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Welcome to 2011, the bright future of information technology.
@Oli gooooooooooo Steam! \o/
/me takes pon pons out and starts dancing
close ze dup
Q: Can I set different Transparent backgrounds for Terminal?

erkan şentürkI want Transparent backgrounds in Terminal but different background..

@BrunoPereira Steam ... indeed, what a great alternative. Have all your games running over Steam so that you can't play if Stream is down.
@OctavianDamiean ey, im not saying its perfect (or that I even use it) but it beat the hell out of having media around or keeping any files updated. The biggest problems are (as you said) constant connectivity req, the resources eating platform and of the most important one imho most games that work on wine wont work on wine+steam :(
I have used it and abused it (< heavy gamer) but since I switched to linux I cant come the to the facts it sucks hard under wine, so I had no choice and sticked with Ubuntu ;)
is also a heavy gamer on a pretty high competitive level
It is better to have the media always available.
The cloud is amazing and all but I don't trust it enough to dump the good old CD or DVD.
@OctavianDamiean Steam does have an offline mode. As long as your games aren't mid-update you can play them without an internet connection.
The only shitty part is when Steam decides that you need the platform update in order to get the latest game update so that you can play with your friends and that platform update either becomes extremely slow or just breaks because of the huge load.
would not remember anything as that since I never had to start it offline ;P
As was the case in the good old CS 1.6 times.
Onlive. Now that's something you can't play if it goes down or you lose your internet connection. Even so, I'd love them to release a Linux client (they must be technically able by now)
I just stick to Humble Bundle packages and starcraft2 on Linux, have no time for anything else :S
Yeah I've got a ton of HIB games to play through now. I have a habit of picking one up for a few days, then needing to catch up with three days' work and before I know it there's a new bundle out with another five games to eat up my time.
/ nods
If I get on a startcraft session I loose several days of my life and end up stinking, ungry and with the vague sensation that my gf would have left the house for good several days ago. I stopped with that for the sake of having a life.
@Oli could be worse.
trying to download portal and TF2 on a realllyyyyyy slow connection.
@jrg Sure. I could have no games and no job.
@Oli ok, true.
Well actually I've had real fun installing RAGE. Swapping Disk 1 for Disk 2 - fine. Disk 2 for Disk 3... Insert disk 3 I have! Insert disk 3 I just did! Insert disk 3 Stop saying that! Insert disk 3 What do you want from me?! Insert disk 3 ARGL!!! Insert disk 3 Insert disk 3 Insert disk 3 Insert disk 3 Insert disk 3 Insert disk 3
So I gave up. Steam is downloading the remaining 3 gigs over the Internet now.
(I'm just glad it didn't have to do the whole 21gigs over the internet.. Our ISP would not have been happy)
+1 for making me spill cognac on the pc ;)
I know this is extremely off topic, but can anyone think of a spanish word that rhymes with disfrutar?
@Icedrake agradar, atacar, viajar?
Okay, someone here know Python?
@MarcoCeppi Sup?
I'm trying to play with subprocess in python, but I can't get the output :\
>>> from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
>>> p = Popen(["ls", "-la"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
>>> thisiswhatiwant, thissucks = p.communicate()
>>> print thisiswhatiwant
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    print thisiswhatiwant
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You using subprocess.check_output([...])?
@Oli Nope, just using the above
Try subprocess.check_output(['ls', '-la'])
just assign that to a variable?
If you want to keep the output, yeah. If you just want to print it, print it :)
Grrr, what the fudge.
It's not the most flexible system but it's a damned sight easier than playing around with pipes
>>> outs = check_output(["ls", "-la"])
>>> print outs
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    print outs
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
hum, seems like a problem with interactive prompt.
>>> suckitpython = "yay"
>>> print suckitpython
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    print suckitpython
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Are you using Python 3?
yes. coilsinhisregretpool
print is a function
print ( rawr )
This whole flippin' time it was probably working.
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ SO MUCH TIME
I'm amazed I rememberd that. Saw it about a year ago and haven't thought anything of it since. Been using Python 2.whatever and saw no reason to move up.
It working then?
yeah, thanks @Oli :)
Why on earth are you using Py3K? Nobody's going to use that for another five or so years.
Anywho, I don't know Python 2 so I might as well learn this stuff
Bounty offered: Global menu hides window decorator from startup applications http://askubuntu.com/questions/84336/global-menu-hides-window-decorator-from-startup-applications #unity
2 hours later…
@MarcoCeppi WTF dont lie!
Did you notice that almost all ad's and watch/clock shops keep the time in any clock 10:10?
Thats because.....
Abraham Lincoln
</died at that time>
Bounty offered: Mysql Cluster setup on Ubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/86120/mysql-cluster-setup-on-ubuntu #server
What is a MX record?
@AmithKK It's a DNS entry for mail... or something like that...
I'm not 100% sure. But it has something to do with mail... and something to do with DNS.
@AmithKK: The MX-Record in DNS specifies to which server email for a given domain shall be delivered. There is also a nice wikipedia page just about this type of Record: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MX_record
2 hours later…
How do I open the Disk Utility in the Unity Desktop environment? http://askubuntu.com/questions/86724/how-do-i-open-the-disk-utility-in-the-unity-desktop-environment #disk
oh.... @NobbZ how do I change it?
Your flagging history
16	moderator attention flags
16	deemed helpful

