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@SeverusTux sounds like a swear word. IN JE RA.
@Edity I just said keep an eye. Don't DV. The user is still alright
O_O keeping an eye
@SeverusTux phew, outlook email
@Rinzwind omg! its this normal ?
[severus@Tux ~]$ echo $i

[severus@Tux ~]$
I'm new here
@SeverusTux see my answer
thanks :)
there done editing @SeverusTux
easiest 45 rep ever _O-
wel maybe not ever :P
oh good find on the link @Zacharee1 :)
@SeverusTux type "bash" and then do it again
inzwind@schijfwereld:~$ echo $-
rinzwind@schijfwereld:~$ bash
rinzwind@schijfwereld:~$ echo $i

@Zacharee1 yeah next time make it an answer and you'd be :D-ing instead of :p-ing ;-D
Oh.. its removed
@Zacharee1 there 3 upvores from me :=D
weird @SeverusTux I have
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
does the same though :P
which distro do you run ?
Ubuntu ofcourse
@Rinzwind oh I thought you had sockpuppets for a second
I also almost wrote sockpuppers
All Ubuntu users have this one ? Oh .. I thought its same everywhere (logically same though :P )
should be yes.
when you enter terminal it should be that
@Rinzwind now that you've suckpuppeted me, I can use one of those answers for my dupe target ;p askubuntu.com/questions/829073/…
duped it
oooh flag
@SeverusTux looks like you are using arch?
@Rinzwind As you are good with arch, one question : I see many guys using a fancy prompt which has a line .. sth like :

----[severus@Tux ~]$

I am searching this everywhere but no good results. You have any Idea ?
@edwinksl yes
arch one q? whats that >:)
arch , ,,, one Question to you
if you want to change the prompt see .bashrc
There is a line with PS1 in it where you can edit it
I never used arch ;-)
0_0 but you said... wait a sec
I said what? :D
Q: Why does bashrc check whether the current shell is interactive?

terdonOn my Arch install, /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/skel/.bashrc contain these lines: # If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return On Debian, /etc/bash.bashrc has: # If not running interactively, don't do anything [ -z "$PS1" ] && return And /etc/skel/.bashrc: # If...

"On my Arch install..."
eh thats not me
I dont post on UL >:)
Oh... I am sorry
@ByteCommander @edwinksl avail for review?
All high rep guys. I got confused
@SeverusTux that is Terdon >:)
@SeverusTux terdon isn't Rinzwind
@Zacharee1 i might be afk, no guarantee
who is on my ignore list until thursday
wat @Rinzwind
@edwinksl OK, I'll wait then
@Zacharee1 just go ahead. why wait?
@terdon so its for you :P
5 mins ago, by Severus Tux
@Rinzwind As you are good with arch, one question : I see many guys using a fancy prompt which has a line .. sth like :

----[severus@Tux ~]$

I am searching this everywhere but no good results. You have any Idea ?
@Rinzwind wanna review?
@Zacharee1 where? :D
always :=)
this user appears to have given most of his rep away in the form of bounties unix.stackexchange.com/users/43007/…
@edwinksl he is dutch looking at his name. dutch do amazing things online >:)
@Rinzwind you disprove that outright >:D
not to mention ubuntu is all about orange...
sure I am dutch too >:-D
who wants this one
Q: How can I run script the next time my computer is online

WCGSuppose you are offline without internet connection and you want a command to be executed the next time you are online. What would you do? I currently use at <time>

seems to easy to me: make a script to start your browser and put the command you want to start before it and replace the normal command with script
go ahead
idk how to do it
@Zacharee1 eh, breakfast time. this is when i afk...
actually, one more link before i truly afk
Q: Offering actual money as a bounty?

