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Sidenote: I've heard that it is possible to play Portal 2 with Intel 3000 graphics and get 30fps.
So maybe I will give it a shot. We'll see.
@NathanOsman ugh.
@NathanOsman The graphics aren't much more intensive than Minecraft, are they?
20 GB of files in my trash???
<-- never played portal, but seen some videos
@Seth Highly recommend.
The puzzles are well-planned and the story is immersive.
And it was on sale for $2 last week.
<-- neither seen nor played Portal ever
oh really?
I could afford that :(
I'll check it again...
Back to regular price.
oh well
But wait and see if it comes again.
I'll ping you if that happens.
ok! :)
I'm boycotting national parks.
Because they won't let me fly UAVs in the parks.
Kids can walk on flowers but if anyone tries to do something in the air - well, that's the end of the world.
It's stupid.
do you need a permit or something?
or is it just straightup illegal?
No, there is no way to do it period.
^^^^ Through a fluke of nature, and not having a life and partying on New Years like everyone else, yours truly is temporarily year to date rep leader ... LOL.
It is easier to pilot an airplane over the park.
So anyway, I was quite upset when I found that out.
one day it will happen
And consequently, I am not going to visit them.
If my UAV isn't welcome, neither am I :D
These days large trucks kill more than UAV's... unless the UAV is American military of course.
It's just one of these: dji.com/phantom-3-standard
^^^ looks harmless to me
I think governments just love to regulate everything in general.
It is harmless unless someone is stupid enough to stick their finger in the propellers.
@NathanOsman well there's the problem
And if it's flying at 100 feet, well, that's not really possible.
You could say that about lawn mowers too... But governments won't regulate them because they use them all the time.
@NathanOsman oh trust me, someone'll find a way
The one thing I can sort-of sympathize with is the noise.
But I would fly it away from crowds.
Since that is already required of pilots.
You could say lawnmowers are loud too....
It's the paranoia about 9/11 mostly behind these laws I think.
Plus the ability to spy which the government doesn't like competition in :p
Lol. That's true.
And annoying.
After all you could start recording Police and Fire fighter response... or more correctly bad responses they don't like.
They don't like citizen reporting.
Global media corporation reporting is preferred... fake russia stories get highest preference today.
Humorous sidenote: it isn't actually illegal to fly them in parks. It is only illegal to take off in the park. This is because Parks Canada doesn't actually have jurisdiction over the air - that belongs to Transport Canada.
Hi all
So I could in theory fly one into the park and back out.
@Deo hello.
Is anyone in the mood for answering newbie question?
I thought Parks Canada only owned the parks in places like Banff, etc.?
@deo go ahead.
Power socket cracked in my laptop, so I dug up old Acer with 512 mb RAM and dual core. Figured it will run better with lightweight OS, so decided to try Lubuntu
@Deo depends on the question. If it's something complex and requires looooong troubleshooting, then better ask on main site
DVD doesn't seem to work properly, so I tried to install it form USB drive, but encountered a problem: grub won't install
@Deo so far so good
On a side note I ordered a new power socket off of ebay... it was only a couple of bucks and is easy to install.
@Deo hmm. This might be a main site question, but I can paste a few GRUB links first
@Deo what's the exact error that you get ? did you take a picture or wrote it down ?
I tried to search for it, I guess it has something to do with dev/sda and dev/sdb mixing up or something, but I didn't understood proposed solution for that
Thing is: I first tried to install regular Ubuntu there and it worked, but laptop doesn't handle it well and works very slow
sda would be your hard disk and sdb would be the live USB.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I planned to fly it in Lake Louise last year but found out I couldn't at the last moment.
It would have been some epic scenery too :(
@NathanOsman You can fly it in Lake Louise if no Parks Rangers are around to catch you and impound it :)
@Deo well first of, always record what error says. Otherwise, you ask someone "Help me with a thing" and they say what thing ? and you say "I don't know" , well how can they help you, right ? So, if your Ubuntu install works, install that and just get different desktop envionment
@Deo hmm. I'd redownload the Lubuntu ISO then.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix nah, civilians there are eager to catch people.