3	posts marked spam
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Q: How to compile the kernel to modify a configuration option

Amith KKHow can I obtain the Ubuntu kernel and recompile it with CONFIG_LOGO set? Is there some repository or guide as of such?

No answer?
You should not really wait for an answer since it is a duplicate.
Read the comments.
@OctavianDamiean None of them explain how to change the options
Well that there is kernelnewbies.org.
It is really out of scope of Ask Ubuntu.
Q: Linux Kernel: Good beginners' tutorial

Adam MatanI'm interested with modifying the the kernel internals, applying patches, handling device drivers and modules, for my own personal fun. Is there a comprehensive resource for kernel hacking, intended for experienced programmers? Thanks, Adam

@AmithKK This depends on your provider, I think you have to ask him. Also I think this is not ubuntu related in any way. Probably you could have more luck on another SE-site, but I doubt, because it is depending on your domain-provider.
@MarcoCeppi Python 2.x is not that different.
11.10 - Annoying issue opening home folder http://askubuntu.com/questions/86879/11-10-annoying-issue-opening-home-folder #unity
@AmithKK once you got the ubuntu source, follow Oli's link help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/… - the LOGO option is under "Graphics support".
@NobbZ heh... its @lazyPower's domain
@htorque Where do i get the ubuntu source?
Hardcore Forking Action taking place
@AmithKK it's all there. read and follow the instructions.
amith@amith-desktop:~/Userscripts/forkedse$ git merge -s ours --no-commit [email protected]:Amithkk/StackExchangeScripts.git/master
fatal: [email protected]:Amithkk/StackExchangeScripts.git/master - not something we can merge
Doesent work
Wow.. it actually slows the whole system down just untarring
A: Is it possible to get the tux logo on the text based boot?

fossfreedomThis logo is a kernel compile option called "CONFIG_LOGO" - it is a boolean value - when it is set to true it displays the Logo on boot. This logo appears through a framebuffer - that is how you get the graphical logo. The Ubuntu kernels don't appear to use this compile option and hence it defa...

@htorque Im at a BIG curses screen now what
Now time has come to read the fine manual.
Good morning everyone. :D
My question of the minute: Can I disable Bluetooth?
It automatically starts up when I start the computer, but I've never used Bluetooth so I see no point for it.
You can remove it from the startup list
Dash -> Startup Applications
It's not in Startup Applications.
Only thing there is the login sound
Which is unusual considering the fact that I had quite a few more items there in 11.04.
It sounds like something is amuk
Well... that's not good news.
I can confirm that it is not in Startup Applications.
Don't have any of those
except for gnome login sound
It might be because this machine has a million DE's installed
I think it might be one of those start up daemons that isn't displayed in Startup Applications.
It is a daemon
so, service bluetooth goawayforeverandever :)
And to disable it you have to go into etc/default, open up the file named bluetooth, and set BLUETOOTH_ENABLED= to 0
@MarcoCeppi That option would be awesome.
Meh, Bluetooth applet is still running in the background
Well to stop it in the live session you use the service command.
sudo service bluetooth stop
But it still starts up every time doesn't it?
Q: How to stop a daemon from starting up on boot-up in Debian

TshepangThere's a few daemons I disable from starting on boot-up. As an example, I use the following: sudo update-rc.d -f postgresql remove I'm not even sure if that command is correct and I don't remember where I got it from. Anyways, whenever I upgrade postgresql, the setting is lost (i.e. the dae...

