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@edwinksl we need shotguns.
@Rinzwind woah that escalated quickly
@edwinksl typical american response :=) -> an animal bugs you get a shotgun
@Rinzwind Wow. Not only do you blithely pass the blame on to someone else (you're the one who mentioned shotguns!), you also go and call a diamond moderator an "animal".
I just hope you meant Boris.
@terdon "no glaring pls, dino with short arms" <- dino = animal
Still, everything I said stands. You did pass the blame for something you brought up and you did call a mod an animal. That the particular mod in question happens to be an animal only makes it slightly better.
grrr, i hate it when there's a question i can answer , but I'm on a goddamn train and have no access to my tools atm
@Rinzwind no Sethes around, only Serges
and an evil demon lord of doom
@ThomasWard who's also a fluffy bunny im disguise :3
@Serg that was an outcry for help >:)
@Serg s/bunny/hell hound/
@ThomasWard ok, close enough, lel
also . . . gotdammit, dev boards for academia are eggspensive
I need a board that is like 175$ for students. For non academic folks it's 225$ or so.
at least i feel less bad about spending on a board than on a textbook
I love man page answers <3
I just noticed we have both and , and neither is a synonym of the other. I suggest be the main tag since that seems to be a little more popular, judging by searches of the site (either through the the built-in search engine or through Google) for "virtual terminal" and "virtual console". I think it doesn't really matter much, though.
@Rinzwind I know ... you once said that they bring you many upvotes ... :D
@EliahKagan Sounds good to me. I don't have time to do it now though, could you please post in on meta?
That's a good idea anyway since it leaves an audit trail, so to speak.
Yes, I'm going afk for a bit now but I'll post about it soon.
is less confusing than if for no other reason than that it looks more like a console than a terminal.
I'm finally on my laptop , yasssss !!!
@karel I don't really follow, but can you expand on that in an answer when I post on meta?
Oh, this is bad, very bad @_@ my lower back is hurting today
semester just started, it's too early for chiropractor visits
@Serg lies it is never too early for that
@Serg lay on your stomach...
very practical and it works...
@Serg lay on your stomach, and prepare yourself. There will be a fix for your back incoming.
Just lie there and relax...
... and prepare.
@ThomasWard it could just be muscle...in that case prepare for what?
pulls out a taser and a hammer
Oh, nothing really, just some adjustments that need to be done
No if it something more serious then that then...yeah he might want to prepare...
in other news, @KazWolfe has a lot to learn about being chill and being a moderator at the same time lol
runs and hides
@terdon I've posted on meta.
Q: These tags are [virtual-]ly the same!

Eliah KaganRight now we have separate virtual-console and virtual-terminal tags. One should be made a synonym of the other, but which one should be the master tag? We have another question on meta about this, posted well over a year ago, but it has languished unanswered and also seems like it's asking abou...

And then some! Thanks :)
@TheXed @ThomasWard I'm at work. I can't just lie down anywhere
Also, anybody wanna read my poem about awk and python ?
Actually , wait . . .no
@EliahKagan Yeah sure, I can or anyone else can post it in Meta. The console looks like a server login which looks like a console. It may be a petty distinction, but just the same it may also help new users to keep it straight.
Feck, feck, I fecked it yup
I misunderstood OP's question. Fixed now
Q: These tags are [virtual-]ly the same!

Eliah KaganRight now we have separate virtual-console and virtual-terminal tags. One should be made a synonym of the other, but which one should be the master tag? We have another question on meta about this, posted well over a year ago, but it has languished unanswered and also seems like it's asking abou...

@terdon Perl review pls ? unix.stackexchange.com/a/338382/85039
Can I simplify that any more ?
Ah, feck again . . . double quotes in wrong place
@Serg a little:
perl -ne 'chomp; open($fh,$_) or die; print "$_\n\"\"\n";while($line = <$fh>){ print $line}' filenames.txt
@EliahKagan I decided to post it anyway. Now I'm going to get to hear the story of the blind men and an elephant, but it still looks like a console to me.
:) Thanks for posting. I think of a command-line interface as a terminal rather than a console, which may be why I didn't understand you initially. I don't think I have any particularly strong reason for thinking of it one way and not the other, though.
@Serg or, you could simplify a lot:
perl -le 'do{print `cat $_`,"\"\"";} for <>' file
Uh . . . that's probably way above my head
Anyway, answer fixed, in format as OP wants
So yay, everything is smexy and as it should be
@terdon add print $_ before do{..} :) OP wants to have filenames included in output
@Serg Thanks, I'd missed that. I added an explanation as well. It's not as weird as it looks, the only new thing really is the do {} for @list
Q: Migrating system to new machine

mjpI have been trying to follow the instructions of the top answer here: link but there are a number of things I don't understand. (Both machines are Ubuntu 15.10 64bit) Use scp or rsync or even a flash drive to transfer your home directory (~/, ~/.), the source list (/etc/apt/sources.list) an...

