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oh lol
his code doesn't even execute
@Zacharee1, paste it into IntelliJ
i wrote a good answer and now i want it undeleted
Yeah, I think he gravely misunderstood his assignment.
Uh, @KazWolfe, why is it -1?
count starts at 0.
he's count++ing 11^10 times.
i'm so proud of my deleted answer ;-;
Another freaking presidential debate???
How often do we have these things and WHYYYYY?
Last one, promise
but this was reversal quality ;-;
dare i ping seth?
I double dog dare you.
@Seth please? *puppy dog eyes*
zach you should have upgoated my partial answer
he couldnt delete then
One more, one more.
new student is pretty cool. he understands basically everything that i explain
so i have 3 students now
oh there's a sitemod in the room now
hi @ThomasWard
gah, there's a chip in my glasses right in front of my vision
like literally in the worst possible place
either way @ThomasWard, i'd like to request an undelete
and it's not in the flags queue?
no, it's right here
it's a bad question, but it has an answer.
@KazWolfe it has an answer, but it's very very likely to get closed by me anyways.
or outright deleted because it has no benefits and is offtopic
so undelete and close :D
i'm not arguing that it shouldn't be closed but it shouldn't be deleted exactly
@KazWolfe well, they deleted it. Give me a minute to consume some cookies and I'll reexamine my opinion
I mean, this is horribly OT too, but it stayed (at least it mentioned Ubuntu, but it's still exceedingly low-quality)
undeleted and closed, but if it's deleted again not my fault.
now just a goat so OP can't nuke it again and we're golden :D
didn't OP delete the question?
are there actually good reasons for reversing OP's decision to delete
thanks to our glorious and awesome mods whom are worthy of all the praise
actually looking at it again
yes, reversal badge, closing is better than deleting.
i'm tempted to delete it again
i am not sold. is there a meta post regarding this particular situation?
(mods can reverse decisions!)
(decision reversed, deleted once more)
i should probably not mod any more tonight
the coffee isn't working right
b-but reversal badge
glad i wasted my time writing that answer and doing maths ;-;
hey @ThomasWard, question for you that doesn't need action.
is there a mod-listed reason for why this answer was nuked?
probably link-only answer
but that was a long while ago (3 yrs) so you might ask fossfreedom
@ByteCommander Wormholes.
where does foss lurk now?
i haven't seen him in forever.
either way, post answered to hopefully be better @ThomasWard. Feedback?
hm... is there a reason this legitimately needed deletion?
"post answered" without links == E: AMBIGUOUS REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK
@KazWolfe ask yourself? Doesn't show as mod deletion or delete vote deletion
@ThomasWard I'd say OP deleted to get rep back
oh the question was deleted
needs coffee
i'm just gonna go through all of my deletes soon
@KazWolfe if you think things should be undeleted use mod flags. I am a little tired/slightly-drunk
(see Kaz discussing CV's so hides in corner with his beer)
@NathanOsman Found a raspberry pi that includes tutorial: ebay.com/itm/… (What do you think?). But I read there is a Banana Pi and wonder what the difference is?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix You can probably get the individual parts cheaper, but it will be more work. So if you want something simple to get started with, that's your best bet.
I buy all my Pi stuff from Element14.
Thanks Nathan... It'll be a good xmas project... because buying from China takes 45 to days.
Oh man, this is so awesome:
Yup cool ghost... should have painted the drone white to match... If there was a car crash from the stunt it wouldn't have been so funny though :(
@WinEunuuchs2Unix totally different processor. Maybe firm factor...
@KazWolfe working on budgie-remix.
@JourneymanGeek So Banana is better than Raspberry?
@KazWolfe working on close votes... 5 or 6 done so far :D
@WinEunuuchs2Unix That would work better in the night.
Unfortunately, up here in Canada, you're not supposed to fly them at night.
@KazWolfe Idk why I didn't think of a keystroke recorder before...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix depends. I think the pi3 may be better
@JourneymanGeek I think I'll go with the Raspberry and skip the Banana this time... In a couple of years the Orange might be out and that'll be the next hot thing to buy.
Sadly the 35 dollar x86 is never happening
They are using Broadcom processors right?... like dual core 1.2ghz with 1 gb ram?
I found this in my 5 years back pack tonight...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Kylin is indeed Ubuntu for China, but it's basically the same Unity desktop, they just use different icons and greeter. I like it, so installed the Kylin theme on my 16.04 Ubuntu
Plus you speak mandarin :D
yep, that's also a plus
So why not comment for the user to post a screen shot?
