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Hmm. I don't even get that.
not parenting advice. just a statement.
mind you this was 10-12 years ago.
I personally think 3D Blender animating is educational enough.
I am a young aspiring sysadmin, dont see the fault in that.
But, it is not my decision. I digress.
I think I'll ask my question on AU.
Good idea.
nope. trick is to educate your parents... let them see the internet and computers arn't all about facebook and porn.
I have tried and failed. My dad is an engineer. He knows a fair amount about computers, cnsidering he spends his days making models in SOlidworks.
well then it's a lost hope. live under their restrictions and learn to code on paper and pen :P
haha george
ANimating is hardd to do with paper. :)
nice closing tag
@rlemon I wrote a lot of programs on pen and paper :)
not at all... frame per frame and flippppppp
animations <=90s style.
I've done some experimenting with python and VB6 and HTML, but thats pretty much it.
@rlemon How do you render a cube map that way?
a BIG note pad..... and imagination
Yes, and what about the particle system? :)
Well said
@rlemon What's this thing called... imagination?
I know, back in the good old days, _____. How many times have I heard that?
@William just to prove a point... fill in my blank..... "I've played a board game ___ times in the past year"
Heya Guys
A lot of times.
@rlemon 5
o/ amith
Hey @lazyPower
Hey @AmithKK I was hoping you'd show up!
Usually I miss you.
@William \o
and really I mean no insult buy this.. just saying with more and more technology I find kids are forced to use less and less imagination
@AmithKK are you done with your wordpress install on dasroot? or would you like to keep it?
for entertainment purposes... not for unique though.
Very different time zones.
@lazyPower Yes and yes(If you are ok with it)
not calling kids now a days dumb... actually the opposite.
@William i'm 25, how old are you
Theyr'e just learning a different set of skills.
@rlemon Not necessarily...
@rlemon We're 13
@rlemon 13.
Hmm ok - Its going to turn into a rails farm over the summer. Just taking inventory.
Technological adaptions
@lazyPower Summer? No prob
So, @AmithKK You pinged me a couple of times, and I responded too late. Talk to me.
@lazyPower Wait Cool! Rails
What's this Neo thing?
I had quite an imagination with my first cell phone - I managed to take a "dumb" Java-capable phone, install Opera Mini, use it for uploading files to my web server, and added the ability to playback MP3 files - even though it had no audio player.
ok and at 13 you are more accomplished with a computer then me at 13. and I was working with them since 8. and my 5 year old nephew will be at your level at 9 (i hope)
@William Its a dervative
kids are becoming less involved in their personal entertainment and rapidly smarter </observation>
That's just how it works.
Technology moves on, so do us kids.
ohh I know.
Q: How to set up automatic translation importing for a particular branch in Launchpad?

George EdisonI've run into a problem setting up translations for a project in Launchpad. My project consists of a code branch and a translations branch. I have a daily build recipe that nests one branch in the other and builds the binary packages. The problem is that I can't figure out how to set up automati...