Elias ZamariaI have an idea for dealing with a question you badly want to be answered, which no one will answer, even after you've offered a large bounty: cash. Users can offer cash, and whoever has the accepted answer can be paid, possibly via PayPal. Does this sound like a good idea?

rinzy could have been really rich
@edwinksl me likes money
@Rinzwind @terdon See this guy's prompt : youtu.be/0TvMRPyPJGk?t=111 ; that's actually not so good. some guys have smaller and simpler one with that line.
some examples of prompts thegeekstuff.com/2008/09/…
this ...
PS1='\[\e[1;33m\]\u@\h \w ->\n\[\e[1;36m\] \@ \d\$\[\e[m\] '
does this ...
This is not an EOL question. It was asked before 15.10 went EOL askubuntu.com/review/close/621335
indeed. voted to leave open
@Rinzwind it's most likely a dupe
@Edity flagged as what?
@Zanna tsk, only 15 LQ reviews today :p
Lol I'm at work 10-7 today
y tho
nothing to review.....
zanna is back \o/
We have 506 3k+ users
Can we like mass ping them or something? :p
- you can't ping anyone that never went into chat from chat.
- you can only ping a few from comments
- there is no wildcard for names
@Rinzwind I know..
hence the :p
but when you ping "oli" anyone with a name starting with "oli" gets pinged _O-
I think that bug is still there :X
Well, if they have a chat account, you can always just go and invite them to a specific chat room through it.
panda! :)

Mr. Hackerdolphin dolphin hacker moderators are stupid lol yolo who cares about that HACK NOW

damn _O-
@DavidCole-GrammarPolice: Well, that is a way to complain... :D
Definitely... A way
I am almost there <3
If that question gets closed will we still be able to see the link?
only with enough rep on that site
and even then: this probably will get deleted too and not closed
in that case: no
and it is gone _o-
shows a 404 now
But we still see le picture
once the link is parsed in chat, it won't update
oh a criminal entered >:)
heya :=)
who me?
yes >;)
Unless your last name is K :D
(it is common overhere to only use the 1st letter of surname in legal papers or media when it is about a criminal act)
back in a bit. need to watch shokugeki no soma >:)
Q: Problem hibernating Windows 10 after dual boot with Ubuntu 16.04.01?

RootI am trying to hibernate windows 10 after dual booting with freshly installed ubuntu 16.04.1 but windows won't hibernate. Do I need to make some changes in windows power settings or do I need to make changes in ubuntu? Pls help me out as I'm new to dual booting operating systems.

@Zacharee1 no.
Extended operation dustcloud in action...
ha 200 rep reached with 8 hours to spare :=)
What is that question asking
nooooooooooooooooooo idea
@Rinzwind just wat
@Rinzwind finally.... I got it :D :D
good :D
isn't it cool ? :P
@NathanOsman looks great!
@Zacharee1 Actually nothing seemed to happen wrt to the anniversary update.
still dunno if I want to update
If anyone is interested, my PS1="\[$IGreen\]┌—————(\[$BWhite\]\u\[$IGreen\])—————(\[$IBlue\]\w\[$IGreen\]) \n└> \[$BBlue\]$ \[$White\]"

