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Hats off
Phew, posted the script, hope OP likes it
Is there a way to open a file for reading and writing and create it if it does not exist AND figure out which of those two things happened?
Basically I want the behavior:
- If the file exists, open for reading
- If not, create it and open for writing
...and I want to know which of those happened
Or something similar.
@NathanOsman in python ?
No, in Go unfortunately.
Although I can probably adapt something written in Python.
The problem is that if I do a simple if{}, I end up with a race condition.
Although I may just have to accept that.
@NathanOsman is there a way to catch exception in go ? you could catch exception if file doesn't exist and open it for writing as you want
That creates a race condition.
Something else could happen between the error for the file not existing and opening it for writing.
I need an atomic operation :D
But I'm not sure one exists >.<
POSIX really dropped the ball on this one.
well, i dont quite know how to help you then . . .
I guess I'm stuck with it.
Any bash experts want to test my comment and claim ? I have a user in comments who believes i am misinterpreting OPs follow-up question
sigh . . . 8 AM class. Yay or ney ? I think it's the only one available this semester
@AndroidDev where is this question
It's not required for me though, Data Communications. TCP/IP and networking stuff
aw,man, the choices
Programming Pragmatics class . . . .i wonder if I should deal with this one or not
important life choices suck...
not that this one sounds to be too important for your life, but it seems to suck as well...
I wish i could be done with college already. I mean, I am just worn out by the whole BS of it all
just gimme my diploma and let me go, i've suffered enough
You think having a job afterwards will be better?
Nope , but at least I will be earning money instead of spending them on classes
That's an argument.
Fortunately my studies will be paid by the company I'm working at.
And I'll even get a salary.
Lucky you . . . .
I'll have no semester holidays though, only those standard 30 days per year of a regular job.
Question : 6 watt power consumption for wireless is normal ?
i am surprised this question has survived this long lol askubuntu.com/questions/677889/…, VTC please
lol, that confusing question about that dev board got self deleted
he was basically looking for a pre-installed/made image to put on his sd card... shouldn't have been too hard
yikes he wrote his question in his bio...
yo mod's: askubuntu.com/users/565427/monkeyman-stones - if he can stop blaming people who are trying to help his question might not have been so complicated, was about to edit out the extra stuff before he deleted, and look for an image - as probably what he needs is a image - or someone to press the buttons for him... can't believe he is trying to blame us for saying what is required to install...
he might be past the point of no return, but seriously needs to leave out the personal stuff.
python's print bricks with broken pipe
that's a baaaaad thingy
they should fix that
er... he reposted?
no idea, i didn't see the deleted one
they fixed it in python3 ???
why do we talk to ourselves here xD
it is fun
@Mateo hi
@Mateo Oh hello! nice to see you here!
@CodeX ;p
i kinda like that enumeration script. i may keep it for my own usage in future
wooo markimoo's livestream is tooday
Q: logout from xubuntu gets stuck in Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS

PavelI use xubuntu and run it inside vbox. Previously I had version 15 and everything was working fine, after I updated to "Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS" I noticed multiple issues. First is minor, when I RDP to it (using virtual box's remote display, I see two mouse cursors). It might be somehow vbox realted, b...

@Mateo hello xD
@ParanoidPanda so essentially what you're asking here askubuntu.com/q/809054/295286 is application multi open. click a, click b, exit menu, launch all apps. Right ?
@Serg: Yes
@ParanoidPanda that probably isn't possible , and i doubt there are extension for this sort of thing. I could however make a custom script that will allow you select bunch of apps from list and launch them
one of the main reason people don't use gnome
@Serg: I don't know... So you don't think there's even a way to alter when it exist out of the menu? Because I'm sure that that code can be changed, probably made easier by the extensions API or whatever they use.
@CodeX: I'm pretty sure it's the same in Unity. Is it not? I don't think that what I am requesting is incredibly common.
You open the dash, you click an app, the dash closes. I doubt that you can make it stay open. Same here.
yeah, i don't think it's possible
Maybe I'll file a request upstream on the matter then.
Actually , you could ask @JacobVlijm to modify his source code for dash_the_second script ( or whatever it was called ) to add multilaunch functionality.
Ooh... That would be nice! :)
you are asking multiple window for same application ? I use kubuntu for that
@CodeX: No, I want to open multiple applications before the Activities Overview closes.
If you click an application it closes and takes you to the application, which is what most people want. But I need something different sometimes.
in that case unity launcher is not better ? no closing in that
actually , it's the same
well , unity dash i mean
@CodeX: It's exactly the same in Unity.
dash yes but not the launcher
@ParanoidPanda actually there are extensions for keeping launcher on screen. howabout that ?
Well, I'm not talking about the launcher.
you can do the same as unity launcher
@CodeX: I have a launcher of my own with the same capabilities. The launcher is not the problem.
@Serg: I like the launcher hidden...
Plus the majority of the applications I open aren't from the launcher, that would take up too much room then.
it will be very difficult and probably impossible to match your requirements for that question
yeah .. I cant imagine AO or Dash or application menu not closing after launching the application ..defeats its purpose if it does that
@ParanoidPanda actually, now that i think of it , you can do this in nautilus
open /usr/share/applications/ folder
and do multi-select then hit enter
my firefox is lagging very very bad right now, so look into my answers , i have a post about multi-select in there somewhere
@CodeX: Well, imagine you do a search in your AO/Dash and you need to open the 10 PDFs which show, which would you prefer, to have to keep reopening the AO/Dash, redoing the search, waiting for the results and clicking the next item to have it slowly launch before you can go into the AO/Dash again without it getting really slow, or would you prefer to just be able to open multiple items at the same time before exiting? I think I would prefer the latter.
It wouldn't be all the time, not even the default click, but just something like shift click to do it.
personally, i wouldn't use activities overview or dash for that. This is power-user requirement, and that's command-line job
@ParanoidPanda yeah in that case I would prefer opening all .. but I would rather open the folder (Documents or Home) and use nautilus to search pdf files ..
Yeah, well, it's not always that easy depending on the kind of item you are dealing with, you could even be dealing with multiple items (e.g.: files and applications), and they could potentially be located anywhere in your system.
Anyway, it's getting late and I'm exhausted, goodnight! :)
Good night

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