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Hello all!
@William hello
Looks neat
@Bruno How much does it cost?
Any lost soul wants to share his wisdom and richness of heart and send it to me a gift this Christmas? Jesus will be pleased!
@William dunno, just saw it on this guys blog
was linked by @OctavianDamiean a bit ago
It says right on the blog that it's 24 dollars
im still looking at the pic!
You got one rich gf
@BrunoPereira I unversioned the java question
We should have a useless tags day
I know
I found a bunch today
I wish the system gave badges for people removing tags instead of creating them
I'm gonna post it to the meta. Any objection from the crowd?
we have a list of tag synonyms
@JorgeCastro thx, I im open to any sugestions. If you find anything on the web that needs to be applied or linked to the answer let me know also, I like to keep my answers updated.
there's not much you can really do other than try to get rid of them as you see them
I, by the way, don't know how to remove tags. Does it require a certain reputation?
@BrunoPereira I shortened the bottom paragraph, it was getting too wordy
Still, it would be kind of good to get rid of a lot of tags
@William the site automatically removes tags that aren't being used after a while
I know
you can just retagging the questions without the bad tag
Wasn't there a cleanup day once? How did that go?
@JorgeCastro And I was thinking this was going to be my lowest rep day ever :) thx man
however if you want to do a ton of them and it would like, crush the front page you can post it on meta.
so the mods can remove it without it bumping everything to the front page
@William every day is clean up day!
Oli is working on a clean up week
+1 so true.
for example I found the "crash" tag today
and I was going to go editing but there's like over 100
Any lost soul wants to share his wisdom and richness of heart and send it to me a gift this Christmas? Jesus will be pleased! @BrunoPereira It's all about Jesus being pleased!
There needs to be a button for that
It would make it eaiser.
@William Me loves Jesus pleased!
@William yeah, that's a good one.
@William just edit the whole question
He gonna find out whos naughty or nice... oh wait... he already knows
there its gone
I think there was even someone suggesting the creation of a "bad English" tag or something a while ago. Some ppl fail to understand tags at all :D
askubuntu.com/questions/87211/… considering posting an answer on how to set up virtualbox on this one.
I need a new NAS
NASs are good
@William that wont work, the game requires vertex shadows hardware support
are there any you know of that allow you to acess files from outside the network?
@William any good nas allows you that
I thought that was gonna be an easy 100 reputation
@William you can try, Iĺl give it 100 tumbs up if it works ;)
whats a thumbs up?
Just kidding :)
Ah well
I guess I'll try
go for it!
post a pretty answer with some screenshots and get a few upotes
im off, we are setting up tree and cleaning up after construction workers!
see you later
A quick one: no one should life their life without seeing this at least once imdb.com/title/tt0119698
If you are into jap animation this will make you blush and cry of happiness, really great!
Ill try to get around to it sometime
A: How do I install Ubuntu in Virtualbox?

WilliamFirst, download the current version of Ubuntu. You can do so here. Once the file has finished downloading, download VirtualBox. You can do so here. Download the version for Windows hosts. Once the download has finished, install VirtualBox, then open it. You will see a screen like the following:...

Im mad that that one got closed, I spent a lot of time on that answer
@William worse is when someone else posts the answer while you are still typing yours...
and you did the better answer
but they already marked it
there's got to be a better place to put that answer maybe?
Yep, there's a term for it but I forget. Good answer though.
I tried on the Wine Game question
the question seems valid to me
Q: How to run Bully : Scholarship Edition?

AlaukikCan someone give a step-by-step tutorial on how to run it under wine ?

/me votes to reopen
maybe ill get an upvote or two
i could use that
close to 1k!
@William this is why I usually only answer questions that the person has put effort into
I had 1k
if the question sucks then the person will likely just waste your time
Then the system thought it was fraud
I'm trying so hard to help someone with a shell scripting issue but they're just not reading my answers
I know how you feel
I usually wait to see if they at least fix it before putting time into it.
@William oh did you get serially upvoted?
it was jrg
he upvoted me a couple of times
got my hopes up but it was not meant to be
it's more than a couple to trigger a recalc
it's like if you go "oh I like William" and then go find all your answers and upvote them all, it triggers a cheat thing
bodhi.zazen is a machine :o
same if someone hates you and started downvoting all your answers at once
well, it was annoying
the server runs on windows
so I know it hates me its biased
Well I got over 1k rep
and then...
breaks down crying
I love it when people downvotes me with no reason given on what seems to be a perfectly good answer.
It reminds me I'm doing something right.
Well, unfortanateluy, I dont loves it.
hey @htorque
@William I was mostly being sarcastic in the first line :D
I can tell
But, it surely doesn't tick me off as much as it used to.
@RolandTaylor which one yo?
I was mostly being sarcastic in the second line
I <3 being downvoted
it's like a mental reminder to go update an answer
Being downvoted for no reason is fun!
A: How come Ubuntu is slowed down even after all resource-hungry apps have exited

Roland TaylorThere are several likely causes for this. If you have a single core processor and relatively low RAM this is even more likely to happen. What is probably happening is: Your system begins to use swap when the RAM becomes overloaded, it might be "thrashing" (dumping RAM to the disk) before you c...

