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@Zacharee1 Isn't the only non-code block part of that answer actually part of the error message - it just wasn't code block indented? If so, the answer is just saying "Read the error message" Which isn't really an answer.
Anyone have any ideas on this? :)
@Seth: Does SmokeDetector count as a view on questions by the way? Or does it not make the view count go up? :)
Oh, and I just watched Kung Fu Panda! :D
@ParanoidPanda it depends. Some of the things it does (i.e. pull a Q via the API) will effect views, but not always.
@ParanoidPanda You could do it with parasite chipx86.github.io/gtkparasite
@Zacharee1 @Seth if you review this deletion recommendation - see the why on my saying "delete" askubuntu.com/review/low-quality-posts/516656
So I heard @SmokeDetector isn't actually SE. What is it then?
@hbdgaf: Well, maybe if you can get it working you should post an answer then! :)
@ParanoidPanda I haven't played with parasite in years, but it does let you jump in to the gtk namespace and make arbitrary calls. So, you could theoretically call anything a Gtk button could.
@hbdgaf: I'll probably have a look at it tomorrow then! It's already gone mid-night here so...
Who made it?
Goodnight everyone! :)
Night PP
@Zacharee1 tells you on the github landing page... >.>
Looks like. That's just me though.
Left the house for an inordinate amount of time. The dog is a grazer though, so it was safe. However, it has this thing where it jumps and climbs and then is scared to jump back down. I get home, and it's perched at the top of the back of the bench-back by the kitchen table whining.

