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me: "Lets crank it to eleven"
girlfriend: "is that loud?"
me: "Well, it's one past ten..."
@rlemon \o/
Hey @Takkat
Hey @Sathya
Oh hi @AmithKK
Hi to all
@rlemon Are you there
hi @AmithKK
36 mins ago, by Bruno Pereira
I am going to have pizza, cheese and good beer tonight! Weekend \o/
@Sathya Teh elections are over
I'm done with the cheese & pizza part, half way with the rum :P
@AmithKK yeah, I know - the ones I elected for won ;)
not really.
well not at these levels anyway
Yay! It's @AmithKK!
@William Hey :D
I made rooms!

 Ubuntu News

This room has died. The new room is at chat.stackexchange.com/...
you're still on about you creating rooms?
i've created rooms willy-nilly before, it got BORING
@ThomasWard Heya
now, where's @Jorge...
he needs a slap
@JorgeJuJu Slap Given
what did I do?
hey @Jorge, did you poke AlanBell about integration of AskUbuntu feeds on the IRC?
did you (and everyone else on the ubuntu-irc mailing list) get my blank email and the email with actual content as my response?
(it didnt originate from my ubuntu.com email :/)
I got one blank one
and then your real one
yeah my phone fubar'd
it sent out a blank by accident
i mentioned that in the second email ;P
stupid glitchy technology!


This room will collect technology news from various websites a...
ugh, i'm making spelling errors everywhere... reminds himself to give him coffee
okay, now i'm concerned...
any mods around?
good its you
see IRC
@AmithKK sorry was eating lunch
@rlemon pls jion supernews
Q: Making Existing Userlevel program root?

Amith KKIs it possible to give root to an already running application which runs at userspace? Like x program is running, I did some unsaveable work on x program, But it needs root to complete. I do not want to restart the x program.

Bounty offered: USB turn write protection off http://askubuntu.com/questions/101637/usb-turn-write-protection-off #usb
Ahhhh!!! PC has ghosts.
@jrg do you really need to be in 17 different chat rooms at once?
not very helpful.
News of Superness.
@rlemon yes, I do.
i have a stake in almost all of those.
Someone out of the kindness of thier heart please star the link to the room. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
I will send you a free unicorn as a token of my gratitude!
ugh... my lunchtime sushi is not sitting well.
ok back to work!
@rlemon you should have given me the sushi :p
Multigrain salmon avocado roll.
@nitstorm Congrats on hitting 3K!!
Wow! Now me has to hit 3k so I get congratualted!
@jrg No, it doesnt give an option.
@rlemon sounds decent :P
Please use your diamond powers.
@William Link then?
@rlemon just be glad it wasnt the spam roll
some people still eat spam sushi
@ThomasWard eww
@William you won't get congratulated :P
@rlemon i know right? I want to be like "BURN!" and burn that sushi with Hell Fire. :/
Panda Roll?
AskUbuntu: "You havent voted on questions in a while... how about voting on questions?"
@rlemon oh how cute! OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!
Spam isn't bad, although Oli will probably file suite and have my diamond taken away for doing it.
Linux Sushi
its too cute to eat, @rlemon. eating that will defy the Linux Gods and bring evil upon all of Linux :/
then eat these
yeah those need to die
but they need less pink
sushi == Japanese
sushi kello kitty == Japanese eating cats
grabs black rice paste, smothers that evil thing with the paste, swallows them whole
@jrg Thanks :D
Just finished a major edit + answer work..
Q: How to install a software manually?

Mahmoud20070I have recently learnt how to install programs from the terminal and would like to know the meaning of a few commands that I use to install. For example, I downloaded python 3.2 from source and extract and try to install it but failed. I saw in the explanation in other sites that I must use ./con...

@nitstorm you're welcome. :)
This people, is what happens when you're in too many chatrooms at once.
ooh nifteh
@jrg what does that, a userscript?
@jrg lol lol lol :P now i am guessing even this comes up in three notifications :P
@ThomasWard its a webkit feature i think, shows up on Chromium/Chrome and such when you get a reply ...
@ThomasWard "Enable Desktop Notifications" in the bottom right corner of the chat.
ah. it doesnt exist on firefox then :P
cept on dual monitor with chat windows open in each display mine often does not display on the correct display.
Yeah not on Firefox.
@rlemon test ping
hahaha I should close chrome before I do this.
try again
@rlemon lol lol :P ping 2
nvm. The desktop notifications plugin is a bust
@rlemon This is a message of random irrelevant text. Lorem ipsum is equally as irrelevant.
yeah, thought so :P
ok last try
ping me
@rlemon ping
ugh. there lists that it works but not 100%
@jrg told that to marco yet?
@Alvar Haha.
omg ok... one more ping.
@rlemon ping pong you're dead
ok the plugin works... just not for this site.
I don't know why
and for me the notification is a OSD notification.
I think you have the OSD thing setup
@JorgeCastro I've edited my Global Jam post.
Alrighty boys, punching out. Cheers!
@jrg for that plugin.. not chrome
@rlemon what's firefox?
^ just about sums it up
the slow one witch pretends to be older than it really is...
Posted by George Edison on February 17th, 2012

I have been using the Windows 8 Developer Preview for about 5 months or so and in order to install it on my PC, I had to create a rather small partition on my primary hard drive consisting of only about 16GB. Thankfully, a clean install of Windows 8 will fit comfortably within that space and still provide enough room for some basic utilities and drivers (of course, I do have other secondary partitions that I use for installing applications).