Where, all variables from [Arch Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Bash/Prompt_customization&oldid=362976#List_of_colors_for_prompt_and_Bash)
@SeverusTux i would ditch most of the line at the 1st line :P
@Rinzwind yes, that looks better .
gasp I've beaten @chaskes in rep
@Zacharee1 Good job!
good question, but n00b mistake :p askubuntu.com/questions/829120/…
@SeverusTux awesome :)
@SeverusTux I agree. now do a test: what happens when the dir is longer than 80 chars
On small window its bad :(
@SeverusTux can you manipulate \w to only take the last part of the dir?
Yes, just "\W" instead of "\w"
might look better
Yes, but I want it detailed. The problem with \w in default one was that as prompt grow bigger, space to write command shrink. But here its overcome by having prompt below. (That too with a cool arrow :P )
So @Seth what do you think of the V20? I'm really excited for it
@Zacharee1 meh. Seems like a nice phone.
meh? why?
Once you get in phablet range I really don't care :P
I'm happy for LG
they seem to have finally gotten the phone right
I am planning to buy a Kindle Ebook-reader. Anyone here use it ? how does SE sites look on it ?
@SeverusTux Its great for reading
terribad for internet
Too much drm
If you can remind me in 12 hours..
My friend has a great alternative, let me ask him about it...
@Zanna eh, I just load mobi on it
the hardware is excellent
on Kindles??
I hardly use the amazon store
@SeverusTux there used to be a site on it. Not sure if it is still around.
the ebookssite?
@SeverusTux basically most web content isn't designed to render on e-ink and the browser is... wierd
as an ebook reader I like my old model paperwhite loads
yeah, I saw it on some review videos, I hoped AU would look good. All others I use on my laptop.
I'll check it out tommorrow for you. ;p
for me, SE comes under educational category :P so I thought It would be good to have it on Kindle.
thanks :)
to bed with me right now ;)
@JourneymanGeek cya
good night :)
Ohww... how could I not know Ebooks SE where NathanOsman is one of the 3 mods
So guys
You know how, when you visit an SE site you haven't used in a while, that notification bar comes down welcoming you back?
What if we also made a reminder in the same style that tells 3k+ users to review (esp CVs) if they haven't in a few days
did i mention how much i hate cars ?
while True: print "i hate cars, this POS technology"
has anyone here used usb-ceator-kde lately? When I run it, it is stuck on "Installing" screen. Kubuntu 16.04.1 here's what I see i.imgur.com/KFDrD5a.png
BE NICE TO OUR NOOBS (Just reminding you, not accusing anyone at all)
We love our noobs :)
@kush you probably are better off asking a question on the main site. There's not a lot of kde users in chat, mostly gnome and unity, some mate folks
@Serg I suspect it is pebkac though :(
:) I don't know what that is though
I wish I could just use "disks" and be done with it
don't know how to get to it in kde
@Serg can you find out what the package for "disks" is called in apt? maybe I could just install that? I don't think I will get used to kde
@kush you mean gnome-disks ? yeah, run apt-cache search gnome-disks, what does that say ?
nothing :P
$ sudo apt search gnome-disks
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
oh sorry
$ sudo apt search gnome-disk
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
gnome-disk-utility/xenial amd64
  manage and configure disk drives and media
yeah, that's the one
$ sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility --dry-run
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
  libcanberra-gtk3-0 libcanberra-gtk3-module
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  gnome-disk-utility libcanberra-gtk3-0 libcanberra-gtk3-module
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Inst libcanberra-gtk3-0 (0.30-2.1ubuntu1 Ubuntu:16.04/xenial [amd64])
Inst gnome-disk-utility ( Ubuntu:16.04/xenial [amd64])
should I install it? what's the worst that could happen, right?
Nothing :p
you'll have another app, that's the only thing that will happen
oh so kde won't hate me for installing a gnome app
wow this was so easy
thank you
@kush KDE will forever bear the scars of the deep wounds you have inflicted upon its sacred honor
@Zacharee1 Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
@Serg ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffP
did anyone else get that gigantic lag spike on AU?
Song of the day:
This one is a remix, but original is cool,too
This one has faster beat though
what is wrong with this question???????
Q: Ubuntu 14.04.5:Broken Packages

Tony LancerI recently tried installing Kali tools on my Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS. It didn't work and immediately, I removed the Kali repos and unistalled all the software that came with it. Now, every time I run sudo apt-get install <some pacakge>, I get: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Plea...

no reason to downvote that.
Q: Accessing /dev/mem freezes Ubuntu

Alexander LattasI am using the latest Ubuntu Linux with a custom kernel (4.2.0-36-generic), in which I have disabled the CONFIG_STRICT_DEVNEM, because I need to dump and search some terms in memory during a project. However, when using: dd if=/dev/mem to print it on screen, dd if=/dev/mem of=/home/user/Docume...