he keeps pm' ing me :X
@terdon AHA ! That's like list comprehension or map() in python ! smexy :D
@Serg Yes, perl also has map{}. But do{}for is preferred syntactically because map{} is designed to actually modify the array it is mapped to. Practically, it makes absolutely no difference and do{something} for @list is equivalent to map{something}@list but I've been yelled at by more experienced people.
But no, sadly, not like list comprehension. That is, I must admit, an absolutely awesome feature of Python.
@Rinzwind should be handled now
moderator diamonds scare people
I mean, you can't do @newList = [ $x for $x in @oldlist ] or anything like that in Perl. Not to my knowledge, anyway.
@ThomasWard OP is on 15.10, not 6!
now silence mortal.
bleh i broke spf
screw it
@ThomasWard The OP's using 6.06? Their post says 15.10. (Which is also EoL of course, but your comment is about 6.06. Am I missing something?)
@EliahKagan already resolved
see previous four messages, I already revised
if they complain, it'll get squished.
What in the world is a failsafe shell, anyway?
@terdon how's this then ?
$ perl -e  '@list = ( 1, 2, 3   );do{push @newlist, $_ + 1} for @list;do{print $_,"\n"}for @newlist'
probably still not close enough to list comprehension ?
Fair enough, that'll work.
I meant that it doesn't have that nifty list = [ x for x in list if x >10 ] thing.
Although you can usually do it with grep. perl's grep is really powerful. Checkout perldoc -f grep
    grep BLOCK LIST
    grep EXPR,LIST
            This is similar in spirit to, but not the same as, grep(1) and its
            relatives. In particular, it is not limited to using regular

            Evaluates the BLOCK or EXPR for each element of LIST (locally
            setting $_ to each element) and returns the list value consisting
            of those elements for which the expression evaluated to true. In
            scalar context, returns the number of times the expression was
"not limited (!) to using regular expressions"
But we can approximate it
$ perl -e  '@list = ( 1, 2, 3   );do{if ($_ >= 2){push(@newlist, $_ + 1)} } for @list;do{print $_,"\n"}for @newlist'
Oh, yes, of course. it's just the syntax I like in python. Especially for things like