During the installation of a particular application, the free disk space on the partition dropped to about 28MB. One of the users over in the Root Access c …

Written by yours truly.
yea i've seen that message ohh to often.
almost there
6K global rep here I come!
so pumped I need one more line to see it!
BAH! 5994?! I just did an edit!
You don't gain reputation from an edit if you are > 2000.
global rep ;)
i'm editing here. (300 something rep)
and adds to global rep.
Woot! @OctavianDamiean FINALLY got that form worked out.
now If I can figure out a handy trick to get rid of this line i'll be js free in this form.
<label><input type="checkbox" name="is_sales_ready" id="is_sales_ready" onclick="document.getElementById('price_input').style.display = this.checked?'block':'none';" /> Is Sales Item</label>
only inline js because I was too lazy to make a new file :P
waits for oli to suggest $('#price_input').toggle(this.checked);
Thats a creepy ad
It's... weird.
probably took quite a bit of work too...
it's a wicked awesome idea for a home office desk/playpen
however those orange cords hanging into the playpen concern me.
USB Baby?
something like that.
any why are all of the babies toys just out of reach
kinda cruel.
Cruel ad bro.
ahhhh, the baby is a vampire
only thing not casting a shadow
it all makes sense now!
i love the 4 upvotes... refresh... 6 upvotes... refresh... 3 upvotes... refresh... 2 upvotes...
It's just an ad.
@MarcoCeppi But some people find it in poor taste.
@MarcoCeppi And some people haven't got their Ondina invites yet :P
Someone will find something in poor taste about everything
(Did you like how I somehow correlated the two unrelated comments?)
lol, i'm participating for the trolls.
I wont lie.
the ad is in poor taste.
but having no kids of my own, i'm not offended by it.
don't really get it.. (might be because of my low resolution (1366*768)
Read my Meta question.
@GeorgeEdison I never saw it in that way, although I get how it could be read in that way..
the baby is a bit big..
Yeah, it's just better to change it a bit and then nobody will have problems with it.
if the baby lay in a bed a bit higher up then it would make sence
@GeorgeEdison imacs man! imacs!
@rlemon Then what is the orange cord?
@rlemon imacs are more evenly shaped they don't have a box on the backside of the screen.
@GeorgeEdison it's a mix from the old rainbow apple years :P
@GeorgeEdison or a cord to make it hard to steal!
orange copper wire ;)
@rlemon You misspelled that, it is not USB Baby it is USBaby.
to me it looked like a orange usb cable (more likely Ethernet)
@OctavianDamiean then I think american baby
@rlemon Then where is the power cable?
@GeorgeEdison hidden.
They use POA technology @GeorgeEdison.
solar power FTW ;)
Power Over Air.
@OctavianDamiean That technology hasn't matured enough to be commercially usable.
Maybe it is also just the new OCE technology.
One Cable for Everything.
That would be sweet.
@GeorgeEdison this is a picture not real life.
Also, it looks like the cables are plugged into the baby if you ask me. Does the baby power the machines? Matrix-like?
I don't know.
they are bio-kinetically powered by the baby...
the baby is really a young Gambit.
@rlemon you mean the child AKA baby with a diaper ?
the baby suffers from Gigantism
@rlemon tell that to SO! ;) the meta post you know...
and trolled.
Ack! My inbox:
We agree it's poor taste, but we also agree its not supposed to be accurate.
@George oh I feel so sorry for your inbox. Lol.
I can also verify that StackApplet's notifications work... :)
That's Meta. :)
Can you answer this? What simple FLOSS software can I use to produce nice data visualiz... http://askubuntu.com/questions/81865/what-simple-floss-software-can-i-use-to-produce-nice-data-visualization #softwarerecommendation
@Feeds, Use mouthwash.
buh dum dum
@rlemon did you see my comment? :P
WHOA! Posted an answer!
Woop! Love when the boss wants to leave early.
Also, why the cruelty.. Give the baby his toys, don't place them just out of reach. -> lol, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
its just an ad, I dont really have any opinion on it (dont feel offended, worried or concerned about it) but the comments are great!
Oh the comments sure are funny.
@jrg I'm beginning to have second thoughts about the whole thing.
I mean... we all know you shouldn't ignore a baby like that, but...
that's no baby
Oh yea? Babies have died because of that.
it's a space station
@JorgeCastro snort
it starts
@OctavianDamiean What are you saying?
There have been cases where a baby died because the parents were too busy playing World of Warcraft.
@GeorgeEdison I will stand by my comment of Its definitely weird.
@OctavianDamiean Okay, that's what I thought. And I completely agree.
@jrg No doubts about it being weird.
Although I have seen weirder and more offensive ads cough GoDaddy. cough
I'm just wondering if I overreacted.
Was it weird enough to warrant its removal?
Yes, but thats not saying it couldn't have been tweaked to be not so weird.
Also, people without a face are just extremely terrifying.
@OctavianDamiean I can't figure out if you're mocking us or not. :P
I'm not, I admit that I really am scare of people without a face.
Don't ask me why, I have no idea. It is completely irrational.
Thanks guys - all of those downvotes made me wonder if I was crazy or something.
Meh, that is just Meta.
No you're not - the downvotes are from people who probably didn't read the entire post.
metas are opinions, not if its right or wrong. you did good @GeorgeEdison
Ok just gor home. On boot after my grub menu nothing happens . Monitor gets no signal and no light blinky blinky . But pc stays on
Please help . Tis my only running pc at home
I hate trying to debug on my phone
have you tried recovery mode?
Get this 'read only menu'
Sorry trying to share pics from my phone on the chat is not easy
And read only means it . No keyboard control
Ooh this time i got a screen saying a bunch of post stuff then hangs on checking battery state ...
Ok im in but no unity
recovery, enter root shell, remove your xorg.conf file from /etc/X11
Cant find xorg.conf
great (then you have no graphics driver issue) any other faults when booting?
Was fine last night . Shutdown before bed
What could have caused this . I dont remember changing anything
where do you get to when booting, to lightdm?
Sorry new to linux .. i go from grub to a console screen. It hangs on some battery message but i can alt f2 to get to another console to log in
And that is where i am now
start by checking how your fs are: sudo fsck -fv /dev/sd00 were 00 is the number of your linux disk, if you only have 1 disk that will be 01
Could it be something else
No such file or directory . I tries 00 through 09
@rlemon ls /dev | grep "sda"
Do you have a livecd with you?
most solo internal drives are sda*.
true! sorry
@rlemon there is a a missing there on the command
sudo fsck -fv /dev/sda1 is what you want
Ok so i had windows on this drive before and removed it and resized my partitions from a live cd
Now i have sda3 sda5 and sda6
3 is saying attempt to read block from file system resulted in a short read
5 says fsck.swap not found
6 says is mounted and suggests i dont continue
this would be easy(er) with a livecd, do you have one with you?
Yes ill boot
Should have thought of that
checking fs that are currently mounted is kinda not recommended
on the live cd
much better
check your fs again, check them all, to get a list of them use sudo fdisk -l
hard disks start with sd
  310295 inodes used (8.88%)
     527 non-contiguous files (0.2%)
     402 non-contiguous directories (0.1%)
         # of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
         Extent depth histogram: 276484/151
 2893093 blocks used (20.61%)
       0 bad blocks
       1 large file

