppy boot, there's floppy boot loaders that chainload other things
@JourneymanGeek No the floppy drive was broke for years. But I can boot from CD. (It has usb but you can't boot from it.)
oh the bootloader I was thinking of would do that too
Yeh, I could find my machine for you!
@Rinzwind Great ... you'll get it shortly ... I'm very sure ! :)
unless I die :P
@Rinzwind you won't ... crossing my fingers for you to survive until you are legendary ... hahaha ... by the way, for me you already are ! :)
@Rinzwind don't do that!
@Takkat He won't ... believe me ! :D Hi Takkat ! :)
@cl-netbox hi o/
@Takkat Good afternoon ! :)
it is getting dark already... hope it is only the rain and not winter coming back
Hopefully not ... was cold enough in the last weeks !
indeed - we could have put our computers outside for cooling like never before.
5,5 GHz @ 40°C
@Takkat its not very comfortable for a person though...
actually I liked the cold more than the wet we have at present
@Takkat eben echtes deutsches Schmuddelwetter ! :D
...at least it does not matter so much sitting in the office all day long
@Takkat well, that's true of course ... hahaha
Ask for the most complicate thing to do and gets scared by how complicated :D
@Rinzwind It's getting worse and worse ... most of the latest questions (for many days now) are a pain in the a.. ! :D
Good Darkness to you all.
How goes things on this day of Chaos and Darkness?
@ThomasWard Good Brightness to you alone ! :)
@ThomasWard Well ... they go ... somehow ... ! :D
It's borderline. I havent looked at the Qt5 page in a while but I believe you have a choice between the 2 versions from the beginning: the free or the commercial. He prob installed the commercial. But I'm also pretty sure you can use the free version from the repos, then just pay the license fee to Qt when you need to later on, which is what he wants to do.
@chaskes That (or something very similar, maybe with links to relevant Qt5 pages), plus how to install the relevant -dev packages, would work as an answer, I think.
I'm back!
@IanC Nice ! :) Nice to see you Ian ! :)
@IanC eek
@cl-netbox how are you doing?
@Zacharee1 eek? is it like some variant of "ok"? :p
@EliahKagan Anyone is free to go ahead and answer. I don't plan to answer this one, since I don't have to time now to really make a complete answer with links and statements backed up by the documentation. :)
@IanC Fine ... thanks ! :) And you ? :)
@IanC it's an exclamation
@chaskes I understand.
@cl-netbox good, just had to pay the first fee on the house financing process, sad how money seems to hardly come, but goes away soo easily hahaha
@IanC hahaha ... yes indeed ! :) So this means that you've finally got it done ? Please tell me more about your new home ... :)
this is basically a slightly cheaper, less featured V20, HTC htc.com/us/smartphones/htc-u-ultra
@cl-netbox I'm still not living there, guess the process of approving the credit will take about a month. But it's a small flat, like, room, bathroom and a small corridor that is the kitchen. The neighborhood is cool, near the beach, has a place for my motorcycle
sounds quite good :)
at least for the price I'm paying
@IanC congrats! :D
@Zacharee1 congrats!
23k @Zanna? You're slowing down :p
@Zacharee1 Well done!
@Zacharee1 soooo much. I don't know why, maybe just that all the questions look like dupes. But I need to learn more so I can answer more
I think you can award your bounty already..
@terdon Congrats to your 45.576 on AU and your 93.599 on U&L terdon ! :D
@jokerdino thanks for reminding me... did it
@cl-netbox Don't worry, I've done my bit of celebrating:
May 11 '14 at 1:16, by terdon
Whohoooo! 10k :)
@Zanna oops sorry. My bad.
@terdon I don't ... just wondering in which cases someone gets Congrats calls here ... :D
@Zanna Thanks! :)
@IanC Sounds good indeed ... what is the size of the flat (qm) and how much did you have to pay ? :)
@jokerdino why? I just did it after you suggested to... actually I thought the idea was to leave it as long as possible to draw attention to it, but I would be in danger of forgetting to do it at all if I left it too long; you know me well I think!
@cl-netbox from me when they mention an achievement I want to celebrate with them
@Zanna aha ... interesting ... I asked @terdon because never anyone ever said something like this to me ... so I thought it might have more to do with "who" achieved something ... :)
@cl-netbox No, it's more about who is so pleased with themselves, they come into chat and leave silly messages like "Whohoooo! 10k :), look at me, I'm smokin!" :P
@terdon got it ... thanks for clarification ! :)
@Zanna I think you get a notif at the end of the 7 day mark but I am not sure.
@cl-netbox at least they go :P
@terdon By the way, my congrats for what you achieved were not a joke ... I mean this honestly ... hats off ! (from my side) ! :)
@ThomasWard hahaha ... nice Mr. Evil ! :D
@terdon :)
@jokerdino better not to risk it!
So cathartic
@Zanna @jokerdino Well, I lost half of a bounty today because OP accepted the answer after the bounty expired and forgot to award it ... :)
@Zanna shoot me
@muru hahaha feeling vicarious satisfaction - thanks for sharing
@jokerdino *uses a taser on you*
@jokerdino shoot ! shoot ! Hi ! :)
@jokerdino feeling better? :P
no feels sorry bud.
Still in limbo mode
@cl-netbox it's around 22-24m² I guess. The total cost is about R$85000 (+ documentation fees). Sorry, I'm cooking (or trying to) here, so it's taking a bit to answer
@Zanna your ping reminds me I need to install this again:
Q: SE Chat custom notification sound