This might be useful.
sudo update-rc.d bluetooth disable?
That should work.
It works for sure.
Well, that did something
Lemme restart my comp
The Bluetooth applet says that Bluetooth is still on o.O
After rebooting?
But another question: Does Clementine update file names when you change metadata?
Because I'd really like to use Clementine; that's basically the only thing stopping me since I don't want to have to edit file names manually. Takes too long when you have TLOTR: Complete Recordings. >.<
I have no idea what Clementine could be.
It's a music player
Oh. I don't know then.
is not the music guy
I like Depeche Mode though!
uses spotify
I think it's OK
While waiting for an answer to that question, I'll be installing Marlin lol
but I use subsonic
and grooveshark...
Unfortunately, my whole collection is in FLAC
and I don't listen to any lyrical music
all soundtracks here ^^
Can you answer this? Laptop works fine with ac adapter, hangs after login screen using battery http://askubuntu.com/questions/8105/laptop-works-fine-with-ac-adapter-hangs-after-login-screen-using-battery #laptop
it has a GUI in your web browser..
I used subsonic for a while
it has an iphone and andriod app as well
Am I reading this right? It allows FLAC?
@MarcoCeppi I haven't found one yet...
@Icedrake yeah
So you can stream your home music, over the internet, to your phone
@Icedrake you just have to enable it in the settings..
Me gusta.
@MarcoCeppi I've never understood how it works over the internet...
Like any multiplayer game but with audio files I assume.
Some epic music:
Well actually everything TSFH makes is epic.
@Alvar You just open the proper port forwarding on your router, then in the app you type in your public IP address
@MarcoCeppi aaahaaaaa.....
@MarcoCeppi looking for the proper iPhone app....
@MarcoCeppi you can't use the ip.. you need their domain...
ah, that's right
I'm guessing you don't have a domain to use?
@MarcoCeppi I do..
@MarcoCeppi but Ondina is still down! ;)
Holy, Chrome shows a download progressbar in the sidebar!
@Alvar If you just need DNS hosting, I can hook that up for you so you can get subsonic to work :P
Why does Chromium not do this? :O
@Icedrake I think you need to enable it...
@MarcoCeppi cool
@MarcoCeppi I have a domian name, and if I could just get the dns up then it would be awesome..
Hey All!
I need to compile a kernal
I just need CONFIG_LOGO to be enabled
A: Is it possible to get the tux logo on the text based boot?

fossfreedomThis logo is a kernel compile option called "CONFIG_LOGO" - it is a boolean value - when it is set to true it displays the Logo on boot. This logo appears through a framebuffer - that is how you get the graphical logo. The Ubuntu kernels don't appear to use this compile option and hence it defa...

Get cracking then.
@OctavianDamiean Nope.. no time now
@AmithKK Googles first hit: help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile I hope this one helps
I'm of the impression that he refuses to work through documentation.
@NobbZ Read that... I got the sources.... and the dependencies
He'll notice that when it comes to kernel stuff there is no way around reading A LOT of documentation.
@AmithKK And why you did not follow it or at least mentioned that you tried and not got any results and what errormessages you got?
@NobbZ I did not finish it :D
And Octavian is truly right here... You have to read a lot of docs. A kernel is not compiled in a second, you really have to know what you are doing
By a lot I mean, oh-my-god-my-eyes-bleed-and-my-head-hurts-like-crazy much.
@OctavianDamiean sigh
I remember my first steps on linux... There was no automatical hardware detection. You had to search much drivers by hand from the net, download them with that damn 33k connection, read carefully through every damn word of that technical manual written in at least two foreign languages (english and linuxish), hack the terminal, last steps as usual ./configure && make && sudo make install && PRAY!!!
I killed my first linux a couple of times this way, not enough prying I think...
After the 6th installation or so I dropped linux for a long time (about 10 years)
In about one year it'll be a decade since I first used Linux. Reminds me that I'm getting older. :/
I have used that non-alternative far too long :)
Even if Number 7 of this non-alternative has some cook stuff, hacking ruby brought me back to linux. working with natively compiled gems is much easier on *nixes
Everything, except gaming is better on *nix.
Minesweeper, Soduku and pySol works fine
all I miss is X³
Call of Duty doesn't. :P
X³ is nice indeed.
I read the first two books.
Farnhams Legende and Nopileos
I should totally get the other books as well.
I just sold many books I had, my ex-"library" is going to be the childs bedroom.
And I just have no time to read books :(
Oh god ... I would rather die than selling my books.
Books that are important for me are still there, but we needed that room
And coolest thing ever: i sold a book about Windows95 API for 100 EUR.
As I bought it around 1999 I paid 50 DEM (~25 €)
Was a hell of a deal.
But the only one that went this well.
Can you answer this? Enable Autologin for Xvnc/XDMCP? http://askubuntu.com/questions/11988/enable-autologin-for-xvnc-xdmcp #gdm
A: Change hotkeys/shortcut keys for volume control