I didn't take pictures. It was something along "grub cannot install into /target/", and it had options: install in different directory, go on without grub and cancel installation. But none of that options worked, it just froze at that point
@NathanOsman Yes there are the tattle-tale civilians in this nanny state for sure ;)
I mean, it allowed to switch options, but "ok" button didn't seem to work, not error message closed. Although I could launch other processes while running from live-usb
Also, once you download iso , check it's md5 sum or sha256 sum. I dont know how to do that on windows, so you'll have to google for that. checksums are used to check integrity of a file. If it doesn't match with what said on the Ubuntu site, then iso is corrupted @deo
7-zip includes a tool for doing that on Windows.
I've noticed a few Linux utilities making their way to Windows as open source... nice to see :)
Yeah, and I expect that to increase now that we have WSL.
@NathanOsman I can't wait to buy a used laptop with Windows 10 in a year or two and try out WSL.
It really blows your mind when you start getting an X server running.
@NathanOsman A laptop that cost $2.5K six months ago, with Windows 10, can be had for $500 about 18 months from today :)
Btw, is x64 OS good for 512 mb RAM laptop, or is it still better to run x86 OS? Chipset is x64, dual-core pentium
I dunno. This laptop that I'm using is still worth about $500.
And it was bought in 2011.
(It did get a RAM and disk upgrade though.)
windows subsystem for linux??
I bought my laptop in 2014 for $400 and it was $2000 in 2012 when it came out. 17" 1920x1080 screen, two SATA III drives, one mSata SSD (subsequently upgraded) 8 GB ram, 2 GB GPU (nVidia GT650M), 4 USB 3 ports, HDMI, SVGA, Multiple memory card slot, WiFi, Bluetooth, Blu-Ray, Ethernet, Intel i-7 3630QM. Weighs 10 pounds but I seldomnly take it off the coffee table.
@Edity YES
i already have Bash on windows
bark bark we insiders like to test EVERYTHING
Can I install Bash on Windows within my Windows 8.1 environment?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you must have the windows 10 Anniversory build 14393 or later
@WinEunuuchs2Unix BURN THE 8.1!!!!
That's ok I should really learn Bash for Ubuntu first before @Serg strangles me for my crappy answers :p @Edity I may install that version using my Windows 8 license key on a new partition of M$ lets me do it without paying.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the free upgrade is long gone
i still have the install tool >;3
@Zacharee1 I had Windows 7 Ultimate but M$ wouldn't let me resinstall when it bricked. Dell techs had installed it for previous owner but Windows 8 license key is burned into EEPROM from factory.
Don't slay me... Ubuntu 16.04 is still my primary OS of choice... Until I can get the stupid 17.04 to install properly :)
@Zacharee1 Thanks :)... I bookmarked that in Chrome under a new Windows 10 tab. It might take me a few months to get around to it.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you might not want to wait
@Zacharee1 reported to MS
@WinEunuuchs2Unix oh i don't burn people, I'm just posting helpful comments. There's folks far more strict than i am
@Zacharee1 Don't forget I'm already waiting 18 months to buy a laptop 6 months old right now. It'll have retail Windows 10 on it... or maybe it'll be upgraded to Windows 11 by then.
@Serg I was joking Serg. You are very helpful mentoring in comments. Muru can be way harsher than you any day of the week.
@Zacharee1 I don't believe there won't be a Windows after 10.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the article says MS is planning to make it more like OSX
where you have 10.x
@NathanOsman 's favorite IoT device
What is that hideous thing?
PHP is bad enough on the web. Now we're bringing it to IoT?
@NathanOsman 's favorite most hated iot device
24 hours after writing zeros to the first 512 MB of /dev/sdb I finally got Windows 7 (250 GB) partition and Ubuntu 14.04 (200 GB) partition repaired. Thank you testdisk for Windows 8 :)
Enabling WSL...
Ok just rebooted Ubuntu 16.04 after 24 hours in Win 8.1... It's good to be home :)
Now to patch DD so it never wipes out /dev/sda, /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc again!