Lekensteyn Screenshot / Code Snippet About Someone found the current *beep* sound annoying and asked for a way to change the sound. Such a feature did not exist, so I created this UserScript which adds a button next to the notification settings button. This button opens a popup which allows you to ...

@jokerdino hugs
@cl-netbox hey
@muru good idea
@jokerdino thanks, got a test ping for free
Hmm one day when I get audio working...
@IanC no problem ... how much was this in US Dollar or Euro on the day you bought it ? Asking because of Brazilian inflation rate normally is very high ... or did this change to the better ? :)
I have my suspicions that that user and a bunch of other accounts are all socks. Can't say for sure.
@muru @ThomasWard why can't he bump his question? that's against the rules is it?
@don.joey Rule one. Don't annoy the mods.
@don.joey unless the edit has some use other than the bump itself, yes
@don.joey deleting and readding useless data just to keep the post active is bad
bumping the post as a part of adding new information is different
just editing and removing/adding useless cruft is bumping in a bad way,
I must say I don't see the issue. The bloke just really wants an answer
if the edits are regressions that is a different thing
@don.joey so do a lot of other users with legitimate edits. Why should this guy's noise drown out signal?
to be honest, he might just have thought 'I should get rid of this thanking line', oh no let me put it back in...
A: Purposeful Question Bumping: Abuse or feature?

Bill the LizardIf you want to bump an unanswered question that's fine. That's a feature. Just make sure your edit improves the question in some measurable way. Improve the spelling or grammar. Clarify the question. Tell us where you've looked and what you've found so far. Just getting more people to look ...

@don.joey ^ relevant
[am I being naive here?]
suffice it to say, editing repeatedly to add/remove irrelevant cruft to a post doesn't help things.
fair enough...
yes but to DV him for that... is a bit hostile, not?
That may just be on the quality of the question. A lot of people don't like "give me a script that does x" questions.
Q: How to understand a downvote

NirmikIs there any way to understand who or at least why a downvote was awarded? Because in 2 cases that I got a downvote, the answer seemed perfectly fine and also had upvotes from other users. The only thing being that they were simpler ways to go around the stuff instead of a sophisticated way fro...

Probably, but we can't say exactly why the DV happened
@Oli especially when you're asking for python scripts specifically without saying why
Yeah... That's a bit of a weird stipulation.
Do we still attempt to help people if we are sure they don't use Ubuntu and that is the reason why an answer does not work?
@muru @Oli @ThomasWard user has recognised that he was bumping, that settles it... good spot
@JacobVlijm My personal leeway on non-Ubuntu is pretty broad. I'm usually happy if the answers apply to Ubuntu. The question can usually be "fixed" to stop people tripping over the operating system.
If you're saying they don't, that's probably a problem.
I edited an answer here to fit python 2.7, OP mentions
@don.joey I doubt it. As I said, I have my suspicions about this account being a sock, and the primary reason for that is the similarity in bump behaviour. The initial set of users started by bumping via tag edits, then the moved to bumping via editing and removing pointless stuff like the TIA thing
if all ([conditiona, condition2])

gives him an error due to python 2.4. Could undress the code to stone-age style, but still...
@JacobVlijm Depends, usually the question is closed unless it can be Ubuntu-ized :P
@muru but what do they have to gain with fake ipoints?
@don.joey who knows? I don't, and I'd rather not find out what's going in their minds
@JacobVlijm Is this the question?
Q: Find second instance of a word in a file and rename file

IanGI files which a system generates with a generic file name. I want to have a script I can run which scans these files for the second instance of the word ProcID (after the word ProcID is a number) and then renames the file with the ProcID number. Currently I have the following: FILEPATH; awk -F '...