list = [ x for x in otherList if somefunction(x) or otherFunct(x) and oneMorething(x) ]
It doesn't make up for significant whitespace, but that, at least, is useful!
That syntax was confusing the heck out of me when I just started doing python.
But it is indeed quite elegant
@Serg Me too.
But yeah, it's grown on me.
2 hours later…
Feck, I need a blog
I've got too many.
If you want to write for a blog without going through the trouble of starting one, 2buntu is always welcoming new contributors.
Bonus: we already have quite a few pageviews in a day, so your first posts will be more popular than if you started one yourself.
Wow, I didn't realize Unifi had remote control by default
That's pretty great. I just hope they have Mac software, since that's the only always on computer at my mom's
any grep experts ?
Need help to unravel absolutely bizarre mystery: unix.stackexchange.com/q/338423/85039
@NathanOsman as long as it's accessible in China
@NathanOsman I considered that once too, but then dropped the thought again because I have no idea what to write about.
Anything Ubuntu or even Linux-related.
However, that top article by Roland there is interesting about WOT addon.
I did not know that...
purging addon
I'm just noticing that I have way too many add-ons, athough half of them is disabled.
Yeah, that one was interesting.
This browser needs a thorough cleaning.
my whole system needs a cleaning. I've way too many files, like test.txt and input.txt
yeah, those stack up in my home folder too... ^_^
I actually even made a ~/sandbox folder for such script testing, but half of the times I forget to use it
@NathanOsman welp, I joined in :D
@NathanOsman nice blog
will be nice to see some AU folks write some longform things
@ThomasWard what did you do this time
spicy food... it makes me breathe fire.
how spicy is spicy?
*exhales, and incinerates the chair next to him*
that spicy
i mean, is that like "ghost pepper" spicy or "sweet bbq" spicy?
super ultra atomic ghost pepper spicy
with the nuclear fireball that backs up the spicy
@Serg welcome!
I get automatically emailed when you submit an article so it will be approved and published quickly :)
Best part: articles are written in Markdown.
If I only had some inspiration and slightly more free time, I could maybe post some articles every now and then too...
The tutorials category hasn't seen any love for years.
who approves the articles?
My energy is going low -___-
@ByteCommander Wow! I'm glad I never got around to installing that add-on again.
o/ @Seth
how goes it
@Serg brain or battery?
My battery is full, and so is my to-do list, but the brain...
I can't finish preparing that stupid presentation today.
@ByteCommander Battery isn't the problem - it's charging right now. The brain , however, just feels like it's steadily growing more and more tired. I'm slowly trying to fix my sleep and transition into the classes/work schedule , but it's slightly painful
same here
Anybody volunteering to write a "towers of hanoi" solver for me in C?
@ByteCommander nope, no chance.
well, me neither... :-/
@ByteCommander No. Here's a box of random bytes, put these together to create such a solver.
That box didn't ship here yet...
@ByteCommander I would volunteer, I like C :D how much time do I have and what's the requirements ?
I don't even know what towers of Hanoi is, so I think I am uniquely disqualified...
@TheXed that ^
It's due in 10h 40min.
@ByteCommander bubblesort?
And we may neither use arrays nor pointers.
The Tower of Hanoi (also called the Tower of Brahma or Lucas' Tower, and sometimes pluralized) is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: Only one disk can be moved at a time. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top...
How do you get to bubblesort?
I also think I already found a beautiful (and especially short) elegant piece of code dailyfreecode.com/code/tower-hanoi-1146.aspx
oh, wait, no i'm stupid.
and eww, recursion.
That's in C++ though
wait, why are you not allowed to use arrays?
Who cares, the algorithm is the same. I just replace the io stuff with stdio.h and done.
@ByteCommander Oh, I guess I do know what that is...
Because we did not learn about arrays and pointers yet.
I should just try to understand how that solution works, at least..
you're doing towers of hanoi without arrays.
rip you
You learn to love recursion.
hm. you can solve this in O(1) time.
(if you want to cheat)
We learned Lisp (Racket Scheme to be exact) as well, there you must use recursion.
Once you're used to it, you appreciate it.
@ByteCommander actually that solution is on wikipedia too
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi And written in sort-of python function
Search for def move(n, source, target, auxiliary)
Oh hey, there is an AWK solution for it on Rosettacode @Serg
$ awk 'func hanoi(n,f,t,v){if(n>0){hanoi(n-1,f,v,t);print(f,"->",t);hanoi(n-1,v,t,f)}}
@ByteCommander :D yay, and it's recursive too
Q: Tower of hanoi solver

Carter PapeFor reference as to what the tower of Hanoi is, either Google it or look on the Wikipedia page. Your code should be able to do 2 things, and they are the following: Accept user input that specifies the number of discs at the starting point of the Hanoi tower Create output in a fashion of your ...