I got a computer at when i was approx. 9 years
@AmithKK Ubuntu derrivative?
every generation will inherently be smarter than the last.
OK I think we've exausted this topic.
@William You're absolutely right.
@William Yeah, Having ALL the De's which look alike
but use the different base
@lazyPower as a mass, not individual.
@lazyPower Lol for the RegEx's :P
@all, as late joiner in this conversation I say a pox on you all. I was just getting interested.
@rlemon :D Can I please have help with that script :D (If you are free)
It'd be fun to create a DE just for the heck of it someday.
@rlemon are you familiar with the economic principal of diminishing returns?
@lazyPower yes
thats my offering to your statement
</whats with this tagthing>
@AmithKK So Neo is a DE?
@AmithKK can we tomorrow. too late to code.
If it were proper formatting it'd be <open>content</close>
@William Nope it's an os with may de's
If you want something fun to work on as a hobby project, write a compiler.
Ohh,... I get it.
</its not ended>
@rlemon Ok :)
@AmithKK but it does not look like it'll be a problem to do what you're asking.
So it comes with many different DE's installed?
I wrote a compiler for a custom language I created named "7Basic" - I had a working compiler that emitted assembly code.
Unfortunately the executables tended to be slow :(
Life is slow.
@William Yep, But all of them look alike
Life could use a RAM upgrade.
Life is fast... Time is slow...
Having panel arrangements
Now I'm confused.
Life could use a processor upgrade
YEs, or an SSD...
@AmithKK BTW I made some minor changes to my Ubiquity supplement.
@William \o/
Take a look:
Somebody should bring all the continents back to pangea
anyways... night all.
@GeorgeEdison Less timezones
Fixed the diamond dots, added some color, and moved the text.
@rlemon cya
'night rlemon
Timezones are really annoying.
@AmithKK Can we move to SuperNews to further discuss? Room is getting crowded.
@William Im there
Very Nice GNOME Shell theme you got there!
i have an AcerAspire1 firstgen which came with linpus. It was less than stimulating. They gimped quite a bit of the system since at that time it was a modified Fedora distro.
So you are unimpressed?
Pretty much
I am drooling over the boot time.
BTW I impoved by Ubiquity supplement again
I havent used it since they moved to a rebranded Meego
Now the dots fade and the tiles are more colorful, and I shifted the position of both bodies of texts and made them shorter.
why is my module dir so big? http://askubuntu.com/questions/105791/why-is-my-module-dir-so-big #kernel
1 hour later…
night everyone
A: Connecting to the internet through Firefox

WilliamYou have scarcely any detail in your question, so it is very hard to help you. But, I will try to touch on the most common issues with getting online and Ubuntu. I hope this helps, and if you need clarification, please ask. But next time, please be a little more specific. You said that you use W...

Two more upvotes! I begs of you!
Anyway, night
@William cya
Night all.
@GeorgeEdison cya
@AmithKK Hey how come you are here early? No school?
@nitstorm Yeah, Shivaratri.
Oh yeah! Totally forgot re :D
It would be useful if they gave a day off tomorrow, considering that many people stay awake tonight
@nitstorm Yeah
Write 2buntu.com and print to pdf please
Can you answer this? How to have two version of PHP installed and switch easily? http://askubuntu.com/questions/50344/how-to-have-two-version-of-php-installed-and-switch-easily #php
Q: Bounty transfer in exact dupe?

Amith KKWhat If a Bounty'd question is duped? Like if X question has a bounty of, lets say +100. And Y question does not have a bounty. X is a exact dupe of Y. A mod closes it as a dupe, what happens to the +100 bounty on X?

2 hours later…
anyone tried out the 3.2* linux kernel
which, by the idea itself, is more of an energy saver
I am on it.
and how's it going?
Lesser fan noise.
What about battery time?
or are you not on laptop?
My battery died long ago.
o, sorry to hear that
So, can't comment about battery time.
@shookees I am on it
Where do I get nice Gmail and Ask Ubuntu logos?
I want for the web apps shortcuts.
@jokerdino :D
so where?
@OctavianDamiean Hey :) NTSY :D
Ubuntu 11.10 not booting: "Could not write bytes: broken pipes" http://askubuntu.com/questions/105857/ubuntu-11-10-not-booting-could-not-write-bytes-broken-pipes #apt
Are there any svg images?
Looks good.
Q: How can I prevent certain directories/files from appearing in Unity's dash?

ThePainterThis question may sound similar to the following for which solutions are documented: How can I keep recent files from appearing in Unity? But my problem is that the Dash (in 10.10) not only lists recently touched files but all files on my mounted partitions (= obviously they are getting indexed...