@JacobVlijm 2.5 was released 2006-09... So that's a pretty bloody old version of whatever that is.
@EliahKagan indeed it is.
@Oli I thought so :)
@JacobVlijm sometimes I really feel like you are offering pro bono consultancy with your answers =)
@Oli 8.04 era, because 2.5 was something I had to handle migrating to 2.7 at my workplace, which was EVIL to do
They might have manually installed it (for whatever compatibility reason).
possibly, but that system should be torched either way
2.5 has evil security holes
@Oli ah, True of course, but the more recent versions would also be installed
I think maybe it would be useful to see if they'll give full details about their system, and then, provided the question is still good quality, migrate to U&L. That will keep the valuable answers that are already there (including your answer). I'm not sure if that's best, though, and I certainly don't think it's a disaster to just keep it. I don't know if the OP will get what they need here though if their system has only ancient versions of common things.
@cl-netbox I'm not sure how much is the dollar at the moment, but it's getting a bit better (just a bit). I guess it's the equivalent to 25-30000 dollars
@EliahKagan yeah, I'll leave it as it is I guess. Not editing the script(s) into a weird thing, just to fit in the museum.
This reminds me of a question I answered, where I think the OP is using macOS, and I think question arose as the result of characteristics of macOS that don't apply to Ubuntu (the terser error messages from the link command when it fails because something of that name already exists, and probably also the behavior of TextEdit.app in terms of when it creates a new file rather than modifying the current one). But my answer is fully applicable to Ubuntu. I'm still not sure what to do with it.
Q: using link command to see how it works

Mint.Klink file1.txt file2.txt file1.txt contains ham and file2.txt contains cheese. I added 123 in file1.txt. Now file1.txt has ham123. If my understanding is correct, any changes made in either file would affect the other, but file2.txt is not changed. Why not? Here's my edition with complete an...

@don.joey :) I am pretty sure people use it like that, but for now, the interest is mutual, I want to make my "flying hours", i.o.w. keep the routine, and I like writing scripts.
@JacobVlijm Yeah, it is probably best not to make something less well suited to most users' systems, or harder to understand. ...As an unrelated thing, though, I just noticed the fourth script, which you introduce as the Python 2 version of the second script, has the hashbang line #!/usr/bin/env python3. Is that a bug?
Say, how do we flag years-old link-only answers? The vlq option is gone, it's not NAA, and a custom mod flag seems overkill
(for example, looking at askubuntu.com/a/123486/158442 right now)
@EliahKagan Ah, thanks, I tested with python2 <script>, but forgot the shebang :|
My view is that not all link-only answers actually ought to be flagged or deleted... but many really aren't contributing anything and should be. But I don't think we should be reluctant to get rid of old link-only answers that really have no value. My answer to this question clarifies my thinking on this:
Q: Why does Recommend Deletion button has the option for link-only answers?

AdityaI have recently joined the 2000+ Club and was awarded the privilege of reviewing Low Quality Posts. If you have not yet seen the following question and its answers, you are urged to go through them (although not necessary for this particular question of mine): "Review Low Quality Posts" does n...

I thought a link-only-answer was always NAA (except when the link is really the answer)
But if I can make anything of the link myself, I just edit in the details myself
If the link has good info, the old answer could be edited to include it.
Yes, I think that's ideal.
@IanC Well, that's a great deal then ... not much for a good flat ... so : Congrats ! :)
@cl-netbox thanks :)
My current view on link-only answers is similar to the view @Oli articulated in 2012 (at least as I understand it). It's never a good thing for an answer to be little more than a link, many such answers are totally worthless and can be deleted immediately, but a significant fraction do have value and we should take a moment before clicking Delete just in case.
A: What to do with answers that are just a link to a page that requires registration/login to view?

