@ThomasW. well, i've a question about choosing a network switch. Cisco switches are pretty expensive and bulky , from what i see on amazon, there's smaller TP-LINK and linksys alternatives there. Does it matter which manufacturer the switch is from ? Or is cisco that giant and powerful that one should absolutely learn it ?
Basically, what i wanna do is get this little guy with 5 ports, and plenty of ethernet wires. I've couple laptops and an old hp workstation, but the router is in the kitchen, so probably ethernet will cost a bit, while i can save up on the switch
I mean, I would need ethernet only for a few things : raspberry, the workstation, maybe a laptop , and that's it
> IP traffic sent to customers on ports TCP 25, TCP 80, TCP 443, TCP 445, TCP 1080, TCP 6667-6669, TCP 1433-1434, TCP & UDP 135-139, TCP & UDP 67 are blocked for security and network management reasons to minimize customer's computers from being virus infected through well known vulnerabilities and/or to avoid infected or hostile computers from affecting other users computers.
And that's for the business plans
And I want to point out they say "IP traffic are blocked" if the preposition is taken out
On my system, notify-send requires 3 enviorment variables to run, which are kept in a file which is generated automatically on logon:
export XAU...
I posted a answer and bellow list items the code content turned to other format different from what I was expecting. I tried to indent either by code button or manually but didn't work. Is It a UI bug or do I fail on format rules? May I in such cases use other marks instead 4-spaces (ex:code tag)...
@Serg Ah, OK. Personally I go with the Linksys switches. But I also have switches in locations as breakouts for devices. One thing to remember is that the more switches you have, the more latency it adds.
@Serg Mostly personal preference. Plus I have a Linksys WRT1900AC router. :) But I have had some issues with NetGear in the past, but Belkin has always been solid for me, but not very configurable.
@Serg Oh, right now, TP-Link is one of the only companies so far that has jumped back on the FCC rules for not having flashable firmware to run like DD-WRT, where Linksys has said that they will allow it still on all their WRTs.
@Serg DD-WRT allows you to setup your router to your own liking. SSH access to it, etc. I have all my ad blocking happening at my router level instead of each system. :)
It's really nice! Plus it allows for configuring power to the antennas. I have no need for that, but it is nice to know I have all that access to it. :)
@Serg It depends? Workplaces I've been to like Cisco because they started with it. Lots of places I know use HP switches. The Internet at my apartment has a mix of switches but I don't need advanced equipment sets of Cisco or HP as much. I am probably not the most qualified to answer that though
probably the network design people would be better to answer that
because they all have similar feature sets
but depending on what drives the core of the network, usually helps drive the switches in place
@ThomasW. well i have a pretty old motorolla router here - that will be driving my nework. Since it's pretty much similar feature sets, i guess i'll just go with the cheap tp-link one for now
side note : what on earth am I doing really ? I am electrical engineering major and should be blowing capacitors and burning resistors right now. Why am I trying to learn IT stuff ?
@SeverusTux You just have to make sure that your image is of that size as it doesn't resize it for you.
Speaking of jokes, i just been listening to an audio for level 6 chinese proficiency test, and one of the listening exercises was a joke: an economist and biologist were jogging in the woods, and encountered a grizzly bear; the biologist said "Don't run, we can't outrun a bear" , but economist kept running and yelled back "Maybe i can't outrun the bear, but i can outrun you" ( meaning that he left the biologist to be eaten by bear )
Okay, I've rewritten my nomination from scratch and submitted it. Although it's now in a completely different style than before, I think its quality improved. Any suggestions? askubuntu.com/election/5#post-786101
@Seth No. I had trouble with my wifi signal strength and wanted to disable and enable wifi again to refresh the connection. Something crashed and logged me out.
@Serg I made my GPG key with seahorse. It lacks any kind of progress notification in 16.04, but after moving a few windows around, it was finished in few seconds.
Oh, it's time for food - and for my laptop to get charged... 7% remaining
@Serg If the reputation score would still be on 20/20 instead of 13, it would be even nicer...
But now really BBL!
Oh my god... I just heard about the mass shooting in America... We live in a very sad world...
then you can either copy&paste the pgp block at the end into a text file and run through `gpg -d -u <key> <file> or you use enigmail or something similar