@Zacharee1 They don't have to ask YOU or I to get an opinion
I don't see why Germany is under attack for phrase "Nafri" as short version to describe "North African". I think political correctness is running amok.
Will "MR" for "Moon Rocks" be persona non-grata next?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I agree, political correctness is just ridiculous in many places. Yeah, it's lazy. Not something to explode over and get "offended" by
It's all about the lyrics @Zacharee1 which is why Nirvana is so good. Kurt Colbain swore he didn't have a gun but died of self-inflicted shotgun wounds according to the police. Meanwhile the Police rock group led by "Sting" sang "everyone knows Suicides are Fake" ie murder... get it? (I don't)
Mind control by music to make us better people is one thing... mind control to make us persona non grata is a bad thing to everyone except government, social services, media and prison system.
Sorry I went to school as a "Systems Analyst" and I can't help but not analyze your music, media, government, corporations, military and banking systems.
Not when the female police officer has a gun and says you have to get in the ambulance. When you get to the hospital the nurse will allow you to leave. But in the mean time you are stuck with a $400 bill which the Government of Alberta sells to a debt collection agency which hounds your cell phone.
@TheXed Even when the police don't know the law and are breaking it for false detainment and interrogation because of a new policy for extracting people from the subway who might have warrants and you protest violation of civil rights and free movement you will still end up with a swollen arm and broken tooth but City of Edmonton lawyer will hint in court trains and buses are private property of them and they can do whatever they want to customers without recourse.
@TheXed Even when you pay your lawyers 60 grand they are still working for your ex (or maybe sleeping with her) and the government simply doesn't care if the Queens Court of Alberta is really a private corporation pretending to be a government agency... I don't know what to say just now :(
Ughhh the neighbours downstairs are smoking dope again... that is soo annoying... too bad I promoted that should be a misdemeanor and not a crime anymore. :(
@TheXed Brittany Spears was promoted as virgin in 1999 or so but after that she filmed her V getting out of a limo with Paris Hilton and it was all over.
@TheXed I was force fed dope in my teens and 20's.... It took me awhile to break out of that government, music and media promotion but I did it. I'm not joining that government / media promotion again. Believe me YOU!
I really don't understand how you can promote dope in a programming chat room... Sure you can develop cool software but most of here are librarians and not developers.
" imagine how awkward was filming it" was my point.
My apologies... I guess grammar mistakes are trivial compared to Turkish deaths on New years of visiting Indian Celebrities or be-headings in Brazil/ Brasil of prisoners today.
Really we should work on making illegal drugs free and shaming the users with video tape whilst putting prison gang ring-leaders out of business.
Take the government out of the morality business and let the CCTV's film the stoned females peeing in public.
According to google the opposite of famous is "unknown bad common contemptible inconspicuous ineffective infamous inferior insignificant little low normal obscure ordinary poor powerless regular small stupid typical unimportant unimpressive unnoteworthy unremarkable usual weak unnotable"
^^^ is guilty of all the above :)
You know there is comfort in not being famouse and there is safety in numbers ;)
Seriously though... If you are famous or not famous I think you don't want to be misrepresented.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix No, that nasty mud destroys poor communities , pollutes the environment when it spills, and prevents us from actually having better cars instead of those boxes with wheels and fumes
@Serg Fact of the matter is people have always died. Now government and charities have anointed themselves of saving us from death by various forms of cancer we cannot see or disprove. Doesn't matter if it is true or not, you simply knod your head as if it were true and go about your daily business. WHat can I say?
Governments and charities are the new Jesus Christ.
The oil will eventually run out and we'll use the sun for solar which will last for 4 billion years or the moon for tidal power which will last just as long if not longer.
Heck just 2 days ago Al-Jazeera accused Russia of hacking a Vermont Wood-fired Electrlc plant with malware. Although not true it goes to show how you can burn trees to make electricity. Plus today in France they passed a new law which makes paper bags (made from trees) cheaper than plastic bags (made from oil) have to be made thicker for recycling. So I wouldn't sweat the whole "oil thing".
Anyway as programmers we should be more concerned about fewer CPU cycles to summarize records than bigger issues like global warming :)
@Serg I see, but that's exactly what I needed though, a summary of all the functions so I can check some that might be useful. Not sure if I've been manipulating strings the best way on some code snippets I've been doing
@Serg Sure! I was about to take a look at a code I did several months back, for both refactoring it and checking how I was coding then to see if I made some improvements haha
American's know Canada isn't filled with igloos and know they get more oil from Canada than Saudi Arabia... but they pretend it's true because the media promotes it.
I download stuff all the time.... I think with the 17.04 dl it's more a problem of converting EUFI to CSM/Legacy and I have to patch OSCLINUX to use SYSLINUX... IMO
@Zacharee1 that guy opened his connection settings for access point and probably was looking at Security tab. Obviously has no clue what they're doing, but hopefully now they understand
I have one of these USB to TTL serial connectors, almost constantly attached to my rpi. It's kinda absolutely necessary for something like Ubuntu Snappy to configure