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Q: Can I update my kernel in Ubuntu 10.10?

jasoncruz98I am using kernel version 2.6.35 in Ubuntu 10.10. Can I update my kernel to the latest version, which is v3.2-rc3-oneiric as seen on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?

@jasoncruz98 short answer: yes.
long answer: while it's possible, it's a horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE idea.
@jrg o/
@lazyPower oh hai
@jasoncruz98 because that's an oneiric kernel, not a maverick one.
oh, I see.
the dependency hell would be.... evil. :P
Theres a lot of work that goes into compatability testing on packages, so you're better off trusting what canonical gives you than going off on your own adventure like the 1990's linux guy. You end up with a system thats next to impossible to maintain (i know you're out there 1990's linux guy, dont judge me)
@lazyPower @jrg I went to this website that asked me to edit this file and add something to it.
$ sudo gedit /etc/rc.local
the line I had to add was chown "username" /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch # change "username" with your user name
echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
rc.local is for your own options/arguments/etc to be executed at boot.
@lazyPower @jrg where do I add the line?
unless you know whats its doing, you shouldn't be doing it.
do I add the line after
exit 0
or before exit 0
@lazyPower @jrg
i cant in any sense of earnesty help you break your installation. If you want to follow that guide, contact the maintainer of the blog post you read it from. I dont support that method of bonzai system hacking to get things working anymore. It causes too many issues.
what command line text editors come installed on ubuntu 11 ?
i know vi is on there but
anything a little simplet?
i cant remember the name of it but there was a great simple command line text editor that I used to use
@jasoncruz98 it's just stupid to try and follow a blog post on how to break your installation. install 11.10 if you want the newest kernel. or break your current installation and do a fresh install in a day...
ect or something like that ec or something
starts with e
maybe like that
@JoshuaRobison emacs is the shit.
@Alvar, looks like it doesnt come installed
im having trouble with apt and need to get at my source list over the command line
@JoshuaRobison then install it!?
@JoshuaRobison do it!!
@JoshuaRobison ooh... brb!
I have this!
but I need a command line text editor
A: What are PPAs and how do I use them?

Florian DieschCommand Line On the command line you can add a PPA using add-apt-repository, e.g.: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa To remove a PPA remove the corresponding files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d (this does not remove the packages you installed from the PPA). To see the packages availa...

here it's...
@JoshuaRobison nano?
nice nano yes that one worked for me once
arg not installed
cd to it
i installed ubuntu on my android tablet
@JoshuaRobison yeah that's not really a good position to be in...
@Alvar, thanks ... if anything was going to work it would have been nano
but it is not installed
@JoshuaRobison could you download it and then install it
like downloading it form another laptop
and then send it to the tablet and install it.
@JoshuaRobison like downloading a deb and then just email it over?
@JoshuaRobison nano
nano is not installed
i used the "linux installer" app
and installed ubuntu 11
on my androd tablet
charles:(Desktop)~/Dropbox/School/IT327/Day8/Lab2 $
↦ cat /etc/issue && type nano
Ubuntu 11.10 \n \l