OliThis only needs registration because it's now an archived thread. Ubuntu Forums segregates off old content like this to stop it being archived by the search engines indefinitely. And once you do log in, you see a banner like this: Hello, <username> You are browsing a READ ONLY archive of the...

I totally agree we should try to fix them before clicking delete
@IanC You're welcome ! :) I wish you to have a good time in your new home once you moved in ! :)
@Zanna Or before flagging them for mod attention :P
@ThomasWard too slow, I read that :)
@ThomasWard The evil remover bumped himself ! :D :D :D
@cl-netbox I'm looking forward to it :)
@cl-netbox ?
@Zanna you share a flat there in UK right?
@ThomasWard a "bad" joke from my side ... :D
Btw (unrelated), thanks for the bounty. :) @Zanna
@Zacharee1 @NathanOsman fedoramagazine.org/…
"No images of hats, particularly fedoras." Lol.
By the way, for those who are using fedora workstation and are getting a dependency error with mesa packages when upgrading the system today, here is a workaround : sudo dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing upgrade mesa* ! :)
Interesting, but I updated mesa today on fedora with no problem
@chaskes maybe they solved it in the meantime ... :)
could be
@chaskes here you find the whole discussion (solution at the end) -> bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-9c9c0899f9
thx. Fedora seems to respond to these situations quickly, but they do seem to let a few more of them slip by than Ubu.
I wonder if this problem had something to do with my openSUSE tumbleweed install exploding X during an upgrade last week.
@chaskes yes, fedora responds very fast generally with only very little exceptions . :)
@chaskes no, it was the fault of the packiging maintainer, who fixed an issue in mesa after it was pushed to stable and for that fix other new packages are needed as dependencies : The mesa and libglvnd updates were supposed to go out as a pair. But then airlied did another mesa update with an unrelated bug-fix and bodhi failed to squash the 2 updates together (a bodhi bug IMHO) and now mesa is in updates-stable while the matching libglvnd update is not. :)
that's along the lines of what I meant, but but I always appreciate the info. (Sometimes I feel like not many of us here use other distros as well :)
oh, ok, I see your point now, but it's likely a simliar issue in tumbleweed (which does not fix things as fast)
@chaskes That's true ... I have a dual boot setup : fedora and ubuntu workstations on one machine and RHEL and ubuntu server on another machine. :)
@chaskes true ... I checked tumbleweed in a VM last week ... didn't impress me much and KDE is not my thing as well ... :)
Yeah, I normally multi with Ubu, Debian testing, Fedora, Leap, and Tumbleweed. On this particular refurbed laptop it's straight fedora with everything else in VM's.
@TheXed Hi ! :)
@chaskes multi-booting is over rated...
@chaskes fedora 25 is a great OS, isn't it ? I like it ... :)
@cl-netbox I try to keep up with suse, but I know exactly what you mean. they do fully support gnome, though, and make the other de's easily available.
@ThomasWard haha yeah!
@cl-netbox Yeah, i'm a big fan right now
@IanC yeah, I hate it, even though the folks are nice
@TheXed I agree more or less, but I like to keep up with other distros and VM's aren't always ideal.
@chaskes fair enough...
@chaskes You are right ! When it comes to graphics testing for example ... :) Also I like to have an alternative in case Canonical moves into the wrong direction. :)
Good example
@EliahKagan I got the idea from you giving one to muru on the grep --include question. Kaz was here complaining about feeling he should tell OP to accept your answer instead on that post, and I said nah it's not about OP. But truly, awesome answer as usual :)
@Zanna I used to enjoy it on college, but I haven't had much luck with "frats" around here.. Guess I changed a bit too since I left college. Does at least people are helpful on keeping the house clean there?
@IanC oh yeah it's "clean", that's not an issue :)
@chaskes Yeah ... and now I know that fedora runs on my hardware excellently ... and everything is open source ... and works out-of-the-box ! :)
@chaskes And there is one new feature I really appreciate much ... please have a look at the screenshot ... what do you say now ? :)
@Zanna mind me ask why you hate it? Just curious :p
@cl-netbox that's a clean desktop, mine is full of text files with notes of stuff I was supposed to remember or check later
which don't work I guess, because I don't open half those text files in ages
Huh? My edit there shows up in te revisions, but not on the actual question askubuntu.com/q/877978/367990
broken SE?
or just my browser?
@IanC My desktop is always clean ! :D This is GNOME 3.22 on fedora 25 workstation ... :)
@ByteCommander Yes. Oddly enough, it magically appears if you click on "edit"
@cl-netbox I always start as an organized person when I freshly install a system, than my chaotic self starts showing up when I try to be "overly" organized about things hahaha
@IanC hahaha ... yes, seems so ... by the way, my ubuntu 16.10 workstation looks as clean as in fedora as well ! :)
@terdon Yes, exactly!
I don't understand it.
@Zanna Thanks! Yeah, accepts are mainly for an OP to indicate what answer solved their problem or was best for them, so when a valuable answer doesn't seem like it's getting enough general attention, I think bounties are a good way to address that. Of course, you'd expect me to say that today... :)
It probably happened when I submitted the edit and someone else (OP maybe) submitted theirs in the same second.
@cl-netbox That is excellent. I didn't know about that.
@chaskes yes ... and that with open source nouveau drivers ... no NVIDIA drivers necessary ! :)
@ByteCommander If it looks like a bug, talks like a bug and walks like a bug. . .
it gets reported on Meta.SE like a bug... ^_^
I only have intel graphics anyway, but that's handy. Is that coming from Fedora though or from vlc?
I'm writing.
@chaskes It's coming from the GNOME team implemented by the fedora team ... many applications have this option, not only VLC ! :)
@cl-netbox That is a very handy feature.
@chaskes yes ... and very innovative ... great job those guys are doing, I'm impressed. Next step will be to make this available on Wayland ! :)
Q: Edited a question, but it is not displayed on the site

