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@GeorgeEdison hehe.
lol can we comment with "WTF" and similar?
You can, it's just not recommended. :)
well I won't just the first think that came to my mind ;)
@rlemon what is this?!
the time machine user - i went to his blog (eww) and he has a link to his github account - full of trolls.
Trolls who must be hunted down, placed under arrest, and then beamed out into space so that they cease to exist?
This guy doesn't seem to understand light: physics.stackexchange.com/a/11970/1646
interesting I should contact some manga writer with this question
there would be a nice series in no time
> And what if your roof was glass?
and who is the password grabber?? :-o
@rlemon no, Writing Perl is not a waste of time... COMPILING Perl is a waste of time :P
the guy who asked about the time machines
since the compilation takes longer
@ThomasWard Wow! late grabber
no, writing perl is a waste of time.
my motto: If its in the starred list, its eligible to be responded to at any time :P
so is ASP
so is Microsoft in general
ah.. didn't even notice it was starred
@rlemon: don't they clean github? :P
i agree... MS is a waste of time.
@wisemonkey apparently not. surf around long enough and you feel like you're back in geocities.
I see I've a flag weight now
what that would be?
and what is review tab for?
Q: Can't download web photo albums to Picasa

ArcadieSomeone has shared a Picasa web album (Limited, anyone with the link), but I can't download it to Picasa. The following alert appears: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (picasa) isn't associated with any program. I have Picasa 3.0.0 installed on Ubuntu 11...

can anyone answer?
@MarcoCeppi: Are you around?
I've run into a design problem with my charm.
Go for it
The charm ships with a CLI installer (it's a PHP web app).
I need to figure out where to invoke the installer.
I'm familiar with status.net
Where, or when?
Ah, perfect.
@MarcoCeppi When I guess - the installer needs the config and DB data to be available.
the config is always available via the default
Right, but not the relation data.
(For the database.)
the installer should run after you have all the database details in db-relation-changed
Hmm... I suppose that would work.
Thanks. I'll try that and ping you if I run into trouble.
that's how the phpMyAdmin charm works
user=`relation-get user`
password=`relation-get password`
host=`relation-get private-address`
database=`relation-get database`
if [ -z "$host" ] || [ -z "$user" ]; then
        juju-log "Waiting for complete setup"
        exit 0


mysql -h $host -u $user --password=$password $database < /var/www/phpmyadmin/scripts/create_tables.sql

# Generate configuration file!
@MarcoCeppi Oh wait... some of the config data doesn't have defaults.
Like the admin credentials.
That's fine, do you need admin creds for install?
Okay, you can do this. In db-relation-joined do a check for admin creds (config-get is available in all the hooks) if it's not simply touch db-available
Then in config-changed do a check for db-available, if it is have it call an install function that's available in both hooks
that way, in relation-joined, if those admin configs are available then you can just run the install then
does that make sense? then when the install is done just touch installed in the charm dir
Hey guys! Installing 12.04 on my desktop now! :D
to prevent it from going nuts and trying to install multiple times
@GeorgeEdison does that make sense?
@WarriorIng64 I'm jealous. :P
@jrg You may not have to be (depending on how this goes)
@WarriorIng64 heh.
@MarcoCeppi touch just creates a file right?
Right off the bat, the installer found both 11.10 and 11.04, but doesn't provide the option to upgrade one of them...could that be a bug?
Yeah, so you can do if [ -f ] at that point for checks
Right. I was already doing something like that for ThinkUp:
echo "" > db_created
But I guess touch is simpler?
mm, touch is basically the same thing
yeah, cleaner
@MarcoCeppi What happens when the config data is entered after the db relation hook runs?
Wouldn't the DB config data need to be stashed away somewhere?
relation-get is always available, just like config-get
It is? I didn't know that.
Zookeeper just triggers hooks when there is a state change, but the data is always there
How does it know which relation to pull data from?
Uh, good question
Maybe relation-get isn't global like config-get
@WarriorIng64 what are you going to do with this one?
@jrg You mean the installation procedure, or what I'm doing with 12.04 overall?
@GeorgeEdison scratch that, you can just write that data to a file :)
I do it in the phpmyadmin charm in order to rebuild config files over and over again
@WarriorIng64 installation.
Q: Can't download web photo albums to Picasa

ArcadieSomeone has shared a Picasa web album (Limited, anyone with the link), but I can't download it to Picasa. The following alert appears: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (picasa) isn't associated with any program. I have Picasa 3.0.0 installed on Ubuntu 11...