nano is hashed (/usr/bin/nano)
you're using busybox
the ubuntu I am left with has prblems with the repo list
you need to look up whats prepacked in busybox then.
lazy: no I am booted into ubuntu
but only in the command line
so this isnt a buzy box thing
Bounty offered: 11.10 does not restore open apps in hibernate, works like shutdown http://askubuntu.com/questions/74557/11-10-does-not-restore-open-apps-in-hibernate-works-like-shutdown #hibernate
its what is preinstalled on whatever version of ubuntu got installed O-o
vi is there
and you're positive that thing didnt utilize busybox? you do know that busybox is just a trimmed down collection of CLI for use on embedded systems.
but I can not use vi
@JoshuaRobison do you have a desktop installed?
yea I know that I am in ubuntu
I dont even know if a desktop is installed ... the method is to set up a vnc server and then run a vnc client on the android side
i am booted into a chroot ubuntu
why wouldnt you start ssh and work over ssh?
is the ssh daemon not included either?
@JoshuaRobison Oh, you did something similar to what i did?
lazyPower, i think i am already running over ssh
that is what I am using
@JoshuaRobison you think?
ok, if thats the case you should be able to scp the nano deb for your version of ubuntu
problem solved
so I am actually booted into u buntu in the command line right now logged in as root
my idea worked.
what user are you logged in as?
@alvar root user
@AmithKK so did you get ubuntu running on chrooted on your android device?
@JoshuaRobison it should be root@root right?
i got it installed and running but cant apt-get install tightvncserver because apt-get sources list is messed up
i loaded up my sources.list in vi
but i can not edit it because I dont know how to use vi
@JoshuaRobison It sorta failed
i remember that the x key deletes stuff so
i deleted the stuff I didnt want but now I dont know how to save my edits
oh, its just INSERT to edit
press Ctrl+C and type :wq
:w writes
or you can use :x to save and exit as well
that may or may not be a vim convention...
np :)
amith and lazy thanks
works perfect
i was able to update apt
rock n roll
for more vim lovin, give the :vitutor command a visit
@JoshuaRobison His name is lazypower not lazy
@AmithKK thank you for the evangelism
@JoshuaRobison it needs more dubstep i'm sure.
how do I apt-get search (file name)
to see what is available
i usually use aptitude search
but i dont have aptitude
Install aptitude!
@JoshuaRobison You want me to configure it?
@AmithKK what do you mean?
over ssh or something like that?
@JoshuaRobison Ill remotely ssh and install vnc and stuff(I did try to do it once.. The device didnt meat the requiremente
Whats the device
sl101 asus slider
That would work awesome!
yea I would like to get it going
@JoshuaRobison apt-cache search "foo"
i dont beleive thats part of aptitude
im surprised at how bad the linux installer app worked
@JoshuaRobison Is the ports to ssh forwarded to your router
@AmithKK, thanks for offering but im gonna hack at it myself for a while :p
@JoshuaRobison k
i really appreciate it though
: )
anytime :)
i got it!!!!
@JoshuaRobison Awesome
i had to ad multiverse and universe etc to the source.list
installing tightvncserver now :9
apt-get install lxde
before that
@AmithKK, ok
I really hoped to run unity
since it is very tablet orientated
You can if you want :)
LXDE is just waaayyy faster
i am a big fan of lxde though
i really just want to test things out chrooted and if there are not a lot of driver problems then Im planning to make linux my main os
and seldomly use android
the only worry I have is the built in camera... I want to be able to take snapshots and videos
@JoshuaRobison You can do that
@jorge you've linked to the wrong Google+ page in the advert request post :D just to be sure: we've actually posted some stuff on the new page: plus.google.com/b/107921963368679288414
(a thinly veiled plead to share it on your stream? perhaps!)
uhh.. arial as THE #1 programming font? sitepoint.com/top-10-programming-fonts
@StefanoPalazzo Hi :)
@lazyPower hah :D
hi everyone
number 9 is "MS Sans Serif", they're having a laugh (:
everyone knows there's only one programmer's font
@StefanoPalazzo morning (:
i like lucida handwriting myself </3
programming font
i use monospace font
@JoshuaRobison i was being deliberately obtuse. I use consolas or ubuntu mono
@lazyPower I get a little obtuse after eating spicy food : )
@StefanoPalazzo Ah, The most business oriented font Comic Sans MS
mine's comic sans, obviously.
vim provided goodness
yep. only comic sans makes my code "pop"
@StefanoPalazzo do you have a decent screenshot tool that can live in the Unity task bar without eating space in the notifications area?
i was test-driving lookit since it auto-uploads to img.ur which is fantastic, but this is less than savvy...
no, this one sits in the notification area
it's a bit like cheese, with the screen flashing and the camera-shutter noise
Can i put in a feature request to disable that and live in the Unity bar?
I'll send you beer money + VAT
let's see, that can't be difficult
@StefanoPalazzo Ah, you like beer?
you could do it yourself, just remove all the Gtk stuff and write a .desktop file
uhm... nah, i'd rather have you do it and i send you beer money. the name LazyPower stems from something after all.
