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Ugh just get one problem fixed and then Ethernet breaks :(.. bbl.
which country should I look up traditions about
@GeorgetheDev what is u
U (named u /ˈjuː/, plural ues) is the 21st letter and the fifth vowel in the ISO basic Latin alphabet. == History == The letter u ultimately comes from the Phoenician letter Waw by way of the letter y. See the letter y for details. During the late Middle Ages, two forms of 'v' developed, which were both used for its ancestor 'u' and modern 'v'. The pointed form 'v' was written at the beginning of a word, while a rounded form 'u' was used in the middle or end, regardless of sound. So whereas 'valour' and 'excuse' appeared as in modern printing, 'have' and 'upon' were printed 'haue' and 'vpon'. The...
@GeorgetheDev what is love
@Zacharee1 Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more!
22 errors and counting...


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
but srsly
@Zacharee1 *cough* Sandbox *cough*
what country
@NathanOsman no
@Zacharee1 what country what?
what country should I look up traditions about?
maybe Poland
And once again, 7 pm creeps up on me, and I've about 25 minutes till class, and ain't nothing is done
apparently .travel is a domain name now?
Everything is a TLD now.
It's quite stupid, really.
cookie is not :(
nor is stupid
Why do we even need all of these TLDs?
but it and is are
.it is the country TLD for Italy.
yes I know :p
.is is for Iceland.
I wanted to make a confusing sentence
Don't ask me how "s" is in Iceland.
@NathanOsman cause $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
@JourneymanGeek I'm not buying any of them.
@NathanOsman íslensk
@NathanOsman companies will. Cause they don't want people to squat on it
Any credible SEO adviser would suggest sticking with recognized TLDs.
or start things like walmart.horse
@JourneymanGeek well that just doesn't exist
@edwinksl ack
"Make offer"
I should offer to buy it for a couple bucks.
walmart.taxi - what the actual heck?
@Zacharee1 ?
@edwinksl nubcake iz heer
look we just made a French word
uio^, pronounced "hello"
that too
Someone makes a Twitter account that randomly generates French "words" in 3... 2... 1...
@NathanOsman do it
Fleaux Overstoilles
Cannot. Too sensitive the French are.
@Zacharee1 Spits out drink...
it's pronounced Flax Seeds
Totally not steroids.
you know what I was mimicking right?
Flack Overstow
Oh, yes, that part I understood.
I thought you were making a more subtle joke.
You should tho.
Flax Seeds is just making fun of how French is pronounced
Subtle jokes are awesome.
A wild pencil appears.
Pity I'm out of cigs for tonight
i don't get why people smoke, its bad for you...
So is McDonald's
when i was walking to my supermarket there were like 20 people smoking
@Serg no iz gud
McDonald's isn't as bad as cigs
McDonald's is awesome.
Everything is awesome.
now I want a McChicken
(Had to sneak that one in.)
@NathanOsman like death?
Ur missing teh pointe.
my last mcdonald meal was 3 mths ago
You must be starving by now.
@Zacharee1 ever seen Supersize Me documentary ?
man, I need some document that is emitted in a Gov website and it's unavailable, enforcing my opinion that Gov websites mostly suck
Or Food Inc.
@Zacharee1 watch it
or maybe I'm just pissed because I need that document kind of asap
that's why my battery was dying so fast
I'm on NVIDIA graphics lol
@NathanOsman i just eat bacon as a replacement
Good choice.
10/10, would eat again.
also broke my GoPro support surfing today, falled in a wave and slammed hard on it, at least the camera is safe :|
@Edity 2016-2017* she was a couple months old, R.I.P.
moment of silence pleasee
did we really just do a minute of silence in chat for my broken GoPro support? lol
Moment's up.
that was a touching tribute
why? what's new on Feb?
And what is with the filter on this thing...
It's blocking i.stack.imgur.com.
a biggg update for my watch
watches with android?
nothing new
it's new for me, I don't even have an analogic watch :p
I still use the sun for keeping track of time
wanna picture?
sure, do you have it already?
thought it was coming in february
I have three Russian wind up analog watches... kind of retro
Kind of
@IanC i have 1.0
kind of the only exercise I get :p
retro in that the technology is 1960's... not that analogue is retro... it's kind of nouveau these days
I'll never forget a year or two ago at one of the Apple conferences, a journalist was wearing a brand new Apple Watch. He then took his phone out of his pocket to check the time.
@NathanOsman LOL STUPID
I forget my cell phone has the time all the time.
The 2010s - the decade where you checked your email on your watch and read the time from your phone.
I'd like to have a tide watch though, if it wasn't so expensive
i can't believe the 2nd edition got cancelled
My watches are the only jewelry I have. Kind of strange now that I think about that.
@NathanOsman I actually wear a real watch.
whoa... they forgot to put the trees in the tree wholes!
That's be rholes.
blame it on the beer and English as second language. ASSEMBLER as first language :p
@NathanOsman lol..
What's this inet6 on my broken Ethernet?: inet6 addr: fd00:fc:8dce:7712:d800:cac4:ac5e:8283/64 Scope:Global
inet6 addr: fd00:fc:8dce:7712:354e:7075:1767:9709/64 Scope:Global
inet6 addr: fe80::2f69:7de9:2f8c:99da/64 Scope:Link
@Seth 1. change the display property until the trees are inside 2. once it works don't ask yourself why it worked 3. profit
Since when did IPv6 addresses need subnet masks?! O_o
I don't know!!! cry
@IanC Bonus points for using absolute positioning with separate top and left values.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix okay apparently IPv6 still uses prefixes for "subnetworks".
@NathanOsman absolute using what though? Pixels? >:)