One more question answered!
greetings =]
@kingmilo Hello Welcome to AU chat
@oli for this question, would setsid unity be an appropriate answer?
And well, grats on hitting the 40k!
@kingmilo o/
@jokerdino Yeah - Stefano said that in the second comment. There are at least 20 ways of doing it, I was just focussing on the more simple methods (the terminal method was edited in later on)
Right. I didn't see that.
Well, then, I will work on some other questions then.
@OctavianDamiean Which one is preferable for the wikipedia article ideas? New etherpad note or site?
A new note, yes.
For those who are interested: pad.ubuntu.com/KDJj4HKEhn
What is your plan? Do you want to update the current entry?
Update and extend?
So, we shall get started.
Mainly to extend the current article.
And update along the way.
What do you plan to add?
Things like community elected moderators, etc.
Ah, first thing to update. The owner. It should be stack exchange inc
I will just update the actual article then?
Or do all the updates in one go?
Not sure what's better to be honest.
@Oli What's your opinion?
Hey, what is the total number of registered users in the site?
@AmithKK Oh my, those days.
@jokerdino 38394
Some large number nobody really cares about. (roughly what Octavian said)
except we can't distinguish between registered users and unregistered users, since they are one and the same as far as the system cares.
Someone take a new screenshot of the site. ;)
@OctavianDamiean On what, sorry?
@Oli Whether @jokerdino should update the Ask Ubuntu Wikipedia entry as he finds something to update or rather gather all information and update it all at once.
@OctavianDamiean Release early, release often. The problem building up load of stuff in a collaborative environment is duplication of effort. If you nibble away at it other people have a better idea what's being done.
I guess it is like the VCS principle then. :)
Yeah I think so.
Ask Ubuntu is a community driven Question and Answer website for the Ubuntu operating system. It is part of the Stack Exchange Network, running the same software as Stack Overflow. Members gain reputation based on the community's response (through voting) to their questions and answers. Reputation signifies trust for users in the answers they give. Privileges are given based on reputation levels, with users with the highest reputation having similar privileges to moderators. The site came out of Public Beta, launching alongside Ubuntu 10.10, on 10 October 2010. As of February 2012, As...
Sandbox anyone?
Can you answer this? Chrome keeps opening maximized http://askubuntu.com/questions/45529/chrome-keeps-opening-maximized #googlechrome
1 hour later…
Q: Admin user not showing directory path in console prompt, only $

JustinXXVIII have an Ubuntu server that I administer through SSH. When I login as root I get a full path in the prompt, like /var/www . I created a user with sudo privileges for the purposes of administration. When I login with home, all I see in the command prompt is a $. Is there a fix for this? Thanks,...