@MarcoCeppi Ah, okay.
anyone? and sorry if u all saw the question already
@jrg I'm thinking I'm going to specify partitions manually and tell it to overwrite my 11.04 partition. I'm still keeping 11.10 for stability and sanity.
@WarriorIng64 Hm. sounds like a plan.
So now I'm now in Ubiquity's manual partitioner, and trying to figure out which partition's which...
I've learned to write those down before I start partitioning, after i deleted /home and windows on accident... :P
(two separate occasions)
sda7 and sda5 look like swap to me (not sure why I have two...)
Not sure on the others
Er, wait
The drop-down list at the bottom says sda1 is 11.04, and sda6 is 11.10
wait, the dropdown list tells you that stuff?!
So can I just pick sda1 and go?
@jrg Yep...it shouldn't?
i never knew it told you that stuff.
lol...I just don't know if that's where I actually install the OS to, or if that's only for the bootloader
Doesn't say anything about sda5 or 7 though...probably just swap
Does 11.10 need to know if sda5 or sda7 is its swap partition? I'm currently thinking I should format sda1 and one of those two, then specify sda1 as / and one of those two as swap after formatting
not sure....
i haven't tried stuff like that.
The question is just which one...lol, it's one heck of a coin flip
Heh, yeah it is.
Guess I better do some reading
Argh, all I keep getting while searching while searching Google is people asking about manual partitioning for a first-time dual-boot between Ubuntu and Windows. Am I really the only one who dual-boots Ubuntu with itself?
I used to quad boot Ubuntu
U+1 (at the time, 11.10), LTS, 10.10, 11.04
Maybe I should just tell it to format 11.04, set that up as root, and let it figure the rest out on its own
i should sell redis as a service.
Or not...just got my first crash, yay :D
get a little VPS in the cloud, and charge $5 to use it. james haz ideas
@WarriorIng64 report the bug!
This image is at least a few days out of date...should I?
if it's a duplicate,
it'll tell you as much.
lol, I didn't even install it yet! ...easily duplicatable enough, reporting. :)
...or not...?
Golden rule of testing bugs: you can always duplicate it except when you want to
Let me restart the installer and try again...
Hmm...the mount point in the partition settings comes up as an empty drop-down menu
And now it's just a blank window
Something tells me I should reboot and start over
This is really crazy: I'm going to delete my /dev/sda1 partition in GParted, then restart Ubiquity and hope it sees the change
Ah, yes, it sees it. So here's what I noticed: if you have 11.04 and 11.10 both installed, it won't give you an upgrade option. But, if you only have 11.10 installed, then it offers that choice
hmmm... interesting.
At any rate, it's letting me install 12.04 alongside 11.10 now without further partitioning work apparently, so onwards
Haha, the "Choose a picture" screen in 11.10's installer was one of the biggest lies..."This picture will identify you in the account settings, login screen, and lock screen." Except it didn't. I wonder if 12.04's any different...
"Welcome to Ubuntu 11.10" I know that's not actually a big issue, but it's still a little funny.
@WarriorIng64 odd....
worked here. well, except in the login screen.
It'd be nice if the login screen pictures made it back in at some point. I miss them...
hmm I've login screen picture
@wisemonkey In LightDM?
background right? or u meant user pics?
I meant user picture
ohh then nope
just looked in this tab and only saw pictures on login screen :P
Wow, installation finished fast...scary fast!
I'm going to restart now and see what havoc I've wrought
missed something?
Possibly...I got lazy at the partitioning step, and Ubiquity wasn't in the mood to help :P
Ugh, left like 12 juju servers deployed for the last two days
how much ram did it end up using? :P
@WarriorIng64: u may already have tried it, crowd-greeter?
Well, I survived :D
Running 12.04 now...I lost my GRUB menu again due to a certain bug, but that should still be easy enough to work around. I can now update the status on that
Haha, Additional Drivers came up...I just look through and say "Nope, Nouveau's good enough". The blank-windows bug in 11.04 was the last straw for me, and I've never looked back
Wait forever for Software Center to start up, so I can load this thing up with the usual junk...
So from what I understand, 12.04 right now is basically 11.10 with updated packages, right?
Great answer: Is Ubuntu optimized for multicore CPUs? http://askubuntu.com/questions/82562/is-ubuntu-optimized-for-multicore-cpus/82564#82564 #cpu
Hmm, can't install anything from the Software Center, it looks like.
2 hours later…
Bounty offered: Random Kubuntu freeze up http://askubuntu.com/questions/80624/random-kubuntu-freeze-up #nvidia
rise and shine! :P
interesting question, look at the comments...
yea I'm suppose to be asking a question but too tired to jog down all the details
will keep it for tomorrow :P
I'm having breakfast! this is outrageous! :)
lol I should be sleeping in an hr or so :P
need to take my dinner
Charm testing time!
ok can anyone tell me how much true is techrights.org/2011/11/29/duckduckgo-and-yahoo
I may need to stop using DDG :-/
I guess not
damn it ignorance is bliss :P
@wisemonkey ntfsg3 driver is open source, think ATI's fglrx and open-source ATI drivers... Except Microsoft never made a Linux NTFS driver ;)
@BrunoPereira: yup thanks :) even answer to that question made me realize it. I was misunderstanding it
deleted my comment
Q: i can't install my ATI card drivers. i'm using the ATI radeon HD5450

kareli just installed new drivers (the AMD ones) from there site... but now i want to remove it.. is there any way to da that so i can use the open source drivers again... they worked a lot better. karel@karel-workstationbree:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Tec...