plus, it's impossible for all your answers to be up to date at any given time
downvotes are natural
@JorgeCastro if my answers sucks, then I do too lol :D
I like downvotes when my answer is out of date/made in laziness etc
it reminds you to updt\ate them
Roland, looks fine to me, I gave that an upvote hours ago :)
wish more people voted, be it up or down.
Happy upvote to you!
I don't know if the downvoter did it because the answer got updated and I didn't update it?
or if the downvoter was just being a jerk (which happens)
Either way - I was at church... no internet there and even if there was it would be rude to update an answer during a sermon :D!
well, votes can be changed
I do that all the time
I work on tech team at church
@William I've had that happen a few times.
downvote, wait for edit, change to upvote
People downvoted some of my answers that were perfectly good, on old questions, and needed no changes.
There was a week when it happened about twice a day... but I think that person was probably bored or something lol
What I dont like is on ask ubuntu mobile if you want to change your vote and your'e on a touchscreen and you accidentally lock your vote in
@William awesome!
I am the tech team haha
tech team is fun
@JorgeCastro that's the best route :D
excpt when you mess up and everyone looks at you
yea the mobile experience on the phone isn't so hot
@William ikr :D
it used to be way worse, it's much better now at least
especially when it all falls on one person :P
Well, I think they should disable vote locking on the mobile site
George's mobile SE app is pretty good - but you can't vote on it
whats the purpose of vote locking anyway?
I know
but its read-only
I have to get actual work done now, I could sit here forever
be back later
work is overrated!
I agree
Ask Ubuntu forever!
You must not leave.
Alright, all minimise it and try to ignore the force bringing the cursor toward the button...
1 min ago, by William
be back later
@William haha jk
cya later dude :D
Roland Does not approve! ಠ_ಠ
Amithkk did that pic of course :)
bye now
hail, fellow Ubuntuers :P
how's things
Things are like most things are nowadays - Hi@ThomasWard
@RolandTaylor I was about to ask. :D
o/ by the way.
oops \o :D
I pressed enter by accident
I couldn't help myself
I'm a bad person, I guess
But I actually got actual work done, actually. Here's the actual link for your actual viewing pleasure: portal.sliderocket.com/ASOTP/genetics
@William very nice.
Thank you.
Presentations are fun, especially transitions.
Does anyone know of those programs that route internet traffic all over the place so you can't trace it?
you actually got work done during this time of year? WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THIS WORLD?
is shocked at that William would dare to work at this time of year
Well, It's school so I don't have much of a say in the matter.
immediately erases 15 git repositories he has on his computer right now
there now i cant do work
notices they just reappeared because of his cron script
work is bad.
well considering i'm on winter break from college right now... :P
Isn't it so that most of the work has to be done before Christmas because after that you don't know if the world goes on?
you're off by a year ;P
it isnt 2012 :P
and since my work is work that is only for me BY me... :P
But still everybody wants me to get my work done before Christmas.
its the worst
Not after Christmas. Before.
Not by the end of 2011, no, no - before Christmas.
As if next Christmas was last Christmas.
I'm confused
How Safe is it to Add ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable? http://askubuntu.com/questions/88776/how-safe-is-it-to-add-ppamozillateam-firefox-stable #firefox
Are you effing kidding me?! Cars 2 has a Golden Globe nomination and Kung Fu Panda 2 doesn't?!
Not to mention not even the soundtrack for KFP2 has been nominated?
Ian Hex finds the funniest stuff :D
I laughed so hard my throat hurts :D
I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with these Golden Globe idiots?
SE chat fail - I got a flag notification for a non-existent flag :)
Because I've invalidated it already. :D
cool :D
I didn't know we 10k+ users could completely clear a flag in one go
We can IIRC.
okay I'll be back in a bit
good evening!
please upvote if you like
Since it is related with ubuntu a little, I hope someone here could help by accident :)
Q: Litecoin binary for Linux

NobbZIs there any LiteCoin binary precompiled for Linux? I would prefer staticaly linked but would also dynamicaly linked a try. A plus is given for a .deb archive, two pluses for a ppa or other possibility to integrate it into ubuntu 11.10 packagemanagement.

@OctavianDamiean replaced my version with yours. i just returned from a b-day party and haven't yet reached the 100% concentration level. :P
It's alright, already upvoted it.
/me votes
looks nice!
@htorque Did you actually do the initial design for that ad?
well, no. it's copy and paste. :P
i did the collage. :P
the bubbles aren't from me, the logo isn't from me. the dates aren't from me. :P
Well but the composition which is the design on that thing.
What I wanted to say is that it is awesome!
You should hang out in #ubuntu-design as well.
here a click, there a click, tadaaa - nothing special about it. as i said, i'm no skilled artist, just love to play around with inkscape/gimp.
So deep down you are an artist. :D
Any ideas for a question to bounty?
if you find more, i'd bounty one too
@Oli Can you merge this? I've bountied the original.
Q: wireless troubles with Intel 3945ABG

TRAVPlease Help! I cannot connect to wireless it shows my connection i enter password and yes its the right one im sure of it then it trys to connect and cannot. then about 30 second or so later it trys again automatically. ive looked at other forums and ive tried everything nothing works. Also i sub...

1 hour later…
Bounty offered: Wireless doesn't work on an HP Pavillion DV6000 with an Intel 3945abg http://askubuntu.com/questions/88129/wireless-doesnt-work-on-an-hp-pavillion-dv6000-with-an-intel-3945abg #wireless
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