Why not tell him how to power on after powering off?
WTH? is that link showing my entire camera roll?
Well, I managed to get quite a few services moved.
hows everyone tonight
Good - probably because I didn't watch the debate.
watched the 2nd not the 1st of 3rd
On the plus side, I moved a bunch of websites to a new server.
I'm using a load-balancer called Traefik and it has some neat features.
I can hot-reload the configuration without restarting it and it automatically requests SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt as requests are made.
I had to a sample project for a job I'm interviewing for and I ended up spending way too much time on a demo of my solution.
What type of job, if I may ask?
Just making making javascript components for a virtual high-school
That sounds pretty cool.
yeah it would be awesome if they let me run linux
at least in a vm
Why do you setup auto-requests for SSL don't you usually just have to set that up once and it auto-renews?
@PhilipKirkbride Well, back before Let's Encrypt came around, you had to buy certificates from companies like VeriSign and Comodo. You still need to do that if you want a wildcard certificate.
Just recently used Let's Encrypt for the first time
pretty niffty
Let's Encrypt is awesome but the default client doesn't auto renew the certificates.
You would need to set up a cron job for that.
And, of course, it needs to be configured for each domain.
ah doesn't matter for me bad news today
my MS buizspark account free-trial was finally shutdown
Traefik takes care of that for you - the first time a request for a new domain comes in, it will automatically request a certificate.
I guess it's been 2 years
@PhilipKirkbride Oooh. The three year one?
I feel like I only got 2 years, and a large part of that I wasn't taking full advantage.
Do they include MSDN in that?
Yes you don't get everything but you get a lot.
Was pretty nice I think $150USD/month
Oh, it cost money?
I thought BizSpark was free...
no that is the credit you get
Ooooh. Okay.
so you can pick and choose services and see what you would have spend
which was a great learning experience for me. The one month I was messing with docker and by default I had an auto-expanding SSD. So with each Docker package I kept ordering more SSD space :s
Would have been a very expensive mistake if it was hooked up to my credit card
Yes, indeed.
What company do you host with?
Four, actually. Linode, Digital Ocean, AWS (Amazon), and Scaleway.
I use AWS because they have the cheapest Windows servers. I use Scaleway because they are about the only company providing ARM servers. Linode has the best price / value. Digital Ocean has low-end cheap servers (but they run well).
why 4?
beat me to it
that is your work too?
No, that's not mine.
It's a little bot that monitors the website for spam.
ok just the star tweet one
Yeah, that one is mine :)
@SmokeDetector you mean like my trigger finger from destroying spam accounts?
@seth I just got an easy flag
I smell a trap.
Nope, just a really funny video.
That makes a really good point.
give me 2 to finish this song and I'll check it out.
@NathanOsman hahaha. The comment should have been "first" :p
I love that channel.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix congrats on getting 3k!
Hi everyone! I have a question. I have a kernel update from 4.4.0-43 to 4.4.0-45 but I don't have sufficient space in /boot. So is it okay if I got rid of -43 before I install -45?
Right now uname -r gives: 4.4.0-43-generic
So I don't know whether purging this will nuke everything
You can in theory uninstall a running kernel.
But it's not necessarily a wise thing to do.
If the new kernel doesn't boot, you will have a broken system.
Oh.. That's bad :( So my only option is to expand /boot eh?
I would highly recommend it.
How big is /boot?
I partitioned it quite a long while back. I thhink about 512MB
Hmm... there should be room for at least two.
I thought that would be sufficient at that time. Never thought it would lead to such a headache
I have one kernel installed and /boot is only 115 MB.
How much free space does "df" show?
My bad! It isn't even 512MB
/dev/sda5 185307 146385 25232 86% /boot
How many kernels do you have installed now?
Just one and trying to install the -45 update give me a whole bunch of errors
Hmm... I actually have two kernels installed.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Thick Penis That Will Satisfy Any Woman? by blevishuio on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector LOL!
That is most definitely spam
@NathanOsman How did you get 2 kernels into just 115MB? :/
I'm not sure...
nathan@nathan-desktop:~$ dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep linux-image
linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic			install
linux-image-4.4.0-42-generic			install
But there it is.
nathan@nathan-desktop:~$ df | grep boot
/dev/mapper/vgpool-lvboot    5029504    115168    4635808   3% /boot
And there it is, taking up 115 MB.
$ dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep linux-image
linux-image-4.4.0-43-generic install
linux-image-4.4.0-45-generic install
linux-image-extra-4.4.0-43-generic install
linux-image-extra-4.4.0-45-generic install
linux-image-generic install
Oh, you have two installed.
The second one is not installed properly
Oh right, I forgot.
Yeah, I see your problem.
Are you on 16.04?
Do you know what is the best way to go about expanding this partition?
Do you have a LiveCD or bootable USB stick handy?
The best thing would be to boot that and use gparted.
I think it would be best if I expanded it because I don't want to spend my time fixing this everytime there is a kernel update
Yeah. I'll do that
Thanks! :)
No problem. You always want space for at least two.
The one you are running and the one you are updating to.
That way if an upgrade ever fails you can just reboot to the old one.
Yep got it :)
Hello everybody
Anyone here got any advice for some nvidia problems ?
Q: Running caffe gives error Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (30 vs. 0) unknown error

ThijserI'm trying to get caffe to run such that I can use it via python. To do this I have followed this tutorial. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. When I get to make runtest I get the error : $ make runtest CXX/LD -o .build_release/test/test_all.testbin src/caffe/test/test_caffe_main.cpp .build_release/src/caff...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body: RushForce XT Focus on the deadlift by LeolaRowe on askubuntu.com
Is that spam or valid? askubuntu.com/a/839404/367990 Don't want to examine that link while at work...
@ByteCommander yes.
Safe for work just forums with one poster.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: t.co/2HtxC3Gezv by merryfedec on askubuntu.com
wooo visited 897 days now :D
In a row?
no, total.
70-somethin in a row now
visited 196 days, 185 consecutive
That's also quite a lot
And that's just starting and never quiting
pretty much... glad it doesn't count hours...
I only have 5 days consecutive 277 total
moderation is good... in moderation ;)
@Zanna no it's not
I once moded a forum it wasn't good
just do whatever you want, no need to take/do things in moderation.
Chaotic Neutral ^
wheeee! *random swords*
@Zanna yep.
No that's chaotic evil
chaotic neutral is random teacups
swords are fun as long as they're not being swung down into people
desks though are fine.
crappy desks are even better
maybe... I always think of Kaz as Chaotic Neutral.
not the desk that my computer is on I hope?
@Zanna you are completely accurate.
it makes RP annoying because I have trouble doing anything other than chaotic/neutral
@Zanna, it's either I act truly chaotic/neutral or so lawful/neutral that i spill over into chaotic.
(ie, following rules to the letter to abuse them)
I always think of following the rules to the point of abuse as somewhat lawfull evil?
Like a bureaucrat
eh, sorta.
@Thijser yes agree with that
but if done randomly for high jinx... CN
yeah, there's a different between persistently using the rules against people, and people like me who do it whenever necessary/they're bored
I did have a DM who hated me so much because I played the meta-game that he quite literally killed me at any second possible.
Isn't the GM supposed to be able to let a meteorite impact you if he wants to kill you?
he did that.
seems hard to defend against (except by staying inside)
to which i called my ability to throw a perception check to save from the meteor
@KazWolfe yeah i have trouble being anything other than NG
i'm trying to expand myself by changing character base data, but i can only go so far
Try being a robot
Q: Spammy User Alert?

FabbyIMHO, this user here already active for 2 years suddenly started posting not very helpful answers, of which half attract attention to his personal web site. (Linkbait?) Should this user have a bit of a stern talk-to by one of the mods? >:-)

@Thijser result always vulnerable NG replicant
Try increasing lawfulness variable robots must obey the 5 laws of robotics
yeah I can do LG if I agree with the laws...
I thought there were only 3...
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
but maybe 2 were added later
2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
-1 A robot must protect the profits of the parent company, this overrules the first second and third laws
0 A robot must protect the continued existence of humanity to do otherwise conflict with law -1. This law overrules law 1 2 and 3.
New tesla charging system may be nsfw youtube.com/watch?time_continue=0&v=vYyzTLzXEcA
Unfortunately, this video is not available in your country because it could contain music from UMG, for which we could not agree on conditions of use with GEMA.
same error message. Is it the same video?