@Seth if you get a block of IPV6 addresses, you can split them up with those
which is handy in some cases
@Seth All I know is vnStat shows Ethernet is not really working and WiFi has taken over almost all the traffic. If I disable WiFi then all comms drop.
"System unavailable. Try again in a few minutes", they could be specific about how many minutes are a few minutes -.-
@JourneymanGeek so basically subnetting?
oh great, the said Gov website have domains with invalid SSL certificates too, on the login page :)
Haha Brazil government... whichever one isn't impeached today.
@Seth yup
Whoa Hooo... Ubuntu daily update made my WiFi go away and my Ethernet come back.
@Zacharee1 just ask the immortal people.
updates are like saviours
Your words can be immortal, if worded properly. Careful about its and it's though.
@Edity I think Ubuntu broke my Ethernet and WiFi took over about four days ago and they fixed it tonight.
Seriously a 138KB update was installed and it made me reboot which is rare. And now Ethernet Up / Down arrows are back and WiFi Megaphone is gone.
But we have to wait for 5 minutes when vnStat updates it's database.
Yup vnStat just updated ^^^
Ethernet is confirmed to be working now.
I love fixing problems when you don't have to do anything :)
wohoo, finally I got the certificate I needed
and can sleep
It's only 11 pm there right?
it's 01:11am
Wow Brazil looks South on the map but it's really South East.
You're like four hours ahead of New York City.
GMT-3 and the extra summer hour
A leap summer? cool!
what do you mean leap summer?
vnStat 10 minute update ^^^
10 minutes of Ethernet.... Life is Good :)
@IanC Leap summer is a play on words for Leap Year / Daylight Saving Time.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix ooh, I see
Problem with WiFi is my TV channel using FlashPlayer will stutter from time to time. The other TV channel on Youtube has 4 hour time shift so it's ok with HTML5.
well, gotta blackout here
good night yall!
Have a good night Ian.
Gotta love the internet chatting with people from all over the world. Sitting in Edmonton watching Internet TV from Doha Qatar and Moscow Russia :)
I think the Internet is a game-changer in more ways than one.
It should be Times "Person of the Year" for 2017.
Wow someone asked me to answer a question from 2013 today and it just got accepted as the answer: askubuntu.com/questions/391474/stop-cpu-from-overheating/…
We are having a leap winter...
@Mark You and I have different ideas about what it is to give advice. Honestly, I stopped coming here to askubuntu.com (stackoverflow) because of this type of mentality. I'm now over at the ubuntuforums.org because I don't get people telling me how I ought to be helping others. — Justin Case 10 mins ago
@TheXed We had horror frost from Saturday until today.
> Realtime Black List (RBLs) uses the DNS protocol to query the well-known IP addresses which have been complaint to send worm, virus & junk mail. Using RBLs to prevent junk, virus & worm email is very effective. The algorithm of RBLs is different with that of Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus services as RBLs works based on IP address, while Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus services work based on the message content.
what did I just read
looks like you read click-bait for techies.
I am such a computer newb...
Says the guy with 100, 000 points
No, for real...I couldn't figure out why my sound quality was so shitty out of my headphones...
didn't realize I was plugging them into the microphone jack...
well at least it made the NSA harder to hear you.
I was like "wtf, they worked fine yesterday"
@TheXed I can't say I haven't done that.. lol
Yay. Back in my home carrier's area.
Good guesses though.
I forgot Kelowna...kicking myself for that.
2 hours later…
Dammit, should have rejected this: askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/670372
@muru I did a reject and edit (and did nothing important), so you can re-edit it now if you need to. I hate that half-approved can't-edit limbo!
speaking of bad edits - what the hell? Reversed the meaning completely! askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/670343
@userDepth i am using Ubuntu Mate Desktop Environment 1.10.2 (the download said something like 15.04 LTS)
@userDepth i installed compizconfig-settings-manager, but which setting do i have to change? (Grid?)
I recommend downvoting this if you can askubuntu.com/a/251731/527764
hmm... i'm stuck in a weird position when I want OP to un-accept my answer and accept someone else's.
oh, @ParanoidPanda, I have a favor to ask of you later, if that's alright.
@KazWolfe where's that?
@Zanna askubuntu.com/a/875558/208574, here, giving to Eliah (I think he deserves it a lot more)
@KazWolfe shrug I don't think you need to do anything there
@Zanna still, the best answer should get the accept.
but i'm not OP
Eliah's answer is totally awesome, but it's a perspective - we don't know what OP was thinking
They saw Eliah's answer, they can accept it if they want
there's nothing wrong with your answer, and interested folks can scroll down to read his and get the gritty details - no problem
(ps I wrote my answer which has the same number of upvotes as Eliah's on my phone after switching off my box -- truly, effort != reward)
still, just my personal little sense of justice. oh well.
I'd only feel the need to do that if someone else's answer is similar to mine but better. In this case, Eliah's answer covers different ground
better close this obvious dupe before it attracts more poor quality answers askubuntu.com/questions/875933/…
hmmm but there are extra questions there... hmmm better comment
hmmm I'm wrong... not really a dupe of that one
just looks like it from the title...
oh... OP agreed with my dupe target
Q: Hello someone, whether taking the drivers on this sites are legal?