Oh cool. I'll hand in this:
h(d){n--&&h(d^d%16*16,printf("%02x ",d,h(d^d/16))),n++;}
need to add includes though
(of course I won't, just kidding)
Your professor will be like "OMGWTFBBQ?"
CheapHanoi (Solves in O(1) time):
@ByteCommander yuo could make it a one liner ;)
given an input of pegs in form [n, 0, 0], where n is the peg count.
return [0, 0, input[0]]
aka, moving all the disks at once.
I fackin' hate slap-n-slide type of greetings
@Serg wat
@KazWolfe violates the rule that only one disk may be moved at a time :P
@KazWolfe you know when you meet someone and instead of handshake you slap hands and slide away ?
When I'm about to shake hands with somebody, most times it ends weirdly.
@ByteCommander don't care, i want my O(1)
I hate it, because i never know what to do with those. Handshakes are far more simpler
you need to do an explosion effect
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, probably I'm too slow. Other people sometimes close their hand while mine isn't in place yet, so they basically shake my fingers only...
Or when somebody offers the hand and you are not sure whether to shake it low (thumb around hand), shake it high (thumb around thumb), make some sort of high 5 or knock the fist...
I need to get 5 more goats on U&L for rep cap . . . yet I don't see any cool questions so far
@Seth the Sky Sailing music is pretty nice
linguists, find the E!
you can solve any simple substitution cipher by finding "E"
almost everything else falls into place pretty fast
I guess U or D
but I don't wanna bother trying
back to CVs
only 275 of them
only 20 today
already done
@edwinksl Three-phase AC?
@Videonauth I've cast the final close vote. ...About your comment, though, are you sure posting a question on another SE site after it's immediately closed is really discouraged? I've never heard of that, we tell people to post on another SE site all the time when closing their questions and rarely mention migration, AU's official off-topic message mentions the other sites without saying to migrate, and moderators would be burdened with an awful lot of work if people followed such a rule.
@EliahKagan Please do not cross-post, flag your answer instead for moderator attention if you wish it to be migrated there. Thank you – Videonauth 21 mins ago
not sure if you really have read my comment?
migration is normally better, but it doesn't really matter, does it?
i mean, migration is definitely a lot slower, so if someone needs help fast, it's better to just cross-post and delete one
I did read your comment, and I have re-read it entirely as well as the excerpt you've just posted. I still don't understand how that addresses what I am saying. Are you telling the OP not to immediately post the question on Unix.SE, or not?
@EliahKagan it is not discuraged, well just my little assumption for cleanlyness tho, why having a closed junk here in the DB if it can be valuable elsewhere?
and @KazWolfe i guess youre right, migration is slower so for urgent questionsthis is not feasible.
i mean, unless you have a couple bored mods ready...
otherwise, migration is kinda broken tbh
The problem is that your comment has the effect of telling the OP that it is site or network policy. I don't know if you intend that or not, but I am sure that is how most newcomers would interpret what you have said. And I still cannot tell if you believe that it is site policy, but if you do then I am hoping you can provide a reference, and if you don't then I am hoping you will not just leave that comment as it stands.
well first time in over a year that im using the commetn and someone complains about, but well if you feel better i can remove it
and no ots not a policy, maybe its missing language skills on my side, i wwanted to just point out that cross posting is being frowned upon, at least between U&L and AU
@Videonauth If you keep both up.
If you delete one (like the one on AU), nobody cares.
@KazWolfe and then it is not cross posting ;)
That being said, migrations should only be flagged for actual good questions that would survive on this site if it were on-topic. Then, it's a waiting game. If you mention this to OP, it's really a race -- do mods migrate it or does OP repost in the right place?
If migrations were simple and fast, then yeah, I'd see a reason to discourage cross-posting in order to facilitate migration. Unfortunately, migrations are broken af, so just let OP do whatever. If OP wants to wait, they can. If they want to take care of it themselves, they can.
Not sure im not trackign questions forever but many have been migrated or deleted
you're 10k, right?
i now deleted my comment, for now and think about how to reword it to accomodate that @EliahKagan, thank you for your intput on this
@KazWolfe yep
Migration statistics.
i'm not sure why AU doesn't have any migration targets, though (cc @Seth)
@KazWolfe because it was decided an eternity ago to let mods handle migrations
i remeber that there aven is a meta post about it @KazWolfe it should be even within the first few pages on meta here
anyone around?
i think tested for some time, but it ended up with too many rejects
@ThomasWard oh, hi.
@William only the Evil Demon (me) and its minions
@William i'm joking, 'sup
@ThomasWard would this be better posted here superuser.com/questions/1169003/…
@ThomasWard well, people aren't following the "don't migrate crap" rule, are they? Why not put an (additional) rep limit for migration?
@KazWolfe No, people weren't.
@William It fits in at either location
U&L and Ask Ubuntu have significant overlap when it comes to Ubuntu
hey, @ThomasWard, 10k question. How do I see which questions were closed for which custom reason?
does anyone have any idea where such a setting would be stored?
@William Could you add more details to the question? My guess is that this is for GNOME Terminal or something where by default Ctrl+Shift+C copies and Ctrl+Shift+V pastes, so as not to interfere with ^C and ^V, but I'm not sure how apparent that is for the question. It seems to me that it should be able to get a good answer either place, and the main thing is making sure it has enough information so people will know they can answer it.
someone closed something as this, which is blatantly wrong:
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it asks for a hardware recommendation, which is off topic on all Stackexchange.
Q: Migration Paths?