It needs to be a different one without music
@Zanna visited 1999 days, 1144 consecutive >:-D
Tomorrow will mark my 2000th day on AU
@Rinzwind wow that's amazing!
visited 857 days, 86 consecutive
Starred! @Rinzwind
I want swag :P
my AU t-shirts are all worn out
@Fabby it's the same video but it used to be that by replacign the watch by a /v/ you could bypass the filter
By the way none of you guys are good with nvidia? askubuntu.com/questions/838289/…
I would have to go through a proxy. Can't be arsed.
@Rinzwind can you answer this? askubuntu.com/questions/417376/…
the joke is in the music to bad
That's CUDA, not nVidia!
it runs on a nvidia card and cuda is from nvidia
yeah, I'm good at nVidia driver problems, not at programming CUDA!
ok thanks for looking at it
@Anwar put the command to reattach in a script and put the motd before it?
I'm not experienced on these things. Is the existing answer making sense?
@Anwar no. not even close. that is for doing it when it is idle. not on reattaching
If you can add an answer (at least closer) , You have my vote :)
I'm off: back to work!
@Rinzwind you will get my vote as well as Anwar's if you can answer that
who upvoted the byobu command running with reattaching question? askubuntu.com/questions/417376/…
if anyone from this room, please ping me and let me know if that one is useful
@Anwar Why not? It looks reasonable. Why don't you try it?
@terdon I assume it works fine, but doesn't seem to answer the question
Well, it was the OP's own answer, so I guess it must.
Granted, it doesn't answer the question as asked, but it seems to provide a solution acceptable to the OP.
what if I'm not the OP, and I want to know how to run a command when reattaching?
Then you're not helped by that :)
haha sorry, silly question.... just thinking about how to make the post more useful to future readers :)
This, perhaps:
A: Connect to byobu screen session and execute command?

wagYou can directly attach to a previously detached byobu/screen session including the window: byobu -r -p2 will reattach into window 2 (or a named one). -X can send any command to a byobu/screen session and also works with the -p switch. byobu -p2 -X stuff "uname -a $(echo -ne '\r')" This wi...

@terdon sorry, just replying to OP comment on an answer of mine... yeah that looks very useful... I will comment with a link
@Zanna Nah, just post it as an answer.
Giving attribution, of course.
OK I will make a CW if you don't want to do it yourself (your effort there, not mine)
@Zanna No need to make it CW. Just give attribution and post it. Nothing wrong with that.
You could always try it and maybe embellish it a little if it makes you feel better :)
I don't know anything about it so not comfortable getting rep for that... Never used byobu
but maybe @Anwar wants to do it instead?
@Zanna As you wish, and I understand why you'd feel uncomfortable, but this can't be the first time you've learned something only to post an answer. Make it CW or not, it's totally up to you. But if you put in the effort of writing it up and posting, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get rep from it.
you're right, I've learned many things to write answers about them :)
@Zanna not gonna happen >:-D I got too much to do mysql
no worries :)
never :=D
lol :)
@NathanOsman Just discovered your RESTeasy browser plugin.
It's awesome, exactly what I need currently at work.
Maybe I'll do some translations for it when I'm back at home.
That gets me one PR closer to the Hacktoberfest Tshirt :)
should be duped to post linked by Organic Marble, or XY problem? (I just edited the title to add the second part) askubuntu.com/review/first-posts/632350
@NathanOsman Hmm... after using it for a while, it's less awesome than at the beginning. It misses some little convenience features, is unable to display XML responses and sometimes just hangs sending the request... Using restclient.net now instead, but I'd love to use yours if you (maybe we?) can fix and improve it.
Hi all :)
Hi all
I need someone with english as his mother language...how is this called: when you want to rent working people from some agency....you send them an email....and how is this called? is this a request or order or.....it just doesn't sound right both of these words....
on german it's called anfrage
hi @SeverusTux
hi @lewis4u
hi Zanna
do you know the word maybe
I think request is OK in that situation... why not?
i'm not sure, that is why i ask :D
What's the whole sentence you have now?
it's a name of the DB table actually
users requests offers
those are the names of the DB tables
oh I see
a user makes a request and other users can make offers for that request
does this sound ok
I see your difficulty... order would be right if you were ordering some objects, but seems rude for humans :)
so is there some other word maybe
I think request is OK... maybe there is a better word that I can't think of right now. I am going to do yoga, maybe my mind will clear...
this request/offer is actually people
have a nice yoga
maybe someone else knows a better word?

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