Byte CommanderI edited the question .sh: cannot create : directory nonexistent chmod: cannot access to correct the formatting. When you follow the link and look at the site, it looks like this: You see that the question is not properly formatted, my edit was not applied. However, I am shown as the last edi...

More or less... ;)
I'm curious on the reactions and the explanation what caused this bug.
@ByteCommander you should probably mention your browser, its version and your OS as well.
@IanC I'm an introvert, and having to share private space with random people really wears me down. Also, I live with my landlord and his partner at the moment, so they have all the power and make all the rules
@EliahKagan :) thanks for educating, on how to understand code and how to use SE most effectively!
@Zanna I know what you mean. Been through a similar situation, where this one guy had "power" over the rules in the house (plus he was picky and as turned out kind of a prick, putting it easy). I'm also an introvert person, but I think that became less relevant when I consider the other issues I have to face sharing this place :p
@IanC yeah, most of the time it's fine, I'm grateful to have a decent place
@Zanna but do you look forward on having a place there in the UK or are you still figuring out if that's the place you want to live?
@terdon You really think that matters? I thought you saw it too...
@ByteCommander I have no idea. But it can't hurt to mention it.
And chances are we're using the same OS ;)
(fairly similar, anyway)
(FF 51 and MS Edge on Win 10)
There's no way I'd ever be able to afford a place of my own in London, unless things changed drastically with the economy or my finances. I guess I'd vaguely hoped I'd meet a friend who was up for sharing, or move back in with my parents (that's very appealing apart from the lack of work in my home town) but yeah I think I'd like to live somewhere else in future, warmer for one thing XD
The question was deleted by its author, so most people won't see anything. — Laurel 1 min ago
@terdon Do you think undeleting that question would be helpful for troubleshooting the SE bug, or will that not matter because devs have access to everything anyway?
@ByteCommander Yeah, thought of it but, as you say, the devs do have access to it.
ok \_(^_^)_/
@Zanna I guess I was only able to find a cheaper place here because we are in a crysis, property speculation in this region is a bit absurd.. :/
Have you considered trying some cultural exchange? Like, spending an year or so living in another country. Who knows you don't end up finding this "somewhere else" :)
@Zanna You an introvert ? Hardly can't believe it ... your appearance here is quite open-minded ... IMHO ! :)
@IanC London is one of the most expensive cities on our planet to live - right @Zanna ? :)
@ByteCommander Edge ... what a web browser ... why don't you use Chrome instead ? :)
@cl-netbox it's much more easy to be open when nobody sees you...
@cl-netbox 'cause I don't have it installed here on Windows. It's also probably the first time I ever opened Edge, just to check that the site looks the same in a different browser. That one was just (un)luckily available.
@ByteCommander Ah ... okay ... I once checked Edge and wasn't impressed ... many things didn't work as expected ... but maybe they improved it a little bit now. :)
@IanC :/
@IanC hmm yeah I have some ideas :)
@cl-netbox where's the conflict between introvert and open-minded? I hope there isn't any...
@cl-netbox I don't know about other places, but it's really crazy herev:(
@Zanna not a conflict at all ... but mostly introverted people don't communicate as open-minded as you do, which is something that I appreciate very much ! :)
@Zanna yes ... for people with a normal income it's impossible to buy a flat or a house in London ! :( ... unfortunately ...
@NathanOsman @RPiAwesomeness @Zacharee1 don't remember if I sent this to you already or not: nhaines.com/blog/2017/01/28/…
No, I didn't.
Goodbye everybody ! :) See you tomorrow ...
@cl-netbox good bye man, see you later!
@cl-netbox bye & laters!
@IanC Bye Ian ! See you ... :)
@Takkat Have a nice evening ! :)
Same to you!
Thank you ! :)
Hi and bye @Seth ! :)
@cl-netbox the internet is a friend of introverts :) I'm hopeless in offline communication!
@cl-netbox yes, and this situation gradually destroys the social fabric and culture :(
@Zanna Can't imagine you're too bad. I'm sure I know people who are more silent. :)
@Zanna Do you know the German band "Saltatio Mortis"? I am not sure if you'll like their music, but you'll likely appreciate their haircuts ;-) youtube.com/watch?v=SudGOyqW_e8
@ByteCommander I tried to listen but not available in US.
@ByteCommander I can be quite voluble when i feel comfortable and I find a topic I like :D
@ByteCommander I'll check that out later, on mobile now :)
Is anyone here using Unity8/Mir with a 4k screen + 1080p screen?
oh oh our robot is getting downvotes for an q and a he set it
Q: How do I change the hostname on an Ubuntu Core system?

