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Bread today is better than cake tomorrow
plus, bread isn't a lie.
what is a lie?
is currently growing his beard
high-five @BrunoPereira
@OctavianDamiean gl!
lets see some sexy pics in a couple of days!
@htorque (the cake, the cake is a lie)
my beard is a lie :D
when trying to install updates it says
    Failed to download package files

    Check your Internet connection.
but clearly i'm on the internet... :S
@rlemon change server if the connection proves to be ok
Q: Failed to download package files error

wang.xueqiangAfter I installed Ubuntu 11.04/11.10 in VirtualBox in Windows 7, I cannot update any software with the error message "failed to download package files". After having googled, I have tried: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade changed to another sources But I still got the same error messa...

wow - changed from canada to main and went from 17 updates to 89
thanks :P
now can youuu tell me why my windows is all of a sudden slow to load my desktop from lock screen or sleep???
ubuntu has no problems
@rlemon its an update bug, basically: more updates = more slowness :)
Dont know, did you install anything lately?
nope. no new installs no new downloads (except one avi file... but that turns out ok.)
have you rebooted?
basically went from 1/2 a second to 30 seconds. and of course :)
twice... just to make sure it wasn't just a glitch in the ssd.
ubuntu x2 = ok, windows x2 = failship
oop. looks like the main server is frikkin way faster than the canadian one! 289meg downloaded already! time to reboot! bbl
see no problem for ubuntu to restart in a jiffy.
Did you pay your monthly quota to Microsoft? :D
I dont know, check msconfig for anything fishy running at startup
what's this microsoft no one is talking about anymore? :P
they gone underground!
the windows glitch has forced me to do work instead of game..
real world interaction is scary
Why is this textbox re-sizable if when I refresh this page it goes back to default???
which textbox?
the chat one?
simple... give me 7 minutes.
its annoying, I love handles. I'm like "hooooo, handles... resize, press f5, !!@%*@#$@#$"
@JorgeCastro (or anyone) is there a way to reply to a message on an email list if you weren't subscribed to the list before you saw the message you want to reply to? I need to rant at you (Jorge) about trying to remove my CCSM.
Go Oli! I couldn't agree more.
CCSM is awesome.
Still trying to figure out how to make my windows go up in flames upon close
Saw someone do it in a YouTube video once.
ccsm was awesome until it featured the unity plugin, now it's killing systems. something has to be done, but killing ccsm is a bit too easy. :P
@William It's in the Animations settings
Why can't the Ubuntu Developers talk to the CCSM developers?
@Oli Where?
@William Effects > Animations > Close Animation
Ubuntu is all about freedom. Taking away someone's choice... that's almost microsoft-like.
What effect?
@Oli Don't see fire in the list
@William Hmm fair point... It might be lurking in one of the many compiz-plugins-* packages
Now my launcher won't appear!
No it's not in one of those.
Have to get actual work done now
Tell @JorgeCastro that I don't give him my best wishes! Nothing personal!
CCSM is awesome BECAUSE you can screw up your computer. The danger makes it more fun.
The truth is that ccsm can kill unity in less than 30 secs. For most of us that is not an issue but for a lot of users that means: quit and re-install, demand help, quit, cry...
Most users aren't going to be using CCSM.
If that is true why are we recommending installing it to novice users? Ofc they are gona mess it up!
Most user-friendly tweaking application I've ever seen.
We need Ubuntu-tweak in the repositories.
Where are we reccomending it?
Fire whoever reccomended it to a new user! Oh wait... this is open-source-cant do that.umm...
"You need ccsm" is something one should look behind your shoulders before writing.
Users go, "ohhhhh, options!"
Its nice and powerful and makes the dreams of all of us come true, then we cry because the wrong button was pressed, or because 0 was entered on a 1-10 input box, etc
@BrunoPereira you still there?
try this on for size. read - install
no pun intended
the weirdness is due to chrome not firing a resize event for textarea
or mousedown. :<
ohh booo - buggy.. once you expand it you cant put it back... let me fix that.
can you also save height? and make the orange box around it resize to accorfing to the height of the message box? :D
(guessing the images on the right would be a problem)
i've tried to do the height before.. you'll have to stick with the width only for now. :P
for some odd reason too there is a background image set to the input, if you do manage to expand it that is :P
maybe I can fix it more tomorrow morning (time to nap nap now) keep me posted
@htorque goedenavond ;)
gn all
Ubuntu thinks I'm in canada!
^ there is your updated version + the fix for chrome (on linux at least... unsure if windows + chrome suffers the same hardships)
@William It thinks I am too... :)
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist :)
is late
Ok, those of you with close votes, please start here and work your way down - chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/3151932#3151932 :)
goes through the list...
Can you answer this? Intel HDgraphics+NVIDIA GT540M+Nouveau working? http://askubuntu.com/questions/98562/intel-hdgraphicsnvidia-gt540mnouveau-working #hybridgraphics
3 hours later…
Bounty offered: Squid proxy server (or iptables) will not let my users send or receive mail http://askubuntu.com/questions/68718/squid-proxy-server-or-iptables-will-not-let-my-users-send-or-receive-mail #iptables
this message comes from the future! :D
"the future"?
@ajmitch it's right now 07:19 at the 27th of January! and the mesage comes from 21:37 from today! O.o
ooh, I forgot I got that last night at 21:37 gmail just messed up the new day time stamp..
I got one digit close votes.
though i managed to cast the killer votes on a couple of them, we still need a couple more to kill the rest... :P
Night all.
1 hour later…
Suggestion for daily-weekly-whatever cleanup sprints http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/2379/suggestion-for-daily-weekly-whatever-cleanup-sprints
1 hour later…
Come on guys! This is really a dupe. Close.
Q: How to interact with Ubuntu through voice command (mic)?