  225584 regular files
   33797 directories
      57 character device files
      25 block device files
       0 fifos
     126 links
   50823 symbolic links (33568 fast symbolic links)
       0 sockets
  310412 files
fsck from util-linux 2.19.1
fsck: fsck.swap: not found
fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.swap for /dev/sda5
and I still get nothing from sda3
fsck.ext2: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda3
Could this be a zero-length partition?
can you show us fdisk -l?
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l
sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60022480896 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7297 cylinders, total 117231408 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x05d79a29

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda3            2048   117229567    58613760    5  Extended
/dev/sda5            4096     4931583     2463744   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda6         4933632   117229567    56147968   83  Linux
make me sandwich: no!
sudo make me sandwich: ok
normally it says i need root... not just nothing :P
sdb is my storage drive. sda is my ssd
do you see anything jumping out at you there?
no, sda3 is extended so failing a fs check is no issue, sda6 returned clean right?
looks to be
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck -fv /dev/sda6
fsck from util-linux 2.19.1
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information

  310295 inodes used (8.88%)
     527 non-contiguous files (0.2%)
     402 non-contiguous directories (0.1%)
         # of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
         Extent depth histogram: 276484/151
keep us updated!
ugh.. too much work. i'll just backup what little files I have to my storage and wipe the system.
fresh installs always feel better
good choice
thanks for the help though :P
np, not much of a help at this time of the night :/
i should be good just backing up my home directory right?
assuming all I have are like screenies... configs. things like that.
unless you are running servers or making edits to config files by hand, yeah
@rlemon yeah, you should be fine if you backup your home dir.
askubuntu.com/questions/105053/how-to-learn-linux-bits-everyday - hm, is this really on-topic? I'm not 100% sure, it smells of a list question.
Bounty offered: Message "Sparse file not allowed" after succesfull install without swap-partition http://askubuntu.com/questions/100329/message-sparse-file-not-allowed-after-succesfull-install-without-swap-partitio #boot
@Allan Ok, clarification for that answer.
I have a block in there like this:
function recordfail {
set recordfail=1
if [ -n "\${have_grubenv}" ]; then if [ -z "\${boot_once}" ]; then save_env recordfail; fi; fi
Do I want to comment the entire function or just the third line?
@RolandTaylor just the third line
@jrg Why Roland???
@Allan No idea, you must have made a typo.
He must know all things (the lidless eye)

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