I would like to know if installed app will use wine server to run:
for e.g. picasa once installed -- it uses wine to run, however I want to know that picasa will use wine before installing it.
I've tried dpkg -I but doesn't show this particular info.
Is it possible to disable Nautilus from drawing the desktop and removing its constant background process (since I never use icons) and replace with Marlin (I'll keep Nautilus since it's obviously necessary for Unity, but just to get rid of the Nautilus process since I don't want two file manager processes running in the background at the same time).
And another question (this one is quicker, I swear): Can Clementine edit music meta data files en masse like with Banshee, which can edit the metadata of all of the music files in an album at the same time?
and relating to the first question: Does drawing the desktop also mean having a desktop background or just the icons?
And another important thing relating to the second question: Can Clementine also update music file names as the metadata is edited?
Is there a way to determine if package depends on wine to run from its .deb? http://askubuntu.com/questions/86569/is-there-a-way-to-determine-if-package-depends-on-wine-to-run-from-its-deb #wine
Another comment about my first question: I know you can install Gnome Tweak Tool to prevent the drawing of the desktop, but I don't want to have to install an entire shell just to change one setting. Is there any other way?
From github.com:rlemon/UserScripts
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
amith@amith-desktop:~/Userscripts/Upbar$ git merge
fatal: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).
Please, commit your changes before you can merge.
and you see the coding differences between what you had written and how i refactored and made it readable.
you were creating a new dom element, inserting it, then selecting it back out of the dom and using it.. instead of just creating it.. using it.. then inserting it into the dom
Can you answer this? Firefox: open downloaded files with system default application http://askubuntu.com/questions/79592/firefox-open-downloaded-files-with-system-default-application #firefox
rlemon and myself created a Userscript which moves the userbar on top... so that you can see more stars!
The goal of this project was to gain more space on the sidebar of the StackExchange Chat System for user stars to be displayed.
The User List is moved to a auto-hide bar in the top le...
Is there a non-mono alternative to power saving tool Jupiter? http://askubuntu.com/questions/86609/is-there-a-non-mono-alternative-to-power-saving-tool-jupiter #softwarerecommendation
Any install that I'm trying through the Software Center is telling me:
"Requires installation of untrusted packages: The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."
I did an apt-get update from the command line, then removed the software sources that the k...
Why is this?
if true; then sleep 3 &; fi
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
I want to run
sleep 3
in the background so that the command ["sleep 3" is just an example] would run in "paralell" style, so it finishes more faster. But I'm getting this:
bash: syntax error near u...
Bounty offered: Toggle horizontal, vertical and full window maximization within Unity? http://askubuntu.com/questions/84600/toggle-horizontal-vertical-and-full-window-maximization-within-unity #unity
[USER@SERVER ~] sleep 3 &
[1] 5232
[1]+ Done sleep 3
How do I /dev/null these two messages?:
[1] 5232
[1]+ Done sleep 3
p.s.: so I need the output of the process, but not the mentioned two lines!
When my system is up to date, and even when I click CHECK button it is not showing any new updates. But my Update Manager, shows below message..!!
"The Package information was last updated 12 days ago."
What is this actually..?!
As you stated in your question:
Deleting everything listed by
find ~ -name "*rosegarden*"
under home directory fixed the issue. Rosegarden creates some hidden directories and files that I suppose became corrupt.
In this case, I'll see what causes the condition and file a bug.
Can you answer this? Has anyone deployed Swift in an OpenStack environment using Juju? http://askubuntu.com/questions/85868/has-anyone-deployed-swift-in-an-openstack-environment-using-juju #juju
@badp You should probably also know that every modern hard disk has a certain contingent of spare blocks which get automagically used when blocks fail. Now when the contingent is used up then your bad sectors count goes over 0.