Daniel le RougeI am sorry to have bothered you. All I had to do was to double click on it.

Looks like I just got the civic duty badge. Yay.
good night all. :)
WHAT?! My package will be built in 10 hours?!
I am making pancakes and I can't decide if I should use honey or sugar in them, I am using Ubuntu 11.10, plz help!
close ze off topic
Q: How to rearrange or reorder the contents of a Sheet (LibreOffice Calc)

AdamHow can I rearrange or reorder the contents of a sheet in LibreOffice Calc? To be more specific, here is my precise situation: (Please excuse me if I use inaccurate vocabulary here; I do not intent to use any special terminology.) I have a spread sheet of 1 column and 130 rows. Each row contai...

(or migrate it!)
Why is this offtopic
how is it related with ubuntu? The same question can be applied to excel...
it more like a super user question no?
But it's LibreOffice
Probably is better on Super User
I think so, wont be upset if no one agrees with me ;)
@marcoceppi I flagged a question for being a dupe and it's now been voted to close (and closed) .
Can you answer this? Thinclient Boot CD http://askubuntu.com/questions/13531/thinclient-boot-cd #edubuntu
@AmithKK huh? what about dasroot?
@lazyPower ignore him, he's playing around with MX records.
AH thanks.
if @amithkk wants to play with MX records, I'll let him play with one of my domains. hint hint
i dont know whats so special about setting alternative routes in a domains mail traffic... i mean a weighted list... very simple...
Hello everyone.
@OctavianDamiean Had a chance to look over my code?
Uhm, I had only a quick look over it. I have to figure out where to start now.
Drupal 7 combined with the Adaptivetheme theming framework is damn impressive.
Do you know a site with themes for emerald?
@NobbZ Maybe here.
Tried it a few minutes before asking because google said I shall look there, but it was down... Now it works... I hate the internet...
W00T! 500 rep!
I would be happy If I had even 200 on any of my Accs...
460 more till I reach 10k on Stack Overflow.
Holy cow, 10k rep.
/show-off mode
silver android badge.
In theory I should have the golden android badge by now but I lost interest in answering questions.
At least in that tag.
anybody here use google calendar and thunderbird?
raises hand
But I don't use them together.
everybody seems more than happy to tell you what packages to install, but nobody knows how to get them synced together.
My site is online now.
so much for responsive design. ;)
Hmm, interesting.
@OctavianDamiean change the favicon.
it's still drupals default, which sucks. :P
Oh yea, I'll do.
Gotta come up with some fancy icon.
An Ubuntu orange Android robot. :D
@jrg What browser do you use?
@OctavianDamiean This is firefox nightly.
(feel free to say "Don't support that, it's the dev build" - I won't blame you.)
Well it should work.
I'm using FF8 and it looks fine
it's my screensize. not
if i zoom out/maximize the window it works fine.
This is funny. Works on the Firefox 8 and Chromium 15.
I mean it is not the most awesome theme, it is completely default but it should still work.
interestingly, if its designed for a 900 px wide screen, it would work.
i mean, AU/SO is designed for that, (irrc) and it works fine.
if you're running 800x600 you should be drug through a pit of vipers and shot in the face with a nailgun
just sayin
Agreed 199%.
Time to go play skyward sword, bbl
ok, cya
why doesn't youtube default to html5 by now? flash sucks and they know it.
doesn't like Drupal
Django. 'nough said.
You're not cool until you write and use your own framework in production on Arch
Does Tungsten count? :P
unison users here?
I love how the search does almost nothing most of the time, so when I go to write my question and look at the suggestions, I find the answer.
From now on, i'm never searching the site again. I'm asking questions. :P
@MarcoCeppi Drupal isn't bad.
@OctavianDamiean I'm a bit jaded, with all CMS systems :)
Well I simply lack the time to create my own CMS plus I'm not a fan of reinventing the wheel all the time.
bummer, unison in ubuntu is terribly outdated :(