I have lots of problem with Ubuntu
here i one ^
please help!!
@Anwar: Not sure what you mean...
ok. I'll fixed it later :D
that's confusing
there was nice titlebar of nautilus with minimize,maximize button on both side
Did you fix it?
oh ok
This is an example of every 10th question on AskUbuntu : I haz issue, here's information that's totally confusing and useless for people to understand, halp meh !
That reminds me of something I was supposed to write up.
which reminds me of something I was supposed to write up...
Which reminds me, I've tons of things to write up, but i haz headachez
I didn't delete any files from /usr/share/glib and then nautilus became this ugly. halp! plz!
@Serg 我也有头疼. It's a terrible allergy day over here.
@chaskes 昨天我妈的车坏了,我怕很严重的事情,所以我昨晚喝酒了.I think that plus my typical sinus issues that i have, plus the fact that i just now having breakfast - all those add up to my headache . That and feeling totally worthless, because people care about what you can do, and judge you for what you can't . . . even if it's not something you study
yeah . . . deep thoughts . . .
@Serg কেউ কি এই ভাষা বুঝতে পারছেন?
@Anwar google translate does understand this language :p
what does it say?
I can usually recognize scripts :)
@Serg yeah. Google proved very good at that
Google translate has come a long way
in the past it was bad
@Anwar not me, but that script is so beautiful...
@Zanna Thanks. Indeed it is
i just used google translate to get general idea, and fix things up. Now big chunk of sentences don't even need fixing
@Serg Hang in there. Contact me through launchpad if you ever need to.
OK will do.
@Anwar I live in Tower Hamlets, apparently 1/3 of the people in my area are Bengali...
@Serg I used google translate. sorry for that. hope it'll be over
@jokerdino hugs
@Zanna is that near Heston?
@Zanna oh ok
@jokerdino Heston?
Hounslow Brownslow IDK.
Heston is a suburban area of the London Borough of Hounslow, west London. The residential settlement covers a slightly smaller area than its predecessor farming village, 10.8 miles (17.4 km) west south-west of Charing Cross and adjoins the M4 motorway but has no junction with it; Heston also adjoins the Great West Road, a dual carriageway, mostly west of the 'Golden Mile' headquarters section of it. == History == The village of Heston is north of Hounslow, and has been settled since Saxon times. A charter of Henry II gives the name as Hestune, meaning "enclosed settlement", which is justified by...
Clearly far away places.
@Zanna hmm...I knew UK is one of the top country for Bengali immigrants
It's near hackney (food growing networks, anarcha eco feminist vegan cafes) and bethnal green (small artist studios, good graffiti) whitechapel (great art gallery, East London Mosque, Indian sweet shops)
@jokerdino yeah I am in east london
Bengali cuisines in wikipedia article of Tower hamlets
night @Anwar
Q: Kali 2 and Ubuntu on a Chromebook with crouton

League Of GamersI have a Samsung Chromebook Laptop CD-48 -Mario- 1.66Ghz Intel Atom, 2GB RAM, 16GB SSD, and I was wondering: How to install crouton How to get Kali 2 and Ubuntu on Chromebook through crouton If it is possible to remove Chrome OS after installing Kali and Ubuntu?

@Zanna I am not that good with geography at city or state level.
@Anwar I wish it was a nicer place to come to...
Goodnight @Anwar :)
he lives +1/2 hour on me.
can feature requests for chat go on meta ?
yeah sure
tag it with
will do . . .out for now
welcome back
@jokerdino Haha I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I expected you to know about some obscure London boroughs! I barely know London myself after nearly 5 years
Case in point... just got off the bus & I'm lost :S
@Zanna lol
Momentary disorientation only... made it back to my cosy end of town
Today I travelled from here to Stockwell, to West Finchley, to Hammersmith & back again
Hmm, I must get back to my cosy bed.
Enjoy :)
Did not finish my write up. Hope Seth and Serg did at least.
I did not even start any of mine
JMG is back from his sleep? Too soon man!
CV queue is up to 246
246 is so reasonable man..
@Seth let's make it even more reasonable
I still think we should do the dropdown notification to review CVs
Q: How to run sudo with parallel ssh