Narutoi want to know how to deal with Ubuntu using voice command (e.g. open home to open my home folder & minimize & maximize), is there any program can do it ??? it mean i can speak to the computer and it speak to me

@jokerdino @OctavianDamiean join the chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/206/ubuntu-regulators room, its kinda centralized by @jrg for it and seems to be a good idea ;)
Voted to close. :)
Well, I knew about that room but I didn't know it was used again. :)
Oh how I love vbox snapshots!
hi, someone may know how to solve my problem? im kinda noob
Q: North West Ohio

Jason RisenburgI am wondering who the users here are from Northwest Ohio. I would like to get a group together and chat, start projects, art ideas, you know.I know there is a Ohio loco but most of the people that I hear from is in Columbus Ohio pretty far away for me.

is that OT?
@user41628 Your question has already been answered. Follow the comment in your question.
Hey huys
you should be trying to get to 3k soon enough.
Thanks Stefano!
@jokerdino Yeah :P
Q: Some gnome programs having lost graphic elements

Amith KKSome nautilus, empathy etc windows are having some lost graphic elements: But some apps such as Xfce Terminal still looks normal Is this because of some package missing?

No answers?
A: Is there a power saving way to download torrents?

Amith KKThis is possible with Deluge: Firstly start deluge in GUI go to tty1 and run sudo killall Xorg Use this command to connect with deluge deluge --ui console Use the following commands to control Deluge add Add a torrent config Show and set configuration values connect Connect to a new deluge ...

Can you answer this? How can I re-enable the global menu in Firefox? http://askubuntu.com/questions/98864/how-can-i-re-enable-the-global-menu-in-firefox #firefox
back after dinner!
@jokerdino Welcome back
welcome back
@JorgeCastro Hmm.. Why?
I can save cleanly now my RAID is on.... (sung to the tune of Mr. Johnny Nash)
Hi rlemon!
@jokerdino RE: that Ohio loco question.
I could have answered it. :(
It should be on Meta?
No, I think it's on topic, just needed some love. (might even be a duplicate, I'm not sure)
Anyway, I left a comment with essentially what my answer would have been, so it's ok I guess. :)
I don't know. I wasn't sure if that was OT. i put it here in chat. and Stefano took action.
Who got time to review my zero vote answer? I am planning to purge irrelevant answers. (improving quality:quantity ratio :D)
Finding out if something belongs to Meta is easy. If it asks about the site itself then it belongs to Meta otherwise it doesn't. However that question in its current form is definitely off topic.
@OctavianDamiean Got ya. Thanks
I've gone through all your flags this morning - utter joy
cllick click click, didn't even have to look at most of the actual posts
Now that is risky :P
i will pretend that I didn't read that.
some of them were already closed, others had 3 or 4 close votes
Hai @StefanoPalazzo by the way. o/
It has been a while. :)
well you're just in time :) did you think about nominating yourself for the moderator election yet?
Unicorn Whisperer - I can only challenge jrg's decision before he gets to become a mod. After that, well...
You can keep questioning his decisions even after he gets elected. Actually it is your job to keep an eye on that. :)
@StefanoPalazzo Deep down I want to but I'm not sure if I really should.
And Stefano, do I have any annotations on my user profile? :))
@OctavianDamiean no rush. even if you nominate yourself, you can always withdraw (during nomination that is)
@jokerdino yeah
I know, like I did in the SO moderator nomination. :P
a couple of "identical post" flags (which, in your case, are positive) and one that says "should be community wiki"
If I'm not mistaken I was sixth in the out of 23 or how many it was. Not bad.
eh, not bad indeed
@StefanoPalazzo any ideas when that meta post will be up? (elections)
Oh yea, I'm >10k on SO now. :D
I'm not even sure there will be a meta post. there'll be one later for the townhall chat, but the election itself will be announced on the main site (it has a special sub-site, /election)
We currently have friggin' 207 flags in the flag queue and 48 suggested edits! >.>
we've just got 15 since I had breakfast
which, naturally for a student, wasn't too long ago ;-)
Q: Do we need a 'reject and improve' button?

