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anybody else having a lunch ?
no such thing as lunch
Ok. Let's put it differently: is anybody currently consuming organic matter known as food with their mouth-holes ?
@Serg is gum organic?
@KazWolfe Well . . . I'm pretty sure it's made out of synthetic chemicals, but let's assume there are some organic bits in there
@Serg okay, then yes.
@Serg gum is basically plastic with coloring and flavor
Sweet. So, i just had a burger and coffee. Internally crying because money are gone, but then again I am sick and need energy
@Serg serg.setMoney(1000000)
ew Java
@Zacharee1 python*
that does not look like Python o_O
maybe JS
serg.set_money(100000) better?
close enough
didn't know Python did methods like that though
I can define methods however I want.
I mean x.y()
Yeah, it does define methods like that @Zacharee1
it seems very un-Pythony
Well, we could also do something like this
and then func(args)
yep. And you can have functions within functions
if i recall correctly, it's called closure
Fun. has some depressing songs
but the tunes are always really catchy
hmmm, makes me wonder - can closure be done in bash ?
@Serg ventures away to gain closure on closure
Will he return ? Find out next on Ask Ubuntu Sitcom
@NathanOsman full code is now here: github.com/Seth-Johnson/randompaper
(if you're curious)
what does that do
@Zacharee1 sets random wallpaper for Windows
I've done something like this in python for Ubuntu
Exactly same thing. Given a directory with images, set randomly selected image as wallpaper
I need to do work
but I have no motivation at all
sudo mv Zacharee1 work_dir/
There's your motivation
@Zacharee1 Here's something to help:
@Seth @NathanOsman so . . . looks like you guys are going head first into Go-lang. What's so cool about it ? convince me to join the dark side :D
he's gonna ban me isn't he
1. Do work
2. Do more work
3. ...
4. Profit!
See, it's very rewarding.
@Seth can you ban Zach plz ? He needs to do homework
I see that ellipsis equalling infinity there
Trust me, I know it's effective, Oli did that once for me :D
@Serg It's the closest you'll ever get to having the entire development process organized under a single tool.
Documentation generation, testing, package management, etc. - all under one roof.
No need for separate tools for any of that stuff.
Find me another language that does that.
Sure sounds eggs-citing
@Zacharee1 GO DO WORK!
pretty much what Nathan said --^
Even deployment is mind-blowingly simple.
Just a single self-contained executable.
The end.
So, it's sort of like python, but bundled with pip ?
And testing tools. And documentation generators.
Go-lang is the best. Period.
And profiling tools.
Even a thread-safety analyzer.
BUT WAIT, there's more.
It can cross-compile out-of-the-box.
So you can build a Windows app on Linux by setting two environment variables.
Boom. Just like that.
But can it turn on microwaves ?
import "github.com/stupid-packages/microwave-turner-on-thing"
How cool is it that when you accidentally delete libc6, you can still run your Go app?
I think it's pretty cool.
OK, I'm convinced
Now... do you want me to point you to an awesome tutorial?
I probably won't get far in Go-lang, but I'll pick it up on the level of casual user
Here's where to start: gobyexample.com/hello-world
Just keep following along and you'll pick up the syntax in no time.
It may take a bit longer to grasp some of the concepts but don't worry. Eventually you'll get that "Aha!" moment.
Good evening fellow computer hobbyists :)
Evening !
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I am kissing Alberta weather goodbye.
@NathanOsman About time you left hell and went back to heaven :p
You know sometimes I wonder why I bother writing an answer for over an hour when someone asks me to and no one will probably read it. I think it's just the personal satisfaction of doing it... hope it's not some obsessive compulsive disorder :p
Also, without insulting anyone, I think my university IT security folks are kind of p4$$!3s
Pisses me off that I cannot open or browse some of the Chinese websites
I heard Universities are starting to monitor student emails in case of "terrorism" as the official excuse but I think there is more to it...
@Serg Methinks you're using the wrong leetspeak censorship. 4 = A
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I didn't expect anything less after Trump becomes president.
China is frowned upon under the Trump administration. They moved ICBM's closer to USA right next to Russia border to get 1/2 hour flying time to US mainland today.
@Serg this is UK
@KazWolfe do we have a l33tspek U?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix {{citation-needed}}
@KazWolfe that was intentional , I don't necessarily want to be kicked out of the room for using profanity
hang on...
@Zacharee1 ∪ r4ng?
we always have Discord
@KazWolfe l33tspek uses numbers n00b
@Zacharee1 and unicode, scrub
since hwen
since you used hue.