I laughed quite heartily, asked if it got itself stuck, then helped it down.
^^ was my first mental response.
@Zacharee1 what's up?
^--- Is that bad design?
(Showing the progress as text.)
What is it?
QtMacExtras doesn't provide access to a progress bar - only the ability to set "badges".
@Zacharee1 Pretend the icon on the left is NitroShare.
I like it
And pretend the number is the progress of all current transfers.
Yeah, it looks good
what's NitroShare?
I'm glad to hear that :)
@NathanOsman I think most of the Germans are sleeping.
but consider asking in the other room.
looks like Chrome translates it really well though.
@Seth Of course Chrome does. German is very similar to English, except for the stupid verbs thing
Safari really isn't all that bad, TBH.
I might even prefer it to other browsers on OS X.
This is the most disturbing spam email I have ever received. Ever.
that is.. creepy.
Extremely creepy.
Things like that give Tor a bad name.
Do you mind if I share the image?
btw, I think I should stop following Chipotle on twitter. Every time I look at my twitter feed I get hungry and my mouth starts watering -.-
@Seth Sure.
@NathanOsman Maybe looking in Spam isn't the best idea...
honestly, that's creepier than that one spammer that watched the chat feeds and replied to our comments.
well. maybe not quite.
@Seth wut
Was that the Indian Hacker Team?
@NathanOsman Until you use it on a system with less than 5GB RAM :p
@NathanOsman yeah
@Zacharee1 Mine has 4 GB.
Also, my inbox got lighter.
Clicks "Delete"...
that reminds me of this..
I forgot to turn off notifications. Twitter sent me an email for each: Follow Favorite Retweet DM 47 gigs of notifications. #lessonlearned
Just try using it with a lot of tabs and other programs. Even Apple fanatics agree it's worse than Chrome in terms of RAM usage
@Seth lolol
@NathanOsman That's a great feeling
and yes I did just scroll to the very end of Snowden's twitter profile to find that.
@Seth He should pin it :P
@NathanOsman yeah lol
Wait, 47 GIGS OF TEXT?!?!
oh they replied twitter.com/ChipotleTweets/status/691083732636323840. Should I ask them if they're treating? :P
@Zacharee1 when you're a global superstar..
@Seth yees
A "xyz has favorited your tweet" email is around 33.7kb.
@NathanOsman 50GB is still quite a few emails :p
He would only need to have received 139,465 of those emails to reach 47GB.
^--- math FTW :P
lol I was just going to go do the math xD
@NathanOsman nice
@NathanOsman I get something different
But text compresses well, so in practice, it should occupy less space.
"Only 139k"
4,700,000,000 / 33,700 = 139,465.87537
@NathanOsman I used x1024
Metric prefixes FTW, then :P
@NathanOsman more likely to be counted in 1024 :p
@Seth lol, @thatcoderiguana
*cough* Windows *cough*
@NathanOsman What?
wait, did you guys actually get a twitter email and measure its size?
Windows messes that up.
@Seth I didn't...
@Seth I checked one of mine.
@NathanOsman What do you mean?
@Zacharee1 They show metric prefixes but use base 2 prefixes internally.
Which is why people were always complaining about hard drives having less space than advertised.
That and the overhead of the filesystem :P
Mac bothers me because it uses x1000, but also counts it strangely
Mac actually says a 500GB drive is 503GB
I read that as "but it also coughs strangely" the first time lol.
I should probably go make dinner.
I had a taco for dinner.
@Seth or wait for Chipotle to give you a gift cert
@NathanOsman one?
I had 4 tacos, with pomegranate seeds, and feta
4? Wow.
@Mateo just the seeds? :p
well, they were the small shells
Pomegranate seeds are awesome though.
@Zacharee1 haha, good idea :P
@NathanOsman a taco? o_O
I hope you mean with the fruit included
@Seth exactly what I thought
When I make tacos I usually end up eating like 8.
@Seth this
nope, they take them out and put them in cups, without the rest of the fruit
work had leftover
Maybe there's a cultural barrier here. When I say taco, I'm thinking of something with a diameter of 15 inches unrolled.
Not some tiny finger food thing.
@NathanOsman ahh, you mean a real soft taco
Think large pancake rolled up.
@Zacharee1 Exactly.
ahhh, ok.
like a burrito?
@NathanOsman I love those, and I understand why you had one now :p
@Mateo yeah
We call those burritos. Or occasionally "soft tacos".
See, up here we call those "tacos" :P
@NathanOsman I thought you meant the normal ~6" diameter soft shells
Shell can be soft
Do you want to build a Snowden?
238 rep to go
I really wish when people asked questions that they would take the time to avoid typos. It can make stuff hard to understand.
ok, last tweet!
I think about this GIF every morning and hope I can think of a better solution to a problem https://t.co/DhyRwvpR72
@Seth here's a thought - why do we not close questions specific to EOL releases ? I mean, there's questions popping in from time to time and bumped up by the Community bot that are from like 13.10 or 11.10
It would decrease the lever of unanswered from 70,000 by half at least
@Serg do you remember the person who was trying to install 6.10?
@Zacharee1 O.O i think i missed that. Why would they want to install 6.10 ? I mean , in virtual box it's fine, like @NathanOsman has Win98 , but . . . seriously ?
They thought they needed it because their computer was old
Reasonable thought . . . Trying to match the computer and the software release time . . . But in reality Linux kernel only keeps improving functionality
Speaking of virtual box . . . You guys think MS-DOS would run there ? I bet it would in QUEMU :p
@Serg it might be tricky doing a 16-bit or less OS on a 64 bit computer
Oh, by the way, I found the April fools joke from last year: MS-DOS for mobile devices
@Serg actually, we do. If you find an old question about a now EoL release that is unanswered please vote to close it! It's also helpful if you leave a comment like "please upgrade to a supported release and report back if your problem still exists". Just be careful, not everything that mentions an EoL release should be closed. If they're asking "how do I change my PS1" for e.g., that doesn't need to be closed. Just edit out the bit about the release.
(of course, that particular example would be a duplicate, but you get the idea)
@Seth yes, I close those that pop up recently, but what about those from like 2013, 2012 that still lurk on the pages like 215 of the "Unanswered" tab ?
@Serg are the answered? yes? Not a problem. No answered? -> Can you answer them? yes? Good. No? -> Is it obviously not related to release? yes? move on. no? VTC. Does that make sense?1
so if it's old and EoL and you can't answer it, just close it.
There are a few cases where that's not quite right, but close enough.
that moment when someone with almost polar opposite political views follows you on twitter o_O
They're spying on you lol
Meh, I've whole bunch of people on facebook, I might disagree with what they post, but i still consider them friends . . .
yeah, but this is a total stranger afaik.
and most people are too afraid of other people's opinions to care to view them.
Hey, it's QR again @SmokeDetector
That answer is from Nov of last year
@Serg but @Tim ediited it recently
And QR had their rant after that post
@Zacharee1 k . . .Tim's edit consists only of highlighting the code , i see.
I think @SmokeDetector scans questions under Active, so it would make sense that it would see it
Ok . . .Should I ask this as a question: How would i add the ubuntu kernel ppa so I can get newest kernel with updates ?
2 hours later…
^--- NitroShare progress indicator in Unity, OS X, and Windows 10.
1 hour later…
Also, VirtualBox "seamless mode" is a really unique experience.
HI guys
I have one question:
Where to ask opinion based question about Ubuntu?
Like "Which is better Grub or Burg"?
@NathanOsman Ooo, Mac OS X Yosemite . . . I wanna :p
@Vishwa I would change the question into something less opinion based. " What are the advantages of using different boot loader over Grub ? " or " How does using different bootloader other than grub may benefit the user experience " ?
@Serg nice, would you please edit it in a better way?
@Serg coz, English is my 3rd language .lol
@Serg no, that's El Capitan.
@Vishwa edited your question a little.You had 3 questions in one, which is not very liked around here
I'm confuzzd
Why does it work with find but not with shell ?
skolodya@ubuntu:$ find . -type f -exec rename 's/A/TEST/' {} +