8128Migration paths allow for questions to be moved from Ask Ubuntu to other sites in the Stack Exchange network. The idea is that rather than simply closing questions as being "off-topic", then the questions can be moved to be the correct Q&A website. These could allow us to keep our site on topic ...

Q: Activate migration paths to Unix and Linux, should we?

BraiamFirst of all, lets remember the golden rule of the migrations: DO NOT MIGRATE CRAP That said, why don't we open the migration paths from AU and UL? There has been 10 migrations to UL in the last 90 days, here the stats: The migration to UL has been rejected lately, which has been norma...

@Videonauth I should probably delete my answer there. My position has changed since becoming a mod here and getting a better idea of how much crap would actualy be migrated were we to open the path.
3 mins ago, by William
@ThomasWard would this be better posted here http://superuser.com/questions/1169003/terminal-switch-shiftctrlc-and-ctrlc
your thoughts
since you're mod at both U&L and here
@EliahKagan I rarely use the Ctrl+C command but copy a lot so I would simply like to switch the to so Ctrl+C copies and Ctrl+Shift+C executes Ctrl+C to the terminal?
@terdon yeah well i just did a quick search those are the two top results
on the other hand if people post it anyways over there its as good as migrated ;)
What terminal program are you using? (Or if you're not sure but it's the default with your Ubuntu flavor, what Ubuntu flavor?)
I don't see the problem if people just don't migrate crap.
And not automatically migrate anything that mentions "mint"
@EliahKagan default which I believe is gnome whatever comes with ubuntu by default I will check 1 sec
Yeah, that should be GNOME Terminal.
@ThomasWard It's on topic where it is, so there's no reason to move it. Also, it really doesn't have much useful information so it isn't a very good question (no offense @William). If it were edited to specify what terminal is being used and to clarify what the issue with the shortcuts is, then it would be welcome on either Unix & Linux or here. However, the 2nd rule of migration is we don't migrate away things that are on topic.
Does this help?
Q: Making Ctrl+C copy text in gnome-terminal?

MehrdadIs it possible for me to make Ctrl+C perform a copy command if there is highlighted text in the terminal? Otherwise, it should retain its normal behavior. (If there is a terminal that can do this other than gnome-terminal, that's probably fine too.)