flagging it
anyone porting stackapps.com/questions/912/… to *nix?
It's a .Net app (that uses the XNA framework), so it will never make it to Linux.
However, I started something similar: launchpad.net/stack3d
damn looked pretty neat (not sure about functionality)
It never got anywhere though.
lets hope somebody come along or hope that one day I can code :P
You can try what I have written though.
It comes with a Makefile so compiling it should be simple.
ohh yea I can compile will give it a try
so just download the tar.gz of trunk and give it a try?
@wisemonkey Yeah, but you will also need:
sudo apt-get install libirrlicht-dev
(It uses the Irrlicht 3D library).
Please let me know how it works.
Oh, come to think of it...
I think you also need my SE API C++ library too.
I'll see if I hit any errors will keep on adding packages
and yes will let u know
^--- You'll need to make and sudo make install that project too.
o.O and I was thinking to sleep after trying it
I guess I'll keep this for tomorrow :P adding it to - todo and have tabs open :)
I'll give u feedback
ciao all :D have a good one
bye monkey!
See you tomorrow.
@JorgeCastro: You're probably not still up, but when you read this in the morning - I think I finished my StatusNet charm.
Night all.
Great answer: Is there animation software available? http://askubuntu.com/questions/82437/is-there-animation-software-available/82441#82441 #softwarerecommendation
1 hour later…
hi there.
Q: 'mysql' user and group creation, ownership settings

MellonI know what the linux command chown does, I used it to change the ownership or group of a file. If there is a MySQL installation on a Ubuntu machine, I saw some people doing the following thing: sudo chown mysql:mysql /data/tmp I get confused, I know the meaning of the above command, which i...

Hello all
How to install ubuntu without any extra packages that are currently installed by default? http://askubuntu.com/questions/83957/how-to-install-ubuntu-without-any-extra-packages-that-are-currently-installed-by #installation
@MarcoCeppi Startup time is not a critical factor for a server, is it?
Uptime and Performance > Startup time
Thanks :)
Eh @LazyPower Your www.dasroot.net mainpage is still saying "Under maintanance
when I have a boy i'll name him 'SPARTA' so everytime i'm introducing him to someone I can shout THIS IS SPARTA !!!
1 hour later…
Bounty offered: X plays a gambling game http://askubuntu.com/questions/83140/x-plays-a-gambling-game #nvidia
Q: restart MySql server

MellonI am using MySQL v5.1 on Ubuntu machine. MySQL on my machine was used to working.(run mysql -u root will lead me to MySQL command line.) This afternoon, I did the following thing: 1. check active process related to 'mysql' by run: $ ps aux | grep 'mysql' mysql 1457 3.3 1.3 130044 27076 ? ...

vote for this ad!
@rlemon thanks for that!
hi @BrunoPereira!
mmims is checking out your charm as we speak!
@JorgeCastro np
@JorgeCastro nice!, thx. when this is done I'll wait for my ubuntu coffee mug and start on the apache-ftpserver ;)
Q: Can't drop database

MellonI am using MySQL v5.1 on Ubuntu machine. I have a database named my_db which I would like to drop it, so I execute command: mysql> drop database my_db; ERROR 1010 (HY000): Error dropping database (can't rmdir './my_db/', errno: 17) As you see above, there is an error....Why I can not drop...

@BrunoPereira are you in europe?
@JorgeCastro yeah, Netherlands
ah, not a problem
@JorgeCastro btw, wanted to ask: how are things with Canonical in the Netherlands? If I want to get more involved locally how can I do that and who should I contact? I am thinking about burning a few hundred Ubuntu CDs, some information printed and go to the next fest market, give them to ppl and share a bit of Ubuntu to other ppl, its not that I am not able to do it by myself but some contacts are always nice.
I don't know anything about the netherlands offhand
have you checked the local team?
where? is there a page that we can check and start getting involved in local projects?
Hey All!
That page has the list of all the local teams.
Hi @AmithKK
had to live in the only country in europe that does not have a LoCo team :( time to move to another country!
or just start one. :)
You can start your own loco team!
Q: Can we have the ability to rescind a close vote before it closes?

cletusSometimes you vote to close something and the OP then changes it to fix the issue or issues. You can't take a close vote back though. It would be nice if you could. Jeff, any chance you changed your mind?

nvm, found it, search didnt pick it up
I think that is ridiculous; not only is his reasoning for not implementing this bogus, but his workaround is no longer applicable.

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