skolodya@ubuntu:$ ls
jekylTESTNDhide  tomTESTNDjerry

skolodya@ubuntu:$ rename 's/TESTND/YOLO' jekylTESTNDhide tomTESTNDjerry
/bin/mksh: rename: syntax error

skolodya@ubuntu:$ rename 's/TESTND/YOLO' jekylTESTNDhide tomTESTNDjerry
Ok, I forgot slash . . . but it still doesn't work ?
skolodya@ubuntu:$ rename 's/TESTND/YOLO/' jekylTESTNDhide tomTESTNDjerry
/bin/mksh: rename: syntax error
@Serg Thanks :)
@Vishwa welcome :)
AAARG, I wish it was saying which syntax error i am dealing with here
@Oli I know you've been using rename a lot , can you please explain this behavior above when you have time ? ^
Nevermind . . . mksh has a 'rename' builtin
funny enough , backslash doesn't help avoiding using the built in
skolodya@ubuntu:$ \rename -v s/'HELP'/'YOLO'/  ./jekylHELPhide
/bin/mksh: rename: syntax error
Off to bed, adios
1 hour later…
Q: How to add my program to system program list(Ubuntu 14.04)

7_R3XI made a my program in c++ and generated it's executable but everytime I need to use my program I need to change my directory to the folder and then execute it. How do I make my program to run like an installed package so that I don't have to shift my directory every time I need to run it?