That's a problem when you copy and paste instructions from the net whilst hungover from new years.
with 32GBS of RAM and m.2 SSD, I should be able to play Sid Meier's Civilzation II on 4k with no problem?
@TheXed 10 frames
@10 FPS?
it'd be funny if you had 32GB RAM and that SDD, but a 1.6GHz dual-core CPU :P
@Zacharee1 and integrated graphics...
buy AMD and ask zach for help
This website is filled with nNidia driver problems... but even more problematic of AMDGPU with no drivers!
@edwinksl ooh ooh I know this one... ahemahem... you're screwed
@Zacharee1 I rather go with a Pentium 4 duo core then AMD...
@TheXed lol
@Zacharee1 pls
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you can't have a problem if there's nothing there in the first place
bash got installed
First world problem....deciding whether it is worth saving 50 dollars and getting an i5 instead of a i7....32 gbs of ram of 16...m.2 or SATA..
where'd you get an m.2 compatible computer? I've never seen that before o_O
@TheXed Get the i7. Unless you're video or sound editing 16GB of RAM is fine. definitely go SATA first.
I'll take Beaglebone , thank you furry much
@Zacharee1 I don't have one yet...waiting for Intel to get back to me...
Even this old machine with 8GB is fine... I desperately seek for excuses to upgrade to 16GB but can't find them.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix run an MC server or two
No I am for real, my vender is working on finding one @Zacharee1
@Zacharee1 Well I do want to install LAMP on an old laptop with 4GB RAM, dual core Intel, 1 TB HDD limited to 500Kps upload speed by ISP.
Non repro, since OP switched to another distro askubuntu.com/questions/866545/…
@JacobVlijm Thanks for easy VTC... keep them coming! :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix will do!
Whenever I go into queue review I fear flunking an audit... it's a joy when links are posted in this chatroom and you can quickly VTC without any fears :)
Don't let the mods know that... they might start posting audit links here under disguise :p
@Haha ^ audit links, they are everywhere, you won' t see them coming :)
@Hizqeel he only changed: for when the box is uncheckable -an exact copy.
@Edity I knew there was something that I forgot — FracturedRetina 1 min ago
@Zanna the answer is still bad, does not deserve an edit IMO. why sudo? Reboot??
We can edit out a small thing, but rewriting an answer?
I didn't rewrite it at all, I just put in one newline to fix the formatting (it was in bullet points) and added -H
good evening!
@IanC are you UTC -3 or -4?
You guys that question is SEVEN years old (now that it's 2017)
@Zanna I don't mean your edit, but it needs more to make it a good answer.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that's not how match works
@Zacharee1 GMT -3, but we are on summer time
However I do rewrite answers if they have a good suggestion buried in poor formatting/waffle etc
@IanC you guys have DST too?
Needs sudo if you don't own the file, as the question says. Using sudo is better than chowning it in this case imho
What Brazil needs isn't Daylight Saving Time... They need Prisoner Beheading Saving Today!
I think it is a useful answer
I'm not sure what is DST @Zacharee1, in portuguese DST is what STD is in english lol
Daylight Saving Time
we get set ahead an hour in spring and it goes back in the fall
@Zanna I don' t see him not owning the file? what am I missing?
going to bed :) later all
see you later @Zanna, good night!
@NathanOsman will be interested to learn that Alberta's new NDP is thinking of getting rid of Daylight Saving Time ;)
@Zacharee1 DST is good, we get daylight for longer, save some energy, everyone is happy
Nite @Zanna thanks for all your mentoring today :)
don't know why some people hate it so much
@IanC that's not really true
it doesn't really save energy livescience.com/…
it's mostly an inconvenience
@Zanna ah, but he also suggests for the other.
that person fixed the problem themselves, and in good faith posts their answer to questions about the issue
@Zacharee1 I agree 100%. DST is a pain and causes all kinds of traffic accidents.
@JacobVlijm yes hence "for when the box is uncheckable "
@Zacharee1 I'll read it!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix how does DST causes traffic accidents?