@StefanoPalazzo I can haz source?
here's the full monty: paste.ubuntu.com/751339
WIP, the timeouts are tailored to the sluggishness of my computer (:
What are you running for a dev box these days stef?
last image i saw of your pc was your tape-drive communication script, and that was fairly intense
@lazyPower Hey, where'd ya see that?
I just have this one laptop. a 2.2ghz celeron, single core, with 3 gigabytes of ram and an ssd
it's just about tolerable
oh wow.... i should send you my dual core desktop that had HDD failure. it only needs a drive to return to life..
if you look closely, there's even a transmission error in it
@StefanoPalazzo I can send you a 80GB drive
the very first character reads "c", should be "#"
mending my bike...
I've got a bunch of hard drives, though I find that I don't need them, really
all of my stuff is in the cloud, as is fashionable
I'm getting there, quickly.
After this hard-disk failure, i'm only keeping my media archive on an external USB3 drive, the rest of it is going to the cloud and out of my hair.
@AmithKK try across the pond, and a few countries over.
about as far away as possible :D
eh, i could live in California, and live even further away.
It would be awesome to have a python genius and a sysadmin whom you are friends with in your locality
I wonder what's on the opposite side of the earth from me...
I'm planning on taking an EU trip next year with my paid time off. My first real vacation.
any suggestions stef?
@StefanoPalazzo You live ingermany
@lazyPower yeah of course
if you're in europe, you pretty much have to visit venice. it's astonishing
i was thinking about doing a trip to linux mecca and seeing whats around helsinki, see the sights during the nice weather portion of the year. but from what i recall in my readings thats why he was a software developer, the weather sucks most of the time and you stay bundled up inside like we do here in PA
@StefanoPalazzo The pacific/atlantic ocean
my friend was just in sweden, apparently it's extremely nice. albeit very cold
near the arctic circle
i've seen some amazing photos taken there.
if i was at all into mountain climbing that would be a great destination
but, Venice is the one you simply can't miss.
fair enough, i'll make it a point to save up for that trip and make it happen
@StefanoPalazzo Your using an os that came from the antarctic. Stop Complaining ;)
@MarcoCeppi Hi :)
i gotta make it down to DC first tho. See that crazy sys admin from the nations capitol and make good on a few beers i said i'd buy him.
the thing about europe is,
@lazyPower True :)
there's something worthy of your time and travel pretty much everywhere you look
@lazyPower Would that sysadmin be @MarcoCeppi ?
go from warsaw to monaco :D
I felt that way when i first got to Pennsylvania. I moved from south western Missouri. night and day difference in the scenery.
there are days when I go "adventuring" around the area and still find spots that are relatively undeveloped and literally take my breath away
let me fish up my favorite spot i've discovered so far
@StefanoPalazzo Are you working now?
not quite
Cucumber Falls at OhioPyle state park in Pennsylvania
my word
that is nice
yeah, there are some really nice preserves around here. I hope they dont go away. Still takes my breath away when i visit. THat was a particularly nice day since it had a heavy rain the night before so the waterfall was in full tilt. usually its just drizzling.
there's not too much to see in germany, compared to the rest. I'd avoid it if you're a bit tight on time.
if you're not, there's east berlin which is pretty stunning
i find mundane things stunning, so ;)
void setup()
void request.set()
brain.program("Come to India")
void loop()
if(iftrue ==0)
i need to find a travel partner though
@AmithKK my stomatch wouldn't handle the food. I've eaten authentic indian food here in pittsburgh and it destroys my insides every time...
@lazyPower I dont usually eat much curry...
Unlike stereotypical thought all Indian food aint spicy
right, i've tried quite a bit and its not all spicy. Just looking for an excuse to get out of going to india...
I've seen outsourced, i'll pass :D
The worst part:
Enjoy your 0.36Mb/S Upload speed
if i'm on vacation i dont necessarily want to be around an internet connection other than my phone.
the point is to get away from whats 'normal' in your life and do something 'abnormal' for a while under the guise of being 'relaxed'.
wow, I'm just looking at google streetview from where I live, and everything is blurred out
@MarcoCeppi <3
thats all i'm gonna say, cuz you know why its <3
I hate when a song just stops all sudden I always think something has crashed in Ubuntu...
@StefanoPalazzo what software did you use to make this graph ?
inkscape :)
it bears little to no resemblance to the actual data
if you want to make nice graphs, I recommend the graphing engine build into Gnumeric
that IS a very nice graphing engine
@StefanoPalazzo thanks will try that :)
yep. you can also export your graph as an SVG and tweak it in Inkscape
I don't get this - can anyone help? .... "ifconfig eth0:0 ip.address.here netmask subnet.address.here" works fine... but, I have tried adding the following:

auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static
address ip.address.here
netmask subnet.address.here

to /etc/interfaces/network but, not having any luck at all :/
I remember something about the "eth0:0" format being deprecated
what are you trying to do?
there are some things missing too
@StefanoPalazzo permanently add a virtual IP - it works fine from ifconfig, but, a reboot will wipe it as I can't see anyway to make ifconfig changes permenant
I tried doing the lot (adding network/gateway and more, but, they don't do anything - and, as it isn't needed on ifconfig, I didn't think they were needed here)
let me boot my server vm, I have something like that set up iirc
I guess network-manager will wipe the file?
thanks to everyone who helped me out. I managed to get tightvncserver working an d a client running and chrooted ubuntu on my android tablet
not heard of network-manager? :/ looking...
im installing unity-netbook
is that a gui tool or something? (I am just using command line), network-manager not found...
@WilliamHilsum this is Ubuntu Desktop?
network manager is the thing with the icon in your notification area
@StefanoPalazzo Sorry, no, Ubuntu Server / cli only
ah I see!
(that's good)
i hope that helps out a little bit. I know lxde was suggested but since this is a brand new tegra 2 dual core device I am hoping that it will run some form of unity at least
I have used desktop in the past (solely for a year, but, hardly touched terminal/command line...) I am now trying to use it only via the command line! been meaning to learn for ages, and, now a project has come up at work that requires me to learn it - so far, I have a week of usage... will be a pro soon!
I hope!...
I think this is what you want:
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_fd 9
        bridge_hello 2
        bridge_maxage 12
        bridge_stp off
you'll need to sudo apt-get install bridge-utils
I don't think that is what I want, sorry... not trying to create a bridge, I just want to give an existing interface an additional IP
let me try it
as I said, I think the eth0:0 stuff isn't supported anymore (that could well be wrong)
I may be a solid 4 years late with this, but freakonomics is an excellent watch.
for example, if lets say my IP is on subnet, and that is on eth0, and I type "ifconfig eth0:0 netmask", the machine will get a second IP with that address that is linked to eth0 .... Whilst bridging will technically work, it is a whole different concept/extra layer that really shouldn't be needed just for a second IP
@StefanoPalazzo Well, you could be right, but, AFAIK (with my 1 week experience), this is a feature deeply rooted (no pun!) in Linux networking, and it does work with ifconfig fine - I just can't figure out how to persist it between reboots
by the way, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to read the new config
@StefanoPalazzo oh bugger.... I have been rebooting the box each time!!! ... I really need to learn about init.d / service / init ... next on my list! ... I wonder if that can also solve my SSH issue ( askubuntu.com/questions/82280/…)
(I mean, I reboot after changing /etc/network/interface to test that the settings work)
the eth0:1 stuff works
but it gives me error messages
RTNETLINK answers: file exists
@WilliamHilsum You can use screen/byobu to keep commands running when you disconnect. If you are using a normal ssh connection and you stop & start networking, the command exits halfway through (you loose connection so it kills the command), leaving you with an offline computer. With byobu, the command will still run, all
I'll reboot, see if it's still there
@Portablejim Thanks and I will copy to write down for later - but, I am really not an expert at this (yet) and installing extra things is just confusing the hell out of me... I am doing all this testing through ESX, so, if I loose SSH, it really doesn't matter as I can console in
it looks like you were right in the first place @WilliamHilsum
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
this works just fine, and it persists between reboots
Hmmmm... ok, I will try again :/ Just can't seem to get it to stick here
not so fast :D
that is so weird
ifconfig only shows the old (normal) interface,
but I can still connect to both IP addresses
@StefanoPalazzo So... possibly it is working here, but, ifconfig isn't showing it? / ifconfig bug?
well if it is working, maybe the router is caching it or something
it might be a just the expected behaviour
I doubt that - technically the ARP/whatever may still exist, but, your computer is still replying to it, which it shouldn't... so, something is binding to the IP address
(e.g. old hub/pre-switch days... all data goes everywhere, but, a machine only responds on it's own IP)... your machine is still responding
Also, I don't really get the MOTD/how it works - will look at/try to understand later, but, when I log on, it says "IP address for eth0: x.x.x.x" .... if I do ifconfig eth0:0 xxxxxxx, then log off and back on, I get an extra line for eth0:0 - so, something really is wrong here
* well, I wouldn't say anything is technically wrong - only wrong if your machine is responding (which I can't replicate) - the only thing that I think is wrong/can't understand is why I can't persist the eth0:0 settings in /etc/network/interfaces
I think perhaps this one is big enough to be worthy of a proper question! ... Sorry, I have said this a few times - I don't want to annoy people, but, I don't want to ask a question for each and every little query I have! I just don't know where to draw the line between chat and a real question for the site!...
as long as your question is based on a real problem, and has an answer, post it
if you expect to be able to click the green check-mark, there's nothing wrong with these sorts of questions
unless you're talking about a bug, which is "too localised"
@StefanoPalazzo Hmm... You already asked it! (well similar!)... and there is an answer already - which looks similar to what I have already tried - askubuntu.com/q/81644/17932
none of the answers there quite worked for me
in fact, I had to spend an hour fixing my network without an internet connection :D
Well, as a mod, if you don't mind me asking again - I will do it then
@WilliamHilsum I've deleted my question now
it didn't go anywhere
lol, modhammer! ok...
The problem was this: my question was asked in terms of ifconfig, but the problem is easily solved with network manager
makes no sense to ask that as a "desktop question"
@WilliamHilsum okay, the "interfaces" file is intact after a reboot
just ifconfig doesn't show the eth0:1 interface
Q: How do I set an extra IP for an existing interface?