3 hours later…
@edward torvalds u there ?
Here is something no one has said in a while: I'm kinda loving gnome3....
what kind of information do u need
@Artnect please open new terminal and copy paste env LANG="fa_IR" evince & then press Ctrl + O and open that file and try searching
@blade19899 me too, gnome 3.18 is beautiful
@edward torvalds it didnt work
@edward torvalds it is still doing a reserve search
@Artnect is it possible for you to change your default language english to your own langauge? NOTE: in case of arabic and farsi your desktop will be flipped horizontally
> GNOME Shell 3.10.4
I´m on Ubuntu trusty Tahr.
@edward torvalds i dont really need my native language except in pdf files : /
ok let me think
@blade19899 this is my desktop : plus.google.com/+EdwardTorvalds/posts/JUoLZ4Mwj9w
@edward torvalds isn't there any way to make document viewer search left to right instead of right to left ?
@Artnect please give me some time to think, about right to left noted
@edwardtorvalds I'm on gnome classic. Looks better IMHO...
@blade19899 is there major change in look from 3.10 to 3.18
@edwardtorvalds I dunno. THeme looks different from your screenshot. I haven't used 3.18.
@blade19899 i prefer xubuntu's xfce rather than gnome
If it isn't available in the LTS repos, I tend to ignore it.
Hello :)
@Artnect I might try Xubuntu someday! When I have a new machine to play with...
take a look to this picture : imgshare.ir/di/CMNK/35-pm.png
@edwardtorvalds : Hi ! :) On my debian 8 VM since of yesterday I have a problem : when I click on terminal ... nothing happens - it does not open ... do you have an idea how to solve this ?
@Artnect Hi ! :)
i dunno why linux is full of problems ^_^
@cl-netbox I know, that happened to me too, you have to set locale first
@edwardtorvalds Ah great - please give me the commands. :)
@Artnect Linux is not full of problems, it is very less people takes the responsibility to set it up properly
@edwardtorvalds its less than 1 month and i have reinstalled it 3 times by unkown problems : /
Q: How to install/change locale on Debian?

Hongli LaiI've written a web application for which the user interface is in Dutch. I use the system's date and time routines to format date strings in the application. However, the date strings that the system formats are in English but I want them in Dutch, so I need to set the system's locale. How do I d...