@IanC Everytime DST changes (spring ahead, fall back) I get more disorientated.
anyways, I'm just explaining my action @JacobVlijm I don't want to get at anyone, your comment was on point :) goodnight
@Zanna None taken, really! sleep well ;)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it doesn't make much sense, it shouldn't take more than 2 days to get used to a singular hour change
Granted I'm normally disorientated :p but being more disorientated due to DST would cause more accidents (if I drove)... subsequently I miss the bus or train more :p. In all seriousness I bet others would back me up and the government could release stats if they ran an SQL query.
Time to retract the flag :(
@WinEunuuchs2Unix oh hmm it was nothing at all, but none of our answers were helpful actually, even Eliah's masterpiece misses the point I think. Their problem turned out to be a bit complex. You can see the comments chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/51091/… anyway I think they got essentially what they needed
I work changing shifts every 5 days, which is much more drastic than one hour changing once
@JacobVlijm thanks a lot and same to you :)
@Zanna Eliah certainly had a masterpiece and I upvoted it for the amount of work that went into it. He had gone well beyond the scope of the question though. What if the question was about cat and not shotwell his masterpiece would be inapplicable.
What question is this?
I'm not defending DST, because the point after all would be to save energy and I didn't read the article @Zacharee1 sent yet, but apparently it isn't really effective on doing it.. Just saying that it isn't that drastic of a change if it was useful
oh, found it.
yay, Eliah is back \o/
@IanC Perhaps my argument is lame that 2 days of disorientation causing more traffic accidents is a minor blip in statistics of death and injuries, but I still maintain it's a valid talking points governments and media (plus science) has yet to talk about.
As someone who gets up at 3:45am to work at 7:00am and get off at 3:30pm DST does absolutely nothing for me if the sun sets at 10pm rather than 11pm.
^^^ or vice versa or whatever.
you live far from work? @WinEunuuchs2Unix
@IanC Three buses to work, three buses home, or four buses home if I want to save 10 minutes.
what do you work with btw?
OTH I can take one bus and walk 10 minutes before and after... This is necessary for Saturday shifts or to start work at 6 AM
@IanC I'm a warehouse receiver for industrial supplies.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix wow. They're actually going to do something right?
@NathanOsman I hope so... The NDP is hated for carbon tax but I agree on DST changes.
Yeah, I was indirectly hit by that one.
The company I work for in BC supplies a lot of equipment to the oil sands. Well, they did, anyway.
The fact of the matter is lights turn on when it gets dark... doesn't matter what time it is (at night or in the morning). The fact of the matter is A/C is programmed to turn on when it is hot and turn off when it's not. So electricity savings is mute IMO.
There are better ways to conserve power than a carbon tax.
Although in Edmonton, we sell very little to Oil Sands... most business is Northern BC, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut.
Yeah, there's lots of logging in BC :D
Well they raised prices on booze and smokes too I think :)
Yes we sell a lot of chainsaws and stuff to Northern BC.
Also gold mines and diamond mines up north.
I wish government would start taking money out of circulation to combat inflation.
Government itself is a form of inflation though...
Expansion of the money supply is caused by fractional reserve banking where money doesn't really exist as a physical entity in the first place.
(I'm kidding... sort of...)
When you repay a loan the money evaporates... if you don't repay it's a write off not given back to the central bank to evaporate.
That's why investing in gold is (in comparison) a bit more stable.
When they had the gold standard banks would have front runners to fill up bags with nails and sprinkle gold coins on top in front of the auditors... banking scams weren't invented in 2008.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Lol.
Nothing beats the feeling of a gold coin in your pocket :)
But we have better ways of testing metals now.
Gold can still only be proven with destructive testing as far as I know.
Doesn't matter though... Look at FIAT USD backed by 20 trillion of debt used as world reserve currency but yet Russia and Canada currency has been driven down over last 2 years... doesn't matter if you or I played a part in devaluation ;)
Currency value is all about faith... which is why it's called "FIAT currency".
