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I need to go back to listening reggae music, because i am about to blow up , goddammit
@Serg some ambient rock maybe? youtube.com/watch?v=Ziw4yd5R0QI
Bob Marley.... the girl on the bus from Ethiopia (who lives in my apartment building) doesn't like him either so I recommend him for Ragge music when in a state of rage.
I don't listen to much reggae, have listened to Ska before, which lead to reggae (some ska bands like "Toots and the Maytals" really sounds like reggae)
I've listened a few rocksteady songs, which is like a even slower reggae
^^^ I left a comment under your link "grain of sand among all beeches on earth is easier to comprehend for those who haven't traveled outside our solar system."
rats now the NSA will know who I am :(
now and always
hi @ByteCommander it was a joke :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix NSA know who you are for some time already. They watch the chat and all the memes we post
some rocksteady if you feel like going for the reggae side @Serg youtube.com/watch?v=XPDdO7VgJds
if NSA haves a filter that hits everytime someone says NSA on the internet this chat is probably being monitored for a long time by now :p
@Serg I'm trying to give the NSA a headache figuring out my bash scripts for secret commands to ISIS....they should give me a cut of their pay checks :p
They'll rather cut yours.
@IanC oh, that one is good
well, shred. tear apart. burn. whatever.
oh you mean block....perhaps
things that are good are often suppressed to promote the evil side
Portal 2 is being downloaded...
either way there is a Hillary clinton type involved somewhere and they will be the ones judged.
It's not our jobs to clean up the trash.
We get to play in codeland... YEAH!
Just saw a video, somebody made a subaru engine model, 3D printed, 1:35 scale , and it's actually operational. Notbad.png
With gasoline and everything?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix how else would a traditional car engine run?
Ohhh... the subaru 3d printer....sorry...6 beer fog :(
I should get a girlfriend I can trust and stop drinking and typing.
beer just seems easier to find than a girlfriend that can be trusted though :p
2 GB down, 4.6 to go.
@NathanOsman Whatcha's dl'ing?
Portal 2.
It's a 6.6 GB download.
I downloaded Ubuntu 17.04 Jan 2nd edition but haven't tried to install it yet. What's Portal 2? gotta link?
And this connection is only about 7 Mbps.
Shaw Cable gives 15 Mbps with 150 GB /mth limit but thankfully doesn't enforce it since I always go over.
@ByteCommander can we nuke the comments plz ? askubuntu.com/a/867248/295286
Long live vnstat!
Well time to put on the parka and brave Minus 20 walk to Safeway for tomorrow lunch fixings...bbl
@Serg repost
15 mins ago, by Byte Commander
user image
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Yeah, if we ever switch, it would probably be to them.
@Serg done
Truth is - all of the big names (Telus, Rogers, Shaw, etc.) are gouging us.
@Zacharee1 now we have it 3x
Ask @Rinzwind - he's getting 100 Mbps for something like $10.
yay @ByteCommander
anyway, good night
@NathanOsman the thing about North America... We have terrible internet
We have excellent Internet. We have terrible prices.
Tier 1 networks in North America are second to none.
in the US at least, ISPs are purposely avoiding creating competition
Yeah, I can believe that.
@userdepth something wrong?
why this much Rufus talk!!! :P
Everytime I see someone tallking about USB images htere Rufus
@ThomasWard yes
@userdepth To its credit, Rufus is a good tool.
I ache, urgh
@userdepth because Rufus works better than other options
Is that because GPT ?
@ThomasWard You ran a marathon?
I should stop walking 5 miles in one go...
I still haven't buy an UEFI Bios computer
O_o @ThomasWard
@NathanOsman I don't normally get much exercise, 5 miles in one go no rest is torture
@userdepth "UEFI BIOS" - this term doesn't make sense.
@ThomasWard yes, I can see that.
mmmm righty
@NathanOsman though it's just my feet that ache lol
I haven't bought a UEFI computer
My legs would have fallen off after 3 km.
@NathanOsman you should install a GPT partition to your MBR
@userdepth a*
@Zacharee1 And then wifi your bluetooth and delete your USB.
See, I can speak l33t.
I iz a hacker.
redefines l33t so that when typed out, it returns a null object, and causes null pointer exceptions
but I think you should APT the BURG so that you can tunnel into your SSH @NathanOsman
I wish there was one that didn't have an Apple logo...
@NathanOsman was about to comment on the cat using a MacBook :p
@NathanOsman ^^ it does exist
@NathanOsman am var l33t haxx0r. am uus apple compootr w onli usb c poarts
Am I supposed to tease you about headphone ports or something?
well done sir
What the actual...
Is that... Wimbledon?
Either that's a dog or my mind has departed.
both. dog and/or puppet. however, mine is an actual living breathing dog.
I got that from Google - typing "hacker dog" into image search.
The page is filled with that particular dog for some reason.
really? must be geography thedogline.com.au/Zimmie%20Dog/…
@Zacharee1 didn't know, kthnkxluffu
That looks more like psycho dog O_o
Hacker dog is psycho?
For April Fools day, I propose we have new duplicate message: "Hey, there , I just met you, and this is crazy, but your question is a dupe of this one -> Link , so check it maybe"
@Serg pretty brilliant the serg

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