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Don't worry. Thanks though. I'll order it in France together with the other central european freaks like @StefanoPalazzo. :D
It looked like this was just some shop
we could organize an excursion
Damn... If only you came all the way to London, you could help me with all my Ubuntu related stuff! :P
"Western-Europe Ask Ubuntu Meetup at some shop in the middle of rural france where nobody ever went and you can't understand the locals and it'll be very expensive to get there, but I'll bring some crips and a projector" 2012
How can I check what ubuntu is doing from the point I log in until unity is fully loaded?
sounds good?
@bioShark there are a few logs you can check
@bioShark It probably reads a load of files to display your desktop how you left it.
probably be cheaper just to get them to ship you a crate!!! they may even sponsor if you ask nice!
try dmesg and cat /var/log/syslog
but... doesn't look like a big company/not sure they could :/
@StefanoPalazzo but I'm totally for an Ask Ubuntu meetup in Germany.
the only real problem I see is getting there
I know a place that would provide a room, refreshments and some gear, so do other people probably
but you'd have to convince a bunch of them to travel quite a distance
there are really nice places everywhere round by where I live. a couple of hackspaces, the local lug, and "ping e.v.", which is right in western germany's beautiful countryside
just about far enough away from the ruhr that you can't smell the coal burning power plants anymore :)
@Stefano Palazzo my problem is here: askubuntu.com/questions/99111/…
@OctavianDamiean I did help to organize a meetup for my Quake.de forum mates years and years ago, and we met at a conference, that would probably work
Anyway, glad you liked that... i'll get going! If anyone does want a hand getting one, let me know... or... see you next time I have an Ubuntu problem!
heh, see you
@WilliamHilsum Have you already considered getting in touch with the UK LoCo?
@bioShark if you still have that problem in two days, remind me to put a bounty on it
these driver problems can be so annoying
@OctavianDamiean Don't know what the UK LoCo is :/ and, can't seem to find it on Google to make up I know what it is!
we should have a meetup next year at the chaos communication congress. They all hate ubuntu
@Stefano Palazzo OK :) If It's very strange that it behaves so differently with a log-of and a reboot is fine. I got the suggestion to check if the open source drivers are not also loading...but I don't know how.
@bioShark I've never used anything other than intel graphics, but you can probably disable them in the "additional drivers" tool
by the way, hit Tab for @ping completion :)
@StefanoPalazzo lol thx for that hit :)
@WilliamHilsum That is the local community in the UK. Ubuntu users, contributors and developers that have meetings and try to support other users in their area.
@StefanoPalazzo In my additional drivers I have a green dot (meaning it's active) against ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver. But I don't know if this is the open source or catalyst 12.1. I would guess it's the open source one
@OctavianDamiean Sounds interesting... Is it at the Ubuntu HQ? I went there once a few years ago for a meeting... was interesting!
I'm not sure how active they are and what exactly they do as I have my own LoCo which I'm trying to get running but as far as I know the UK one should be pretty active. You can try to contact someone that is near you. Maybe someone is willing to help you in person.
It is worth a try.
Doesn't seem to look that active :/ ... well joined the mailing list - I will certainly go to the next one if I am free (and if the topics are not boring!)
I've been meaning to go to my local hackerspace for months :\
whats up stefano
I was just about to leave (:
im here hacking some JS
ok... :P
JS is awesome, keep hacking! :D
UbuntuForums / UbuntuWiki Socializer
it adds +1 and TW buttons to ubuntuforums and ubuntu wiki
not on ask ubuntu, eh? :)
i was thinking it already has ?
we just got "Share on G+" yesterday, but a "+1" button would be fantastic
it is really language agnostic, just a button and a number
okay I must be going now. see you everybody :)
WTF man, come home yesterday and windows is fucked up on me. come home today and Ubuntu decides internet is a commodity I don't need!
FFS, I haven't installed / changed a frikkin thing on either OS?!?!?!!?!
i'm about to put my fist through my damn screen and be done with this shit
good night!
Bounty offered: Best way to backup all settings, list of installed packages, tweaks, etc? http://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/best-way-to-backup-all-settings-list-of-installed-packages-tweaks-etc #packagemanagement
@BrunoPereira I still haven't fixed the issue from askubuntu.com/questions/99111/… I have added some extra stuff in the question. Plus, I have filed a bug, because I have read others having same issues: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/922905

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