@Zanna so much for sleeping
For myself I think we should judge nations by the number of men in jail for frivolous reasons (ie Drugs) and number of homeless (ie people don't care) rather than the fact they have forked-tongue celibrities promoting their country via politicians, experts or celebrities.
@edwinksl Zanna never sleeps... look at her points last year :p
@Zacharee1 So much awesome there
Watching Occupy Wallstreet documentary on Russia Today just now... interesting revolution that never gained traction.
He-who-shall-not-be-named gaining presidency will be more effective IMO.
Once again parents of "Occupy Wallstreet" kids took the more effective route.
@NathanOsman It should be backed by something.
I don't understand why people disliked a combined silver/gold standard..
We could back our currency with bacon.
They ran out of gold and sliver... Before Canada abolished the penny they took all the cooper out of it because it was "too expensive".
Just think - with bacon backing everything, if the economy collapses, you still have a decent meal.
...or something like that.
Alternately, we could back our currency with blockchain...
Muslims and Israel will never back bacon currency... I think Banana backed currency is the answer!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix They can use a vegetable substitute with a 2:1 trading ratio :D
@WinEunuuchs2Unix US pennies cost 1.7¢ to produce. I imagine Canada is similar
Then if people in warm clients need more money, they can grow more Bananas
Hey, you're onto something there.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix clients?
"Money doesn't grow on tre- oh wait."
Plus it's good for the economy... YOu have to spend the banana before it rots! (climates not clients, fruedian slip)
Is it odd that I read rots as riots
Gives new meaning to the term "monkey business".
@NathanOsman Money doesn't grow on trees. It is trees.
@RobotHumans never heard of banana riots, although being Krieger, you may have made one
I'm going to name my new country "Banana Republic" and get a permanent seat on the UN Security Council
@Zacharee1 I'm going to take that as a compliment.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you might have some trademark issues
I'm back, was afk for a bit
Don't tell me someone stole my new country's name "Banana Republic"???
man, I'm losing hope the photographer that was shooting yesterday will post any pictures of me surfing
so far nothing :/
Copyrighting "Banana Republic" is as bad as copywriting "Apple" or "Windows" no one can do that!!!!!
@Seth yeah he is awesome
copyright the ones and zeros. copyright all the things.
@Zanna Good morning. You mean Eliah?... I have to agree a welcome addition to the AU family :)
@edwinksl my version of xkcd 386! can't sleep... something needs editing on Ask Ubuntu
@RobotHumans I'm going to copyright "ROBOT" and every robot has to pay me 5 cents per year :D
@Zanna oh good, just 10k more posts to go
@WinEunuuchs2Unix bad human
Now I'm really going to sleep haha xxx
@RobotHumans bad robot! I'm crafty human not bad human :p
remember I have to feed government 50% taxes :p
Motherducking vacuum cleaner cost me +25 of an answer
link please?
god I hate this shiz
i wonder if anyone has a list of the spaces on a tokaido board
I have lots of spaces in my Resume... wanna use it?
@Zacharee1 I posted answer, was pretty close. Could edit in a few minutes, but my father just walked in and told me to vacuum the top floor.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix wouldn't mind borrowing someone else's life at this point ;)
^^^ @Seth @Serg calls vacuum "tough love"
@RobotHumans Oh my... am I that boring? :p
You were included in someone else.
Voted to reopen. OP tested on Unity and has an answer: askubuntu.com/questions/866545/… is now reproducable.
^^ also VTRO because I trust you!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Thanks :)
Grrrrr, I am so damn pissed. I hate it when I almost have an answer and then someone comes for the steal
@Serg Oh how I know that feeling! I think "grin and bear it" comes to mind.
:) this will have to do... it's high enough resolution when I zoom funforge.fr/US/files/tokaido/Tokaido_rules_US_LD.pdf
I've posted Intel Microcode Firmware answers before in specific situations but now it has arisen as a general question with 2 upvotes which I VTC. Was I wrong in calling it too broad?: askubuntu.com/questions/867240/…

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