of all cms platforms.... joomla is the worst, followed by drupal
joomla? urgh
even i know that sucks
well i liked joomla at first... then i used it.
isn't drupal what the free software foundation recommends?
just because someone else says its gold, doesnt prevent it from being a turd in a box. (troll)
i don't believe they'd lie to us!
use drupal and wait until they change the entire backend framework and render your efforts to customize it useless. thats what destroyed me with joomla, extend exted extend annndd.. wait for it.. break.
The only platform I've found that actually cares about it's developers: WordPress
All of their releases have been completely backwards compatible
Truth. its not a perfect system but they do care about their audience and those contributing.
after having followed nacin on twitter for a while i completely agree
<3 nacin, he's a good guy
He's got a lot of great ideas for making WordPress better and is doing a pretty good job of getting those implemented
I'm not sure what you guys are doing over there with juju, but if its half as capable as chef, this stuff is amazing
It's like Chef, but one level higher. So I've seen some charms use Puppet to configure units as juju add-unit is run
Think of it as Chef/Puppet for the cloud :)
I wish there was a way to make that ubiquitus
and chef/puppet is for the cloud :P
if juju had the capability to bootstrap my proprietary OS boxes i'd be all good and go that route.
@GeorgeEdison on your HP, are you F keys mapped to things like brightness, volume etc, and if so, how/have you changed them?
On the laptop?
They are on the netbook.
I find that quite annoying.
I have to hold down Fn just to hit F5 to refresh the page.
is there no software for linux that tries to heuristically find move/rename operations when syncing directories? i don't want to do this by hand and i don't want to copy hundreds of gigabytes all over again. :( unison looked promising but it failed even on a small test instance. rsync doesn't care at all. maybe i should put my filesystems in git. >:)
mwahahaha, git file system... most excellent
git checkout /home/chuck/anime O.o oh man, my episodes reverted shakes fist
Hmm... that sounds like an interesting concept - a revision-control-based filesystem.
can you imagine the meta-data associated with that? changelogs and history would be insane.
@lazyPower Especially for Apache log files :)
It think it would only be useful for something like your home folder.
your browser cache in $HOME alone would be enough to cause issues
merge failure /home/GeorgeEdison/.Mozilla/$PROFILE/cache (George|MERGING)
i'd leave it at a depth of 2
just enough to know i don't need to backup the whole world again.
i have 99% of the files i need to backup on the drive, but i did a mass-refactoring and now it wants to backup everything.
all because i said good bye to my file system chaos :D
A smart filesystem understands the contents it is storing.
@htorque dejadup?
i now can do easy backups with pressing one button, but i first have to get to a clean state without doing 100% del/new operations :D
it all takes so long... how can hitachi present a 4TB drive with stupid 80MB/s average seq. read speed?
Can you answer this? How to fix hibernate / suspend with proprietary nVidia driver? http://askubuntu.com/questions/17903/how-to-fix-hibernate-suspend-with-proprietary-nvidia-driver #nvidia
good night all! :-)
Why are all the TouchPads on the Ebay store showing at full price?
@jrg Get ready, TouchPad sale in 9 min
is there a way to make backspace in my browser act as 'back' button
I can write a shitty little userscript for it - but seems like something that should be configurable
(windows functionality)
@rlemon which browser?
chrome or FF
backspace does nothing for me
in windows both browsers, backspace acts as the browser 'back' button
yeah, it's locked down in the browser's config. Hardcoded even. I tried a few years back to get firefox to do it - no go.
so best solution is to make a userscript for both browser?
Pretty much.
damn, ohh well. thanks Marco
always there when i need ya ;P

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