wilhilI have an interface eth0, and I wish to give it an extra virtual IP. I achieve this by the following: ifconfig eth0:0 ip.address.goes.here netmask subnet.address.goes.here This works fine, however, when I reboot, this is lost. I have tried editing /etc/network/interfaces to add the following:...

root@usv-node:~# ifup eth0:1
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Failed to bring up eth0:1.
and that's the cause ↑
you are right - my machine is responding to the IP as well :/ but, why the hell doesn't ifconfig work? And... sorry, I don't understand that error - my machine isn't showing any errors (unless I am not looking in the right place)?
try running "ifup eth0:1"
(or eth0:0, if you called it that)
What is the difference between that and ifconfig eth0 up? (Just trying to learn! First time I have heard of ifup, just did a quick look up - anyway, doing it now)
"ifup: interface eth0:0 already configured"
and what's the output of ifconfig?
Just lists eth0 and lo - nothing else
Doesn't even come up with ifconfig -a ... Could this be some sort of bug? :/ I am really confused here!
you use ifup and ifdown down start or stop specific interfaces, such as "eth0" (the first NIC), eth1 (second NIC) or "br0" (the first bridge), .. and so on
well I suspect this is no bug. ifconfig is as old as the universe
@StefanoPalazzo but, ifconfig displays it fine if created from ifconfig - it makes no sense why it isn't showing (but working) from the command line... let me give you another example - it will just take a second...
just so I understand,
anyone know a terminal command that can show me what kernel im running?
everything is working swell, but ifconfig doesn't show the eth0:0 interface. right?
is it something like uname
uname -a maybe
@JoshuaRobison uname -sr
@StefanoPalazzo correct, but, not just ifconfig...
@JoshuaRobison also try uname --help
just typed a garbage IP in to "ifconfig eth0:50 xxx"... and it shows fine
now, if I log off and back on...

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