@OctavianDamiean 3.8394x10^4
@AmithKK Hello
@William Hey
@rlemon @GeorgeEdison I have an idea for a chrome extension/script, dont care who does it.
You know how the (1) appears in the tab title when there is a new post in a room?
Have that (1) also appear if there is a new post in any other room that you are in.
Sort of a global notification.
@William it does that.
BTW KDE takes some getting used to but it's awesome.
It does?
I got a new message in SuperNews that I didnt see till I checked the room.
I'm pretty sure it doesnt.
@MarcoCeppi ping
and Hi all
@Greg Pong
@MarcoCeppi I use your chromium extension OSD notifier, and wondered: does it interact with the filesystem? If so - how do you do that?
@Greg it interacts with libnotify using something called an NPAPI
ah so not quite filesystem IO then
which is a compiled plugin that the browser can use to interact with the OS
Right, it's not really playing with the filesystem, though you could make an NPAPI that did that
I was wondering if it was possible to have non-sandboxed filesystem IO via an extension/app - thought I'd ask you how you achieved it in your ext.
Thanks I'll look into it
few mints back i got a msge to restart apply updates , right upper coner , i have checked there is nothing updated in ubuntu software center "history"
Bounty offered: Mounted mac drive file error http://askubuntu.com/questions/104549/mounted-mac-drive-file-error #files
@OneZero If you hit the power button in the top-right corner, do you see something about "restart to apply updates"?
hi all
@Kyle yes i did restart , but didnt know what is updated , i have checked in Ubuntu Software Center "history" update
Check /var/log/apt/history.log
It should be the last entry in that file
It'll tell you everything that installed (I haven't been following this conversation, so I don't know what's going on =P)
got it
just 1 more question , it auto updated didnt ask me , every time i had a popup & ask for updated
Let me see...
Install: mesa-utils:amd64 (8.0.1+git20110129+d8f7d6b-0ubuntu2, automatic), cups-pk-helper:amd64 (0.1.2-1, automatic), gnome-shell:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1, automatic), libcaribou0:amd64 (0.3.92-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-applets:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-upowerglib-1.0:amd64 (0.9.13-1, automatic), gnome-panel-data:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-gee-1.0:amd64 (, automatic), gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12:amd64 (0.15.5-1ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-json-1.0:amd64 (0.14.0-1, automatic), alacarte:amd64 (0.13.2-2ubuntu3, automatic), gir1.2-caribou-1.0:amd64 (0.3.92-0ubuntu1, automatic), libmozjs185-1.0:amd64 (1.8.5-1.0.0-0ubuntu5, automatic), mutter-common:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu2, automatic), caribou:amd64 (0.3.92-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-folks-0.6:amd64 (, automatic), gir1.2-gkbd-3.0:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-session-fallback:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1, automatic), python-gmenu:amd64 (3.0.1-0ubuntu6, automatic), gnome-icon-theme-full:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu2, automatic), libmutter0:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu2, automatic), gir1.2-telepathylogger-0.2:amd64 (0.2.10-2, automatic), libpanel-applet-4-0:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-themes-standard:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1, automatic), gjs:amd64 (1.30.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-bluetooth:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu2, automatic), gnome-user-share:amd64 (3.0.0-2ubuntu3, automatic), gnome-applets-data:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-accountsservice-1.0:amd64 (0.6.14-1git1ubuntu1.1, automatic), gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0:amd64 (, automatic), gir1.2-mutter-3.0:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu2, automatic), gnome-panel:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-tweak-tool:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1), gir1.2-panelapplet-4.0:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), libgjs0c:amd64 (1.30.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-cogl-1.0:amd64 (1.8.0-1~svn1, automatic), gir1.2-clutter-1.0:amd64 (1.8.0-1~svn1, automatic)
Go to Software Sources and change the install method there.
that wt it did
Gnome Shell ftw =P
let me check
Unity can die a slow painful death.
Was it set to Download and install automatically?
Wait a minute... that's not a security update so it shouldn't have install automatically.
software to date
Somehow Gnome Shell got installed. Is that what you wanted?
(Remember I said I'm just coming in on this)
Yeah... that's weird.
i mean why these updates are auto updated
Let me whip something up for you.
Fml. Too long.
sudo apt-get remove mesa-utilscups-pk-helpergnome-shelllibcaribou0gnome-appletsgir1.2-upowerglib-1.0gnome-panel-datagir1.2-gee-1.0gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12gir1.2-json-1.0alacartegir1.2-caribou-1.0libmozjs185-1.0mutter-commoncaribougir1.2-folks-0.6gir1.2-gkbd-3.0gnome-session-fallbackpython-
Whoops... something didn't go right there. 1 sec again.
no no
i am saying its automatically updated no popup for update as i have always
So, you do have gnome-shell installed? And that's how you want it?
(Just double checking)
wt i have installed last time is icon from ppa
gnome shell ?
OK, I won't worry about it then. I'll just see if I can't fix your problem. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't getting unwanted updates
apt-get install ambiance-colors radiance-colors
i use ubuntu tweak alot
I see. I'm looking through settings and I'm not finding anything immediate.
So, you did do a manual apt-get?
no no
i did apt-get update
no apt-get upgrade
But did you do an apt-get install?
i have install icon at 9 pm & check its working or not
then auto update 9:45
OOookk.. Got ya.
Start-Date: 2012-02-20 21:41:44
Commandline: aptdaemon role='role-commit-packages' sender=':1.51'
Install: mesa-utils:amd64 (8.0.1+git20110129+d8f7d6b-0ubuntu2, automatic), cups-pk-helper:amd64 (0.1.2-1, automatic), gnome-shell:amd64 (3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1, automatic), libcaribou0:amd64 (0.3.92-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-applets:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-upowerglib-1.0:amd64 (0.9.13-1, automatic), gnome-panel-data:amd64 (3.2.0-0ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-gee-1.0:amd64 (, automatic), gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12:amd64 (0.15.5-1ubuntu1, automatic), gir1.2-json-1.0:a
Start-Date: 2012-02-20 20:00:25
Commandline: apt-get install ambiance-colors radiance-colors
Install: ambiance-colors:amd64 (11.10.1-0~5~oneiric1), radiance-colors:amd64 (11.10.1-0~5~oneiric1)
End-Date: 2012-02-20 20:00:32
Oh, I see what happened.
my ubuntu is working 100 % , there are lots of ? abt updates messing so thats y i m ...
Commandline: aptdaemon role='role-commit-packages' sender=':1.51'
^That's what interests me
I'm trying to figure out where that aptdaemon was called from.
Start-Date: 2012-02-19 15:37:19
Commandline: aptdaemon role='role-commit-packages' sender=':1.48'
Install: libproc-processtable-perl:amd64 (0.45-2build1, automatic), libxml-sax-perl:amd64 (0.96+dfsg-2, automatic), libgnome2-vfs-perl:amd64 (1.081-3, automatic), libgnome2-0:amd64 (2.32.1-0ubuntu3, automatic), libxml-sax-expat-perl:amd64 (0.40-1, automatic), libnet-dbus-perl:amd64 (0.33.6-2build1, automatic), libgnomecanvas2-0:amd64 (2.30.3-1, automatic), libbonobo2-common:amd64 (2.32.1-0ubuntu1, automatic), libfile-homedir-perl:amd64 (0.97-1, automatic), libxml-parser-perl:amd64 (2.41-1, aut
on 19 th
i have checked every time i have updated there is an sender
do u have the same ? cat /var/log/apt/history.log
Good question. I'll look.
I'm going to guess so.
shall we post a question about it ?
No... but this is a brand new install (less than a day)
From what I can gather aptdaemon works with update-manager. I think.
Of course, there's not man page lol
oh i have to take a pic before restarting
let see if it happen again then i will post a ? abt it
& 1st take lots of pics lolzzz
A: Connecting to the internet through Firefox

