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I suggest they come and help us with the trello board then - it certainly worked for me...
i think he/she is almost done, or at least i hope
my feed is borked
looks like luchnacho is done xD askubuntu.com/help/badges/85/archaeologist
haha do you think they will stop doing it now?
seems like it
my feed is back to normal
hah I just got an upvote on my question on AE, like, 6 months later
I could and should have edited a lot more posts than I have in cleanup tbh
took me a while to realize what AE is
but too many cards, too few spoons
I meant Android Enthusiasts as you presumably figured, sorry
@Zanna somewhat related to your AE answer security.stackexchange.com/questions/137418/…
@edwinksl 'prepend' not 'append' for the Python $PATH: I am still kicking myself
@andrew.46 haha i usually append too
anaconda is a notable exception
Except when the docs specifically tell you not to, sigh.......
I am getting old and slow
my note about the docs came only as an afterthought haha. i only searched for it after i asked OP to prepend :p
i hate cars
god I wanna punch walls
i hate working with my father on anything that remotely comesbto cars
So thanks @edwinksl for solving that and at the same time teaching me a valuable lesson....
@edwinksl oh it was you upvoting me then hahaha
@edwinksl i forgot to find your answer to upvote it earlier!
@Zanna oh i upvoted your answer but not your question :p
@andrew.46 :D
@Serg you are repairing your mom's car?
@edwinksl i would if i knew how to repair cars, but my father takes care of it. Just working with him is a bit . . . stressful. Her car's timing belt broke , so yesterday she completely stopped. Luckly she had enough momentum to turn into nearest right turn and stop next to church. So i came and we called tow truck, and it was easy to pick up
Goodnight (I didn't just join chat to say that, I was in here the whole time sort of, just my machine went to sleep and disconnected from the internet so it looked like I had left)! :)
We dropped it off at the repair shop, but my father volunteered to work on it. Today we had to use my car to pull hers from the shop back home ( which is next to our neighborhood )
And then had to use my car again to push it into the garage
I hate cars
Heavy, unreliable, piece of /bin/sh** technology
@edwinksl That's what I thought, I know you only found my answer because I mentioned my question (I still haven't fixed that problem, by the way!)
@Serg yeah i was in a friend's car and we were on a 5-lane freeway when the engine decided to die. we were lucky we were close to an exit and there was enough momentum to actually get out of the way. it was an interesting experience.
we still needed to push it further to make it truly safe from exiting traffic
@Serg would you rather deal with cars or printers
my printer is very well behaved...
20-damn-16 , yet we can't have more reliable and less costly vehicles or alternatives to cars . . . Fax'ing oil industry
this ^
being a chemical engineer, that's an industry i get to deal with
have you ever visited a refinery?
the things that go in a refinery are some of the most technologically advanced things humans have ever built
@Serg the electric car was invented 100 years ago :P
anyway, like it or not, the oil and gas infrastructure is massive and its massiveness cannot be understated. we are not going to be able to wean ourselves off oil anytime soon
@Rinzwind I don't care when it was invented. I wanna use it. NAU !!! >:) I don't wanna deal with paying shiz ton of money to repair something I rely on for commuting to work.
yes we can.costa rica made a 100% switch to green energy :=)
@Serg move to costa rica >:-D
big picture speaking, costa rica doesn't matter
yes it does
it proves it can be done.
Costa Rica is far smaller than US , Russia, Asia
proven on the scale of a small country like costa rica
i would love to see it happen in the countries that would matter in terms of resource consumption
but we have to be realistic
does not matter. it proves it is a matter of doing it
america has not got good internet in 1/2 the country.
I wanna see the US switch to all green energy. But you know it ain't gonna happen, because who's funding the government ? Oil companies
and the oil producing countries will be -last- anyways
@Rinzwind it doesn't matter because there is no chance US will go "oh costa rica did it, so can we!"
but if you swap costa rica for, say, germany
then it would matter
@edwinksl when the whole of africa does it it does
there is the incent to do it
africa has bigger problems than switching to green energy unfortunately
what they need to do is find a way to sell sand from the sahara ;-)
like make glass from it :)
what africa does have is a lot of rare earth minerals and china knows that :p
a friend was in namibia and got told a story
there is metal on the beaches there on the ground and lots of people there use magnets to find them
and get a bit of money for it
a chinese businessman rented a big ass machine with a big ass magnet to clean out the beaches
he got kicked out of namibia _O-
is that legal
guess not since he got kicked
kinda out of focus but there's an odd halftoning on most text
kinda wierd they didn't use something like a reader plugin ._.
looks weird indeed @JourneymanGeek
@Zanna oh no i sounded like SSE here :/ chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/32533253#32533253
@JourneymanGeek what browser or app is that
@edwinksl kindle experimental browser
@Windows3.1 hi, hi. No need to beg for attention so much
We know you're here just by looking at the list of users
@Serg he is staying in character >:-D
windows always has been pushy _O-
@Windows3.1 people are in chatrooms to chat. Be interesting and engage people. This is like yelling at people in the ear with a bullhorn
@Rinzwind can I smack his character ?
nobody likes me any more :( wish they didnt start calling me that untrue name of "outdated"
@JourneymanGeek make that a vuvuzela :p
@JourneymanGeek last time I told him to upgrade to 3.11 so he could network. 3.1 should not be able to use the internet
@Windows3.1 well, 3.11 was the 'good' one
even had networking!
you know what??? OK!!!
@JourneymanGeek more importantly!!! it had HEARTS
AR darn it
cant change until October
why do they make such a stupid limit
@Rinzwind true
stack exchange sucks!
is that an image? :X
at step 4?
talk about one good question!
took the time to include all that!
that is a bad question
all the text he used is killing any question.
nobody cares he installed wget and it says it is installed
He posts bunch of images in the terminal , instead of copying text.
That's bad
@JourneymanGeek what happend? :-)
@SeverusTux I stand corrected. Switching it to article mode is beautiful and should work wonderfully for AU
I can't copy his exact command to test, if my internet connection won't download pictures
it does nto work on the main page, but individual questions seem fine

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