satch_boogieLinux: ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS cat /tmp/passfile ABCxyz123 sshpass -f /tmp/passfile parallel-ssh -I -A -h hostlist.txt "sudo -S ls -l /root" < /tmp/passfile and the method described here in google discussion groups.google it will out put the error as: [1] 01:07:25 [FAILURE] Exited with...

@Seth: So much better than it was before! :D
I remember when that thing hit 1k.
we need to get the close queue to 20k
how about a global close on anything with an EOL tag?
I can confirm my app works - I accidentally tweeted to my main Twitter account after forgetting that the queue was live.
Tip #729 - don't use your own credentials for debugging.
i counter that with tip #730: Use your own credentials for debugging. You have more incentive to write good code.
But it worked :D
The problem wasn't the code.
The problem was the fact that it worked.
@NathanOsman lol
@KazWolfe that'll happen when you reach 20k
Tip 731: Only test on prod if you have a death wish
Tip 732: Kaz has a death wish
@Zacharee1 so.... soon?
@Zacharee1 when did i ever test on prod? I crashed prod a few times by accident, but usually it's other devs.
and, eh. I think I'll hit 20 within a year or so?
definitely will if i actually try
tip #731 randomly using rm makes your life interesting
tip #733: Learn to count
tip #732 best to use rm on someone elses machine >:)
Tip #734, Rinzwind's IP is
also @Rinzwind, i guess we need to call this war a draw
@KazWolfe nope
it is >:-D
OP seems to have no interest in declaring a winner, so...
My local IP is!
context plz
Q: A Challenge For You

Zacharee1This is sort of a follow-up to my previous question, since it's on the same subject. I want to get the CV queue down to 0, even if it's only for a few minutes. Therefore, I challenge every user with 3k rep or more (there are 506 of us, so this shouldn't be too difficult) to get the Close Vote qu...

@Zacharee1 only a mod can efficiently do ^
luis alverado got it from 1300 something to under 500 once D: took him a lot of time
poor mods...
Q: Should I be concerned if the "FBI" has logged onto my Ubuntu VPS?

ThomasYesterday, I was performing a bit of general maintenance on a VPS of mine, using the IPMI console my host provided. Upon setting up SSH keys again via the IPMI console, I logged in via SSH and was shocked to see this: Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-042stab116.2 x86_64) Document...

Yes, I don't think that the FBI would be that obvious, unless that's what they wanted you to think. :P
@Zanna cleared 19 q's and the review queue went up by 3 :P
haha I'm a jinx
i just register a domain. i want to know can i register an email like [email protected]
@Sandro depends on the hoster and your contract
Q: How to enable carriage return in tty7?

dzmantoWhen I do a reboot command, my ubuntu 16.04.1 machine with i915 graphics shows a list of systemd start messages. That list looks messed up since tty7 does newlines without carriage return. I checked the tty options via stty -F /dev/tty1 and stty -F /dev/tty7. I appears that the option "opost" is ...

@AskUbuntuMeta yay meta CV cast...
any aussies around? do you get motion sickness a lot? This might be the cause: news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/…
Hey peeps I've got a sorta malicious question
Do you think If I connected my iPhone to Ubuntu I could remove the icloud files?
by sending the request as a fake UUID
I officially hate all websites where stuff resizes on mouse-over
huh, which sites do this?
@Zanna woah, leaving all of us in the dust askubuntu.com/users?tab=Editors&filter=week
@edwinksl that's... a lot of edits :S
@edwinksl this is the one bugging me right now, but it's not as bad as some others I have to use for work greenclimate.fund/media/newsroom/off-the-cuff-list
luchnacho really wants that archaeologist badge

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