Sometime this week Ubuntu took Wi-Fi preference over Ethernet but before that Ethernet took preference over Wi-Fi. Was there an update or something for that?
it's the NSA
They want my Ubuntu to use WiFi instead of Ethernet?
Yep, because it's easier to listen to someone's WiFi than to Ethernet
Yeah tell me about it there are like 70 WiFi routers in my range.
Which is why I was using Ethernet to the cable modem in the first place!
So ? If I know your router's ARP address and your laptop's ARP , I can still know who is who, and still get all the p0rn sites you're visiting @WinEunuuchs2Unix
Not a lot of time for porn... Ubuntu is more exciting :p
that's a little creepy
Not to mention women marches against Trump.... so much going on in this world.
@Zacharee1 you don't know there's world-wide women's marches , aka protests against Trump ?
And when I say World-wide, I don't mean it like Baseball world-wide, which only means the US. I mean like in other countries
I was thinking today of co-opting this woman's movement hatred of Trump and turning it for my own agenda.
(it still kinda is funny, when there's World Championship for baseball, but only the US teams play in it . . . and pretty much nobody else cares about Baseball )
A lot the english speaking countries Serg... Australia, England,
@Serg Japan...
The woman's march in DC was meant to be against what Trump said, but it ended up having some idiots who tried to turn it into a battle against Trump supporters
Yes Japan the conquered country loves Baseball too.
Did you see the story of the Trump Supporter and someone lit her hair on fire?
I heard that went viral, didn't read the story myself, just noticed the headline (no pun intended)
@KazWolfe you ever see them play with US teams ?
@Serg Nope.
Exactly the point . . .
They probably aren't good enough.
I mean, I get that people want to protest against Trump -- he's an idiot with no political experience who's said many offensive things -- but I thought the protest was for tolerance and peace
If only the US is participating in World Championship, it's not World Championship
unless it's all around the world
In the national hockey league (which is ironically international) Canada holds it's own with the USA. In the World Series there is only one Canadian team though.
In the National Basketball Association there are two canadian teams though.
it's was right
no it wasn't
See, that's the whole point : if there's one country in World Series or Championship or whatever that has "World" in it, then at least the 5 - 10 biggest countries should participate. Otherwise it's . . . BS of A
it's == it is
really? "it's* = it is
its == possesive
Canada doesn't "hold it is own"
Canada holds the own that belongs to it :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes. it's is it is and its is it is something's
oh crap... I remembered to dot my i's and cross my t's but didn't apostrophize my it's properly :(
ack a mod
farewell, ungoverned world
Guys, halp me decide. . . should I buy the board now or wait after I get my other paycheck ?
@Serg buy what board
can we help you spell instead?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix wats wrong wi my spelking
ooh a cgi-bin
I only ever see that on routers
not you... "halp me decide" serg
That one, FPGA
although that site does look like it's straight out of the 90s
I want it for my Digital Circuits III class, but the problem is that the folks are in Taiwan, so they won't accept orders between 1/27 to 2/2
good evening
sure is fitting for LG to put the rain animation on my lockscreen while fun. is playing
So, I've kinda a choice - wait for 2/2 and get paycheck , or get the board now, but be low on money for 2 weeks
Portuguese why
patents new soda pop "rola cola"
@Serg keep money
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Scooby Doo might have some words to say to you
we don't say hola in portuguese lol
olá can be used, but oi is more common
@IanC oi m8
or the informal slang, "e ai"
what does that mean
me watches * @Zacharee1 and @WinEunuuchs2Unix * with raised eyebrow
which literally translated means "and there?"
I met a girl on the bus from Brazil 18 months ago, she told me Brazil was Portugese I was shocked.
@Serg RUT UP
@IanC y allí... I see it
@WinEunuuchs2Unix srsly
@Zacharee1 shoves Scooby-Snacks down Zach's throat , no, you shut up ,lol
@Serg o_O
this took a turn....
RUT == shut ?
Good, then I did everything correctly
0 to 100 real fast.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Brazil was a colony from portugal, 500+ years ago, and speaks portuguese but it sounds very different from the Portugal portuguese
their accent is really different
@Zacharee1 don't worry - I abuse you only lovingly , if that makes sense
@IanC declared 1822
Here goes nothing...
@IanC Zach is still teaching my English... Its a long journey or it's a long journey.
@Serg o_O
\o/ a mod!
About to recompile after changing more files than I can count.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix me* :p
Let's see how many errors we get.
@NathanOsman over 9000!
@Zacharee1 I just changed the year of Brazil's "discovery" with the independence lol
Ugh . . . that really didn't need a star . . .
I think it stops after 30 or something.
@IanC lol
@Serg It did not
@NathanOsman set the threshold higher
to OVER 9000!