WilliamYou have scarcely any detail in your question, so it is very hard to help you. But, I will try to touch on the most common issues with getting online and Ubuntu. I hope this helps, and if you need clarification, please ask. But next time, please be a little more specific. You said that you use W...

What's the deal with those up-votes on that answer?
I wanted the badge.
Badges are tasty.
Hey, they are! I have it on good authority.
There you go ;)
@JorgeCastro Signing the CoC is not mandatory when participating in face-to-face events like UDS?
Thank you!
Ubuntu Graz Meetup group created! meetup.com/ubuntu-graz
Openshot locked up!
And I didnt sAVE!
whacks computer
17 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
Ubuntu Graz Meetup group created! http://www.meetup.com/ubuntu-graz/
@TorbenGundtofteBruun @JorgeCastro -^
@AmithKK So this is what happens when I don't yell at you. ಠ_ಠ
"Its not my fault!"
Organize a local Ubuntu Meetup, go there wearing an Ask Ubuntu T-Shirt. WIN!
Bounty offered: Record audio from Skype on VPS? http://askubuntu.com/questions/105398/record-audio-from-skype-on-vps #server
A: What are your favorite command line features or tricks?

SwishPretty basic, but people don't seem to know, returns you to the previous dir: cd -

wow, just wow!
Hey, that's neat.
That is absolutely amazing!
I wonder how I survived without that until now. :D
There is more! Ctrl + L in a terminal will clear it. I was always typing clear. :D
lol, me 2
@OctavianDamiean Oh, I've been using Ctrl+L for a while now.
Well, thank you for not letting me know. :P
Oh right, sudo !! is also very handy.
It'll execute the last command as root.

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