@Artnect you might say Ubuntu is full of problems, that is why I dont use it any more :)
@cl-netbox got the link?
@edwardtorvalds yes thanks ... reading ... :)
@edwardtorvalds do u know anything in programming ?
@Artnect depends of programming langauge
@edwardtorvalds c
@Artnect sure, ask
@edwardtorvalds im just a begginer and wantet to learn about micocontrollers programming i mean embedded systems
@edwardtorvalds my first project is about to make a pulse in timers pin with self-choice duty cycle
@Artnect I have done this project in college, you can use Microchips' microcontrollers microchip.com/pagehandler/en-us/products/picmicrocontrollers and I learnt about it from this book: goodreads.com/book/show/…
@Artnect microcontroller programming can be done by both Assembly language and C (choice depends on you). BTW this is the IDE for it : microchip.com/pagehandler/en-us/family/mplabx (it is a free software)
@edwardtorvalds thanks its ordered to be ARM nxp micros do u have any info about them ?
pic and avr are getting abit old
they are great
i can really call ARM a revolutionnary
@Artnect in fact there are Operating Systems for microcontrollers called RetroBSD
anyway your choice
@cl-netbox how did it go?
@edwardtorvalds did u find anything about that document problem ?
@edwardtorvalds I am still reading ... my system language is set to english - my keyboard is set to german and I want to set language formats to german as well ... :)
@Artnect working on it
@cl-netbox Hello :)
@Neil Hey Hello - welcome back my friend ! :)
Why cant I see profile pictures of some people in this chat?
@edwardtorvalds can you see mine ?
@edwardtorvalds whos can you see.
can you see this image.
@Neil just mine and GunnarHjalmarsson's
can you display the image in the link.
@Neil yes
@Neil maybe something wrong with my chromium
@edwardtorvalds clear cache
@Artnect you should wait for someone to answer, I have no idea
@edwardtorvalds some time this happens when i use my proxy. i just needed to restart HAVP.
@Neil I removed cache and restart the browser didnt help
@Neil found why... Ghostery was blocking the images :)
@edwardtorvalds ok thanks
@edwardtorvalds Ghostery ?
@edwardtorvalds sounds like privacy badger.
@Artnect here?
@Neil yes
@Artnect you should try the answer to your question
@edwardtorvalds yes
@edwardtorvalds which one ?!
aha sorry got it
should do abit of search
just downloaded it
@edwardtorvalds im getting errors while installing it by this askubuntu.com/questions/602861/…
No such file or directory
@Artnect do you have .deb file or .tar.gz ?
@edwardtorvalds downloaded from official site
@edwardtorvalds i tried it actually
@Artnect why dont you download .deb file? do you know what architecture your computer is?
no ^_^
give the address of deb pls
@Artnect can you open .tar.gz file? show me its contents
@edwardtorvalds a file which its name is FoxitReader.enu.setup.x64.
@Artnect what is its extension, it should have extension like filename.deb or filename.tar.gz
full name FoxitReader.enu.setup.x64.
i extract it
@Artnect dont extract it
@Artnect open terminal type chmod +x FoxitReader.enu.setup.x64. then ./FoxitReader.enu.setup.x64.
@edwardtorvalds just to see the inner of it
got this output bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
@Artnect type ./F then press TAB
@edwardtorvalds and this for the 2th one : bash: syntax error near unexpected token `r189237'
@edwardtorvalds : I am getting stuck : /etc/default/locale is already set to LANG=en_US.UTF-8" ??? I never had this in fedora ...
@cl-netbox what is the output of locale ?
@Artnect what are you doing now?
@edwardtorvalds please wait ... I have to switch to tty ... with virt-manager send key ... :)
@edwardtorvalds retrying the commands
@edwardtorvalds : everything set to en_US.UTF-8 except LC_ALL=
@cl-netbox then it is OK
@cl-netbox try rebooting?
@edwardtorvalds already did this 10 times ... :) will do it again ...
@edwardtorvalds i get this output when tried last command : bash: ./FoxitReader.enu.setup. No such file or directory
@cl-netbox I had same problem terminal so I set my locale and problem was solved. yours maybe different, try posting question
i mean this one ./FoxitReader.enu.setup.
@Artnect you have to cd in to the directory where it is downloaded
@edwardtorvalds please give me the command to (re)set locale again. :)
god wont me read a pdf file lol :D
@edwardtorvalds it is in download folder i didnt change the directory
@cl-netbox if it is set then no need to reset
@Artnect cd Downloads
@edwardtorvalds Yes I assumed this ... but thank you for helping me nevertheless ! :)
@cl-netbox yea the 11 time dose the trick.
@edwardtorvalds i have done this before as u see here : allireza@allireza-Satellite-P755:~/Downloads$
@Artnect try renaming it from file manager and them run it as ./foxit.run
@Neil I am about to put this fr...ing debian VM into the trash ... and then empty trash !!! :D
@edwardtorvalds it worked !
@cl-netbox i think you wasted time. trying the same thing 9 times.
@Neil I know ... :D
@Artnect tell me if you have any installation problems
@edwardtorvalds :D :D :D ... fedora 23 with GNOME 3.18 is better anyway ... :D
@cl-netbox Arch Linux + gnome 3.18 much better
reporting from my mobile computer!! ;)
@edwardtorvalds HaHaHa - guess what ? There is something way better than all others ... this thing is called ... right ... UBUNTU !!! :D
@edwardtorvalds my problem totally solved its working fine but this application has really a trouble design : /
@Artnect accept that guys answer
i did it so
thank u too
@Artnect /.FoxitReader.enu.setup.x64. won't work because of the parentheses. I don't know what idiot developer chose that name but there you go. The simplest thing is to try ./FoxitR and then hit TAB. EIther that, ot escape the parentheses yourself: ./FoxitReader.enu.setup.x64.\(r189237\).run
@terdon I told him so
Ah, sorry, missed that.
@terdon anyway his problem is solved now
@Mateo some one got a better monitor than me
this one is at church
is there any way to report this problem ?

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