Yi Jiang's Proble_Have a look at this simple example: http://stackoverflow.com/posts/5349764/revisions. There is a approved suggested edit, and an improvement was added on by a 10k user. The interesting thing is that the original edit should obviously be rejected - fixing one typo by introducing another is... not ...

This sounds like a good idea.
I don't like it
you should get +2 just for trying, unless your edit is totally useless
Regarding edits, I have a quirky issue with one of them. Let me find that post..
I think he refers to the totally useless ones. Like a text contains ten major typos and he only deletes the hi or thanks.
At least I do.
that's different. I took it to mean "use most of this user's edit"
I mean you could always reject that edit but it'd be nice to improve it right after doing so.
so they actually want a "reject and go to edit the question"-button, that's totally sensible
anyone wanna give me an opinion on jsfiddle.net/rlemon/qywP7/3
trying to make a clean menubar.. that is my own make, but trying to style it after symfony websites bar.
Looks Apple-ish. I hope that was your desired effect.
yea :P
no images. all css
@rlemon the rightmost button doesn't have a border, that looks a bit weird
really... can you show me? I see it fine>
It has for me.
I'd also add a very slight border on the bottom. very nice though
Rubbish Bin?
@StefanoPalazzo browser?
Why Rubbish Bin?
@rlemon chome-dev
What's wrong with trash?
i'm using chrome stable..
@William Basically my idea. :D
@rlemon add white-space: nowrap; to .main-menu
This is the edit I am talking about - askubuntu.com/questions/31102/…
that is why i hardcoded the width.
It changed the question altogether...
"Rubbish Bin" is a lot worse then trash.
@William "can we trash the Rubbish Bin" <- see works on so many levels.
@StefanoPalazzo looks like yours is a more sensible solution... jsfiddle.net/rlemon/qywP7/5
but aside from that, looks good? should the entire thing have a shadow?
yes that works fine
@rlemon I'd not put a shadow. keep it fairly flat and unobtrusive. but you could try making the gradients a bit softer
Yes, lets trash the rubbish bin. Doesn't have the same ring as "Let's rubbish bin the trash."
@rlemon It looks good if you want to mimic an Apple-like bar.
@rlemon rgba(238,238,238,1) and rgba(219,219,219,1) looks quite nice
@StefanoPalazzo i thought they were pretty soft... :P i guess my brightness and contrast are a bit tweaked.
@jokerdino you mean the fact that they've swapped "BFB" for launcher?
Well the question was talking about dash and it got swapped for launcher.
let me guess.. wer'e talking about web development?
Oh yea, the HUD is damn amazing!
@StefanoPalazzo meet you half way
oh I see, yes that's very different. the user is asking about automatically showing the Dash, not just the launcher
@William lol I am, no clue what else is going on in here.
I feel bad for @JorgeCastro.
Everyone is attacking him for wanting to remve CCSM.
I agree that it's too easy to screw up an install.
@rlemon that looks great.
But, I does likes me wobbly windows...
and me panel transparency...
@StefanoPalazzo thanks. :P
I'm fine as long as they build these kind of customizations into the Apperance Dialog.
whispers (MyUnity is written in basic)
@William Don't worry, it is not that easy to get the @JorgeCastro down.
@StefanoPalazzo NO WAY!
@StefanoPalazzo WHAT??!!!!
OMG! Never would have guessed!
Recommends: unity
Depends: gambas2-runtime,
Ah well, I don't pass judjments that easily...
@StefanoPalazzo basic is amazing.
We should get Ubuntu Tweak in the repos.
@jokerdino it's moot now that the question is closed (and closed as a dupe of the correct question), but if you're wondering, it's totally okay to revert an edit like that
even if you're not 100% sure
We REALLY should get Ubuntu tweak in the repos.
Especially sience wer'e brutally murdering CCSM.
it's on the way
Why I am concerned is because I was one of the close voters and it looks like we closed it as a dupe of a wrong question.
and myunity is in there
It is?
Myunity is BASIC...
myunity is in 12.04 repos. yeah
@William Correction, CCSM murdered itself.
myunity is actually really nice, despite being written basic, it works as advertised - which can't be said for ccsm
Need to try it.
CCSM comits suacide!
@JorgeCastro was the accomplice!
@StefanoPalazzo right
I am moving on!
and it would take someone probably .... an hour to add the features people want
I'm also a bit annoyed that MyUnity doesn't adhere to any sort of ui guidelines, but that'll always drive me up the wall, whether users actually care or not..
I should probably revise my How to configure Unity answer.
12.04 sounds neat... not so sure about HUD.
Well, I'm willing to take an hour.
Im a people.
Not a robot.
(are you sure...)
Someone lock him up..

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