Jorge CastroI just installed Ubuntu Core on my Raspberry Pi 3 and I would like to use a name other than localhost.localdomain, how do I do this? Are there special considerations to take into account?

No one EVER downvote Jorge.
I think the downvoter is a fellow answerer...
ok time to try to get some sleep done :=)
to be fair, bodhi's answer is the more sane one, @JacobVlijm.
@KazWolfe Yeah, but since when was I fair? (kidding, of course voting should be clean :) )
If a guy/girl/a-sexual alien named CelticWarrior shows up, ping me
cc @CelticWarrior
@there he/she/it is!
The alien just landed :-)
@KazWolfe if you have the command(s) is this helping: askubuntu.com/a/630335/72216 ? (or an edited/updated version)
@JacobVlijm, thanks, will take a look.
I've been installing Arch Linux on this system lately so that's why I haven't been in in a while.
hey @ParanoidPanda.
I have a favor to ask of you.
if you feel like taking 15 seconds to do something,
@mods This guy needs watching
@Fabby User hasn't done anything yet, but...
Except for annoyig comments and bad answers, nothing yet, but my gut tells me...
@Fabby it's a gloomy presence at best...
@ThomasWard will like more gloom, doom and madness!
:D :D :D
@Fabby read that as matress.
@KazWolfe :D :D :D
@cl-netbox Looks like GeorgetheDev's lab (CC @NathanOsman)
@ParanoidPanda Ah! You showed up!
I was getting worried!!!
@Fabby What happened to him?
@NathanOsman He rebuilt his machine using Arch and just finished installing a browser...
(I even sent him an email, that's how worried I was... )
@ParanoidPanda Next time, give us a warning and ask for someone to star it! :P ;-)
And with that, after a 15h day (got pinged by DCOps during dinner "Where do I plug in the cables???") I salute you all and shut down and go to sleep!
and summon forth chaos.
that was your last action
Roundcube now has an SPF plugin: github.com/nathan-osman/roundcube-spf-status
hm. considering a jump to Mir + Unity 8. Anyone have any experience with it?
Last time I checked U8 in a VM, it was horrible
why I do sysadmin work:
Ooh.. Linus' famous finger.
that is going to be my wallpaper eventually.
once i pass the 5-year mark here.
That grid above or the finger? :D
@KazWolfe Yeah, it's currently terrible on the desktop
@ByteCommander I concur.
alright, thanks.
X scaling is starting to make me mad, so...
^ wallpaper idea
Or something that fits the Ubuntu style better:
Or something minimalistic and to the point:

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