Putry Naisaburywhether taking the canon drivers on this sites are legal? www.canonupdates.com Thank you.

spam? >:-D
@Rinzwind the linked homepage on profile suggest it is.
@Rinzwind Both domains are owned by the same company in Panama... it is spam. Flagged.
@Takkat I've flagged too
There's an answer on that post:
A: Hello someone, whether taking the drivers on this sites are legal?

Soren AWhy shouldn't it be ? Canon has released these drivers to use with their printers. Another thing is if you trust the site. There don't seems to be any owner or contact information, so you cant verify who is behind it, or if they have tampered with the install-files.

Should I upvote it because it is a legitimate answer, or flag it?
@MarkYisri I'd just leave it... it will disappear with the post taking with it all votes too.
@JacobVlijm I have one more thing to do with the output file. can you help me?
@Rinzwind ping me in a few days so that I don't forget to award the bounty!!! ;-)
Good morning everybody ! :)
@MarkYisri Looks like someone got what he wanted...
@JafferWilson Absolutely, back home again :) what is it?
@JafferWilson but ask a question so we can all have a go too :)
I had some fun trying to answer the latest one, but I couldn't get it
HI all
I want to change behaviour of key . can anyone help me
If i press some specific key then it will print 'something'. How to achieve this . help me
@BornCoder I've favourited your question already and you will have an answer soon.
Let me finish the review queue first.
This is not an emergency room! ;-)
@Fabby No, of course not ! You just accessed (accidentally ???) "Fabby's Brain Salad Surgery Hospital" @BornCoder ! :D :D :D
:P ;)
@Fabby let's move that discussion over from the comments
I fail to see how you give information to an already answered question
:D I just left you a comment to see me here
This is a newbie and I'm linking him to a question specifically made to help newbies provide more information.
(did you read the question??) @MarkYisri
Ohhhhhh. I thought he was supposed to provide information to that question.
Okay, the comment read differently in my head I guess!
Because you're used to the site and were expecting a link to an answer.
he's not.
That's why it's not a "duplicate' but just a link..,
also: please delete your comment: @MarkYisri
@Fabby I still don't get it. Are you sure you didn't mean to link to this answer on that question? askubuntu.com/a/425166/595510Mark Yisri 5 mins ago
As you'll confuse the OP... :P ;)
please vote for this dupe! How can I raise awareness about this? askubuntu.com/questions/875879/…
@Zanna voted
hope it helps

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