@EliahKagan yes except how do I trigger Ctrl+C in applications then
cmd like applications
I've never understood why people don't just select text with the mouse to copy (@William, in case you don't know, simply selecting text automatically copies, no need for any keyboard shortcut, and the middle button pastes).
yes I am aware of yank
@terdon touchpads
@terdon wait, what?
i don't think i've seen that behavior honestly.
Even with a touchpad, all you need to do is select. You have to select anyway if you're to use a keyboard shortcut to copy and all touchpads have either a middle button or 2 buttons, so you can click them both together to paste.
@terdon @thoma any thoughts about thise auto comment text Im using?
Welcome to Ask Ubuntu! I'm sorry but this is not about Ubuntu and therefore off topic since other distributions mostly have different approaches about how to handle things we cant support that, so you might be better off asking your question on Unix & Linux. Please do not cross-post, flag your answer instead for moderator attention if you wish it to be migrated there. Thank you
Yeah, but the touchpads aren't exactly comfortable
ask terdon, i'm busy
@Videonauth use [ unix.se ] for quick links
@KazWolfe Just select something and then middle click. It will be pasted. This is very, very old behavior. I know I've seen it since 98-99 when I first started using Linux and I'm pretty sure it is as old as the mouse.
@terdon middle-click? not ctrl-v?
@KazWolfe Yeah
okay, that's why i didn't notice it. i tend to not middle click.
@Serg i think that got lost while copy&pasting
and if just selecting text in my terminal replaced my ctrl-v, i would probably be very mad.
@Videonauth Looks good. I'd just add a full stop (.) after how to handle things.
[ unix.se ] without extra spaces turns into Unix & Linux
@Serg code formatting, m8. [unix.se]
@William Well Ctrl+C already does copy in almost all applications other than terminal emulators. When you change the key bindings in GNOME Terminal, that shouldn't affect that. (This is if I understand enzotib's answer properly. I don't actually have GNOME Terminal handy to check right now. I mostly use Lubuntu with LXTerminal.)
@KazWolfe 2lazy4me
@terdon im asking becasue i put a remark about migration in it and eliah found that a bit over the top
@Serg it's the same number of keystrokes.
@KazWolfe No, selecting copies. Middle click pastes. This is completely separate from the Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V, it uses a separate clipboard. All Linux (probably all *nix) systems have these two separate clipboards.
@terdon ah. well, it doesn't interfere with my Ctrl-CV clipboard, so i don't care :D
but TIL.
i might end up using that.
@Videonauth Shrugs It's true that it's usually simpler to just tell them to delete and repost it on the other site.
(And migration can take literally forever, and it might not even get migrated.)
We can't be responsible for OP posting crap, but we don't need to migrate it.
@KazWolfe I can't live without it. If I can't have select to copy and focus under mouse, I freak out
ah. well, it doesn't interfere with my Ctrl-CV clipboard, so i don't care :D
but TIL.
why did i just try that in windows
Wow. I find it so much more comfortable than Ctrl+c/V
Highlight , and hit right and left click on touchpad, or middle click on windows
@terdon My concern is that it communicates that it is a site or network policy that if you post on one SE site and it's immediately closed OT, then you have to wait for it to get migrated, and cannot simply post it on the other site. I don't believe that actually is the policy. Having questions open or otherwise active on multiple sites is what we don't want, right?
well i guess I'll reword it then is best
No, you're right, suggesting migration is not necessarily the best thing. It's fine if someone else flags for migration, but it's much simpler for everyone involved (both the mods and the OP) if the question is just deleted and reposted.
Mods don't need to fix OP's mistake, basically.
i do not link the yank and put(or whatever they are called) for exactly that reason because they are replaced
on text select
OP is a big boy. OP can fix his own things.
@Videonauth Yeah, I think if it's modified to tell people that they can either post it somewhere else or ask for it to be migrated (but not both), then that could be helpful. So long as the comment is only used for stuff that looks worth migrating.
o/ @Seth, welcome
question, would this q be a good protect candidate?
I got tired of trying to do VMWare+Word stuff on my laptop display so I "stole" a monitor from a desktop no one seemed to be using. Hopefully no one actually is using it.
@KazWolfe No. None of the deleted answers are "me too", "thanks", or the like. I'm not even sure all of those should be deleted.
@EliahKagan well its an auto script im using to insert those comments , so im not feeling like a tape recorder typing the same thing over and over again, but still being nice enough to let people know beforehand if a question is going to get closed , i really appreciate the feedback here, i guess i will word two versions, one fro content which took a long time to create and list (worth migrating) and one for the crap (not worth migrating) will be the solution here for my side
@KazWolfe it's been discussed on meta a bunch of times. Do a quick search.
@Seth got it. Nobody really explained what I should and shouldn't protect, so I'm left guessing.
> Questions should be protected when they are garnering lots of views and newbies are adding "me too!", "thanks!" and possibly even spam non-answers.
from the help center. I agree it could be explained a bit better though. too many people protect things for the wrong reasons.
(examples would help, honestly)
cc @Zanna --^
@KazWolfe yep
well , it's almost 5 PM , aka UTC midnight for me, and . . . I'm still not over my repcap. Dammit
What is it about getting to 200 that's so addictive , mmm ?
Here you go, internets. Inauguration bingo cards. http://goo.gl/MToV2s https://t.co/M8qJRZks7i
@KazWolfe maybe we should redefine cc (carbon paper copy) to computer copy :)
man, I can't eat one bean right now or I'll blow up
askubuntu.com/users/641576/alberto -- user is proposing a number of irrelevant tag edits.
@William I don't think the procedure in enzotib's answer for getting Ctrl+C to copy in GNOME Terminal should affect any other applications. I think Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts is in GNOME Terminal itself. Does this not do what you need?
@EliahKagan no I mean terminal applications
I didn't fully read it, but that single woman question provided me some laughs
@KazWolfe Yeah, he even posted a really, really crappy answer (!)
(deleted, >=10k only)
tsk tsk
@William So when you say, how do you trigger Ctrl+C in applications, you mean, how do you send the signal to interrupt a program that's running in the terminal?
i think that's a suspension

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