Have two stars now :p
@Serg @NathanOsman delete pls
Stay classy, Ask Ubuntu General Room.
OH right I forgot we all come here to be classy...silly me :p
We say HRUE now in honour of scooby doo
Serg is playing "delete the messages after they get starred" tonight.
-_____- OK, that did not help
This is going to make for an interesting transcript.
Who is doing that? <.<
I have a few guesses
The wholes in the thread will puzzle archaeologists for ages.
I blame George.
it's Win
@GeorgetheDev what is wrong with you?
I know one George here, rep around 1234?
I sense penguin presence among us
How comes he didn't respond...
@NathanOsman he ded
@GeorgetheDev come out come out where-ever you are, Sergiy's gonna find you . . . creepy laugh
Reloads page...
You guys are pinging people not in the room???
That should work for George.
Or maybe not. Hm...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix If they've been here in the past few days, they'll get notified
Maybe I has to invite him here.
OK, I should really try to read the books . . . at least a few pages . . .
@GeorgetheDev hue
What does he develop?
All these stars are distracting me
The heck. He isn't even here.
@NathanOsman hue
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Fat . . .George develops fat around his belly from all the fish
Something is amuck.
Heh. He is still running tho...
I might be able to do this without reboot.
OK, I need to make a playlist for studying . . .
It's too quiet and i can't focus when it is
Some comedian attacked Trumps 10 y/o son. How is that for violation of human rights?
That was nasty.
@Serg Metalica will energize your play list.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix no, that's just duchebaggery
Aaaaaand we're back.
And I have no idea what happened.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah, Metallica is a good idea, if anything right now
My wifi is cutting out... I want my Ethernet back!
Well at least you're not on a bus travelling 100 km/hr. in the middle of nowhere.
Which is what I'm fighting with right now.
@NathanOsman Yeah my blue Ethernet cable isn't that long
Latency >1s is annoying for a shell session.
Just thought I'd mention that.
I haven't used SSH. Just thought I should mention that.
There was an alternative to SSH that looked kinda cool.
I forget its name.
It looks interesting.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I was trying to parody Trump...
@GeorgetheDev pls
Moshing or slamdancing is a style of dance in which participants push or slam into each other, typically performed to “aggressive” live music. It originated in the hardcore punk scenes of California and Washington, D.C. in the early 1980s, thereafter spreading from hardcore to other forms of punk rock as well as thrash metal and grunge, which exposed it to the mainstream in the late 1980s. Since then, moshing has occasionally been performed to energetic music within a wide variety of genres, including alternative rock, EDM and hip hop, while remaining a staple at punk and heavy metal shows. Though...
You could have had George do that.
In ancient Rome, the plebs was the general body of free Roman citizens who were not patricians, as determined by the census. From the 4th century BC or earlier, they were known as commoners (part of the lower social status). Literary references to the plebs, however, usually mean the ordinary citizens of Rome as a whole, as distinguished from the elite—a sense retained by "plebeian" in English. In the very earliest days of Rome, plebeians were any tribe without advisers to the King. In time, the word – which is related to the Greek word for crowd, plethos – came to mean the common people. ��2...
You could have had him do that too.
Nathan or Natan may refer to: == People == Nathan (prophet), biblical figure during the time of King David Nathan (son of David), biblical figure, son of King David and Bathsheba Starboy Nathan, a British singer who used the stage name "Nathan" from 2006 to 2011 Nathan (given name) Nathan (surname) == Other uses == Nathan, Queensland, a suburb of Brisbane in Australia Nathan (band), an alt-country band from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Vethan or "Nathan", a deity in Ayyavazhi theology Natan Couture, a Belgian fashion house created and owned by Édouard Vermeulen Éditions Nathan, a French publishing...
How come I am not on the list?
Osman may refer to: == People == Osman (name), people with the name == Places == India Osmanabad, District of Maharashtra, India Osmannagar (alternative name for Sultanabad, Karimnagar), village located in Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, India Iran Osman, Iran, a village in Kermanshah Province, Iran Osman, Kurdistan, a village in Kurdistan Province, Iran United States Osman, Wisconsin, an unincorporated community == Other uses == House of Osman, an Ottoman dynasty Asian cyprinid fish in genera Diptychus, Gymnodiptychus, Oreoleuciscus and Schizopygopsis Osman (film), a 2011 Turkis...
Jokes aside, I did actually have an article on Wikipedia for an app I made at one point.
But. Alas. It was lost.
Despite like 21 references (two of which were from German magazines with 100k+ subscribers), it was still not "notable enough".
And I can't even recover the content now :(

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